How do I sequentially select parts of an expression in Vim? - operators

There is a feature in Vim I would find so great.. may I ask if it exists or if anyone had an idea about how I would start implementing it?
'Inspired from Mathematica's front end's ctrl-. feature, one would be able to sequentially select, in visual mode, the successive layers of an expression the cursor is taken into. For, example, if we consider the following expression in an imaginary langage:
# enter visual mode at this position:
for(i in 1:n){
a = append(a, b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] + c - n * last(a));
2 # selected text after first hit
(n + 1) / 2 # second hit
floor((n + 1) / 2) # third hit
i %% floor((n + 1) / 2) # fourth hit
b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] # fifth hit
b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] + c - n * last(a) # sixth hit
append(a, b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] + c - n * last(a)) # seventh hit
a = append(a, b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] + c - n * last(a)); # eight hit
for(i in 1:n){
a = append(a, b[i %% floor((n + 1) / 2)] + c - n * last(a)); `# etc. until the whole file gets selected
I am aware this would require the feature to be aware of the various operators in the langage and their respective precedences, but this is not too much of an input, is it?
Any idea?

Vim can't do that by default but there is at least one plugin that does what you want: vim-expand-region.


How does the RarePackFour smartcontract generate a new "unique" number from a given random number?

I'm trying to understand the RarePackFour smart contract from the game gods unchained. I noticed that they use a random number to generate other "random" (in parenthesis because i dont think the newly generated numbers are random).
This the code im trying to understand. Could you help me understand what is happening here ?
function extract(uint random, uint length, uint start) internal pure returns (uint) {
return (((1 << (length * 8)) - 1) & (random >> ((start * 8) - 1)));
Bitwise operators are not realy a strong point for me so it would really help if you can help understand what is happening in the code.
Let's go with example:
length = 1
start = 1
random = 3250 # Binary: 0b110010110010
1. ((1 << (length * 8)) - 1) = 2^8 - 1 = 255 = 0B11111111 # Binary
2. (random >> ((start * 8) - 1))) = 0b110010110010 >> 7 = 0B11001 # Decimal 25
0B11111111 & 0B11001 = 0B11001 = 25
Usually if length * 8 > ((start * 8) - 1), the function returns random / (start * 8 - 1). Notice that it's only integer calculation in Solidity.

solve a system of nonlinear equations using scipy fsolve (math domain error encountered)

I tried to use Scipy's fsolve to find the answers to a system of two nonlinear equations.
The two equations are:
f1 = math.log(x) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*x) / m) + chi * (1 - x)**2
f2 = math.log(1 - x) - (m - 1)*x + chi*m*x**2
m and chi are constants in this case. The essential goal is to find x, y that satisfies simultaneously f1(x) = f1(y) and f2(x) = f2(y). I know the initial guess for x, y are 0.3 and 0.99. Below is my code.
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import math
# some global variables
m = 46.663
chi = 1.1500799949128826
def binodal_fsolve():
def equations(p):
x, y = p
out = []
out.append(math.log(x) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*x) / m) + chi * (1 - x)**2 - (math.log(y) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*y) / m) + chi * (1 - y)**2))
out.append(math.log(1 - x) - (m - 1)*x + chi*m*x**2 - (math.log(1 - y) - (m - 1)*y + chi*m*y**2))
return out
initial_guess = [0.3, 0.99]
ans = fsolve(equations, initial_guess)
return ans
def test_answers(phiL, phiR):
def functions(x):
return math.log(x) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*x) / m) + chi * (1 - x)**2, math.log(1 - x) - (m - 1)*x + chi*m*x**2
return functions(phiL)[0], functions(phiR)[0], functions(phiL)[1], functions(phiR)[1]
print (test_answers(0.2542983070, 0.9999999274))
# (1.3598772108380786e-09, -1.5558330624053502e-09, -8.434988430355375, -8.435122589529684)
res = binodal_fsolve()
print (res)
When I executed the code, I always encountered the math domain error.
However, if I tried to solve it using MAPLE fsolve. I can get the answers (0.2542983070, 0.9999999274).
By plugging these back to the equations, I get (1.3598772108380786e-09, -1.5558330624053502e-09, -8.434988430355375, -8.435122589529684) which suggests the answers are correct.
I don't know how to make scipy fsolve work. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
In this case you can use the log function from numpy.lib.scimath that returns a complex number when its argument is negative.
Instead of using scipy.optimize.fsolve, use scipy.optimize.root and change the method to lm which solves the system of nonlinear equations in a least squares sense using a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. For more methods, see the documentation.
from scipy.optimize import root
import numpy.lib.scimath as math
# some global variables
m = 46.663
chi = 1.1500799949128826
def binodal_fsolve():
def equations(p):
x, y = p
out = []
out.append(math.log(x) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*x) / m) + chi * (1 - x)**2 - (math.log(y) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*y) / m) + chi * (1 - y)**2))
out.append(math.log(1 - x) - (m - 1)*x + chi*m*x**2 - (math.log(1 - y) - (m - 1)*y + chi*m*y**2))
return out
initial_guess = [0.3, 0.99]
#ans = fsolve(equations, initial_guess)
ans = root(equations, initial_guess, method='lm')
return ans
def test_answers(phiL, phiR):
def functions(x):
return math.log(x) + 1. - ((1. + (m - 1)*x) / m) + chi * (1 - x)**2, math.log(1 - x) - (m - 1)*x + chi*m*x**2
return functions(phiL)[0], functions(phiR)[0], functions(phiL)[1], functions(phiR)[1]
print (test_answers(0.2542983070, 0.9999999274))
# (1.3598772108380786e-09, -1.5558330624053502e-09, -8.434988430355375, -8.435122589529684)
res = binodal_fsolve()
print (res)
Which gives the following roots x and y: : array([0.25429812, 0.99999993]).
The full output:
(1.3598772108380786e-09, -1.5558330624053502e-09, -8.434988430355375, -8.435122589529684)
/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
gtol, maxfev, epsfcn, factor, diag)
cov_x: array([[6.49303571e-01, 8.37627537e-07],
[8.37627537e-07, 1.08484856e-12]])
fjac: array([[ 1.52933340e+07, -1.00000000e+00],
[-1.97290115e+01, -1.24101235e+00]])
fun: array([-2.22945317e-07, -7.20367503e-04])
ipvt: array([2, 1], dtype=int32)
message: 'The relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most 0.000000'
nfev: 84
qtf: array([-0.00338589, 0.00022828])
status: 2
success: True
x: array([0.25429812, 0.99999993])

Finding out the complexity of given program

I'm trying to find out the Complexity of the given program. Suppose we have;
int a = θ;
for (i=θ; i<n; i++){
for(j = n; j>i; j--)
a = a + i + j;
Complexity: O(N*N)
The code runs total no of times
`= N + (N – 1) + (N – 2) + … 1 + 0
= N * (N + 1) / 2
= 1/2 * N^2 + 1/2 * N
O(N^2) times`

Running Time Calculation/Complexity of an Algorithm

I have to calculate the time complexity or theoretical running time of an algorithm (given the psuedocode), line by line as T(n). I've given it a try, but there are a couple things confusing me. For example, what is the time complexity for an "if" statement? And how do I deal with nested loops? The code is below along with my attempt which is commented.
length[A] = n
for i = 0 to length[A] - 1 // n - 1
k = i + 1 // n - 2
for j = 1 + 2 to length[A] // (n - 1)(n - 3)
if A[k] > A[j] // 1(n - 1)(n - 3)
k = j // 1(n - 1)(n - 3)
if k != i + 1 // 1(n - 1)
temp = A[i + 1] // 1(n - 1)
A[i + 1] = A[k] // 1(n - 1)
A[k] = temp // 1(n - 1)
Blender is right, the result is O(n^2): two nested loops that each have an iteration count dependent on n.
A longer explanation:
The if, in this case, does not really matter: Since O-notation only looks at the worst-case execution time of an algorithm, you'd simply choose the execution path that's worse for the overall execution time. Since, in your example, both execution paths (k != i+ 1 is true or false) have no further implication for the runtime, you can disregard it. If there were a third nested loop, also running to n, inside the if, you'd end up with O(n^3).
A line-by-line overview:
for i = 0 to length[A] - 1 // n + 1 [1]
k = i + 1 // n
for j = 1 + 2 to length[A] // (n)(n - 3 + 1) [1]
if A[k] > A[j] // (n)(n - 3)
k = j // (n)(n - 3)*x [2]
if k != i + 1 // n
temp = A[i + 1] // n*y [2]
A[i + 1] = A[k] // n*y
A[k] = temp // n*y
[1] The for loop statement will be executed n+1 times with the following values for i: 0 (true, continue loop), 1 (true, continue loop), ..., length[A] - 1 (true, continue loop), length[A] (false, break loop)
[2] Without knowing the data, you have to guess how often the if's condition is true. This guess can be done mathematically by introducing a variable 0 <= x <= 1. This is in line with what I said before: x is independent of n and therefore influences the overall runtime complexity only as a constant factor: you need to take a look at the execution paths .

OpenACC red-black Gauss-Seidel slower than CPU

I added OpenACC directives to my red-black Gauss-Seidel solver for the Laplace equation (a simple heated plate problem), but the GPU-accelerated code is no faster than the CPU, even for large problems.
I also wrote a CUDA version, and that is much faster than both (for 512x512, on the order of 2 seconds compared to 25 for CPU and OpenACC).
Can anyone think of a reason for this discrepancy? I realize that CUDA offers the most potential speed, but OpenACC should give something better than the CPU for larger problems (like the Jacobi solver for the same sort of problem demonstrated here).
Here is the relevant code (the full working source is here):
#pragma acc data copyin(aP[0:size], aW[0:size], aE[0:size], aS[0:size], aN[0:size], b[0:size]) copy(temp_red[0:size_temp], temp_black[0:size_temp])
// red-black Gauss-Seidel with SOR iteration loop
for (iter = 1; iter <= it_max; ++iter) {
Real norm_L2 = 0.0;
// update red cells
#pragma omp parallel for shared(aP, aW, aE, aS, aN, temp_black, temp_red) \
#pragma acc kernels present(aP[0:size], aW[0:size], aE[0:size], aS[0:size], aN[0:size], b[0:size], temp_red[0:size_temp], temp_black[0:size_temp])
#pragma acc loop independent gang vector(4)
for (int col = 1; col < NUM + 1; ++col) {
#pragma acc loop independent gang vector(64)
for (int row = 1; row < (NUM / 2) + 1; ++row) {
int ind_red = col * ((NUM / 2) + 2) + row; // local (red) index
int ind = 2 * row - (col % 2) - 1 + NUM * (col - 1); // global index
#pragma acc cache(aP[ind], b[ind], aW[ind], aE[ind], aS[ind], aN[ind])
Real res = b[ind] + (aW[ind] * temp_black[row + (col - 1) * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aE[ind] * temp_black[row + (col + 1) * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aS[ind] * temp_black[row - (col % 2) + col * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aN[ind] * temp_black[row + ((col + 1) % 2) + col * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]);
Real temp_old = temp_red[ind_red];
temp_red[ind_red] = temp_old * (1.0 - omega) + omega * (res / aP[ind]);
// calculate residual
res = temp_red[ind_red] - temp_old;
norm_L2 += (res * res);
} // end for row
} // end for col
// update black cells
#pragma omp parallel for shared(aP, aW, aE, aS, aN, temp_black, temp_red) \
#pragma acc kernels present(aP[0:size], aW[0:size], aE[0:size], aS[0:size], aN[0:size], b[0:size], temp_red[0:size_temp], temp_black[0:size_temp])
#pragma acc loop independent gang vector(4)
for (int col = 1; col < NUM + 1; ++col) {
#pragma acc loop independent gang vector(64)
for (int row = 1; row < (NUM / 2) + 1; ++row) {
int ind_black = col * ((NUM / 2) + 2) + row; // local (black) index
int ind = 2 * row - ((col + 1) % 2) - 1 + NUM * (col - 1); // global index
#pragma acc cache(aP[ind], b[ind], aW[ind], aE[ind], aS[ind], aN[ind])
Real res = b[ind] + (aW[ind] * temp_red[row + (col - 1) * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aE[ind] * temp_red[row + (col + 1) * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aS[ind] * temp_red[row - ((col + 1) % 2) + col * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]
+ aN[ind] * temp_red[row + (col % 2) + col * ((NUM / 2) + 2)]);
Real temp_old = temp_black[ind_black];
temp_black[ind_black] = temp_old * (1.0 - omega) + omega * (res / aP[ind]);
// calculate residual
res = temp_black[ind_black] - temp_old;
norm_L2 += (res * res);
} // end for row
} // end for col
// calculate residual
norm_L2 = sqrt(norm_L2 / ((Real)size));
if(iter % 100 == 0) printf("%5d, %0.6f\n", iter, norm_L2);
// if tolerance has been reached, end SOR iterations
if (norm_L2 < tol) {
Alright, I found a semi-solution that reduces the time somewhat significantly for smaller problems.
If I insert the lines:
acc_set_device_num(0, acc_device_nvidia);
before I start my timer, in order to activate and set the GPU, the time for the 512x512 problem drops to 9.8 seconds, and down to 42 for 1024x1024. Increasing the problem size further shows how fast even OpenACC can be compared to running on four CPU cores.
With this change, the OpenACC code is on the order of 2x slower than the CUDA code, with the gap getting closer to just a bit slower (~1.2) as the problem size gets bigger and bigger.
I download your full code and i compiled and run it! Did't stop run and for instruction
if(iter % 100 == 0) printf("%5d, %0.6f\n", iter, norm_L2);
the result was:
100, nan
200, nan
I changed all variables with type Real into type float and the result was:
100, 0.000654
200, 0.000370
..., ....
..., ....
8800, 0.000002
8900, 0.000002
9000, 0.000001
9100, 0.000001
9200, 0.000001
9300, 0.000001
9400, 0.000001
9500, 0.000001
9600, 0.000001
9700, 0.000001
Iterations: 9796
Total time: 5.594017 s
With NUM = 1024 the result was:
Iterations: 27271
Total time: 25.949905 s