How can I choose which device to run cucumber on with calabash-ios?
If you're looking to run calabash-ios on real devices you need to set a couple of environment variables DEVICE_ENDPOINT= calabash-ios console your_app.ipa
this would open the calabash console. Using the command start_test_server_in_background will open the app (which has to already be installed on your device).
You need the bundle id set so calabash knows which app to open. You need the DEVICE_ENDPOINT set to the wifi address of the device so that calabash knows how to interact with the app once it's open.
If you want to run calabash on a simulator then fabb's answer should cover it.
Edited to fix the http endpoint as per comment from #jmoody
For running on a specific simulator, just set the DEVICE_TARGET env var when starting cucumber.
To find out which devices are available, you can execute instruments -s devices in terminal.
In my project, I run cucumber twice, once for iPad and once for iPhone. I do it the following way:
set -x
cd ${0%/*}/..
export DEBUG=1
SCREENSHOT_PATH=${SCREENSHOT_PATH_IPHONE} DEVICE_TARGET="iPhone 6 (8.1 Simulator)" bundle exec cucumber --tags #ios_phone -p ios
SCREENSHOT_PATH=${SCREENSHOT_PATH_IPAD} DEVICE_TARGET="iPad Retina (8.1 Simulator)" bundle exec cucumber --tags #ios_tablet -p ios
Note that this depends on a cucumber.yml and according tags #ios_phone and #ios_tablet being set in the feature files.
I have properly installed and setup WSL2. It works fine.
I also setup X11 forwarding and X server (VcXsrv). I can launch GUI apps such like konsole or gvim or even google-chrome from a bash shell.
Now I want to launch konsole by simply double clicking a short cut on the desktop without launching the bash command mode terminal. How should I do it?
I tried running this in cmd:
> wsl /usr/bin/konsole
and it reports:
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.
I'm guessing it is because some X11 forwarding configurations were not properly setup, so I created a as follows:
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
/usr/bin/konsole &
The first two lines were the X11 settings in my .bashrc, the last line launches konsole.
It works fine under bash environment; but when I ran
from windows cmd environment, it silently quitted without launching the konsole.
I'm out of ideas. What should I do to directly launch konsole or other Linux GUI apps under windows without having to getting into bash?
Thanks in advance.
You are asking about two different command-lines, and while the failures in running them via the wsl command have the same root-cause, the underlying failures are likely slightly different.
In both cases, the wsl <command> invocation results in a non-login, non-interactive shell where the command simply "runs and exits".
Since the shell is non-login/non-interactive, your startup files (such as ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile, among others) are not being processed.
When you run:
wsl /usr/bin/konsole
... the DISPLAY variable is not set, since, as you said, you normally set it in your ~/.bashrc.
Try using:
wsl -e bash -lic "/usr/bin/konsole"
That will force bash to run as a login (-l), interactive (-i) shell. The DISPLAY should be set correctly, and it should run konsole.
Note that the quotes probably aren't necessary in this case, but are useful for delineating the commands you are passing to bash. More complicated command-lines can be passed in via the quotes.
As for:
That's likely a similar problem. You are doing the right thing by setting DISPLAY in your script, but I notice that you aren't using a fully-qualified path it. This would normally work, of course, if your script is in a directory on the $PATH.
But I'm guessing that you might add that directory to the $PATH in your startup config, which means (again) that it isn't being set in this non-login, non-interactive shell.
As before, try:
wsl -e bash -lic ""`
You could also use a fully-qualified path, of course.
And, I'm fairly sure you are going to run into an issue with trying to put konsole in the background via the script. When WSL exits, and the bash shell process ends, the child konsole process will terminate as well.
You could get around this with a nohup in the script, but then you also need to redirect the stderr. It's probably easiest just to move the & from the script itself to the command-line. Change your to:
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
Then run it with:
wsl -e bash -lic " &"`
Finally, a side note that when and if you can upgrade to Windows 11, it will automatically create Windows Start Menu entries for any Linux GUI app you install that creates a .desktop file. You can manually create .desktop files to have WSL create Start menu items for most applications.
For reference, in Windows 11 it's easier. To run a GUI application without a terminal window popping up, you just need to call wslg.exe instead of wsl.exe.
So, for example:
target: C:\Windows\System32\wslg.exe konsole
start in: C:\WINDOWS\system32
shortcut key: None
comment: Konsole
This tutorial shows how to install VcXsrv and and edit .bashrc to ensure that the "DISPLAY env var is updated on every restart".
DISPLAY env var needs to be dynamic setting.
I've used it successfully with WSL2 on Windows10 Version 21H2 (OS build 19044.2130) to run Chrome, Edge, and thunar. I'm using the Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distro.
To edit .bashrc follow these instructions.
Is it possible to download the Android APK file from Fabric Beta? We have multiple releases uploaded.
Mike from Fabric here. We currently don't provide a way to download the .APK, they are only provided via the Beta by Crashlytics apps.
Late answer but someone may need this. You can download it in a hacky way from devices that apps install by Beta or any way:
Connect the device to your computer and run the following command, ensure that you have configured the adb correctly:
adb shell pm list packages | grep xyz # get the package name of the app
adb shell pm path # get the path of the app
adb pull /data/app/ . # pull the app to PWD
the name of the app is base.apk, change it to xyz. This can be used for the same device.
Mesut's answer is correct. Just to make it more clear.
adb shell pm path ${package_name}
adb pull /data/app/${package_name_2}/base.apk
In the second command, the value ${package_name_2}/base.apk is from the first command. Sometimes it's not exactly the package name.
In my case, it's ${package_name}-1/base.apk
If you just want to download a specific build, say "1.0(143)" then you can choose that build in the beta app and download it.
If your need is to upload multiple apks from same build (say an apk for each deployment environment such as prevalidation, validation, production) then you need to setup your gradle to define productFlavors for each deployment environment like this:
android {
flavorDimensions "deploymentEnvironment"
productFlavors {
prevalidation {
dimension "deploymentEnvironment"
validation {
dimension "deploymentEnvironment"
production {
dimension "deploymentEnvironment"
Then you publish multiple APKs from the same build (one for each target deployment environment) to the same Fabric project using following gradle tasks as illustrative examples. Actual tasks depend on the variants defined for your project:
./gradlew -s assemblePrevalidationRelease assembleValidationRelease
./gradlew -s crashlyticsUploadDistributionPrevalidationRelease crashlyticsUploadDistributionValidationRelease
The Fabric console beta page does show both apks and you can choose to download and install one or the other. The only missing part is that both variants are listed as exactly the same (since they have the same versionName and versionCode). This could easily be solved if Fabric console shows the actual apk name in addition to the version / build info. I would love for the awesome Fabric team to address this small feature request sometime soon.
Until then a workaround I use is to identify the build based on order in Fabric beta console (risky but works) and put the target deployment info in the release notes for each apk in Fabric for a given build.
I'm trying to find some clues on the following issues and not able to find good help online.
I'm running Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer), firefox on a Linux machine in headless mode. Xvfb main service is up and running and DISPLAY variable is set.
/usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1600x1200x16
I have some automated selenium based tests which I'm running using Gradle (gradle test). They run successfully and in Jenkins I'm able to get this working using Xvfb plugin. JUnit post publish report/result info and Gradle's reports/test/index.html file is showing successful test run.
I just run the following to run tests in Gradle:
gradle test -DsomePropConfigFileForEnv=SomeSourceConfigFilewithPathvalue
My questions:
1. How can I get the screenshots of all the pages that this automated test/run is rendering (i.e. login page, application main page after login, user clicks on the main page here and there (i.e. opening/clicking on various tabs, links, tables, buttons etc) and finally log out page.
I'm able to get the screenshot from the Xvfb_screen<N> file, which is getting created under -fbdir folder (what we specify while running Xvfb via a Jenkins job) but the screenshot is a Black page if test runs successfully (this can be due to the 2nd bullet I mentioned below) --OR it's a valid single page image screenshot (if an error is encountered during the test run).
I'm trying to get all the pages which the automated Selenium tests are rendering (the config file I passed to Gradle as a -D parameter has URLs / user name / browser, version etc info in it). PS: It's not just for some random URL that I'm trying to get an image screenshot using Xvfb DISPLAY virtual frame buffer.
During the test, I see there's a valid virtual framebuffer file, with a valid size.
For ex: While Jenkins job is in progress and running Gradle test task and Xvfb plugin has started a new xvfb instance, I see:
but as soon as the test is complete (or errors our), this file is getting deleted from this xxxx.fbdir folder and there's no file at all.
Why is this file getting deleted.
If it'll remain there, then I can use xwd/xwud command and other tools (imagemagick convert etc commands) to create an image file as a POST BUILD action or even within the BUILD section after "Invoke Gradle" step.
The following command will create a .png image file of the firefox screenshot (only one page screenshot) and assuming xvfb is running on DISPLAY=:107
xwd -root -display :107 | convert xwd:- /tmp/capture2.png
and the following xvfb process (which is still running, containing a valid Xvfb_screen**** file in it - which was created by the Jenkins job where Xvfb plugin is configured with offset base 100 and 7 is the node/build number thus, making :107 as DISPLAY number).
u10002 30717 19950 1 01:16 ? 00:00:00 Xvfb :107 -screen 0 1024x768x8 -fbdir /production/JSlaves/kobaloki2_1/xvfb-2015-02-04_01-16-37-6170319257811815857.fbdir
I'm not running Xvfb / Imagemagick etc to just get an image of a URL (ex: but trying to get all the screenshots what a test is rendering behind Xvfb memory virtual framebuffer/file during the test run.
Are there any other tools (simple enough to install without messing up with the Linux server) which can achieve the same (capturing screenshots of all the pages that a test is rendering behind Xvf/firefox/Linux server in Headless way)?
I also tried Selenium Grid server, but FF is acting up there (due to some reason) thus I'm trying to run these tests using Jenkins, Gradle, Xvfb plugin on a Linux server (Headless mode) using firefox browser and planning to have N no. of executors to run multiple runs of these tests and finally capturing the results per run.
I'm archiving the artifacts (if any) and using Image Gallery plugin as well, but don't have the images for all the rendered pages which ran in Selenium behind Xvfb/firefox.
Any inputs are greatly appreciated.
If you're running with Selenium then you could use driver.getScreenshotAs()
Set this at the end of a step or method where you want a screenshot and output it to disc.
OK, this is what I did. This approach doesn't require any change to the source code of the project.
Installed imagemagick ( i.e. yum install imagemagick on RHEL.
Created a script on the target server and it works now. All I do is, in the Jenkins job, when I have already started the Xvfb instance (using Xvfb plugin in Jenkins), then just a second before before running the Selenium GUI tests via Gradle (or any build tool), I call the following script and pass the parameters (where DISPLAY variable value is available to the Jenkins job as we are using Xvfb plugin in it). At the end of tests, the script exists automatically (as xwd command doesn't get any more input so it exits gracefully) and finally I publish the images and .mp4 (video) file on Jenkins (as a side bar link to show Test results / video) and archive the artifacts (.png image files using "Image Galary Plugin" and .mp4 file).
NOTE: This requires that your machine has: imagemagick, xwd and ffmpeg installed. If the options passed to any commands differs acc. to your OS machine, then tweak it accordingly. The framerate value in ffmpeg command can be a fraction i.e. 1/5 or 0.5 or 15 or anything you want (try it and see what you get).
It's up to you, if you want to ARCHIVE this big amount of data or not. You can do it if you have good space and if your Jenkins job have a better old build clean retention policies.
## This script will capture Screenshot (every 0.1 seconds) of an automated GUI (for ex: Selenium tests) tests running behind a HEADLESS Xvfb display instance.
## Then, it'll create a mp4 format movie using the captured screenshots.
## Machine where you run this script, should have: Xvfb service running, a session started by Xvfb plugin via Jenkins, xwd,ffmpeg OS commands and imagemagick (utilities).
## - For ex, try this on RHEL to install imagemagick: yum install imagemagick
## Variables
ws=$1; ## Workspace folder location
d=$2; d=$(echo $d | tr -d ':'); ## Display number associated with the Xvfb instance started by Xvfb plugin from a Jenkins job
wscapdir=${ws}/capturebrowserss; ## Workspace capture browser's screen shot folder
if [[ -n $3 ]]; then wscapdir=${wscapdir}/$3; fi ## If a user pass a 3rd parameter i.e. a Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER, then create a child directory with that name to archive that specific run.
rm -fr ${wscapdir} 2>/dev/null || ( echo - Oh Oh.. Cant remove ${wscapdir} folder; echo -e "-- Still exiting gracefully! \n"; exit 0);
mkdir -p ${wscapdir}
while : ; do
xwd -root -display :$d 2>/dev/null | convert xwd:- ${wscapdir}/capFile_${d}_dispId`printf "%08d" $i`.png 2>/dev/null;
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -gt 0 || ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -gt 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n-- Something bad happened during xwd or imagemagick convert command, manually check it.\n"; exit 0; fi
((i++)); sleep 0.1;
ffmpeg -r 5 -i ${wscapdir}/capFile_dispId_%08d.png ${wscapdir}/out_byRateOf5.mp4 2>/dev/null || echo -e "\n-- Some error occurred (may be too many files opened), exiting gracefully!\n";
Can anybody please guide procedure to setup tool-chain for MSP430 in Linux (particularly Ubuntu) ? I am using MSP430 launchpad (MSP-EXP430G2), and I need to setup compiler/build tools and debugger drivers.
If you install Texas Instruments' CCS IDE, Linux version, it will install the tool-chain. There are, however, other problems in developing for MSP430 in Linux. The bugs and fixes are detailed in my post here:
MSP430 / eZ430-RF2500 Linux support Guide
"Compile code using Code Composer Studio (CCS)
Download CCS for Linux.
Create a new CCS project with a Custom MSP430 Device or any other.
Compile the code. The result binary image will be in the workspace. The workspace path can be found in “File” / “Switch workspace”.
The file that should be programmed to the device is the project-name.out file.
Program and run device using mspdebug
Download and Install mspdebug
From the directory with the file project-name.out run:
$ sudo mspdebug rf2500
Now you are in mspdebug’s command line shell. Run the following to program and run the device:
(mspdebug) prog project-name.out
(mspdebug) run
Use Ctrl+c to pause run and get command line back.
Fix a Linux Kernel bug that prevents Minicom to communicate with device
The device path in /dev is /dev/ttyACM0. Currently, connecting to it
serially using utilities such as minicom is not possible, and you get the message “/dev/ttyACM0: No such file or directory”.
The bug is in Kernel module “cdc_acm”. The solution is to fix the bug in the source code, recompile the module and plug it instead of the existing one.
Find out Linux version:
$ uname -r
cdc_acm’s source is the files cdc-acm.c and cdc-acm.h. They are under the Linux path drivers/usb/class/.
Download these two files from a repository that matches your Linux version. Such repos are available in and
Create a new directory and move the files to it.There are two code segments need to be removed or commented out:
The next lines appear in function “acm_port_activate()” on newer versions and in “acm_tty_open()” in older ones:
// if (0 > acm_set_control(acm, acm->ctrlout = ACM_CTRL_DTR | ACM_CTRL_RTS) &&
// (acm->ctrl_caps & USB_CDC_CAP_LINE))
// goto bail_out;
The next line appears in function “acm_port_shutdown()” on newer versions “acm_port_down()” in older ones:
// acm_set_control(acm, acm->ctrlout = 0);
Create a Makefile and compile:
$ echo 'obj-m += cdc-acm.o' > Makefile
$ make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=$PWD modules
You should have a new cdc-acm.ko file in the directory
Replace the existing module (This change will be discarded after boot):
$ sudo rmmod cdc-acm
$ sudo insmod ./cdc-acm.ko
Communicate via the serial port using Minicom
Launch minicom setup from command line:
$ minicom -s
In the menu, choose:
Serial port setup
Press ‘A’ (for “Serial Device”).
Replace Current device path with:
Press ‘E’ (for “Bps/Par/Bits”).
Set the correct data rate for your device.To lower the rate (to 1200, for instance), keep pressing ‘B’ (for “previous”) until the top line shows:
Current: 1200 8N1
Press “Enter” until returning to main menu, there, press “Exit”.This will exit the setup menu and start running on the device. From now on you should see messages over the serial connection: It is up to you to program the device with such messages."
Download the pre-compile tool-chain (.run file) form
Execute chmod +x <downloaded file>
Run the installer
I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I found a good start at:
The things I want to do:
1) Start the kiosk without logging in (with inittab?)
Peter Schultz pointed out adding the following line:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
But he did not explain the steps to make this work (for noobs).
What I did is add his code to a personal git repository and cloned this repo to /usr/bin/kiosk and sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev and sudo make.
The line to add to inittab will be:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/kiosk/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
If I do this, I generate a loop or some kind...
If you want to automatically load a browser full screen in kiosk mode every time you turn on the rpi you can add one of these two lines to the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
#chromium --kiosk --incognito
#midori -i 120 -e Fullscreen -a -p
The first is for chromium and the latter is for midori, the rpi default lightweight browser.
Hint : Since we will use the rpi as a kiosk we want to prevent the screen from going black and disable the screensaver. Edit the autostart file:
sudo pico /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
find the following line and comment it using a # (it should be located at the bottom)
##xscreensaver -no-splash
and append the following lines
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
Save, reboot.
More info on
The upvoted answer suggest to run LXDE for it. You could also do it without such a heaver desktop enviorment. You could just start midori or chromium in an X session:
xinit /usr/bin/midori -e Fullscreen -a
xinit chromium --kiosk
Sometimes Fullscreen mode of midori is not working as expected and midori is not using whole screen. In these cases you could map it inside a very simple window manager like MatchBox to get real fullscreen. Due to xinit you have to wrap everything in a shell script.
matchbox-window-manager &
midori -e Fullscreen -a
Autostart could be done simply be using /etc/rc.local.
More information concerning screensaver issues and an automated restart could be found here:
Chromium has a dependency problem on some debian derivate for arm architecture. For Cubian you find the bug report here. I am not sure if you could install chromium on latest Raspbian without problem.
But I really could recommend midori. It's very fast and support for modern web technologies is very good. As Chromium it is using webkit as rendering engine. If you miss some html5 / css3 features consider an update of libwebkitgtk (for example by using package of debian testing).
It's possible you haven't set the DISPLAY environment variable.
export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser
Or, browser can also take a display argument (so you don't need the environment variable):
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser :0
This works for me on Raspbian from a standard terminal shell (I'm logged in over SSH).
Updated for the current version of Raspbian (with Pixel desktop) install with noop 2.0.
I found you need to edit in two different places to get it to work.
So my configure file is:
# #xscreensaver -no-splash
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
#chromium-browser --kiosk --incognito http://localhost
And that's it.
You should probably start with checking if /usr/bin/kiosk/browser is working at all. You should start normal X session (graphical environment) on your RaspberryPi, launch terminal, try running this command:
and see what it prints on the terminal. Is this working? Do you see any error messages?
I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I think Instant WebKiosk for Raspberry Pi could be useful for you.