why do i need to create a database if i only have one table? - sql

For example
create database database_name
use database_name
create table table_name
pid number(3),
name varchar(50)
why it is important to create the table within the database?
does it help in access of different table?

Tables don't exists out of nowhere, they always are contained within a database. The basic structure of a DB server is that it contains some DBs, then they contain in turn tables, views, stored procedures and some other objects.
Even if your entire database is as simplistic as to have a single table, it's still a database. The DB itself also adds other properties like the actual storage on disk, security permissions and lot of vendor-specific data. Backups are also made database-wide.
Also consider that in the future, your system may grow to have more than a single table, and your really want to have them grouped together in a single logical unit. It could also help when you want to have 2 instances of the system working concurrently, each one in its own DB.
Going a bit off-topic, maybe you may ask yourself why you need a table at all, if your system is really simple? Without knowing your needs, but databases might be a bit overkill for a simple list of items, so you might also think using a text file on a folder instead.

Anywhere you store your data is inherently a database. You could store comma delineated values in a text file if you wanted to, and in the most simplistic sense, that would be a database. It's just a location to put your data. Likewise, a table is just a way to organize data.


one table with a lot of rows or a lot of tables with a view? on SQL Server

My question comes from what is more efficient when making queries and insert, since the number of registers(data) in my table will grow a lot.
I would like to know what is more efficient to do if all the data is placed within a single table or is the partition and through a View and trigger is more efficient to obtain and enter registers(data).
As already mentioned take a look at database normalization.
SQL is a way to work with relational databases and is built on the idea that we should have many tables that are linked with each other trough relationships. Thus I recommend multiple tables, because you will be able to reuse data (for example user name and surname) through specific IDs rather than copying that data each time a user performs some action on your platform and you need to insert or update some information.
Hope this helps!

View or Temporary Table - which to use in MS SQL Server?

I have a problem to decide whether to use a view or a temp table.
I have a stored procedure that i call from program. In that SP i store the result of a long query in a temp table, name the columns and make another queries on that table store the results in labels or a gridview or whatever and drop the Temp Table. I could also store the query-result in a view and make queries on that view. So what is better or in what case do i HAVE to use a VIEW/ Temp Table.
According to my research a view has the benefit of: Security, Simplicity and Column Name Specification. My temporary table fulfills all that too (according to my opinion).
If the query is "long" and you are accessing the results from multiple queries, then a temporary table is the better choice.
A view, in general, is just a short-cut for a select statement. If does not imply that the results are ever run and processed. If you use a view, the results will need to be regenerated each time it is used. Although subsequent runs of the view may be more efficient (say because the pages used by the view query are in cache), a temporary table actually stores the results.
In SQL Server, you can also use table variables (declare #t table . . .).
Using a temporary table (or table variable) within a single stored procedure would seem to have few implications in terms of security, simplicity, and column names. Security would be handled by access to the stored procedure. Column names are needed for either solution. Simplicity is hard to judge without more information, but nothing sticks out as being particularly complicated.
A view must replicate the processing of your "long query" each time it is run, while a temp table stores the results.
so do you want to use more processing or more storage?
You can store some view values (persistent index) which could help on processing, but you don't provide enough info to really explore this.
If you are talking about just storing the data for the use within a single procedure call, then a temp table is the way to go.
I'd like to also mention that for temporary table,
You cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table more than once in the same query.
This make temp table inconvenient for the cases where you want to use self join on it.
It is really a situational and operation specific question and answer may vary depending on the requirements of the scenario.
However, a small point that i would like to add is that if you are using a view to store results of a complex query, which are in turn used in operations of a GridView, then it can be troublesome to perform update operations on complex views. On the contrary, Temp Tables can suffice to this perfectly.
Again, There are scenario's where Views may be a better choice [ as in Multiple Database Servers if not handled properly] but it depends on what you want to do.
In general I would use a temporary table when I want to refer multiple times to the same table within a stored procedure, and a view when I want to use the table across different stored procedures.
A view does not persist the data (in principle): each time you reference the view SQL uses the logic from the view to access the original table. So you would not want to build a view on a view on a view, or use multiple references to a view that has complex logic.

Dynamic Database/Key - Value/Entity - Key Value Dillemma

I have been programming relational database for many years, but now have come across an unusual and tricky problem:
I am building an application that needs to have very quick and easily defined entities (by the user). Instances of these entities could then be created, updated, deleted etc.
There are two options I can think of.
Option 1 - Dynamically created tables
The first option is to write an engine to dynamically generate the tables, and insert the data into these. However, this would become very tricky, as every query would also need to be dynamic, or at least dynamically created stored procedures etc.
Option 2 - Entity - Key - Value Pattern
This is the only realistic option I can think of, where I have 5 table structure:
EntityTypeID int
EntityTypeName nvarchar(50)
EntityID int
EntityTypeID int
FieldTypeID int
FieldTypeName nvarchar(50)
SQLtype int
EntityID int
FIeldID int
Value nvarchar(MAX)
FieldID int
FieldName nvarchar(50)
FieldTypeID int
The "FieldValues" table would work a little like a datawarehouse fact table, and all my inserts/updates would work by filling a "Key/Value" table valued parameter and passing this to a SPROC (to avoid multiple inserts/updates).
All the tables would be heavily indexed, and I would end up doing many self joins to obtain the data.
I have read a lot about how bad Key/Value databases are, but for this problem it still seems to be the best.
Now my questions!
Can anyone suggest another approach or pattern other than these two options?
Would option two be feasible for medium sized datasets (1 million rows max)?
Are there further optimizations for option 2 I could use?
Any direction and advice much appreciated!
Personally I would just use a "noSQL" (key/value) database like MongoDB.
But if you need to use a relational database option 2 is the way to go. A good example of that kind of model is the Alfresco Data Dictionary (Alfresco is an enterprise content management system). It's design is similar to what you describe, although they have multiple columns for field values (for every simple type available in the database). If you add a good cache system to that (for example Ehcache) it should work fine.
As others have suggested NoSQL, I'm going to say that, in my opinion, schemaless databases really is best suited for use-cases with no schema.
From the description, and the schema you came up with, it looks like your case is not in fact "no schema", but rather it seems to be "user-defined schema".
In fact, the schema you came up with looks very similar to the internal meta-schema of a relational database. (You're sort of building a relational database on top of a relational database, which in my experience is not a good idea, as this "meta-database" will have at least twice the overhead and complexity for any basic operation - tables will get very large, which doesn't scale well, and the data will be difficult to query and update, problems will be difficult to debug, and so on.)
For use-cases like that, you probably want DDL: Data Definition Language.
You didn't say which SQL database you're using, but most SQL databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS-SQL) support some dialect of DDL extensions to SQL syntax, which let you manipulate the actual schema.
I've done this successfully for use-cases like yours in the past. It works well for cases where the schema rarely changes, and the data volumes are relatively low for each user. (For high volumes or frequent schema updates, you might want schemaless or some other type of NoSQL database.)
You might need some tables on the side for additional field information that doesn't fit in SQL schema - you may want to duplicate some schema information there as well, as this can be difficult or inefficient to read back from actual schema.
Ensuring atomic updates to your field information tables and the schema probably requires transactions, which may not be supported by your database engine - PostgreSQL at least does support transactional schema updates.
You have to be vigilant when it comes to security - you don't want to open yourself up to users creating, storing or deleting things they're not supposed to.
If it suits your use-case, consider using not only separate tables, but separate databases, which can also by created and destroyed on demand using DDL. This could be applicable if each customer has ownership of data collections that can't, shouldn't, or don't need to be queried across customers. (Arguably, these are rare - typically, you want at least analytics or something across customers, but there are cases where each customer "owns" an isolated, hosted wiki, shop or CMS/DMS of some sort.)
(I saw in your comment that you already decided on NoSQL, so just posting this option here for completeness.)
It sounds like this might be a solution in search of a problem. Is there any chance your domain can be refactored? If not - theres still hope.
Your scalability for option 2 will depend a lot on the width of the custom objects. How many fields can be created dynamically? 1 million entities when each entity has 100 fields could be a drag... Efficient indexing could make performance bearable.
For another option - you could have one data table that has a few string fields, a few double fields, and a few integer fields. For example, a table with String1, String2, String3, Int1, Int2, Int3. A second table with have rows that define a user object and map your "CustomObjectName" => String1, and such. A stored procedure reading INFORMATION_SCHEMA and some dynamic sql would be able to read the schema table and return a strongly typed recordset...
Yet another option (for recent versions of SQL Server) would be to store a row with an id, a type name, and an XML field that contains a XML document that contains the object data. In MS Sql Server this can be queried against directly, and maybe even validated against a schema.
PErsonally I would take the time to define as many attritbutes as you can ratheer than use EAV for everything. Surely you know some of the attributes. Then you only need EAv for the things that are truly client specific.
But if all must be EAV, then a nosql databse is the way to go. Or you can use a relationsla datbase for some stuff and a nosql database for the rest.

Schema binding for a UDF using tables from other db

I have a UDF in SQL 2005 that I would need to schemabind as it is used in a view that I need an index on.
This UDF gets information from a table that is located in a different db (same server) then the one where the UDF is located.
Since it is invalid to specify table as [DBName].dbo.[Tablename], is there a way I can get the info from the table in the other db?
Schema binding is supposed to guarantee consistency. However consistency can not be guaranteed across two different databases, therefore schema-binding cannot be made across two different databases. In other words it's impossible to achieve.
Imagine that, for example, one database is restored to an earlier point in time - the index on the indexed view would become corrupt and queries would be returning wrong results.
If your UDF is in Database1, and it needs to access data from a table in Database2, all you have to do is create a view in Database1 that grabs the data you need from the table(s) in Database2. Then use this view in your UDF.
Works just fine, I used this approach many times.
Hope it helps.

When to Create, When to Modify a Table?

I wanted to know, what should i consider while deciding if i should create a new table or modify an existing table for a sql db. i use both mysql and sqlite.
-Edit- I always thought if i can put a column into a table where it makes sense and can be used by every row then i would always modify it. However at work if its a different 'release' we put it in a different table.
You can modify existing tables, as long as
you are keeping the database Normalized
you are not breaking code that uses the table
You can create new tables even if 1. and 2. are true for the following reasons:
Performance reasons
Clarity in your schema logic.
Not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly, but one thing I always try to consider is the impact on existing data.
Taking the case of an application which relies on a database...
When you update the application (including database schema updates), it is important to ensure that any existing, in-use databases will be either backwards compatible with the application, or there is way to migrate and update the existing database.
Generally if the data is in a one-to-one relationship with the existing data in the table and if the table row size is not too large already and if there aren't too many records in the table, then I usually alter the table to accept the new column.
However, suppose I want to add a column with a default value to a table where it doesn't exist. Adding it to the table with 50 million records might not be so speedy a process and it might lock up the table on production when we move the change up. In this case, putting it into a separate table and adding the records to it may work out better. In general, I wouldn't do this unless my testing has shown that adding and populating the column will take an unacceptably long time. I would prefer to keep the record together where possible.
Same thing with the overall record size. SQL server has a byte limit to the number of bytes that can be in a record, it will allow you to create a structure that is potentially larger than that, but it will not alow you to put more than the byte limit into a specific record. Further, less wide tables tend to be faster to access due to how they are stored. Frequently, people will create a table that has a one-to-one relationship (we call them extended tables in our structure) for additional columns that are not as frequnetly used. If the fields from both tables will be frequently used, often they still create two tables but have a view that will pickout all the columns needed.
And of course if the data is in a one to many relationship, you need a related table not just a new column.
Incidentally, you should always do an alter table through a script and the SSMS GUI as it is more efficient and easier to move to prod.