Access vba SQL delete query now stalls and never executes after working for months - sql

I have an access database which has tables linked to it from another access database to hold the data. Daily a lab manager runs a process through a button click which transfers data from this database to a MS SQL Server database and then deletes the data from the Access database. I have inherited these databases and do not have the time or the power to change database structure and we will be replacing the access databases completely with a new LIMS which we are in the process of purchasing and implementing over the next year.
My issue is that one of the DELETE sql queries has stopped executing. Whenever I execute this query the database just hangs up (have let it go as long as 20 minutes) until I pull up the task manager and kill the application. I have tried taking the SQL query out of the VBA environment and running it through a MS Access query and I get the same thing. So basically it worked for a very long time (sense August of last year) and now it has stopped working.
Here is the SQL command for the Delete statement:
strSQL = "DELETE [TableName].* " _
& "FROM [TableName] " _
& "WHERE [TableName].[Run ID] NOT IN (SELECT [Run ID] FROM [SecondTableName] " _
Then that sql string is executed through a function in VBA. We use that function dozens if not a hundred times in this procedure and in other spots in the database so I know it is not in that. I also know that the above SQL works because it was working great for over a year and now when I run that statement the database hangs up. There is no invalid data in the table which information is being deleted from, we checked for that first. We also have tried compact and repair on the databases because we are worried this is a corruption in the data database though this does not rule that out and probably is what is going on.
Thank you for your help and let me know if you have questions to help you better understand this issue.

I unfortunately don't have a concrete this is whats wrong answer for you but I'm going to write out how I would approach debugging this. This may be super obvious and you've already tested but I'm a big proponent of double checking even the most trivial of things. The reason to check the SQL even if it is unchanged isn't to check the validity of the SQL but to also identify if nothing has changed on the database end (e.g. large number of new records that makes the nested query too large which causes a timeout, tables being locked etc)
Check the query SELECT [Run ID] FROM [SecondTableName] WHERE [Run ID] IS NOT NULL; and make sure it returns what you expect.
Check the query DELETE [TableName].* "FROM [TableName] WHERE [TableName].[Run ID] IN (<put in a test value>);. This probably involves a couple of test records
Check the query DELETE [TableName].* "FROM [TableName] WHERE [TableName].[Run ID] NOT IN (<put in a test values>);. This probably involves either making a copy of the table and using that or add another conditional in the WHERE statement so you can use test records in your existing table. Since it's in access I would just make the copy unless its prohibitively large.
After all this if you haven't found any issues, then I'm unfortunately out of ideas.


Create and run append queries for multiple linked tables

I am trying to write a VBA code in Microsoft Access that will create and run 60 queries to select new records from 60 linked tables and insert them into 60 tables of the same format. Some background may help here:
I have a large database (lets call the original database "A") that will eventually have over 60 tables, 60 forms & 60 reports. When one of our workers goes out into the field and doesn't have an internet connection, they are going to create new records on a copy of the database stored on their desktop (lets call the duplicate database "B"). Once they have an internet connection, I want them to be able to press a button on either database (I have been trying to code the macro on database A because I thought that would be easiest) and have the new records they created on database B inserted into database A.
I have found code online that seems to be just what I need but when I try to run the macro it gives Error 3022, which says:
The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship
I have tried running this macro with both databases on my desktop with only 1 linked table with a primary key that is an autonumber, I tried running it with a random autonumber, I tried not having any primary key or index or autonumber and even no records at all. I even tried running it without any linked tables. All ways of trying give me the same Error 3022. I really don't want to create 60 queries one by one so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you wizards in advance :)
Here is the code I have tried:
Public Sub ImportTableData(ByVal pstrTable As String, ByVal pstrDb As String)
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "INSERT INTO " & pstrTable & vbNewLine & _
"SELECT *" & vbNewLine & _
"FROM " & pstrTable & " IN '" & pstrDb & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End Sub
Public Sub ImportAllTables()
Const cstrDb As String = "C:\MyPath\DatabaseB.accdb"
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim strMsg As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
For Each tdf In CurrentDb.TableDefs
'ignore system and temporary tables '
If Not (tdf.Name Like "MSys*" Or tdf.Name Like "~*") Then
Call ImportTableData(tdf.Name, cstrDb)
End If
Next tdf
On Error GoTo 0
Set tdf = Nothing
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3078
strMsg = "Input table " & tdf.Name & " not found."
MsgBox strMsg
Resume Next
Case Else
strMsg = "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure ImportAllTables"
MsgBox strMsg
GoTo ExitHere
End Select
End Sub
When I remove the piece of code: 'dbFailOnError', I get different errors. First thing that pops up when I run the macro is: ''Input table 'LocalTableName' not found'', which is the table I am trying to add the records to. Once I click 'Ok' on that pop up box, that is when Error 3134 pops up which says 'Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement'. I am assuming Error 3134 only pops up because it cannot find the local input table (the fist pop up box).
Also, I tried changing the line of code that says: 'Const cstrDb As String = ''C:\MyPath\DatabaseB.accdb''' to instead point to database A (which is the one I am coding the macro on) like this: 'Const cstrDb As String = ''C:\MyPath\DatabaseA.accdb'''. This doesn't give me the first pop up that says ''Input table 'LocalTableName' not found'' but it still gives Error 3134.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong and have spent over 20 hours on this problem trying dozens of different things. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Well, the main issue is how you going to ensure that the PK (primary keys) and FK (foreign keys) remain the same when they go out to the field and start entering data?
There is a good chance that PK/FK values will now be duplicated, or be the same for on one of the field users.
If a user out in the field adds a record, and someone at main work location adds record, they now are to very likly have the same PK value.
I suppose this might work if you use random autonumbers (never even knew that was a option after all these years!!!) - but I can't say even that going to be 100% reliable.
And when you import that copy from the out in the field user, then either:
You always ensure you accept and take the same PK value, or you let access generate a new PK - but if you do that, then the child records FK value would have to be updated then.
You not really try to do a simple import, but are attempting to do a database synchronization- a stunning and VERY advanced concept. And a very challenging problem.
Access (mdb format) did at one time support what is called database replication. This feature would be ideal for your setup.
However, but for newer accDB formats, it not supported anymore. (and quite sure by around access 2010, replication support was dropped anyway).
So, you could try random for the autonumber. I mean, you simple cannot have the PK's being duplicated on each computer - plain and simple.
The other possbile?
You add to each and every table that has a PK, and add a new column called PKF (f for in the field).
And for every table that has a FK, you add a new column called FKF (again, add F to this).
So, in the field, your PK/FK used is NOT the same as the main master database at work.
So, I wrote a Android sync routine based on above. The applcation was Access, but I moved the data to sql server (but same idea). I moved to sql server since my android phone could use its local database (sqlLite) and hit sql server. (but, it would be difficult to get android to hit some server and read + use a accDB file - but was easy to have Android phone hit the sql server database directly).
Gee, maybe they could use Android phones!!! but, this would assume you up to speed writing android software, 100% conformable with SQL server, and also access. I was lucky, had all 3 skill sets, so that is the road and hammer I choose.
And speaking of above?
Maybe your lucky, and you have sql server running at work (not express edition, but full edition). I suggest this considering, since the free edition of SQL express can be what we call a replication subscriber to a main sql database. This allows you to sync your local database with the main mothership database.
So, adopting free SQL server express on each field laptop could be a possible solution. Then when they get to a working network, they sync the database using replication.
But, you could try and roll your own sync system.
I did that for an android applcation I wrote, and for a desktop Access application I had. (but, to make all the moving parts easy, I did adopt sql server for database - continued to use Access as the application/UI part).
Now, using "random" for the PK looks to be a possible solution. I just don't know how random, and if this choice can reliable avoid PK collisions for autonumbers.
Random seems like the best road - but ONLY if that choice would prevent duplicate PK id's being used out in the field for new records.
Edit: Random - not even close - it not random enough
So, a bit of research - no, random PK will not work, you still often wind up with collisions - so that idea is off the table.
I figured it out finally. Basically I changed the line of code that executes the SQL to debug.print. This showed me what was going on. The problem is I had linked the tables from the other database when they didn't need to be linked. The names of the local tables would be 'Table A' & the linked tables were 'Table A1'. So there would be a query generated for 'Table A' and another query generated for 'Table A1'. Since there are no tables by the name 'Table A1' in Database B, the query wouldn't work. Plus the fact that, in the line of code executing the SQL, there was an option that says 'dbFailOnError' so since half of the queries weren't working, this option rolls back any updates made by the queries that did work.
I removed all of the linked tables and the macro runs perfectly, unless there are records that are the same on both databases. If I remove 'dbFailOnError' from the code, then the macro runs well no matter what.
So the macro is doing what I want it to but I would like to keep the 'dbFailOnError' part of the code so I will have to do 2 things. First, I have to solve the problem with the primary keys. The answer on this thread by Albert describes this problem well. Second, I have to adjust the SQL to be able to only select records that don't already exist in Database A. I am assuming I can do this by adding a WHERE to the end of the SQL.
I will make an update once I fix these problems, or if I just run an SQL server instead.
Thank you everyone for your help :)

UPDATE query is not "an updateable query" [duplicate]

On some Microsoft Access queries, I get the following message: Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073). I work around it by using temporary tables, but I'm wondering if there's a better way. All the tables involved have a primary key. Here's the code:
SELECT H1.paidthru
H1.SEQNO = (
Since Jet 4, all queries that have a join to a SQL statement that summarizes data will be non-updatable. You aren't using a JOIN, but the WHERE clause is exactly equivalent to a join, and thus, the Jet query optimizer treats it the same way it treats a join.
I'm afraid you're out of luck without a temp table, though maybe somebody with greater Jet SQL knowledge than I can come up with a workaround.
BTW, it might have been updatable in Jet 3.5 (Access 97), as a whole lot of queries were updatable then that became non-updatable when upgraded to Jet 4.
I had a similar problem where the following queries wouldn't work;
update tbl_Lot_Valuation_Details as LVD
set LVD.LGAName = (select LGA.LGA_NAME from tbl_Prop_LGA as LGA where LGA.LGA_CODE = LVD.LGCode)
where LVD.LGAName is null;
update tbl_LOT_VALUATION_DETAILS inner join tbl_prop_LGA on tbl_LOT_VALUATION_DETAILS.LGCode = tbl_prop_LGA.LGA_CODE
where tbl_LOT_VALUATION_DETAILS.LGAName is null;
However using DLookup resolved the problem;
update tbl_Lot_Valuation_Details as LVD
set LVD.LGAName = dlookup("LGA_NAME", "tbl_Prop_LGA", "LGA_CODE="+LVD.LGCode)
where LVD.LGAName is null;
This solution was originally proposed at
The problem defintely relates to the use of (in this case) the max() function. Any aggregation function used during a join (e.g. to retrieve the max or min or avg value from a joined table) will cause the error. And the same applies to using subqueries instead of joins (as in the original code).
This is incredibly annoying (and unjustified!) as it is a reasonably common thing to want to do. I've also had to use temp tables to get around it (pull the aggregated value into a temp table with an insert statement, then join to this table with your update, then drop the temp table).
There is no error in the code. But the error is Thrown because of the following reason.
- Please check weather you have given Read-write permission to MS-Access database file.
- The Database file where it is stored (say in Folder1) is read-only..?
suppose you are stored the database (MS-Access file) in read only folder, while running your application the connection is not force-fully opened. Hence change the file permission / its containing folder permission like in C:\Program files all most all c drive files been set read-only so changing this permission solves this Problem.
I know my answer is 7 years late, but here's my suggestion anyway:
When Access complains about an UPDATE query that includes a JOIN, just save the query, with RecordsetType property set to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates).
This will sometimes allow the UPDATE to work.
Thirteen years later I face the same issue. DISTINCTROW did not solve my problem, but dlookup did.
I need to update a table from an aggregate query. As far as I understand, MS Access always assumes that de junction between the to-update table and the aggregate query is one-to-many., even though unique records are assured in the query.
The use of dlookup is:
DLOOKUP(Field, SetOfRecords, Criteria)
Field: a string that identifies the field from which the data is retrieved.
SetOfRecords: a string that identifies the set o record from which the field is retrieved, being a table name or a (saved) query name (that doesn’t require parameters).
Criteria: A string used to restrict the range of data on which the DLookup function is performed, equivalent to the WHERE clause in an SQL expression, without the word WHERE.
If more than one field meets criteria, the DLookup function returns the first occurrence. You should specify criteria that will ensure that the field value returned by the DLookup function is unique.
The query that worked for me is:
UPDATE tblTarifaDeCorretagem
SET tblTarifaDeCorretagem.ValorCorretagem =
"[IdTarifaDeCorretagem] = " & [tblTarifaDeCorretagem].[IdTarifaDeCorretagem]
I would try building the UPDATE query in Access. I had an UPDATE query I wrote myself like
SET Field1 =
(SELECT Table2.Field2
FROM Table2
WHERE Table2.UniqueIDColumn = Table1.UniqueIDColumn)
The query gave me that error you're seeing. This worked on my SQL Server though, but just like earlier answers noted, Access UPDATE syntax isn't standard syntax. However, when I rebuilt it using Access's query wizard (it used the JOIN syntax) it worked fine. Normally I'd just make the UPDATE query a passthrough to use the non-JET syntax, but one of the tables I was joining with was a local Access table.
This occurs when there is not a UNIQUE MS-ACCESS key for the table(s) being updated. (Regardless of the SQL schema).
When creating MS-Access Links to SQL tables, you are asked to specify the index (key) at link time. If this is done incorrectly, or not at all, the query against the linked table is not updatable
When linking SQL tables into Access MAKE SURE that when Access prompts you for the index (key) you use exactly what SQL uses to avoid problem(s), although specifying any unique key is all Access needs to update the table.
If you were not the person who originally linked the table, delete the linked table from MS-ACCESS (the link only gets deleted) and re-link it specifying the key properly and all will work correctly.
(A little late to the party...)
The three ways I've gotten around this problem in the past are:
Reference a text box on an open form
I had the same issue.
My solution is to first create a table from the non updatable query and then do the update from table to table and it works.
Mine failed with a simple INSERT statement. Fixed by starting the application with 'Run as Administrator' access.
MS Access - joining tables in an update query... how to make it updatable
Open the query in design view
Click once on the link b/w tables/view
In the “properties” window, change the value for “unique records” to “yes”
Save the query as an update query and run it.
You can always write the code in VBA that updates similarly. I had this problem too, and my workaround was making a select query, with all the joins, that had all the data I was looking for to be able to update, making that a recordset and running the update query repeatedly as an update query of only the updating table, only searching the criteria you're looking for
Dim updatingItems As Recordset
Dim clientName As String
Dim tableID As String
Set updatingItems = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("*insert SELECT SQL here*");", dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until updatingItems .EOF
clientName = updatingItems .Fields("strName")
tableID = updatingItems .Fields("ID")
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE *ONLY TABLE TO UPDATE* SET *TABLE*.strClientName= '" & clientName & "' WHERE (((*TABLE*.ID)=" & tableID & "))"
I'm only doing this to about 60 records a day, doing it to a few thousand could take much longer, as the query is running from start to finish multiple times, instead of just selecting an overall group and making changes. You might need ' ' around the quotes for tableID, as it's a string, but I'm pretty sure this is what worked for me.
I kept getting the same error until I made the connecting field a unique index in both connecting tables. Only then did the query become updatable.
Philip Stilianos
In essence, while your SQL looks perfectly reasonable, Jet has never supported the SQL standard syntax for UPDATE. Instead, it uses its own proprietary syntax (different again from SQL Server's proprietary UPDATE syntax) which is very limited. Often, the only workarounds "Operation must use an updatable query" are very painful. Seriously consider switching to a more capable SQL product.
For some more details about your specific problems and some possible workarounds, see Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails.
I kept getting the same error, but all SQLs execute in Access very well.
and when I amended the permission of AccessFile.
the problem fixed!!
I give 'Network Service' account full control permission, this account if for IIS
When I got this error, it may have been because of my UPDATE syntax being wrong, but after I fixed the update query I got the same error I went to the ODBC Data Source Administrator and found that my connection was read-only. After I made the connection read-write and re-connected it worked just fine.
Today in my MS-Access 2003 with an ODBC tabla pointing to a SQL Server 2000 with sa password gave me the same error.
I defined a Primary Key on the table in the SQL Server database, and the issue was gone.
There is another scenario here that would apply. A file that was checked out of Visual Source Safe, for anyone still using it, that was not given "Writeablity", either in the View option or Check Out, will also recieve this error message.
Solution is to re-acquire the file from Source Safe and apply the Writeability setting.
To further answer what DRUA referred to in his/her answer...
I develop my databases in Access 2007. My users are using access 2007 runtime. They have read permissions to a database_Front (front end) folder, and read/write permissions to the database_Back folder.
In rolling out a new database, the user did not follow the full instructions of copying the front end to their computer, and instead created a shortcut. Running the Front-end through the shortcut will create a condition where the query is not updateable because of the file write restrictions.
Copying the front end to their documents folder solves the problem.
Yes, it complicates things when the users have to get an updated version of the front-end, but at least the query works without having to resort to temp tables and such.
check your DB (Database permission) and give full permission
Go to DB folder-> right click properties->security->edit-> give full control
& Start menu ->run->type "uac" make it down (if it high)
The answer given above by iDevlop worked for me. Note that I wasn't able to find the RecordsetType property in my update query. However, I was able to find that property by changing my query to a select query, setting that property as iDevlop noted and then changing my query to an update query. This worked, no need for a temp table.
I'd have liked for this to just be a comment to what iDevlop posted so that it flowed from his solution, but I don't have a high enough score.
I solved this by adding "DISTINCTROW"
so here this would be

dynamic from statement based on column name

Background info:
I got ms access 2010 database with >10 (and growing) linked tables, sources: csv & xls from scattered tools that needs to be combined and queried. The sources are 'dirty' and I use insert queries with additional code to clean them and store the records in a local table with indexing for better performance later. The local tables are emptied first with a delete query. The insert queries are logged with a data macro After Insert: LogEvent on the local table in USysApplicationLog. Data macro produces loads of records in USysApplicationLog, while 1 per table per insert would be sufficient for my cause. Open issue, but less important at this time.
The local tables have the same name as the linked table with the postfix "-local".
Examples: csvMachines / cvsMachines-local, csvCustomers / csvCustomers-local, etc.
At the moment I'm manually checking everything, doing all the queries, etc. But looking for a way to automate this more.
Before using the database with local tables I want to check if:
the local tables are up to date
got this kinda covered with querying the USysApplicationLog and UDF function to check modification date of sources
the local tables are filled
reason for my question here
Looking for a smart way (sql, vba or udf) to combine following working query
SELECT MSysObjects.NAME AS LinkedTableName
,[LinkedTableName] & "-local" AS LocalTableName
FROM MSysObjects
with a simple SELECT count(*) per local table name.
Tried following but Access can't find LocalTableName as table.
SELECT MSysObjects.NAME AS LinkedTableName
,[LinkedTableName] & "-local" AS LocalTableName
SELECT count(*)
FROM [LocalTableName]
) AS LocalTableRecordCount
FROM MSysObjects
Looked at old similar questions as Create table - dynamic name of table and MS Access query with dynamic from statements, but didnt see how to implement their solutions in my situation.
Access will not let you provide a name for the FROM data source at runtime. It just does not support that capability.
Since you have a VBA tag on this question, perhaps you would consider a procedure which loops through your table names and retrieves the record count for each.
For each table name ...
strSelect = "SELECT Count(*) FROM " & LocalTableName
MsgBox CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSelect)(0)
Or look at the TableDef.RecordCount property ...
MsgBox CurrentDb.TableDefs(LocalTableName).RecordCount
Looking for a solution for another issue, I found an alternative anwser for this question in the Access Help: expression.DCount(Expr, Domain, Criteria)
Working query for my situation:
SELECT MSysObjects.NAME AS LinkedTableName
,[LinkedTableName] & "-local" AS LocalTableName
,DCount("*", [LinkedTableName] & "-local") AS LocalTableRecordCount
FROM MSysObjects

Managing and debugging SQL queries in MS Access

MS Access has limited capabilities to manage raw SQL queries: the editor is quite bad, no syntax highlighting, it reformats your raw SQL into a long string and you can't insert comments.
Debugging complex SQL queries is a pain as well: either you have to split it into many smaller queries that become difficult to manage when your schema changes or you end-up with a giant query that is a nightmare to debug and update.
How do you manage your complex SQL queries in MS Access and how do you debug them?
At the moment, I'm mostly just using Notepad++ for some syntax colouring and SQL Pretty Printer for reformatting sensibly the raw SQL from Access.
Using an external repository is useful but keeping there's always the risk of getting the two versions out of sync and you still have to remove comments before trying the query in Access...
For debugging, I edit them in a separate text editor that lets me format them sensibly. When I find I need to make changes, I edit the version in the text editor, and paste it back to Access, never editing the version in Access.
Still a major PITA.
I have a few tips that are specific to SQL in VBA.
Put your SQL code with a string variable. I used to do this:
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT ...")
That is hard to manage. Do this instead:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Often you can't fix a query unless you see just what's being run. To do that, dump your SQL to the Immediate Window just before execution:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Debug.Print strSQL
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Paste the result into Access' standard query builder (you must use SQL view). Now you can test the final version, including code-handled variables.
When you are preparing a long query as a string, break up your code:
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" _
& vbCrLf & "WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
I first learned to use vbCrLf when I wanted to prettify long messages to the user. Later I found it makes SQL more readable while coding, and it improves the output from Debug.Print. (Tiny other benefit: no space needed at end of each line. The new line syntax builds that in.)
(NOTE: You might think this will let you add add comments to the right of the SQL lines. Prepare for disappointment.)
As said elsewhere here, trips to a text editor are a time-saver. Some text editors provide better syntax highlighting than the official VBA editor. (Heck, StackOverflow does better.) It's also efficient for deleting Access cruft like superfluous table references and piles of parentheses in the WHERE clause.
Work flow for serious trouble shooting:
VBA Debug.Print > (capture query during code operation)
query builder > (testing lab to find issues)
Notepad++ > (text editor for clean-up and review)
query builder > (checking, troubleshooting)
Of course, trouble shooting is usually a matter of reducing the complexity of a query until you're able to isolate the problem (or at least make it disappear!). Then you can build it back up to the masterpiece you wanted. Because it can take several cycles to solve a sticky problem, you are likely to use this work flow repeatedly.
I wrote Access SQL Editor-- an Add-In for Microsoft Access-- because I write quite a lot of pass-through queries, and more complex SQL within Access. This add-in has the advantage of being able to store formatted SQL (with comments!) within your Access application itself. When queries are copied to a new Access application, formatting is retained. When the built-in editor clobbers your formatting, the tool will show your original query and notify you of the difference.
It currently does not debug; if there was enough interest, I would pursue this-- but for the time being the feature set is intentionally kept small.
It is not free for the time being, but purchasing a license is very cheap. If you can't afford it, you can contact me. There is a free 14-day trial here.
Once it's installed, you can access it through your Add-Ins menu (In Access 2010 it's Database Tools->Add Ins).
Debugging is more of a challenge. If a single column is off, that's usually pretty easy to fix. But I'm assuming you have more complex debugging tasks that you need to perform.
When flummoxed, I typically start debugging with the FROM clause. I trace back to all the tables and sub-queries that comprise the larger query, and make sure that the joins are properly defined.
Then I check my WHERE clause. I run lots of simple queries on the tables, and on the sub-queries that I've already checked or that I already trust, and make sure that when I run the larger query, I'm getting what I expect with the WHERE conditions in place. I double-check the JOIN conditions at the same time.
I double-check my column definitions to make sure I'm retrieving what I really want to see, especially if the formulas involved are complicated. If you have something complicated like a coordinated subquery in a column definition
Then I check to see if I'm grouping data properly, making sure that "DISTINCT"'s and "UNION"'s without UNION ALL don't remove necessary duplicates.
I don't think I've ever encountered a SQL query that couldn't be broken down this way. I'm not always as methodical as this, but it's a good way to start breaking down a real stumper.
One thing I could recommend when you write your queries is this: Never use SELECT * in production code. Selecting all columns this way is a maintenance nightmare, and it leads to big problems when your underlying schemas change. You should always write out each and every column if you're writing SQL code that you'll be maintaining in the future. I saved myself a lot of time and worry just by getting rid of "SELECT *"'s in my projects.
The downside to this is that those extra columns won't appear automatically in queries that refer to "SELECT *" queries. But you should be aware of how your queries are related to each other, anyway, and if you need the extra columns, you can go back and add them.
There is some hassle involved in maintaining a code repository, but if you have versioning software, the hassle is more than worth it. I've heard of ways of versioning SQL code written in Access databases, but unfortunately, I've never used them.
If you're doing really complex queries in MS Access, I would consider keeping a repository of those queries somewhere outside of the Access database itself... for instance, in a .sql file that you can then edit in an editor like Intype that will provide syntax highlighting. It'll require you to update queries in both places, but you may end up finding it handy to have an "official" spot for it that is formatted and highlighted correctly.
Or, if at all possible, switch to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which is also free and will provide you the features you desire through the SQL Management Studio (also free).
Expanding on this suggestion from Smandoli:
NO: DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT ...")
YES: strSQL = "SELECT ..."
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
If you want to keep the SQL code in an external file, for editing with your favorite text editor (with syntax coloring and all that), you could do something like this pseudo-code:
// On initialization:
global strSQL
f = open("strSQL.sql")
strSQL = read_all(f)
// To to the select:
This may be a bit clunky -- maybe a lot clunky -- but it avoids the consistency issues of edit-copy-paste.
Obviously this doesn't directly address debugging SQL, but managing code in a readable way is a part of the problem.
Similar to recursive, I use an external editor to write my queries. I use Notepad++ with the Light Explorer extension for maintaining several scripts at a time, and Notepad2 for one-off scripts. (I'm kind of partial to Scintilla-based editors.)
Another option is to use the free SQL Server Management Studio Express, which comes with SQL Server Express. (EDIT: Sorry, EdgarVerona, I didn't notice you mentioned this already!) I normally use it to write SQL queries instead of using Access, because I typically use ODBC to link to a SQL Server back end anyway. Beware that the differences in the syntax of T-SQL, used by SQL Server, and Jet SQL, used by Access MDB's, are sometimes substantial.
Are you talking here about what MS-Access calls 'queries' and SQL call 'views' or about the 'MS-Access pass-through' queries which are SQL queries? Someone could get easily lost! My solution is the following
free SQL Server Management
Studio Express, where I will
elaborate and test my queries
a query table on the client
side, with one field for the query
name (id_Query) and another one
(queryText, memo type) for the
query itself.
I then have a small function getSQLQuery in my VBA code to be used when I need to execute a query (either returning a recordset or not):
Dim myQuery as string, _
rsADO as ADODB.recorset
rsADO = new ADODB.recordset
myQuery = getSQLQuery(myId_Query)
'if my query retunrs a recordset'
set rsADO = myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
'or, if no recordset is to be returned'
myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
For views, it is even possible to keep them on the server side and to refer to them from the client side
set rsADO = myADOConnection.execute "dbo.myViewName"
Well to my knowledge there are 2 options:
Notepad++ with Poor man's t-sql formatter plugin ..i know there is already a mention for SQL Pretty Printer but i haven't used my workflow is ..i create the query in Access..i copy paste it to Notepad++ ...i format it..i work on it ...back to Access..only pads in some cases spaces in this case : [Forms]![AForm].[Ctrl] and they become [Forms] ! [AForm].[Ctrl] but i am used to and it doesn't bother me..
SoftTree SQL Assistant ( bring just about everything you wanted on a SQL editor...i have worked a bit in the past(trial) but its price tag is a bit stiff

Run Query Against ODBC Connected Table VBA

I have a table (readings) already connected by ODBC in Access that opens very quickly when I click on it.
However, when I try to run this in VBA I it locks up and never displays anything:
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT readings.ids " & _
"INTO ids_temp " & _
"FROM readings " & _
"WHERE readings.ids > 1234;" //This is id in middle of list
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
For some reason this crashes the whole system. Any ideas?
Rather than using DoCmd, t's usually handled by your existing connection to create a Command object, which accepts SQL statements to use with the Command.Execute method.
Reading the documentation for DoCmd, it appears to primarily be intended for eexecuting Macros from the Access UI menus.
Does you Database have ids_temp table locally? If ids_temp table is Linked table it will delete the table, because select into CREATES NEW TABLE. If you want to add to table try INSERT INTO command. You can clean table before inserting the data.
So the error was actually my fault the id I was using was causing the Query to return about 6 million results. But, this method actually works great, I just create the table and link a list box on a different form to the table, then I just show the form. I do some closes and updates in between but overall it seems to work well. Thanks for the help
Let me say that DoCmd.RunSQL is never advisable, particularly with SetWarnings turned OFF, as you have no idea whether the result is what you expect or not. You've told VBA not to report errors, so you never know if all the records were inserted or not.
It's very easy to replace DoCmd.RunSQL with my SQLRun() function, posted here:
How can I get a value from the update query prompt in Access VBA?