How can I SaveAs a new workbook to original workbook directory with Excel VBA? - vba

Basically, I'd like to save some worksheets into separate new workbooks in the same system location as original notebook I am deriving from.
I recognize that the default path is to save something new is to the location of the current notebook, but perhaps since I am opening a new workbook the default reverts to the user's Document's folder, which is where they are saving right now.
I "learned" VBA over the last couple of days, so advice on other things you notice is cool too, but the saveas is what's bothering me.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim dept_array As Variant
Dim dept As Variant
' Add or remove a department name spelled exactly as it is in the filter
dept_array = Array("HR", "IT", "Marketing", "Product Marketing", "Sales", "Channels", "Presales", "Direct", "Sales Ops", "R&D", "Support", "G&A")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Workbooks("Weekly Department Transaction Report.xlsm").Worksheets
For Each dept In dept_array
If Application.Proper(ws.Name) = Application.Proper(dept) _
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dept).Copy Before:=wb.Sheets(1)
wb.Saveas dept & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx"
Workbooks("Weekly Department Transaction Report.xlsm").Sheets("Codes").Copy After:=Workbooks(dept & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx").Sheets(dept)
Workbooks("Weekly Department Transaction Report.xlsm").Sheets("How").Copy Before:=Workbooks(dept & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx").Sheets(dept)
Workbooks(dept & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx").Save
End If
Next dept
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Please let me know if I am not following the correct stackoverflow format.
Longtime user first time asker :)

Edit this line in your code:
wb.SaveAs FileName:= ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & dept & "_" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx"


Changing Day and Month to DD and MM format in VBA

To give some context here, I have a dat file that I am trying to save as an xlsx on my Q drive. I know that the majority of the code works (I've tested it), so I don't want to completely change it, but the formatting as I explain below is what I need help with. The following code is in workbook1 and it is referencing workbook2. Cell D3 in workbook one is a date formula but unfortunately, the FileDay and FileMonth code will only pull in a single "d" or "m" when what I want is it to pull in days and months in the "dd" and "mm" format. Since the code below is trying to find a file in this format: "yyyy_mm_dd" but FileDay and FileMonth are only pulling in "d" and "m", it will only work during part of the year. What is the piece of code that I am missing to pull in the correct formatting from cell D3?
Dim FName As String, FPath As String
Dim wkb1 As Workbook, wkb2 As Workbook
Set wkb1 = ThisWorkbook
FileDay = Day(Range("D3"))
FileMonth = Month(Range("D3"))
FileYear = Year(Range("D3"))
FPath = "Q:\MyFolder"
FName = "MyFile_" & FileYear & "_" & FileMonth & "_" & FileDay & ".xlsx"
Set wkb2 = Workbooks("MyFile_" & FileYear & "_" & FileMonth & "_" & FileDay
& ".dat")
With wkb2
.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName
.Close True
End With
End Sub
Assuming these variables are Strings, use the Format$ function.
FileDay = Format$(Day(Range("D3")), "00")
FileMonth = Format$(Month(Range("D3")), "00")
FileYear = Format$(Year(Range("D3")), "0000")
Alternatively, do it all at once:
= Format$(Range("D3"), "YYYY_MM_DD")

Saving a particular sheet from one workbook to another in a particular folder

I am trying to save a particular worksheet from my working workbook to another workbook, and trying to save it in the path of my current workbook. The saving option is in such a way that it should get saved with the
I tried the following code and I am getting application defined error in the line
> newWB.SaveAs filename:=Path2 & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd") &
> myWorksheets(i), FileFormat:=xlsx
Could you please help me figure out where I am wrong?
Sub save()
Dim myWorksheets() As String 'Array to hold worksheet names to copy
Dim newWB As Workbook
Dim CurrWB As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim path1, Path2
path1 = ThisWorkbook.Path
Path2 = path1 & "\TT"
Set CurrWB = ThisWorkbook
myWorksheets = Split("Report", ",")
For i = LBound(myWorksheets) To UBound(myWorksheets) 'Go through entire array
Set newWB = Workbooks.Add 'Create new workbook
newWB.SaveAs filename:=Path2 & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd") & myWorksheets(i), FileFormat:=xlsx
newWB.Close saveChanges:=False
Next i
CurrWB.Save 'save original workbook.
End Sub
#Jenny - This code will accomplish what you ask in your question, it will save the ActiveSheet as a new file; and can be used as a function the can be called within your code. You can change the "Rpt" to identify the title of the new workbook. When I'm writing vba code, I always try to follow what my mother use to say to me, "Keep it simple".
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim wbPath As String
wbPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=wbPath & "\" & "Rpt" & " " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx", _
FileFormat:=51, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Copy method of Worksheet class fails after upgrade

Several years ago, I made a spreadsheet to generate a list of samples to be tested each day. The user (usually me) checks boxes to indicate which tests' samples to list. Then the "save load sheet" button uses VBA to requery a database connection for sample information, populates the formatted list through a complex series of formulas, copies the values from the formula sheet ("Generator") to another sheet ("LoadSheet"), copies that sheet to a new workbook, and saves it with the date as filename in a folder according to year and month.
It worked pretty dependably for about 5 years, right up until a couple of weeks ago when my computer was upgraded from Windows 7 with Office 2013 to Windows 10 with Office 2016.
Now, when I try to execute the code, I get Runtime error '1004: Copy method of Worksheet class failed."
Sub SaveAs()
'Copy to new workbook.
Sheets("LoadSheet").Copy '<---This is the line that fails.
' Check directory, create if necessary.
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\")
End If
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\")
End If
'If the worksheet already exists, the user will be asked whether to replace the file or not.
'If it already exists and is currently open, an error could arise.
'Hopefully that won't come up before I have time to think of a way to implement error handling.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & "x", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Workbooks(Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & "x.xlsx").Activate
End Sub
This is the code that saves the file. It fails on the line indicated.
What I've already tried:
I've tried right-clicking on the worksheet tab, clicking "Move or Copy..." and try to create a copy in a new workbook. Nothing happens. No error message, no new worksheet/book, nothing.
Same thing happens if I try to "move" rather than "copy."
If I try right-clicking and creating a copy in the same workbook, I get a new blank sheet, rather than a copy.
I tried repairing my Office installation, but that didn't help.
I read about some cases where users suspected file corruption, so I even tried manually copying the contents to a new workbook by Ctrl+A,C,V one sheet at a time, and then doing the same for the code. No effect.
I tried Sheets(Worksheets.Count).Select followed by ActiveSheet.Copy, since the sheet is the last one in the book, but of course that didn't work.
I read that it could be because the workbook needed to be saved first, so I tried ActiveWorkbook.Save before the copy. Still the same result.
I tried decompiling/recompiling the worksheet to no effect.
It worked fine on Windows 7 with Office 2013 (and still does on a co-worker's Win7/Excel2013 machine), but I couldn't find anything online about problems with the Sheets.Copy method in Excel 2016, so I don't know if either of those is relevant.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I've tried it on an identical computer (also running Windows 10 & Office 2016) and had the same result. I'm not sure how commonly an installation becomes corrupted, but this feels like more than coincidence. The other computer is rarely used by anyone, and it's being used primarily to run an instance of SQL Server Express and a Windows service I wrote, so I suspect that makes corruption even less likely.
I've got a workaround for now... I just save the file with the filename and path I would have used for the copy, then do a For Each on each worksheet, deleting anything not named "LoadSheet."
Sub SaveAs()
On Error GoTo SaveAs_Err
'Check directory, create if necessary.
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then '<> "G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\" Then
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then '<> "G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" Then
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\")
End If
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\")
End If
' Turn off alerts. They're annoying. I don't care if it's poor form, I just want to be done with this. I'm not being paid to write code.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Save, disregarding consequences.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & "x", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
' Remove extraneous sheets.
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If ws.Name <> "LoadSheet" Then ws.Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox ("An error occurred while saving the file.")
Debug.Print "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Sub
I'm still interested in fixing the root cause of this problem, so if anyone has ideas, I'm all ears! I'll probably still try the uninstall/reinstall, but I don't expect it to change anything.
Brute force fix, try:
Sub SaveAs()
Dim newWB as Workbook, i as Integer, copyRange as Range, fName as String
Set newWB = Workbooks.Add
While newWB.Worksheets.Count > 1
newWB.Worksheets(1).Name = "LoadSheet"
' get a handle on the sheet's usedRange object
Set copyRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("LoadSheet").UsedRange
' assign the values to the newWB.Worksheets(1)
'newWB.Worksheets(1).Range(copyRange.Address).Value = copyRange.Value
copyRange.Copy Destination:=newWB.Worksheets(1).Range(copyRange.Address)
'Check directory, create if necessary.
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\")
End If
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\")
End If
fName = "G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & "x"
If Dir(fName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then Kill fName & ".xlsx"
If Dir(fName & ".xlsm") <> "" Then Kill fName & ".xlsm"
newWB.SaveAs Filename:= fName, _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Alternatively, use the SaveAs method of the Worksheets class:
Sub SaveAs()
Dim fName as String
'Check directory, create if necessary.
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
If Dir("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\")
End If
MkDir ("G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\")
End If
fName = "G:\Load Sheets\" & Year(Now) & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & "x"
If Dir(fName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then Kill fName & ".xlsx"
If Dir(fName & ".xlsm") <> "" Then Kill fName & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("LoadSheet").SaveAs Filename:= fName, _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
I've also revised both solutions to avoid the potential error you comment:
If it already exists and is currently open, an error could arise.
I would work with your IT and/or MS support on the specific failure of the .Copy method, though, it's almost certainly a problem with your installation and may result in nastier errors in the future.

Excel Macro to save

I know i should probably be doing this in access or VB but I dont know how to use either. At the moment I have a submit button at the end of my form that saves and closes the workbook as whatever is inputted to a certain cell.
I am looking for a way to be able to do the same thing but break the worksheet out of the workbook. So it saves just the worksheet as its own excel file and with the name inputted into a certain cell. Below is the macro I am currently using.
Sub Saveworkbook()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim dName$, vName$
dName = Range("B8")
vName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "W:\Test\" & dName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs vName
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
It would also be cool if it could add the date and computers user in to save name but not essential.
Thanks in advance
Something like this -
Sub SaveSheet()
Dim wbkDashboard As Workbook
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet
Set wsTarget = Thisworkbook.worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = wsTarget.Range("B8").Value _
& Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy") & "-" & Environ("username") & ".xlsx"
Set wbkDashboard = Workbooks.Add
wsTarget .Copy Before:=wbkDashboard.Sheets(1)
For intSheetCount = 2 To wbkDashboard.Sheets.Count
wbkDashboard.SaveAs "W:\Test\" & wsTarget.Range("B8").Value _
& Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy") & "-" & Environ("username") & ".xlsx"
wsTarget.Range("B8").Value= strFileName
Set wsTarget = Nothing
Set wbkDashboard = Nothing
End Sub
This code will save any changes you have created in the current version, then it will save just the Active Sheet as a new workbook with the username and date (Credit to #Will on the Environment Variables).
Sub Saveworkbook()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim Sheet1 As Worksheet
Dim dName$, vName$, sName$
dName = Range("B8")
vName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
sName = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name
For Each Sheet1 In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If Not Sheet1.Name = sName Then
End If
Next Sheet1
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "W:\Test\" & dName & "_" & Environ("username") & "_" & Format(Now, "ddmmyy") & "xlsx"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Save an Excel file and export it to pdf with a different sheet

I have never written VBA code, but I checked on internet for some information.
My wish is the following: I have an Excel file with 3 sheets. On one of them, I'd like to add one button which can:
Save the totality of my Excel file following this naming convention: [name of a cells of a page]_AP_[date of today].xls.
Save one of the sheets in a .pdf file.
Print 2 of the 3 sheets while adjusting the contents.
I already started something, but I'm really bad at programming:
Public Sub Savefile_Click() 'copie sauvegarde classeur
' save my file following a name
Dim nom As String
Dim chemin As String
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
chemin = "C:\Users\aaa\Desktop"
nom = [Q13].Value & "_" & Day(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Year(Date) _
& ".xlsm"
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=chemin & nom
rep = MsgBox("Fichier excell sauvegardé")
End With
' ... and print my active sheet (where the button will stay)
For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If wSheet.Visible Then wSheet.PrintOut
'Save my page 'offre' in pdf on my desktop and print it
Worksheets("OFFRE A ENVOYER").Range("A1:i47").ExportAsFixedFormat _
Type:=xlTypePDF, _
Filename:=[Q13].Value & "_Offre de prix", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End Sub
After that there will be another option and details, but this is really the base.
1) Save as Excel
Dim nom As String
nom = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("Q13").Value & "AP" & Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy") & ".xls"
thisworkbook.saveas sPath & nom 'Define path first, don't forget the \ at the end.
Even better would be to create a named range from range "Q13" and use:
nom = thisworkbook.names("Something").referstorange.value
To make the link dynamic in case you insert a column or row which shifts all your ranges.
2) Save workbook as PDF
ThisWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, sPath & sFile 'Define here .pdf
"print 2 of the 3sheets with adjusting the contenant of a "
I'm not sure if I get this one...
Print command is given by:
Set oSheet= thisworkbook.sheets(2)
with oSheet.PageSetup
.PrintArea = "$A1$1:$Q$40"
'Any other properties:
end with
Which ever way you want to program this in order to retrieve the sheets that you need to print.
You can loop through the sheets with a counter and put if statements to add conditions.
dim oSheet as Excel.worksheet
dim iCnt as integer
For each oSheet in thisworkbook.sheets
iCnt = iCnt + 1
'Include conditions here
If ... then 'Whatever condition
set oSheet = thisworkbook.sheets(iCnt)
end if
next oSheet
thank you ...i was searching this. this worked very well.
Option Explicit
Sub SvMe() 'Save filename as value of A1 plus the current date
Dim newFile As String, fName As String
' Don't use "/" in date, invalid syntax
fName = Range("A1").Value
newFile = fName & " " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
' Change directory to suit
ChDir _
"C:\Users\user\Desktop" 'YOU MUST Change USER NAME to suit
ThisWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, Filename:=newFile
End Sub
1. saves my file in pdf format and
2. does not prompt me for attending save as dialog box
3. saves file using cell value in A1 and date stamp