how I can get the process username -

I wanna get process username a try p.StartInfo.UserName but it return Empty string
I run this code from windows service because I need to know how users logon the PC from service and write Event Log

Public Function GetUserName(ByVal ProcessName As String)
Dim selectQuery As SelectQuery = New SelectQuery("Win32_Process")
Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(selectQuery)
Dim y As System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection
y = searcher.Get
For Each proc As ManagementObject In y
Dim s(1) As String
proc.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", CType(s, Object()))
Dim n As String = proc("Name").ToString()
If n = ProcessName & ".exe" Then
Return ("User: " & s(1) & "\\" & s(0))
End If
End Function

Me.txtUser.Text = Environment.UserName
Me.txtDomain.Text = Environment.UserDomainName


Pass multiple Value to class from function

i have 2 class 1 is get ms access data and another class for sql acsess.
i want to pass acsess class function value to sql class and assign it to sql class varible.curruntly i can assign only 1 varible.
Public Class connectionclass
Dim provider As String = "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=|DataDirectory|"
Dim database As String = "serverdata.accdb"
Public connstring As String = provider & database
Public myconnection As New OleDbConnection(connstring)
Public Function data1()
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Dim u As String
Dim p As String
Dim getdata As New OleDbCommand("select * from server", myconnection)
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = getdata.ExecuteReader
While reader.Read
x = reader.Item("sname")
y = reader.Item("dbase")
u = reader.Item("username")
p = reader.Item("password")
Return (x)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class
2nd class
ublic Class datbaseconnect
Public obj1 As New connectionclass
Dim returnvalue As String
Dim X = obj1.data1
Dim y = ""
Dim u = ""
Dim p = ""
Public SQLCon As New SqlConnection With
{.ConnectionString =
"Server=" & x & ";
DataBase=" & y & ";
user ID=" & u & ";
password=" & p & ";
End Class
Tuples are a quick and easy way to return multiple data values in a single variable without having to create a whole new class to hold the individual values.
Public Function data1() As Tuple(Of String, String, String, String)
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Dim u As String
Dim p As String
Dim getdata As New OleDbCommand("select * from server", myconnection)
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = getdata.ExecuteReader
While reader.Read
x = reader.Item("sname")
y = reader.Item("dbase")
u = reader.Item("username")
p = reader.Item("password")
Return New Tuple(Of String, String, String, String)(x, y, u, p)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
When calling this function it will return data like:
Dim returnedData = data1()
Finally, you simply call the function like:
I wasn't able to include your own second class as I didn't see a function in there.
Public Sub WorkWithData(incomingData As Tuple(Of String, String, String, String))
End Sub

Connect to MongoDB server with Driver 2.0 best practice

I have code that connects to a MongoDB. When the database is up and running my code works fine, but when the database is not running I don't get any errors back.
How do I check that the Server is up and running so I can connect to it and do my work? Basically IF the Server is up do work ELSE return a message to user that server is not available.
I look at the documentation about the MongoClient Class but I can't seem to find anything I can use.
MongoClient Class (
Below is my code that works to connect to the MongoDB:
Public Function DbConnection(ByRef ConnString As String, vDbName As String, vColName As String) As MongoClient
'default port
'ConnString = "mongodb://localhost:27017"
'example DB and Collection
'vDbName = "blog"
'vColName = "users"
'Root Object
Dim vClient As MongoClient
vClient = New MongoClient(ConnString)
Dim vDb As MongoDatabaseBase
vDb = vClient.GetDatabase(vDbName)
Dim vCol As IMongoCollection(Of BsonDocument)
vCol = vDb.GetCollection(Of BsonDocument)(vColName)
Return vClient
End Function
Below is additional code where I use InsertOneAsync without creating an error:
Private Async Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If txtName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter a Name for the Database.")
Dim ConnString As String
ConnString = txtConnStr.Text
Dim vDbName As String
vDbName = txtDb.Text
Dim vColName As String
vColName = txtColl.Text
'Root Object
Dim vClient As MongoClient
vClient = DbConnection(ConnString, vDbName, vColName)
Dim vDb As MongoDatabaseBase
vDb = vClient.GetDatabase(vDbName)
Dim vCol As IMongoCollection(Of BsonDocument)
vCol = vDb.GetCollection(Of BsonDocument)(vColName)
Dim vAddUser As BsonDocument
vAddUser = New BsonDocument
vAddUser.Add("_Id", txtID.Text)
vAddUser.Add("Name ", txtName.Text)
vAddUser.Add("Email", txtEmail.Text)
vAddUser.Add("City", txtCity.Text)
rtfDataDisplay.Text = "BsonDocument = " & vAddUser.ToString & ", #" & vAddUser.Count
Await vCol.InsertOneAsync(vAddUser)
End If
End Sub
Below is the solution I came up with. I am only posting the Try...Catch since I have already posted entire procedures above.
Dim watch As Stopwatch = New Stopwatch
Dim insertResult As Task = vCol.InsertOneAsync(vAddUser)
Await insertResult
MsgBox("Faulted =" & insertResult.IsFaulted.ToString & ", Status = " & insertResult.Status.ToString & ", Watch = " & watch.Elapsed.ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.HResult.ToString = "-2146233083" Then
MsgBox("unable to insert data due to a timeout exception")
MsgBox("Unable to insert data = " & ", HResult = " & ex.HResult.ToString & "!" & ex.ToString)
End If
End Try
Since the asynch only returns Task, it doesn't wait until the operation is complete. If you wait after the task and then you will capture the exception and process it accordingly, Here is the sample
Change this
Await vCol.InsertOneAsync(vAddUser)
Var insertTask = vCol.InsertOneAsync(vAddUser); insertTask.Wait();
and then remove the async keyword from the button_click method signature. get username that is running process

I'm making a program that looks for processes and can see which user is using them. I've got the scanning code, but not the username code. The username has to be a string. For example: I have 2 people running some processes and the processes will show in the listview. The first column is for processes and the second is for the username. I want it to be like:
(process here) (username here)
(process here) (username here)....
You get the point I think and there's much more processes than that running on the computer. The question is: How do you get the username for someone using the process?
Edit: The code. This is my code.
For Each pr As Process In Process.GetProcesses
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = ListView1.Items.Add(CStr(pr.ProcessName))
'Now I need something to put for the username
This is the other one that is most common.
Public Function GetProcessOwner(processId As Integer) As String
Dim query As String = "Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID = " + processId
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(query)
Dim processList As ManagementObjectCollection = searcher.[Get]()
For Each obj As ManagementObject In processList
Dim argList As String() = New String() {String.Empty, String.Empty}
Dim returnVal As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(obj.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", argList))
If returnVal = 0 Then
' argList(0) == User
' argList(1) == DOMAIN
Return argList(0)
End If
Return "NO OWNER"
End Function
This code is taken from here, where you can find more information if you need it. Basically, on a console app this will print the process name and the user to the screen:
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim selectQuery As SelectQuery = New SelectQuery("Win32_Process")
Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher = New
For Each proc As ManagementObject In searcher.Get
Dim s(1) As String
proc.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", CType(s, Object()))
Console.WriteLine(("User: " & (s(1) + ("\\" + s(0)))))
End Sub
This could be implemented as a function, like:
Public Function GetUserName(ByVal ProcessName As String)
Dim selectQuery As SelectQuery = New SelectQuery("Win32_Process")
Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(selectQuery)
Dim y As System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection
y = searcher.Get
For Each proc As ManagementObject In y
Dim s(1) As String
proc.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", CType(s, Object()))
Dim n As String = proc("Name").ToString()
If n = ProcessName & ".exe" Then
Return ("User: " & s(1) & "\\" & s(0))
End If
End Function
Just for reference, proc.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", CType(s, Object())) will return an array like this:
Index 0: Owner/user name
Index 1: Domain
And in our case, will store it in s(1).
Hope this helps :)
If the function returns something like User: \\ then the process is probably a special windows process. To see which processes will act like this (for windows users):
Right click on the task bar
Select Start Task Manager
In the Processes tab, in the User Name column, some processes will have a blank cell instead of a user name.
The VB.NET function has been edited and should now work, although I have no idea why the console program still worked. At any rate I've left it alone, if it still works why change it?

Poll a directory looking for files with a certain extension

I'm writing a script to look in a directory, read the file name and use a part of the file name to run a SQL query to amend a DB, then copy the files to a new location and delete the original.
Once this is done it sends an email confirmation to a predefined email address.
I have the majority in place but am not able to Poll a Dir and process all files that may be there. Im new to this stuff and to get the other stuff working iv just named it at the beginning.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dim fileName As String = "C:\temp\Input\VBTEST1.success"
Dim pathname As String = "C:\temp\Input\"
Dim result As String
Dim sourceDir As String = "C:\temp\Input\"
Dim processedDir As String = "C:\temp\Input\Processed\"
Dim fList As String() = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, "*.success")
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Public Sub Main()
result = Path.GetFileName(fileName)
Console.WriteLine("GetFileName('{0}') returns '{1}'", fileName, result)
Dim betacell As String = result
betacell = (result.Remove(7, 8))
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.connectionString)
Dim updateTransaction As SqlTransaction = connection.BeginTransaction()
Dim sqlQ As String = "UPDATE " & My.Settings.JobTb & " SET Status = '10' WHERE JobNumber ='" & betacell & "'"
sqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlQ, connection, updateTransaction)
SendEmail(My.Settings.emailUsers, "EMAIL TEXT")
Call MoveFiles()
End Sub
I'm all chuffed now as iv also managed to make it look for all files with a .success extension. Now it processes all files and not the one named in the code.
Module Module1
Dim sourceDir As String = My.Settings.watchPath
Dim processedDir As String = My.Settings.processedPath
Private loggerName As String = "EmailReleases"
Public Sub log(ex As Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.ToString)
End Sub
Public Sub log(ByVal s As String)
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString & " [" & loggerName & "] " & s)
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
Dim inputFiles As String() = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, "*.success")
log("Starting processing of .success files in '" & sourceDir & "' ... ")
If (inputFiles.Length > 0) Then
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.connectionString)
For Each fileName As String In inputFiles
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim fFile As New FileInfo(fileName)
log(" Processing " & fFile.Name)
Dim betacell As String = fFile.Name.Substring(0, fFile.Name.Length - 8)
'Update Status on Database with the use of the Betacell
Dim updateTransaction As SqlTransaction = connection.BeginTransaction()
Dim sqlQ As String = "UPDATE " & My.Settings.JobTb & " SET Status = '10' WHERE JobNumber ='" & betacell & "'"
sqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlQ, connection, updateTransaction)
Dim result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
'Email COnfirmation
SendEmail(My.Settings.emailUsers, "EMAIL TEXT")
If (result > 0) Then
'Move the file
fFile.MoveTo(processedDir & fFile.Name)
updateTransaction.Commit() ' make sure to commit only in case moving the file is OK
log("ERROR - Betacell '" & betacell & "' not found in database!")
End If
Rather than polling a folder (i.e. checking every n seconds whether it has new files) it's much more efficient to have the operating system notify you of changes in that folder. You can do this by creating a FileSystemWatcher. There is an example on MSDN.
However, if you did want to poll a folder, it's actually nice and easy - just wrap the following code in a Timer. Please note I normally code in C#, so apologies if the syntax is not 100%...
Imports System.IO
For Each file as String in Directory.GetFiles("C:\SomeFolder")
DoSomethingWithFile (file)

Find out who is running the process on the remote machine

I am trying to get a list of processes running on remote machine and the username running them. So far I've got:
Dim ps As System.Diagnostics.Process
For Each ps In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses("myserver")
How to get permissions for using System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcess(string)? - this might be a better way to do it. It is in C# I can translate it if you want.
''' using System.Management;
' don't forget! in VS you may have to add a new reference to this DLL
Dim op As New ConnectionOptions()
op.Username = "REMOTE_USER"
op.Password = "REMOTE_PASSWORD"
Dim sc As New ManagementScope("\\REMOTE_COMPUTER_NAME\root\cimv2", op)
Dim query As New ObjectQuery("Select * from Win32_Process")
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(sc, query)
Dim result As ManagementObjectCollection = searcher.[Get]()
For Each obj As ManagementObject In result
If obj("Caption") IsNot Nothing Then
Console.Write(obj("Caption").ToString() & vbTab)
End If
If obj("CommandLine") IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Public Function GetProcessOwner(processId As Integer) As String
Dim query As String = "Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID = " & processId
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(query)
Dim processList As ManagementObjectCollection = searcher.[Get]()
For Each obj As ManagementObject In processList
Dim argList As String() = New String() {String.Empty, String.Empty}
Dim returnVal As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(obj.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", argList))
If returnVal = 0 Then
' return DOMAIN\user
Return argList(1) & "\" & argList(0)
End If
Return "NO OWNER"
End Function