Creating a universal app or separate app for Ipad - objective-c

I have a game made in sprite kit, xcode 5 flappy bird type game. But it is only for iphone. I want to make it for iPad to but dont know how to I made images for all Ipads and iphone and now I need to make separate app for iPad. Can I create new app with the same name but make it for iPad only and distribute it to App Store? Please help!

Yes you can. Go into your project, in the menu up top select file/new target to make an iPad app in the same project and easily include many / most of the same classes. You can have the same display name (but different bundle ID) but most developers would probably append the name with ~pro or ~HD or something like that in order that differentiate the two products. They would probably also shift the colour scheme on the icon a little. Remember its possible that iPad users may have your original iPhone app on their iPad despite thats its an iPhone app, so they might end up with the same icon and bundle display name twice on their iPad springboard, which Im sure you'll agree would be undesirable.
You can also make your existing app into a 'universal' app with an update, so it runs natively on iPad rather than scaling up, this is what I would probably do but each to their own, there are many business models. I personally think with all different sized phone models we have to support these days ( 4! ) adding the iPad (which despite different form factors is still only one real 'size' ) is pretty trivial.


NSStatusItem app development

I'm beginning some OS X development, I am reasonably accomplished with objective C and UIKIT.
There doesn't seem to be as much online about moving from iOS development to OS X as I thought there would be!
Anyway, I found a decent tutorial over a Ray Wenderlich, that basically explained the differences, (multiple NSWindows, then add to them NSViewControllers etc)
What I would like to do is make a little app that shows info in the status bar (beside the Wifi icon etc)
Basically all it does is have an NSStatusitem that has it's title set with info I want shown (e.g. current song title)
I've got one going and it's working ok so to my question:
I've got Application is agent (UIElement) (so I cannot see a dock icon or menubar)
The code for my little app all resides in the app delegate, now from iOS dev i'm sure this is not the right place for this code, but since the app is a just a status bar item, that has it's title updated I don't think I need a UIViewController etc....
Where should my apps logic go?
Anything online to transition from iOS to OS X?
As you dont have much work with NSWindows and NSViews, you surely dont need NSWindowController or NSViewController.
And I think for this kind of app even your AppDelegate class is enough and best place to put all your logic.
If you have some models then you can break your code upto that, and use it in the AppDelegate itself.
Transition from iOS to OSX.
If you are good in Objective-C then you dont have to worry about few more Cocoa-Controls especially GUI levels, you have full support of Documentation.
Switching between iOS to OSX, vice-versa is not to difficult, but yes if you end up with system level then you need to interact with OSX too.
As stated earlier, if you know Objective-C well, then you should not face major problems. However, there are some differences. I found these following documents helpful:
About Developing for Mac
Migrating from Cocoa Touch

Display App in 3.5" Resolution on iPhone 5 for Development/Debugging

Does anyone know if there is a way to force an app you're developing to run in a 3.5" screen size mode if you're on an iPhone 5, just for dev/debug purposes? Something such as what might look like a toggle in the Development section of Settings or something. In other words, run the app such that it LOOKS like it's running on a non-5 iPhone (black bars on top/bottom), that way I can test certain UI functions.
For clarification, I'm NOT saying "I don't want to support iPhone 5" - I most certainly do. Also, I'm aware that I can do the 'old' retina display in the simulator, but I do not want to use the iOS Simulator as the app includes libraries that do not support i386 architecture, uses push notifications, and heavily relies on GPS to function correctly. I'm just looking for a way to test both aspect ratios on the same device to save money/time.
Thank you!
It appears that by removing the app from device, deleting the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, cleaning the project, and re-running app, I can get the functionality I'm looking for, although not as nicely as a toggle switch.
Letter box in iPhone5

Scaling for multiple devices

So I am creating an app that will be released in the App Store available for iPhone 4/4s and iPhone 5.
In my project I am using storyboard for the interface.
At the moment not every object is able to aline perfect with the objects above so when I for example test on iphone 4 every thing gets messed up.
How can I fix the place of the object.
Do I have to hardcode this? Or can I use storyboard for this.
I think autolayout should suffice in most cases. You can check out a comprehensive tutorial here:

Managing an iOS app across different platforms

I have an iOS 5.0 app presently and had a few questions regarding deploying the app across multiple platform and multiple OS upgrades. I would like to know if there is a clean and configurable system that allows me to have one project handle deployment to the iPhone iOS5 and iOS6 and the latest iPad iOS without having ugly selection statements everywhere determining the platform the app is being currently run on. So I would like to know if there is a way to manage the code from a dev prespective so i can support all version/platform specific features of my app depending on what platform/version it is being currently run on (for ex. automatically switching to use the longer dimension background images if the app is being run on an iPhone 5 with iOS 6)
Is there any way to have this functionality?
I am slightly confused with your question, but I'll explain what I know. Xcode already has a way to change your app depending on what Device/iOS Version the user is running. If you use storyboards, then it will automatically resize your app content depending on whether the screen has retina support, and the size of the screen. In addition, you can have a storyboard for iPad, so that when you run the app it will use the iPad version. It also will change the app icons. Just go to the project settings and scroll down until your get to the icons and lunch images.
Now, if you mean you want to change how your app works using the source code directly, then there is no easy to way to manage it. Your best bet is to go with Storyboards, as it makes it very easy to resize content depending on what device your using.

Effective ways to "Jazz up" and polish the UI of iOS 5 App

I've finished up my first iOS 5 app (and only third iOS app overall) and I'm wondering if anyone out there has any recommendations for adding that touch of class, polish, professionalism, etc. to a plain-vanilla iOS app. I've taken a look at an iOS 5 appearance tutorial but I don't find it extremely helpful. What do you do to add polish to your UI? For example, do you add a logo view in your UINavigationBar? Do you create custom UIKit control backgrounds/images? Do you remove rounded edges from controls? I would especially appreciate any input related to how you use the new Appearance options in iOS 5 to accomplish your UIX goals.
For inspiration, look at the apps featured by Apple in the App store. Maybe hire an artist or designer familiar with iOS devices and their users (if you are not one yourself). There seem to be lots of creative ways to potentially "delight" the user, customize things for your specific app's purpose or customer base, but still stay within the spirit of the HIG.