SilverStripe 3: Can a module extend mysite/code/Page.php? - module

Good afternoon,
I don't know if what I want to do is possible, so here goes.
I have a module that extends Page_Controller, but I want certain functions to be accessible via the site root.
Eg: getMyDataObjectList();
Currently, they only work if I go through the normal MVC routing structure.
I've found that when I place the function 'getMyDataObjectList' within '/mysite/code/Page.php' it works.The problem is, I don't want to place the code in there. I want it bundled with my Custom Module, but to work the same as though it was in 'mysite/code/Page.php'
[Example Scenario]
site root: http://[somesite].com
By default, the '' template loads.
I would like the theme developer to be able to call my module functions (API) within any template/Layout page, and have the result returned from the site root
Currently, this only works if I move the "API" functions to '/mysite/code/Page.php'
If the code is in my module, then data is only returned when you go to:
Can this be achieved? If so, how?
Thanks for your assistance.
[Update - Code Solution]
class MyExtension extends Extension{
public function getMyDataObjectList(){
return 'object list goes here!';
///>[Module] => _config.php
Object::add_extension('Page_Controller', 'MyExtension');
And as always, I do a (/dev/build?flush=1) just in case.
Thanks to: 'simon_w'

Yes, this is relatively straightforward. Simply, create an Extension subclass with your methods in them and then add that to Page_Controller. An Extension subclass is almost exactly the same as a DataExtension, they're just for classes other than DataObjects.


Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

Yii2 "Page not found" when using CRUD generator

I have succesfully used Yii2 Model & CRUD Generators to obtain some skeleton code files for my web app. Particularly, the CRUD Generator claims to have succesfully created its view files into:
which I got by leaving "View Path" field blank.
However, browsing to:
spits a "Not Found (#404)" error and I'm unable to find any useful info in the Yii2 debug logs.
Any idea on this matter shall be welcome.
<my_view_name> this is a terrible way of looking at this. Read about MVC.
You are creating controllers, routes are to controllers not to views. Stop looking if the views are there... look if the controller is there. You never interact with a view, you always do with a controller. So, is your controller there? are you sure you have created it?
Also what is the controller name? if you have something like ProductCategory then the correct route is
and not
Ok, I see your problem, stop putting folders under other folders and so on. You created your CRUD wrong. Your controller has to be directly under controllers not under controllers/bibliografia, the same goes for the model. Delete the files and start again with CRUD as probably your namespaces are also wrong.
In my case, Yii2 consistenly writes the following with gii CRUD auto-generator.
namespace app\Controllers;
Notice uppercase 'C' for Controllers. This causes 404 error.
It should be :
namespace app\controllers
This fixed my 404 error.
I found with Yii2 (advanced template) that the generated controllers had:
namespace app\controllers;
I had to change this to:
namespace frontend\controllers;
I fixed it by capitalizing the first letter of the controller name.
Controller name should start with capital letters.
If lower case is used, Controller generator won't throw any error, but you will get not found(404) error in the browser.
this threw an error:
this worked:
Its very Simple, change the namespace and please be careful while creating CRUD..
change namespace app\controllers; to namespace backend\controllers;

How do I include a custom field client control JS file?

I'm trying to develop a custom field using the steps outlined here:
Unfortunately, I don't know how/where to include the client control js file, and it doesn't seem to say in the documentation. Can anyone explain how I might do this?
I'm very new to Sitefinity dev (as in this is the first thing I've done) and web dev in general, so feel free to suggest things that "should be obvious"
I also asked this question on the Sitefinity forums - I'll be sure to copy the answer here if I get one there.
Ok, got it.
First you need to set the processing options for the js file to Embedded Resource
Then add it to the AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly: WebResource("namespace.filename.js", "text/javascript")]
Then override the GetScriptReferences method in the class that inherits from FieldControl:
public override IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences()
var baseReferences = new List<ScriptReference>(base.GetScriptReferences());
var newRef = new ScriptReference(javascriptPath, this.GetType().Assembly.FullName);
return baseReferences;

Yii - Using alternate view file in Yii User module

Is it possible to use a custom view file in a module (eg. user) in order to keep the module (3rd party) intact?
Somehow extend the module, with a views folder that holds my custom views.
The path to the module theme views should be
Copy all of the module views from the folder
to the mentioned above folder and that will do the job. After that you could customize the views as you like.
Copy user module view files to <app>/themes/<current_theme>/views/user/. More general, customize module views using the folowing "formula": <app>/themes/<current_tehem>/views/<modules_name>/<controller_name>/<view_file_to_customize>.php
Use a theme. For a module named "user" and a view path of "profile/edit", create "/themes/flashy/user/views/profile/edit.php". You can also define a new layout in "/themes/flashy/layouts/column2.php". Then add to your configuration file in "protected/config":
return array(
// many settings...
'theme' => 'flashy',
For the module "user" you pointed out, unfortunately its controllers use absolute paths for their layouts (e.g. "//layouts/columns2") so AFAIK you can't define distinct layouts for the application and this module.
See also the official guide chapter on theming with Yii.
I disagree that in many help forums of the Internet, when someone asks abot theming a module, everyone suggests a path alias to the themes folder. I think this is wrong, because it implies modules to be splitted, and modules are supposed to be a black-box that can be used across projects. The advice given in such forums would only be valid if a theme is shared among several modules. If someone wants to "package" a theme inside a module, she can:
-add an init function to the controller of the module
-inside that init, use the class attribute layout and a path alias, like this, supose a module whose id is "Sample":
then you add, to SampleCOntroller.php:
public function init() {
//BELOW: it will use the layouts/main.php inside the module.
$this->layouts = "sample.views.layouts.main";

How to get a module instance in PRISM

I have a PRISM desktop app which loads modules from a directory with the help of the DirectoryModuleCatalog.
Everything is fine, except that I cannot find a way to get the instance of a loaded module.
IModuleManager and IModuleCatalog don't have a method like getInstance(ModuleInfo) or similar.
This line loads the module properly(moduleManager is of type IModuleManager), but what do I have to do next to get the actual instance of this module?
The modules are loaded on demand of the user, so I cannot register all modules at startup within the bootstrapper.
If by Module instance you mean the class that implement IModule, then you must explicitly register the instance into the container to be able to get it.
Although the aforementioned will work, you should not take that approach at all. The idea is that the module classes are specific to a particular module and should only be used for module initialization purposes.
I would place each module's Start method in a separate component (IStartable), register each component in the container with a different Id and resolve/import an IEnumerable to get all instances that have the start method.
Hope this helps