Unable to test login using jmeter - testing

I am newbie to jmeter. I am trying to test to login to my site say (example.com/session/new).
I have added the http cookie manager and 2 http request defaults.
In the first, am visiting example.com/session/new and extracting the authenticity token in the response data using regex meta content="(.+?)"name="csrf-token" . Now, in the second http request, I have a post request with the parameters as
name:utf value:(tickmark)
name :authenticity_token value: ${token}
name:email value:test#test.com
name:password value:test.
name:commit value:Sign In
And then am asserting for a text post login.
When I run the test, the assertion fails. as it results in 404.
In the request, I can see utf8=%E2%9C%93+&authenticity_token=%24%7Btoken%7D&email=test%40test.com&password=test&commit=Sign+In. Please help me fix this.

I know this is an old post, but I've been struggling with this exact same query, so I've decided to post my answer in case it helps anyone - it worked first time for me. So after requesting the login page for my site, the following csrf token is embedded in the html response;
<input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value="fe5a48ebda7b98cbbf885b4a220ebe0c23b11125-1459096615520-1ac64aa945986cb1bd318d9c"/>
So when making the initial request for the login page, instead of using a Regular Expression Extractor, if the token is in the body of the HTML response, use an XPath Extractor instead.
If your response is not XML/XHTML compliant then tick the 'use tidy' checkbox.
For reference name add the reference you wish to refer to the token as e.g. token. When you add your parameters to the login request, you can then refer to your csrfToken as ${token}
Then for X-Path query use;
The following tutorial shows you how to use a Regular Expression Extractor, but it should also help you to understand how to set up the query a bit more;

Looks like you did every thing good , except correlation . After decoding your error url , I found that you correlation is not working . Below is the decoding URL "utf8=✓ &authenticity_token=${token}&email=test#test.com&password=test&commit=Sign In."
In your "Regular expression extractor" add below details
1. Reference Name:token
2. Regular Expression : name="csrfToken" value="(.+?)"
3. Template : $1$
4. Match No: 1
Note: Check the occurrences of "csrfToken", if you required first occurrence then enter 1 , if you required 2nd occurrence enter 2 ....etc.


get request for search in JMeter

I am performing a search request in jmeter. So my test plan flow is home then login then product catalogue and then search. I tried to make a post request for search but it failing all the time. I used a CSV file so each time the query is changed. But then I used a get request and used the query variable in the search path like this search?query=${search_input}and then it passed but when i checked the html it is not the correct page. In the html response I also see this
{{noSearchResults.query}}'. But if i put the url on the browser it works fine. Can you please help me with this?
Double check that your ${search_input} variable has the anticipated value using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
It might be the case that your ${search_input} variable contains special characters which need to be URL-encoded so you might need to wrap the variable into __urlencode() function like:
JMeter automatically treats responses with status code below 400 as successful, if you need to add an extra layer of check for presence of the results or absence of {{noSearchResults.query}} - use Response Assertion

Include request parameters in URL when using Postman

I need to fire some requests using Postman but I need to include the parameter in the URL.
What I need:
What I currently can configure in Postman:
I do not control the server, so I need to work it out how to craft the request in Postman to accept the input data as part of the URL, not as parameter. How can I specify input data in Postman to get it included in URL?
Click on Manage Environment
Add variable as path with Initial and current value as RanDOMid
Add path to URL:
#User7294900's answer should do for you in case all you want to do is include a variable in your request URL.
However, if you want to actually generate a random ID for every request, you may use {{$guid}} or {{$randomInt}} directly in you URL as follows:
This will generate a random GUID every time your request is fired and the generated GUID will replace {{$guid}} in your URL.
This will generate a random integer between 0 and 1000 every time your request is fired and the generated integer will replace {{$randomInt}} in your URL.
Refer postman documentation for more details - https://www.getpostman.com/docs/v6/postman/environments_and_globals/variables
Hope this helps!

Use URL as an API method for Slackbot in Express js

I am still new to javascript and trying to write a Slackbot in express js. I want to use the method defined in https://api.slack.com/methods/channels.history. How should this look syntacticly and how do I use it since the method is simply a URL?
You need to make an http request for the URL and you'll be returned a response with an object containing the status (ok:true|false), if there are more messages (has_more:true|false), and then an array of the actual messages (messages:array).
The response should look something like this:
The url that you make the get request to should look something like:
Where BOT_TOKEN is the token attached to the bot you created, and CHANNEL_ID is the ID (not the name) of the channel whos history you want to get (9 uppercase alphanumeric characters, starts with a "C").
There are also a few other parameters you can include in the url. For example, "latest=", "oldest=", "inclusive=", "count=", and "unreads=". Details about those parameters can be found on the page you linked to (https://api.slack.com/methods/channels.history).
If you want to test it out in your browser's console, find a page where jQuery is loaded, open your dev tools and head into the console, and enter the following (with your bot token and channel id swapped in):
$.get('https://slack.com/api/channels.history?token=BOT_TOKEN&channel=CHANNEL_ID&pretty=1', function(response){console.log(response)});

Unable to get loginForm after addSiteAccount to update credentials

I am using the rest api. After retrieving the login form for a site, I input incorrect login information. I need to now go back and correct the mistake. At first I tried calling GetSiteLoginForm, which isn't allowed since the user is already associated to the site. I then tried to SiteTraversal/getSiteInfo with valid cobSessionToken and &siteFilter.reqSpecfier=16&siteFilter.siteId=643.
The response I get is:
{"popularity":0,"siteId":643,"orgId":520,"defaultDisplayName":"Chase (US)","defaultOrgDisplayName":"Chase Manhattan Bank","contentServiceInfos":[{"contentServiceId":663,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"bank","assetType":1}},{"contentServiceId":10441,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"bill_payment","assetType":0}},{"contentServiceId":3163,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"credits","assetType":2}},{"contentServiceId":3483,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"stocks","assetType":1}},{"contentServiceId":7100,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"loans","assetType":2}},{"contentServiceId":3861,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"mortgage","assetType":2}},{"contentServiceId":12049,"siteId":643,"containerInfo":{"containerName":"miles","assetType":0}}],"enabledContainers":[{"containerName":"bank","assetType":1},{"containerName":"bill_payment","assetType":0},{"containerName":"credits","assetType":2},{"containerName":"stocks","assetType":1},{"containerName":"loans","assetType":2},{"containerName":"mortgage","assetType":2},{"containerName":"miles","assetType":0}],"baseUrl":"http://www.chase.com/","loginForms":[],"isHeld":false,"isCustom":false,"siteSearchVisibility":true}
Note loginForms is empty. How do I get this value? I tried different values of siteFilter.reqSpecfier and always get the same result. Other things I tried were using both the our public and private urls. I duplicated all of this with Dag Site as well.
There is typo in one of the input parameters because of which the parameter is not being recognized by our API’s and hence returning Null LoginForms.
[ siteFilter.reqSpecifier is incorrectly spelled as siteFilter.reqSpecfier ]
Your Excerpt from below email:
This should be :
With corrected parameter I was able to query Site 643 and get the loginForm Array. Below is the response with loginForms[]
"defaultOrgDisplayName":"Chase Manhattan Bank"
"name":"LOGIN","displayName":"User ID","isEditable":true,"isOptional":false,"isEscaped":false,"helpText":"4710","isOptionalMFA":false
This should resolve your problem
Yodlee Team
The flow for updating the credentials is listed in this article UpdateCredentials Flow
You can follow the exact steps from the article.
Even when the user is associated to a particular site , you can still pull the login form using getSiteLoginForm and show the form to the user to enter the correct credentials and then pass the login form in updateSiteAccountCredentials and then proceed with the normal refresh flow.

jmeter help - test around polling /w meta refresh

I am new to jmeter and am working on putting together a test plan. The hurdle I've encountered is as follows:
First, a POST is made to processForm.aspx
Then, the user is redirected to pleaseWait.aspx
This page either redirects immediately to results.aspx OR loads, with a META REFRESH tag set to refresh in 5 seconds (and this step is repeated).
Now -- I can get this to execute by doing the following:
HTTP Sampler POST to processForm.aspx
Assert Response contains "<something on pleaseWait.aspx>"
While LAST
HTTP Sampler GET to pleaseWait.aspx
Assert Response contains "<something on results.aspx>"
However -- I don't care for this method, because it results in failed assertions (even though things are working as expected). I am sure there must be some other way to do this? Anyone more familiar with JMeter than I?
Got it going by using Regular Expression Extractor instead of Assertions.
1) Add a User Defined Variables section at Test Plan Root
2) Add a variable to it "LoginWait" and "false"
HTTP Sampler POST to processForm.aspx
RegEx Extract Response Body contains "<something on pleaseWait.aspx>" into LoginWait
While ${LoginWait}
HTTP Sampler GET to pleaseWait.aspx
RegEx Extract Response Body contains "<something on pleaseWait.aspx>" into LoginWait
You could try using "follow redirects" on your HTTP Request. It would eliminate the logic you need, and still get you to the page you're going.