check if 2 linked list have the same elements regardless of order - smalltalk

Is there any way to check if 2 linked lists have the same elements regardless of order.
edit question:
I have fixed the code and given some more details:
this is the method that compares 2 lists
compare: object2
^ ((mylist asBag) = ((objetc2 getList) asBag)).
the method belongs to the class myClass that has a field : myLList. myList is a linkedList of type element.
I have compiled it in the workspace:
a: = element new id:1.
b:= element new id:2.
c:=element new id:3.
d: = element new id:1.
e:= element new id:2.
f:=element new id:3.
elements1 := myClass new.
elements addFirst:a.
elements addFirst:b.
elements addFirst:c.
elements2 := myClass new.
elements addFirst:d.
elements addFirst:e.
elements addFirst:f.
Transcript show: (elements1 compare:elements2).
so I am getting false.. seems like it checks for equality by reference rather than equality by value..
So I think the correct question to ask would be: how can I compare 2 Bags by value? I have tried the '=='..but it also returned false.

The question changed too much - I think it deserves a new question for itself.
The whole problem here is that (element new id: 1) = (element new id: 1) is giving you false. Unless it's particular class (or superclasses) redefine it, the = message is resolved comparing by identity (==) by default. That's why your code only works with a collection being compared with itself.
Test it with, for example, lists of numbers (which have the = method redefined to reflect what humans understand by numeric equality), and it will work.
You should redefine your element's class' = (and hashCode) methods for this to work.
Smalltalk handles everything by reference: all there exist is an object, which know (reference) other objects.
It would be wrong to say that two lists are equivalent if they are in different order, as the order is part of what a list means. A list without an order is what we call a bag.
The asBag message (as all of the other as<anotherCollectionType> messages) return a new collection of the named type with all the elements of the receiver. So, #(1 2 3 2) is an Array of four elements, and #(1 2 3 2) asBag is a bag containing those four elements. As it's a Bag, it doesn't have any particular order.
When you do bagA := Bag new. you are creating a new Bag instance, and reference it with bagA variable. But then you do bagA := myList asBag, so you lose the reference to the previous bag - the first assignment doesn't do anything useful in your code, as you don't use that bag.
Saying aBool ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [^false] has exactly the same meaning as saying ^aBool - so we prefer just to say that. And, as you only create those two new bags to compare them, you could simplify your whole method like this:
compareTo: anotherList
^ myList asBag = anotherList asBag
Read it out loud: this object (whatever it is) compares to another list if it's list without considering order is the same than the other list without order.
The name compareTo: is kind of weird for returning a boolean (containsSameElements: would be more descriptive), but you get the point much faster with this code.
Just to be precise about your questions:
1) It doesn't work because you're comparing bag1 and bag2, but just defined bagA and bagB.
2) It's not efficient to create those two extra bags just because, and to send the senseless ifTrue: message, but other way it's OK. You may implement a better way to compare the lists, but it's way better to rely on the implementation of asBag and the Bag's = message being performant.
3) I think you could see the asBag source code, but, yes, you can assume it to be something like:
instance := Bag new.
instance addAll: self.
And, of course, the addAll: method could be:
Collection>>addAll: anotherCollection
anotherCollection do: [ :element | self add: element ]
So, yes - it creates a new Bag with all the receiver's elements.

mgarciaisaia's answer was good... maybe too good! This may sound harsh, but I want you to succeed if you're serious about learning, so I reiterate my suggestion from another question that you pick up a good Smalltalk fundamentals textbook immediately. Depending on indulgent do-gooders to rework your nonsensical snippets into workable code is a very inefficient way to learn to program ;)
EDIT: The question has changed dramatically. The following spoke to the original three-part question, so I paraphrased the original questions inline.
Q: What is the problem? A: The problem is lack of fundamental Smalltalk understanding.
Q: Is converting to bags an efficient way to make the comparison? A: Although it's probably not efficient, don't worry about that now. In general, and especially at the beginning when you don't have a good intuition about it, avoid premature optimization - "make it work", and then only "make it fast" if justified by real-world profiling.
Q: How does #asBag work? A: The implementation of #asBag is available in the same living world as your own code. The best way to learn is to view the implementation directly (perhaps by "browsing implementors" if you aren't sure where it's defined") and answer your own question!! If you can't understand that implementation, see #1.


Create a List of elements from a DataTable LINQ Column

I would like to know how I can convert elements of a column of a DataTable to a list of type string, grouping the elements to avoid repetition.
For example my DataTable would look like this
and I want to make a list containing the elements of only "User" without repeating itself using LINQ.
The code I was trying to use is
InvoiceList = InvoiceDT.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(r) r("User").ToString).ToList(Function(g) g.ToList())
But it doesn't work for me since I am new to LINQ and still have problems forming the structures.
I'd use this:
InvoiceList = InvoiceDT.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(r) r("User").ToString()).Distinct().ToList()
If you wanted a GroupBy solution it's
InvoiceList = InvoiceDT.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(r) r("User").ToString()).Select(Function(g) g.Key).ToList()
Where your code went wrong was in trying to pass a delegate to ToList; it doesn't take one (and you wouldn't ToList the g either, as it's a list of data rows with all varying properties).
To reshape our IGrouping (something like a list of objects that all share the same Key, which is a property of the list that the IGrouping represents) produced by the groupby into a sequence of string Keys we Select the Key, and then ToList that
There is a lot of back and forthing between developers over things like ToList vs ToArray - some people universally use ToList because, for collections of an unknown number of elements, both list and array will grow and resize repeatedly in the same way but using ToArray requires one additional resizing step at the end to trim off any unused slots. Mostly that's trivial in terms of an overall performance consideration and should be weighed against the benefit of releasing the memory with the trim. Getting into finer details is way beyond the scope of this answer but you can read some huge blog posts about it.
I personally think it's more important to generate sensible code by calling the method that results in the relevant type depending on what you plan to do with it; I ToList if I need List functionality (add/insert/remove).. I prefer ToArray if an array suits the follow-on purposes (read/write/random access, no insert or delete), and if I'll only ever enumerate it I don't To... anything at all - I just ForEach the result of the query, which can give a bigger performance boost than anything else because it means I may not have to enumerate the entire set (if I stop early) or allocate memory all at once for doing so (if I'm writing to a socket or file)
On the use of ToString; it's worth avoiding if you think you'll fall into a pattern where you do it on every column just to get a string. If the column is already a string it's an acceptable way to get the object that DataRow.Item gives you, into a string. If the column is another type it's better to cast it:
DirectCast(r("Age"), Integer)
r.Field(Of Integer)("Age")
Thing is, it's verbose, and ugly, and intellisense doesn't help you out with writing Age or knowing it's an Int. LINQ in VB is bad enough for verbosity without pouring gas on that fire. If you're working with datatables of a known structure, it's a lot nicer if you make strongly typed ones:
Add a new file of type DataSet to your project
Open it so the design surface appears. In the properties grid call it something reasonable, such as AccountsDataSet
Right click, Add Table, call it Invoices
Right click the emppty table, Add Column, call it User
Then use it like:
Dim dt as new AccountsDataSet.InvoicesDataTable
Populate it like:
dt.AddInvoicesRow("John Smith", ... other properties here)
Query it like:
dt.Select(Function(r) r.User).Distinct()
Much nicer than accessing column names by string, and having them be objects that need casting..
Consider the dataset generator as a way to quickly, visually, create poco classes with named, typed properties
Try this
dim list as List(of string) = InvoiceDT.Rows.
Cast(of DataRow)().
Select(Function(r) r("User").ToString()).
Here you cast Row collection as IEnumerable(of DataRow), rest is trivial

Where is contains( Junction) defined?

This code works:
(3,6...66).contains( 9|21 ).say # OUTPUT: «any(True, True)␤»
And returns a Junction. It's also tested, but not documented.
The problem is I can't find its implementation anywhere. The Str code, which is also called from Cool, never returns a Junction (it does not take a Junction, either). There are no other methods contain in source.
Since it's autothreaded, it's probably specially defined somewhere. I have no idea where, though. Any help?
TL;DR Junction autothreading is handled by a single central mechanism. I have a go at explaining it below.
(The body of your question starts with you falling into a trap, one I think you documented a year or two back. It seems pretty irrelevant to what you're really asking but I cover that too.)
How junctions get handled
Where is contains( Junction) defined? ... The problem is I can't find [the Junctional] implementation anywhere. ... Since it's autothreaded, it's probably specially defined somewhere.
Yes. There's a generic mechanism that automatically applies autothreading to all P6 routines (methods, operators etc.) that don't have signatures that explicitly control what happens with Junction arguments.
Only a tiny handful of built in routines have these explicit Junction handling signatures -- print is perhaps the most notable. The same is true of user defined routines.
.contains does not have any special handling. So it is handled automatically by the generic mechanism.
Perhaps the section The magic of Junctions of my answer to an earlier SO Filtering elements matching two regexes will be helpful as a high level description of the low level details that follow below. Just substitute your 9|21 for the foo & bar in that SO, and your .contains for the grep, and it hopefully makes sense.
Spelunking the code
I'll focus on methods. Other routines are handled in a similar fashion.
method AUTOTHREAD does the work for full P6 methods.
This is setup in this code that sets up handling for both nqp and full P6 code.
The above linked P6 setup code in turn calls setup_junction_fallback.
When a method call occurs in a user's program, it involves calling find_method (modulo cache hits as explained in the comment above that code; note that the use of the word "fallback" in that comment is about a cache miss -- which is technically unrelated to the other fallback mechanisms evident in this code we're spelunking thru).
The bit of code near the end of this find_method handles (non-cache-miss) fallbacks.
Which arrives at find_method_fallback which starts off with the actual junction handling stuff.
A trap
This code works:
(3,6...66).contains( 9|21 ).say # OUTPUT: «any(True, True)␤»
It "works" to the degree this does too:
(3,6...66).contains( 2 | '9 1' ).say # OUTPUT: «any(True, True)␤»
See Lists become strings, so beware .contains() and/or discussion of the underlying issues such as pmichaud's comment.
Routines like print, put, infix ~, and .contains are string routines. That means they coerce their arguments to Str. By default the .Str coercion of a listy value is its elements separated by spaces:
put 3,6...18; # 3 6 9 12 15 18
put (3,6...18).contains: '9 1'; # True
It's also tested
Presumably you mean the two tests with a *.contains argument passed to classify:
my $m := #l.classify: *.contains: any 'a'..'f';
my $s := classify *.contains( any 'a'..'f'), #l;
Routines like classify are list routines. While some list routines do a single operation on their list argument/invocant, eg push, most of them, including classify, iterate over their list doing something with/to each element within the list.
Given a sequence invocant/argument, classify will iterate it and pass each element to the test, in this case a *.contains.
The latter will then coerce individual elements to Str. This is a fundamental difference compared to your example which coerces a sequence to Str in one go.

Right way to forcibly convert Maybe a to a in Elm, failing clearly for Nothings

Okay, what I really wanted to do is, I have an Array and I want to choose a random element from it. The obvious thing to do is get an integer from a random number generator between 0 and the length minus 1, which I have working already, and then applying Array.get, but that returns a Maybe a. (It appears there's also a package function that does the same thing.) Coming from Haskell, I get the type significance that it's protecting me from the case where my index was out of range, but I have control over the index and don't expect that to happen, so I'd just like to assume I got a Just something and somewhat forcibly convert to a. In Haskell this would be fromJust or, if I was feeling verbose, fromMaybe (error "some message"). How should I do this in Elm?
I found a discussion on the mailing list that seems to be discussing this, but it's been a while and I don't see the function I want in the standard library where the discussion suggests it would be.
Here are some pretty unsatisfying potential solutions I found so far:
Just use withDefault. I do have a default value of a available, but I don't like this as it gives the completely wrong meaning to my code and will probably make debugging harder down the road.
Do some fiddling with ports to interface with Javascript and get an exception thrown there if it's Nothing. I haven't carefully investigated how this works yet, but apparently it's possible. But this just seems to mix up too many dependencies for what would otherwise be simple pure Elm.
(answering my own question)
I found two more-satisfying solutions:
Roll my own partially defined function, which was referenced elsewhere in the linked discussion. But the code kind of feels incomplete this way (I'd hope the compiler would warn me about incomplete pattern matches some day) and the error message is still unclear.
Pattern-match and use Debug.crash if it's a Nothing. This appears similar to Haskell's error and is the solution I'm leaning towards right now.
import Debug
fromJust : Maybe a -> a
fromJust x = case x of
Just y -> y
Nothing -> Debug.crash "error: fromJust Nothing"
(Still, the module name and description also make me hesitate because it doesn't seem like the "right" method intended for my purposes; I want to indicate true programmer error instead of mere debugging.)
The existence or use of a fromJust or equivalent function is actually code smell and tells you that the API has not been designed correctly. The problem is that you're attempting to make a decision on what to do before you have the information to do it. You can think of this in two cases:
If you know what you're supposed to do with Nothing, then the solution is simple: use withDefault. This will become obvious when you're looking at the right point in your code.
If you don't know what you're supposed to do in the case where you have Nothing, but you still want to make a change, then you need a different way of doing so. Instead of pulling the value out of the Maybe use to change the value while keeping the Maybe. As an example, let's say you're doing the following:
foo : Maybe Int -> Int
foo maybeVal =
innerVal = fromJust maybeVal
innerVal + 2
Instead, you'll want this:
foo : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
foo maybeVal = (\innerVal -> innerVal + 2) maybeVal
Notice that the change you wanted is still done in this case, you've simply not handled the case where you have a Nothing. You can now pass this value up and down the call chain until you've hit a place where it's natural to use withDefault to get rid of the Maybe.
What's happened is that we've separated the concerns of "How do I change this value" and "What do I do when it doesn't exist?". We deal with the former using and the latter with Maybe.withDefault.
There are a small number of cases where you simply know that you have a Just value and need to eliminate it using fromJust as you described, but those cases should be few and far between. There's quite a few that actually have a simpler alternative.
Example: Attempting to filter a list and get the value out.
Let's say you have a list of Maybes that you want the values of. A common strategy might be:
foo : List (Maybe a) -> List a
foo hasAnything =
onlyHasJustValues = List.filter Maybe.isJust hasAnything
onlyHasRealValues = fromJust onlyHasJustValues
Turns out that even in this case, there are clean ways to avoid fromJust. Most languages with a collection that has a map and a filter have a method to filter using a Maybe built in. Haskell has Maybe.mapMaybe, Scala has flatMap, and Elm has List.filterMap. This transforms your code into:
foo : List (Maybe a) -> List a
foo hasAnything =
onlyHasRealValues = List.filterMap (\x -> x) hasAnything

VB.NET "For each" versus ".GetUpperBound(0)"

I would like to know what is preferred...
Dim sLines() As String = s.Split(NewLine)
For each:
For Each sLines_item As String In sLines
For i As Integer = 0 To sLines.GetUpperBound(0)
I have no idea why the "For Each" was introduced for such cases. Until now I have only used .GetUpperBound, and I don't see any PRO for the "For Each".
Thank you
ps: When I use ."GetUpperBound(0)", I do know that I am iterating over the vector.
The "For Each" in contrast sounds like "I don't care in which order the vector is given to me". But that is just personal gusto, I guess.
Short answer: Do not use GetUpperBound(). The only advantage of GetUpperBound() is that it works for multi-dimensional arrays, where Length doesn't work. However, even that usage is outdated since there is Array.GetLength() available that takes the dimension parameter. For all other uses, For i = 0 to Array.Length - 1 is better and probably the fastest option.
It's largely a personal preference.
If you need to alter the elements of the array, you should use For i ... because changing sLines_item will not affect the corresponding array element.
If you need to delete elements of the array, you can iterate For i = ubound(sLines) to 0 step -1 (or the equivalent).
Short answer
You should always use For Each on IEnumerable types unless you have no other choice.
Long answer
Contrary to the popular understanding, For Each is not a syntactic sugar on top of For Next. It will not necessarily iterate over every element of its source. It is a syntactic sugar on top of IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(). For Each will first get an enumerator to its source then loop until it cannot enumerate further. Basically, it will be replaced by the following code. Keep in mind that this is an oversimplification.
' Ask the source for a way to enumerate its content in a forward only manner.
Dim enumerator As IEnumerator = sLines.GetEnumerator()
' Loop until there is no more element in front of us.
While enumerator.Next() Then
' Invoke back the content of the for each block by passing
' the currently enumerated element.
End While
The major difference between this and a classical For Next loop is that it does not depend on any length. This fixes two limitations in modern .NET languages. The first one has to do with the Count method. IEnumerable provides a Count method, but the implementation might not be able to keep track of the actual amount of elements it stores. Because of this, calling IEnumerable.Count might cause the source to be iterated over to actually count the amount of element it contains. Moreover, doing this as the end value for traditional For Next loop will cause this process to be done for every element in the loop. This is very slow. Here is an illustration of this process:
For i As Integer = 0 To source.Count() ' This here will cause Count to be
' evaluated for every element in source.
The use of For Each fixes this by never requesting the length of the source.
The second limitation it fixes is the lack of a concept for arrays with infinite amount of elements. An example of such cases would be an array containing every digit of PI where each digit is only calculated when you request them. This is where LINQ makes its entrance and really shines because it enables you to write the following code:
Dim piWith10DigitPrecision = From d In InfinitePiSource
Take 10
Dim piWith250DigitPrecision = From d In InfinitePiSource
Take 250
Dim infite2PiSource = From d In InfinitePiSource
Select d * 2
Now, in an infinite source, you cannot depend on a length to iterate over all of its elements. It has an infinite length thus making a traditional For Next loop an infinite loop. This does not change anything for the first two examples I have given with pi because we explicitly provides the amount of elements we want, but it does for the third one. When would you stop iterating? For Each, when combined with Yield (used by the Take operator), makes sure that you never iterate until you actually requests a specific value.
You might have already figured it out by now but these two things means that For Each effectively have no concept of bounds because it simply does not require them. The only use for GetLowerBound and GetUpperBound are for non-zero-indexed arrays. For instance, you might have an array that indexes values from 1 instead of zero. Even then, you only need GetLowerBound and Length. Obviously, this is only if the position of the element in the source actually matters. If it does not, you can still use For Each to iterate over all elements as it is bound agnostic.
Also, as already mentioned, GetLength should be used for zero-indexed multi-dimensional arrays, again, only if the position of the element matters and not just the element itself.

How to write additional methods in Smalltalk Collections which work only for Numeric Inputs?

I want to add a method "average" to array class.
But average doesn't make any sense if input array contains characters/strings/objects.
So I need to check if array contains only integers/floats.
Smalltalk says datatype check [checking if variable belongs to a particular datatype like int string array etc... or not] is a bad way of programming.
So what is best way to implement this?
The specification is somewhat incomplete. You'd need to specify what behavior the collection should show when you use it with non-numeric input.
There are a huge number of possibly desirable behaviors. Smalltalk supports most of them, except for the static typing solution (throw a compile-time error when you add a non-numeric thing to a numeric collection).
If you want to catch non-numeric objects as late as possible, you might just do nothing - objects without arithmetic methods will signal their own exceptions when you try arithmetic on them.
If you want to catch non-numeric elements early, implement a collection class which ensures that only numeric objects can be added (probably by signaling an exception when you add a non-numeric object is added).
You might also want to implement "forgiving" methods for sum or average that treat non-numeric objects as either zero-valued or non-existing (does not make a difference for #sum, but for #average you would only count the numeric objects).
In pharo at least there is
Collection >> average
^ self sum / self size
In Collections-arithmetic category. When you work with with a statically typed languages you are being hit by the language when you add non-number values to the collection. In dynamically typed languages you the same happens when you try to calculate average of inappropriate elements e.i. you try to send +, - or / to an object that does not understand it.
Don't think where you put data, think what are you doing with it.
It's reasonable to check type if you want to do different things, e.g.:
(obj isKindOf: Number) ifTrue: [:num| num doItForNum].
(obj isKindOf: Array ) ifTrue: [:arr| arr doItForArr].
But in this case you want to move the logic of type checking into the object-side.
So in the end it will be just:
obj doIt.
and then you'll have also something like:
Number >> doIt
"do something for number"
Array >> doIt
"do something for array"
(brite example of this is printOn: method)
I would have thought the Smalltalk answer would be to implement it for numbers, then be mindful not to send a collection of pets #sum or #average. Of course, if there later becomes a useful implementation for a pet to add itself to another pet or even an answer to #average, then that would be up to the implementer of Pet or PetCollection.
I did a similar thing when I implemented trivial algebra into my image. It allowed me to mix numbers, strings, and symbols in simple math equations. 2 * #x result in 2x. x + y resulted in x + y. It's a fun way to experiment with currencies by imagining algebra happening in your wallet. Into my walled I deposit (5 x #USD) + (15 * #CAN) for 5USD + 15CAN. Given an object that converts between currencies I can then answer what the total is in either CAN or USD.
We actually used it for supply-chain software for solving simple weights and measures. If a purchase order says it will pay XUSD/1TON of something, but the supplier sends foot-lbs of that same thing, then to verify the shipment value we need a conversion between ton and foot-lbs. Letting the library reduce the equation we're able to produce a result without molesting the input data, or without having to come up with new objects representing tons and foot-pounds or anything else.
I had high ambitions for the library (it was pretty simple) but alas, 2008 erased the whole thing...
"I want to add a method "average" to array class. But average doesn't make any sense if input array contains characters/strings/objects. So I need to check if array contains only integers/floats."
There are many ways to accomplish the averaging of the summation of numbers in an Array while filtering out non-numeric objects.
First I'd make it a more generic method by lifting it up to the Collection class so it can find more cases of reuse. Second I'd have it be generic for numbers rather than just floats and integers, oh it'll work for those but also for fractions. The result will be a float average if there are numbers in the collection array list.
(1) When adding objects to the array test them to ensure they are numbers and only add them if they are numbers. This is my preferred solution.
(2) Use the Collection #select: instance method to filter out the non-numbers leaving only the numbers in a separate collection. This makes life easy at the cost of a new collection (which is fine unless you're concerned with large lists and memory issues). This is highly effective, easy to do and a common solution for filtering collections before performing some operation on them. Open up a Smalltalk and find all the senders of #select: to see other examples.
| list numberList sum average |
list := { 100. 50. 'string'. Object new. 1. 90. 2/3. 88. -74. 'yup' }.
numberList := list select: [ :each | each isNumber ].
sum := numberList sum.
average := sum / (numberList size) asFloat.
Executing the above code with "print it" will produce the following for the example array list:
However if the list of numbers is of size zero, empty in other words then you'll get a divide by zero exception with the above code. Also this version isn't on the Collection class as an instance method.
(3) Write an instance method for the Collection class to do your work of averaging for you. This solution doesn't use the select since that creates intermediate collections and if your list is very large that's a lot of extra garbage to collect. This version merely loops over the existing collection tallying the results. Simple, effective. It also addresses the case where there are no numbers to tally in which case it returns the nil object rather than a numeric average.
Collection method: #computeAverage
"Compute the average of all the numbers in the collection. If no numbers are present return the nil object to indicate so, otherwise return the average as a floating point number."
| sum count average |
sum := 0.
count := 0.
self do: [ :each |
each isNumber ifTrue: [
count := count +1.
sum := sum + each.
count > 0 ifTrue: [
^average := sum / count asFloat
] ifFalse: [
Note the variable "average" is just used to show the math, it's not actually needed.
You then use the above method as follows:
| list averageOrNil |
list := { 100. 50. 'string'. Object new. 1. 90. 2/3. 88. -74. 'yup' }.
averageOrNil := list computeAverage.
averageOrNil ifNotNil: [ "got the average" ] ifNil: [ "there were no numbers in the list"
Or you can use it like so:
100. 50. 'string'. Object new. 1. 90. 2/3. 88. -74. 'yup'
} computeAverage
ifNotNil: [:average |
Transcript show: 'Average of list is: ', average printString
ifNil: [Transcript show: 'No numbers to average' ].
Of course if you know for sure that there are numbers in the list then you won't ever get the exceptional case of the nil object and you won't need to use an if message to branch accordingly.
Data Type/Class Checking At Runtime
As for the issue you raise, "Smalltalk says datatype check [checking if variable belongs to a particular datatype like int string array etc... or not] is a bad way of programming", there are ways to do things that are better than others.
For example, while one can use #isKindOf: Number to ask each element if it's not the best way to determine the "type" or "class" at runtime since it locks it in via predetermined type or class as a parameter to the #isKindOf: message.
It's way better to use an "is" "class" method such as #isNumber so that any class that is a number replies true and all other objects that are not numeric returns false.
A main point of style in Smalltalk when it comes to ascertaining the types or classes of things is that it's best to use message sending with a message that the various types/classes comprehend but behave differently rather than using explicit type/class checking if at all possible.
The method #isNumber is an instance method on the Number class in Pharo Smalltalk and it returns true while on the Object instance version it returns false.
Using polymorphic message sends in this away enables more flexibility and eliminates code that is often too procedural or too specific. Of course it's best to avoid doing this but reality sets in in various applications and you have to do the best that you can.
This is not the kind of thing you do in Smalltalk. You could take suggestions from the above comments and "make it work" but the idea is misguided (from a Smalltalk point of view).
The "Smalltalk" thing to do would be to make a class that could perform all such operations for you --computing the average, mean, mode, etc. The class could then do the proper checking for numerical inputs, and you could write how it would respond to bad input. The class would use a plain old array, or list or something. The name of the class would make it clear what it's usage would be for. The class could then be part of your deployment and could be exported/imported to different images as needed.
Make a new collection class; perhaps a subclass of Array, or perhaps of OrderedCollection, depending on what collection related behaviour you want.
In the new class' at:put: and/or add: methods test the new item for #isNumber and return an error if it fails.
Now you have a collection you can guarantee will have just numeric objects and nils. Implement your required functions in the knowledge that you won't need to deal with trying to add a Sealion to a Kumquat. Take care with details though; for example if you create a WonderNumericArray of size 10 and insert two values into it, when you average the array do you want to sum the two items and divide by two or by ten?