sharepoint designer 2010 workflow: to send an email in a certain date - sharepoint-2010

I need to create a workflow with SharePoint Designer 2010.
In a list, there is a date field and I need to send an email the day after that date.
For example, the item in the list has Nov 1 2014, and I need to send the email on Nov 2 2014.

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Missing MailHeader fields when accessing IUploadMailData in custom UploadOperationHandler ( outlook plugin)

I am trying to access the "To"-Field in the mail header while hooking into the UploadOperation of an email item in the Outlook addin (to rename the file using some defaults when uploading to sharepoint).
For some reason the only header fields I get from the uploaded item are Received, Date and From.
What I currently do is iterating the IUploadItemData elements in the IWrappedList inside the onBeforeUpload handler.
Then checking for items of type IUploadMailItemData and trying to access their MetaDataValue fields using the Harmonie.SDK.MailHeader class constants as keys. But as already mentioned I only get the 3 fields Received, Date and From.
What am I doing wrong? May I load the other header fields somehow too?
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----- Jean

Automated E-mail delivery through SQL/VB.Net

I have an HR solution created using VB.Net, with SQL Server 2008 R2 as its back-end.
I have a new requirement from my client where the program sends payslips to each employee of a department automatically by the end of the month.
Sql can do this. But the output from SQL is just text and the client wants to stick to the Payslip report designed in the program.
Currently the end user has to select each employee, view his/her payslip, and click E-mail report. This report is handled by SSRS inside the .net application.
Is it possible to use the meta data of the report in an email body, so that it produces an html page for the receiver?
If i create a SSRS report manager, and schedule automated back ups, I presume I won't be able to loop through employees and so on. Am I wrong here?
Is there a way to run a report, take a snapshot, and send an image attachment to respective employee?
One approach is the sheduled task. You could write a console application that 1st checks end of month every time it runs, loop through the employee and generate report. Now you can build a html report if you want and send an email with the Mail object IsBodyHtml= True mail message html property and tge body will be html string which u will need to construct or as pdf attachment of the report generated by ssrs.
There are many approaches.... Windows Service is probably my fav.
Second the scheduled task/windows service. You can have a developer write a .net function that uses the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class to generate an email. You can even have the developer create two alternate views for the email, one that is a prettified html version and the other that is a plaintext version. That way if the receiver cannot view html on their device, they can still see the necessary data.
Just take all of the SQL data and programmatically insert it into an html file with placeholder text for your variables.
Then, using your smtp credentials, send the email out to all of the employees.

Macro for exchange

We've written a macro for outlook to order email address in the To and CC fields in alphabetical order, this is to remove "preferences" from the list. Problem is this obviously doesn't work when emails are sent from smartphones or tablets, we would like to implement this macro or something else into exchange so that all emails passing through exchange have the addresses re-ordered. Does anyone know if it's possible and how to go at it?
Thank you,
If anyone else is looking into this, the right way arround it is to develop a transport agent (exchange 2007 onwards if not mistaken) with theese libraries:
Here is the MSDN for exchange 2013 (the version i'm using):
Do not try with microsofts EWS because it won't let you actually get all the flow of emails and edit them, it allows you to access create and modify elements (emails,appointments, tasks) but for individual accounts.

Programmatically "Set Regarding" - Dynamics 2011 Outlook CRM Client - VBA

I'm writing a VBA macro which runs in Word 2010 on a system which has Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook client installed (and connected to a CRM 2011 on-premise server).
The macro is aware of the GUID for a CRM Incident and as well as doing other tasks should create an email to a contact connected to that Incident and then "Set Regarding" the email to point to the correct Incident record. I can do everything apart from "Set Regarding" programmatically.
I discovered in this article Crm 2011 outlook client - Set regarding mandatory that when you Set Regarding via the Outlook client GUI, it creates 4 UserProperties on the email item.
I've tried to replicate this by creating the 4 user properties:-
res = oItem.UserProperties.Add("crmLinkState", 3)
oItem.UserProperties("crmLinkState").Value = 1
res = oItem.UserProperties.Add("crmRegardingId", 1)
oItem.UserProperties("crmRegardingId").Value = MatterGUID
res = oItem.UserProperties.Add("crmRegardingObjectType", 1)
oItem.UserProperties("crmRegardingObjectType").Value = 112
res = oItem.UserProperties.Add("Regarding", 1)
oItem.UserProperties("Regarding").Value = MatterDescription
This causes the Outlook email item to show the regarding pane at the bottom, but it says "Regarding: none" in the pane. If you send the email it doesn't track into CRM. What should I be doing? I can't find any methods specifically for the Outlook CRM Client. Is there some oItem.SetRegarding() method I'm missing?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Tony Woodhouse
Got this working eventually.
For some reason, even though I was only displaying my mail item after creating the four custom properties, the problems I had were a sort of display / refresh glitch.
oItem.Save() after display of the item seems to force the client to re-evaluate the message properties and realise it's now a tracked message. All works fine now with just the addition of that one line of code :-)

SharePoint, notification email workflow

I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me with my SharePoint 2010 issue. I recently created a CRM System within SharePoint for my small business which utilizes a email notification workflow. The workflow is triggered when the 'Action Needed' field has a 'yes' value, this means that 2 days after the information is created or edited the workflow will notify the particular user that further action is needed.
Previous thread with image of the workflow
Now this is great if myself or other members of the team are only inputting a couple of items but I found out the hard way when i keyed in 20 or so items and received 20 individual emails which is irritating as you can imagine.
So on to my issue, I would like the email notifications to be grouped together in one email so it's more efficient and avoids the need for individual emails. So when one particular user creates or edits multiple records instead of separate email notifications I would like it all in one email. So is this possible while using SharePoint workflows? If it is possible and how would I go about expanding my current workflow to achieve this?
I have already asked this question in the dedicated SharePoint area to no prevail, I could really do with the help also if what I am asking is impossible then could someone at least say so.
Thanks very much to anyone who contributes and helps me with my problem.
If you are using SharePoint Designer , then this is not problem. This is because each workflow can access the data on which List Item the workflow is triggered.
However, this is definitely possible using a custom workflow or an event Receiver.