Performance comparison of data retrieving between VIEW and TABLE - sql

I have a View that has structure exactly same as the query to generate record in the Table.
But the time to execute the select statement as below by using View is taking longer time if compare to Table.
Is that mean View is taking longer time to retrieve the data if compare to table?
If I have huge data, that is more suitable to use Table instead of View?
select count(*) from XYZ_VIEW -- this is a view which returns record by using 4min4sec ,count = 5896
select count(*) from XYZ --this is a table which return return record less than 1 second ,count = 5896

You don't show the query behind the view but I assume it involves some joining to expose normalized data and/or other processing. Here's how you work with views in this regard.
Views should not (as in never) be the target of an unfiltered query. Actually, this should be discouraged against tables but they are sometimes necessary during testing. Fortunately, these queries are almost never justified or even necessary in production code.
And since you don't really care about performance during testing but rather performance during production, then you haven't said anything that suggests you might have a problem. That's right, four minutes against one second for the query you show is meaningless. Many of my views (if not most) would give similar results.
Instead, use a query that would more likely be used in production. Using timing methods with millisecond precision, use a query more in the form:
select ...
from table/view
where <typical filtering criteria>;
That will give you more useful information. Depending on your particular application and requirements, an acceptable range would be 10-20%. That is, if the table returns the result in 30 ms, the view is good if it returns the same result in less than about 36 ms.
You are using a view probably because it manipulates the data in some way to present the data more favorably in some way. This processing is overhead you will not have when you query the tables directly. When you omit filtering, you perform that processing on every row of the underlying table(s), probably needlessly. When you do something particularly stupid like select count(*), you perform all that extra processing for no benefit whatsoever.
When you filter the query, the extra processing is performed only on the qualifying result set. Should that result set be only one row, the processing will be performed only on the single row, rendering the performance from the view (depending, of course, on the exact amount and type of processing) practically indistinguishable from the table.
I always recommend the use of views -- lots and lots of views -- to present your users with data in whatever form is best for their various purposes. Test those views, by all means. But use meaningful tests.


More efficient to query a table or a view?

I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly how views work and when it is best to use a view vs querying a table directly. Here is my scenario:
All of the underlying data resides in a single table that stores three month's worth of data
The table includes four columns: 'TagName', 'Alarm', 'Timestamp', and 'Value'; 'TagName' and 'Timestamp' are indexed
There is a view of this table (no other tables involved) that shows one week's worth of data and combines 'Alarm' and 'Value' into a single column.
The database used in this scenario is SQL Server.
I only need to retrieve 5 - 30 minutes worth of data. Is more efficient to write a query against the underlying table that combines 'Alarm' and 'Value' into a single column (like the view) and sets the time range dynamically, or query the existing view by passing in a time range? To me, the former seems like the way to go since the latter essentially requires two queries. Furthermore, in the second scenario, the first query (i.e. the view) would load an unnecessary number of values into memory.
If your data in single table is not large then querying a table will be faster than creating a view first and querying it for required data as it will avoid one step.
If data is not much and columns in where clause are properly indexed then generally queries should go to tables directly(which is faster in most cases).
Views should be used when you have very large data in a single table and you need to operate on small subset very frequently. In this case views will fetch the required data only once and will work that thus this will help in minimizing re-execution of time taking search queries (on single table or a join)
Before reaching to a solution, please validate/understand your data,requirement and have a single run with both the approaches and compare the time (I think query on table should be the winner) and then take the decision.
Hope this helps.
In general you should simplify queries as much as possible by using views. This makes management of your application simpler and also helps you avoid repetition of query logic (joins and WHERE clauses). However, views can be ill-suited for a particular query which leads to bad for performance as they might lead to unnecessary operations not needed in your particular query. Views are abused when they introduce unnecessary complexity.

Speed of paged queries in Oracle

This is a never-ending topic for me and I'm wondering if I might be overlooking something. Essentially I use two types of SQL statements in an application:
Regular queries with a "fallback" limit
Sorted and paged queries
Now, we're talking about some queries against tables with several million records, joined to 5 more tables with several million records. Clearly, we hardly want to fetch all of them, that's why we have the above two methods to limit user queries.
Case 1 is really simple. We just add an additional ROWNUM filter:
That's quite fast, as Oracle's CBO will take this filter into consideration for its execution plan and probably apply a FIRST_ROWS operation (similar to the one enforced by the /*+FIRST_ROWS*/ hint.
Case 2, however is a bit more tricky with Oracle, as there is no LIMIT ... OFFSET clause as in other RDBMS. So we nest our "business" query in a technical wrapper as such:
SELECT outer.* FROM (
[... USER SORTED business query ...]
) inner
) outer
WHERE outer.RNUM > ?
Note that the TOTAL_ROWS field is calculated to know how many pages we will have even without fetching all data. Now this paging query is usually quite satisfying. But every now and then (as I said, when querying 5M+ records, possibly including non-indexed searches), this runs for 2-3minutes.
EDIT: Please note, that a potential bottleneck is not so easy to circumvent, because of sorting that has to be applied before paging!
I'm wondering, is that state-of-the-art simulation of LIMIT ... OFFSET, including TOTAL_ROWS in Oracle, or is there a better solution that will be faster by design, e.g. by using the ROW_NUMBER() window function instead of the ROWNUM pseudo-column?
The main problem with Case 2 is that in many cases the whole query result set has to be obtained and then sorted before the first N rows can be returned - unless the ORDER BY columns are indexed and Oracle can use the index to avoid a sort. For a complex query and a large set of data this can take some time. However there may be some things you can do to improve the speed:
Try to ensure that no functions are called in the inner SQL - these may get called 5 million times just to return the first 20 rows. If you can move these function calls to the outer query they will be called less.
Use a FIRST_ROWS_n hint to nudge Oracle into optimising for the fact that you will never return all the data.
Another thought: you are currently presenting the user with a report that could return thousands or millions of rows, but the user is never realistically going to page through them all. Can you not force them to select a smaller amount of data e.g. by limiting the date range selected to 3 months (or whatever)?
You might want to trace the query that takes a lot of time and look at its explain plan. Most likely the performance bottleneck comes from the TOTAL_ROWS calculation. Oracle has to read all the data, even if you only fetch one row, this is a common problem that all RDBMS face with this type of query. No implementation of TOTAL_ROWS will get around that.
The radical way to speed up this type of query is to forego the TOTAL_ROWS calculation. Just display that there are additional pages. Do your users really need to know that they can page through 52486 pages? An estimation may be sufficient. That's another solution, implemented by google search for example: estimate the number of pages instead of actually counting them.
Designing an accurate and efficient estimation algorithm might not be trivial.
A "LIMIT ... OFFSET" is pretty much syntactic sugar. It might make the query look prettier, but if you still need to read the whole of a data set and sort it and get rows "50-60", then that's the work that has to be done.
If you have an index in the right order, then that can help.
It may perform better to run two queries instead of trying to count() and return the results in the same query. Oracle may be able to answer the count() without any sorting or joining to all the tables (join table elimination based on declared foreign key constraints). This is what we generally do in our application. For performance important statements, we write a separate query that we know will return the correct count as we can sometimes do better than Oracle.
Alternatively, you can make a tradeoff between performance and recency of the data. Bringing back the first 5 pages is going to be nearly as quick as bringing back the first page. So you could consider storing the results from 5 pages in a temporary table along with an expiry date for the information. Take the result from the temporary table if valid. Put a background task in to delete the expired data periodically.

Hypothetical performance yield to not using SELECT *

To preface, I'm aware (as should you!) that using SELECT * in production is bad, but I was maintaining a script written by someone else. And, I'm also aware that this question is low on specifics... But hypothetical scenario.
Let's say I have a script that selects everything from a table of 20 fields. Let's say typical customer information.
Then let's say being the good developer I am, I shorten the SELECT * to a SELECT of the 13 specific fields I'm actually using on the display end.
What type of performance benefit, if any, could I expect by explicitly listing the fields versus SELECT *?
I will say this, both queries take advantage of the same exact indexes. The more specific query does not have access to a covering index that the other query could not use, in case you were wondering.
I'm not expecting miracles, like adding an index that targets the more specific query. I'm just wondering.
It depends on three things: the underlying storage and retrieval mechanism used by your database, the nature of the 7 columns you're leaving out, and the number of rows returned in the result set.
If the 7 (or whatever number) columns you're leaving out are "cheap to retrieve" columns, and the number of rows returned is low, I would expect very little benefit. If the columns are "expensive" (for instance, they're large, or they're BLOBs requiring reference to another file that is never cached) and / or you're retrieving a lot of rows then you could expect a significant improvement. Just how much depends on how expensive it is in your particular database to retrieve that information and assemble in memory.
There are other reasons besides speed, incidentally, to use named columns when retrieving information having to do with knowing absolutely that certain columns are contained in the result set and that the columns are in the desired order that you want to use them in.
The main difference I would expect to see is reduced network traffic. If any of the columns are large, they could take time to transfer, which is of course a complete waste if you're not displaying them.
It's also fairly critical if your database library references columns by index (instead of name), because if the column order changes in the database, it'll break the code.
Coding-style wise, it allows you to see which columns the rest of the code will be using, without having to read it.
Hmm, in one simple experiment, I was surprised at how much difference it made.
I just did a simple query with three variations:
select *
select the field that is the primary key. (It might pull get this directly from the index without actually reading the record)
select a non-key field.
I used a table with a pretty large number of fields -- 72 of them -- including one CLOB. The query was just a select with one condition in the where clause.
Run * Key Non-key
1 .647 .020 .028
2 .599 .041 .014
3 .321 .019 .027
avg .522 .027 .023
Key vs non-key didn't seem to matter. (Which surprises me.) But retrieving just one field versus select * saved 95% of the runtime!
Of course this is one tiny experiment with one table. There could be many many relevant factors. I'm certainly not claiming that you will always reduce runtime by 95% by not using select *! But it's far more impressive than I expected.
When comparing 13 vs 20 fields, if the 7 fields that are left out are not fields such as CLOB/BLOBs or such, I would expect to see no noticable performance gain.
I/O is main DB bottleneck (most DB systems are I/O bound), so you might think that you would bring execution time to 13/20 of the original query execution time (since you need that much less data), but since normal fields are stored within the same physical structure (usually fields are arranged consecutively) and the file system reads whole blocks, your disk heads will read the same amount of data (assuming all 20 fields are less then block size; situation can change if the size of a record is bigger than a block of your filesystem).
The principle that SELECT * is bad has a different cause - stability of the system.
If you use SELECT * at wrong places then changes to underlying table(s) might break your system unexpectedly (mostly later, and if things break it is usually better if they break sooner). This can especially be intresting if normalize data (move columns from one table to another, while keeping the same name). In such case if you chain SELECT * in views and if you chain your views then you might actually not get any errors, but have (essentially) different end results.
Why don't you try it yourself and let us know?
It's all going to be dependent on how many columns and how wide they are.
Better still, do you have an actual performance problem? Tell us what your actual problem is and show us the code, and then we can suggest potential improvements. Chances are there are other improvements to be made that are much better than worrying about SELECT * vs. SELECT field list.
Select * means the database has to take time to lookup the fields. If you don't need all those fields (and anytime you have have an inner join you don't as the join field is repeated!) then you are wasting but server resources to get the data and network resources to transport the data. You may also be wasting memory to hold the recordset to work with it. And while the performance improvement may be tiny for one query, how many times is that query run? And people who use this abysmally poor technique tend to use it everywhere, so fixing all of them can be a major imporvement for not that much effort. And how hard is it to specify the fields? I don't know about every database, but in SQL Server I can drag and drop what I want from the object browser in seconds. So using select * is trading less than a minute of development time for a worse performance every single time the query is run and creating code that is fragile and subject to very bad problems as the schema changes. I see no reason to ever use select * in production code.

What is wrong with using SELECT * FROM sometable [duplicate]

I've heard that SELECT * is generally bad practice to use when writing SQL commands because it is more efficient to SELECT columns you specifically need.
If I need to SELECT every column in a table, should I use
SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc. FROM TABLE
Does the efficiency really matter in this case? I'd think SELECT * would be more optimal internally if you really need all of the data, but I'm saying this with no real understanding of database.
I'm curious to know what the best practice is in this case.
UPDATE: I probably should specify that the only situation where I would really want to do a SELECT * is when I'm selecting data from one table where I know all columns will always need to be retrieved, even when new columns are added.
Given the responses I've seen however, this still seems like a bad idea and SELECT * should never be used for a lot more technical reasons that I ever though about.
One reason that selecting specific columns is better is that it raises the probability that SQL Server can access the data from indexes rather than querying the table data.
Here's a post I wrote about it: The real reason select queries are bad index coverage
It's also less fragile to change, since any code that consumes the data will be getting the same data structure regardless of changes you make to the table schema in the future.
Given your specification that you are selecting all columns, there is little difference at this time. Realize, however, that database schemas do change. If you use SELECT * you are going to get any new columns added to the table, even though in all likelihood, your code is not prepared to use or present that new data. This means that you are exposing your system to unexpected performance and functionality changes.
You may be willing to dismiss this as a minor cost, but realize that columns that you don't need still must be:
Read from database
Sent across the network
Marshalled into your process
(for ADO-type technologies) Saved in a data-table in-memory
Ignored and discarded / garbage-collected
Item #1 has many hidden costs including eliminating some potential covering index, causing data-page loads (and server cache thrashing), incurring row / page / table locks that might be otherwise avoided.
Balance this against the potential savings of specifying the columns versus an * and the only potential savings are:
Programmer doesn't need to revisit the SQL to add columns
The network-transport of the SQL is smaller / faster
SQL Server query parse / validation time
SQL Server query plan cache
For item 1, the reality is that you're going to add / change code to use any new column you might add anyway, so it is a wash.
For item 2, the difference is rarely enough to push you into a different packet-size or number of network packets. If you get to the point where SQL statement transmission time is the predominant issue, you probably need to reduce the rate of statements first.
For item 3, there is NO savings as the expansion of the * has to happen anyway, which means consulting the table(s) schema anyway. Realistically, listing the columns will incur the same cost because they have to be validated against the schema. In other words this is a complete wash.
For item 4, when you specify specific columns, your query plan cache could get larger but only if you are dealing with different sets of columns (which is not what you've specified). In this case, you do want different cache entries because you want different plans as needed.
So, this all comes down, because of the way you specified the question, to the issue resiliency in the face of eventual schema modifications. If you're burning this schema into ROM (it happens), then an * is perfectly acceptable.
However, my general guideline is that you should only select the columns you need, which means that sometimes it will look like you are asking for all of them, but DBAs and schema evolution mean that some new columns might appear that could greatly affect the query.
My advice is that you should ALWAYS SELECT specific columns. Remember that you get good at what you do over and over, so just get in the habit of doing it right.
If you are wondering why a schema might change without code changing, think in terms of audit logging, effective/expiration dates and other similar things that get added by DBAs for systemically for compliance issues. Another source of underhanded changes is denormalizations for performance elsewhere in the system or user-defined fields.
You should only select the columns that you need. Even if you need all columns it's still better to list column names so that the sql server does not have to query system table for columns.
Also, your application might break if someone adds columns to the table. Your program will get columns it didn't expect too and it might not know how to process them.
Apart from this if the table has a binary column then the query will be much more slower and use more network resources.
There are four big reasons that select * is a bad thing:
The most significant practical reason is that it forces the user to magically know the order in which columns will be returned. It's better to be explicit, which also protects you against the table changing, which segues nicely into...
If a column name you're using changes, it's better to catch it early (at the point of the SQL call) rather than when you're trying to use the column that no longer exists (or has had its name changed, etc.)
Listing the column names makes your code far more self-documented, and so probably more readable.
If you're transferring over a network (or even if you aren't), columns you don't need are just waste.
Specifying the column list is usually the best option because your application won't be affected if someone adds/inserts a column to the table.
Specifying column names is definitely faster - for the server. But if
performance is not a big issue (for example, this is a website content database with hundreds, maybe thousands - but not millions - of rows in each table); AND
your job is to create many small, similar applications (e.g. public-facing content-managed websites) using a common framework, rather than creating a complex one-off application; AND
flexibility is important (lots of customization of the db schema for each site);
then you're better off sticking with SELECT *. In our framework, heavy use of SELECT * allows us to introduce a new website managed content field to a table, giving it all of the benefits of the CMS (versioning, workflow/approvals, etc.), while only touching the code at a couple of points, instead of a couple dozen points.
I know the DB gurus are going to hate me for this - go ahead, vote me down - but in my world, developer time is scarce and CPU cycles are abundant, so I adjust accordingly what I conserve and what I waste.
SELECT * is a bad practice even if the query is not sent over a network.
Selecting more data than you need makes the query less efficient - the server has to read and transfer extra data, so it takes time and creates unnecessary load on the system (not only the network, as others mentioned, but also disk, CPU etc.). Additionally, the server is unable to optimize the query as well as it might (for example, use covering index for the query).
After some time your table structure might change, so SELECT * will return a different set of columns. So, your application might get a dataset of unexpected structure and break somewhere downstream. Explicitly stating the columns guarantees that you either get a dataset of known structure, or get a clear error on the database level (like 'column not found').
Of course, all this doesn't matter much for a small and simple system.
Lots of good reasons answered here so far, here's another one that hasn't been mentioned.
Explicitly naming the columns will help you with maintenance down the road. At some point you're going to be making changes or troubleshooting, and find yourself asking "where the heck is that column used".
If you've got the names listed explicitly, then finding every reference to that column -- through all your stored procedures, views, etc -- is simple. Just dump a CREATE script for your DB schema, and text search through it.
Performance wise, SELECT with specific columns can be faster (no need to read in all the data). If your query really does use ALL the columns, SELECT with explicit parameters is still preferred. Any speed difference will be basically unnoticeable and near constant-time. One day your schema will change, and this is good insurance to prevent problems due to this.
definitely defining the columns, because SQL Server will not have to do a lookup on the columns to pull them. If you define the columns, then SQL can skip that step.
It's always better to specify the columns you need, if you think about it one time, SQL doesn't have to think "wtf is *" every time you query. On top of that, someone later may add columns to the table that you actually do not need in your query and you'll be better off in that case by specifying all of your columns.
The problem with "select *" is the possibility of bringing data you don't really need. During the actual database query, the selected columns don't really add to the computation. What's really "heavy" is the data transport back to your client, and any column that you don't really need is just wasting network bandwidth and adding to the time you're waiting for you query to return.
Even if you do use all the columns brought from a "select *...", that's just for now. If in the future you change the table/view layout and add more columns, you'll start bring those in your selects even if you don't need them.
Another point in which a "select *" statement is bad is on view creation. If you create a view using "select *" and later add columns to your table, the view definition and the data returned won't match, and you'll need to recompile your views in order for them to work again.
I know that writing a "select *" is tempting, 'cause I really don't like to manually specify all the fields on my queries, but when your system start to evolve, you'll see that it's worth to spend this extra time/effort in specifying the fields rather than spending much more time and effort removing bugs on your views or optimizing your app.
While explicitly listing columns is good for performance, don't get crazy.
So if you use all the data, try SELECT * for simplicity (imagine having many columns and doing a JOIN... query may get awful). Then - measure. Compare with query with column names listed explicitly.
Don't speculate about performance, measure it!
Explicit listing helps most when you have some column containing big data (like body of a post or article), and don't need it in given query. Then by not returning it in your answer DB server can save time, bandwidth, and disk throughput. Your query result will also be smaller, which is good for any query cache.
You should really be selecting only the fields you need, and only the required number, i.e.
SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM SomeTable WHERE --(constraints)
Outside of the database, dynamic queries run the risk of injection attacks and malformed data. Typically you get round this using stored procedures or parameterised queries. Also (although not really that much of a problem) the server has to generate an execution plan each time a dynamic query is executed.
It is NOT faster to use explicit field names versus *, if and only if, you need to get the data for all fields.
Your client software shouldn't depend on the order of the fields returned, so that's a nonsense too.
And it's possible (though unlikely) that you need to get all fields using * because you don't yet know what fields exist (think very dynamic database structure).
Another disadvantage of using explicit field names is that if there are many of them and they're long then it makes reading the code and/or the query log more difficult.
So the rule should be: if you need all the fields, use *, if you need only a subset, name them explicitly.
The result is too huge. It is slow to generate and send the result from the SQL engine to the client.
The client side, being a generic programming environment, is not and should not be designed to filter and process the results (e.g. the WHERE clause, ORDER clause), as the number of rows can be huge (e.g. tens of millions of rows).
Naming each column you expect to get in your application also ensures your application won't break if someone alters the table, as long as your columns are still present (in any order).
Performance wise I have seen comments that both are equal. but usability aspect there are some +'s and -'s
When you use a (select *) in a query and if some one alter the table and add new fields which do not need for the previous query it is an unnecessary overhead. And what if the newly added field is a blob or an image field??? your query response time is going to be really slow then.
In other hand if you use a (select col1,col2,..) and if the table get altered and added new fields and if those fields are needed in the result set, you always need to edit your select query after table alteration.
But I suggest always to use select col1,col2,... in your queries and alter the query if the table get altered later...
This is an old post, but still valid. For reference, I have a very complicated query consisting of:
12 tables
6 Left joins
9 inner joins
108 total columns on all 12 tables
I only need 54 columns
A 4 column Order By clause
When I execute the query using Select *, it takes an average of 2869ms.
When I execute the query using Select , it takes an average of 1513ms.
Total rows returned is 13,949.
There is no doubt selecting column names means faster performance over Select *
Select is equally efficient (in terms of velocity) if you use * or columns.
The difference is about memory, not velocity. When you select several columns SQL Server must allocate memory space to serve you the query, including all data for all the columns that you've requested, even if you're only using one of them.
What does matter in terms of performance is the excecution plan which in turn depends heavily on your WHERE clause and the number of JOIN, OUTER JOIN, etc ...
For your question just use SELECT *. If you need all the columns there's no performance difference.
It depends on the version of your DB server, but modern versions of SQL can cache the plan either way. I'd say go with whatever is most maintainable with your data access code.
One reason it's better practice to spell out exactly which columns you want is because of possible future changes in the table structure.
If you are reading in data manually using an index based approach to populate a data structure with the results of your query, then in the future when you add/remove a column you will have headaches trying to figure out what went wrong.
As to what is faster, I'll defer to others for their expertise.
As with most problems, it depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to create a db grid that will allow all columns in any table, then "Select *" is the answer. However, if you will only need certain columns and adding or deleting columns from the query is done infrequently, then specify them individually.
It also depends on the amount of data you want to transfer from the server. If one of the columns is a defined as memo, graphic, blob, etc. and you don't need that column, you'd better not use "Select *" or you'll get a whole bunch of data you don't want and your performance could suffer.
To add on to what everyone else has said, if all of your columns that you are selecting are included in an index, your result set will be pulled from the index instead of looking up additional data from SQL.
SELECT * is necessary if one wants to obtain metadata such as the number of columns.
Gonna get slammed for this, but I do a select * because almost all my data is retrived from SQL Server Views that precombine needed values from multiple tables into a single easy to access View.
I do then want all the columns from the view which won't change when new fields are added to underlying tables. This has the added benefit of allowing me to change where data comes from. FieldA in the View may at one time be calculated and then I may change it to be static. Either way the View supplies FieldA to me.
The beauty of this is that it allows my data layer to get datasets. It then passes them to my BL which can then create objects from them. My main app only knows and interacts with the objects. I even allow my objects to self-create when passed a datarow.
Of course, I'm the only developer, so that helps too :)
What everyone above said, plus:
If you're striving for readable maintainable code, doing something like:
SELECT foo, bar FROM widgets;
is instantly readable and shows intent. If you make that call you know what you're getting back. If widgets only has foo and bar columns, then selecting * means you still have to think about what you're getting back, confirm the order is mapped correctly, etc. However, if widgets has more columns but you're only interested in foo and bar, then your code gets messy when you query for a wildcard and then only use some of what's returned.
And remember if you have an inner join by definition you do not need all the columns as the data in the join columns is repeated.
It's not like listing columns in SQl server is hard or even time-consuming. You just drag them over from the object browser (you can get all in one go by dragging from the word columns). To put a permanent performance hit on your system (becasue this can reduce the use of indexes and becasue sending unneeded data over the network is costly) and make it more likely that you will have unexpected problems as the database changes (sometimes columns get added that you do not want the user to see for instance) just to save less than a minute of development time is short-sighted and unprofessional.
Absolutely define the columns you want to SELECT every time. There is no reason not to and the performance improvement is well worth it.
They should never have given the option to "SELECT *"
If you need every column then just use SELECT * but remember that the order could potentially change so when you are consuming the results access them by name and not by index.
I would ignore comments about how * needs to go get the list - chances are parsing and validating named columns is equal to the processing time if not more. Don't prematurely optimize ;-)

Fastest way to count total number and then list a set of records in MySQL

I have a SQL statement to select results from a table. I need to know the total number of records found, and then list a sub-set of them (pagination).
Normally, I would make 2 SQL calls:
one for counting the total number of records (using COUNT),
the other for returning the sub-set (using LIMIT).
But, this way, you are really duplicating the same operation on MySQL: the WHERE statements are the same in both calls.
Isn't there a way to gain speed NOT duplicating the select on MySQL ?
That first query is going to result in data being pulled into the cache, so presumable the second query should be fast. I wouldn't be too worried about this.
You have to make both SQL queries, and the COUNT is very fast with no WHERE clause. Cache the data where possible.
You should just run the COUNT a single time and then cache it somewhere. Then you can just run the pagination query as needed.
If you really don't want to run the COUNT() query- and as others have stated, it's not something that slows things down appreciably- then you have to decide on your chunk size (ie the LIMIT number) up front. This will save you the COUNT() query, but you may end up with unfortunate pagination results (like 2 pages where the 2nd page has only 1 result).
So, a quick COUNT() and then a sensible LIMIT set-up, or no COUNT() and an arbitrary LIMIT that may increase the number of more expensive queries you have to do.
You could try selecting just one field (say, the IDs) and see if that helps, but I don't think it will - I imagine the biggest overhead is MySQL finding the correct rows in the first place.
If you simply want to count the total number of rows in the entire table (i.e. without a WHERE clause) then I believe SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table is fairly efficient.
Otherwise, the only solution if you need to have the total number visible is to select all the rows. However, you can cache this in another table. If you are selecting something from a category, say, store the category UID and the total rows selected. Then whenever you add/delete rows, count the totals again.
Another option - though it may sacrifice usability a little - is to only select the rows needed for the current page and next page. If there are some rows available for the next page, add a "Next" link. Do the same for the previous page. If you have 20 rows per page, you're selecting at most 60 rows on each page load, and you don't need to count all the rows available.
If you write your query to include one column that contains the count (in every row), and then the rest of the columns from your second query, you can:
avoid the second database round-trip (which is probably more expensive than your query anyways)
Increase the likelihood that MySQL's parser will generate an optimized execution plan that reuses the base query.
Make the operation atomic.
Unfortunately, it also creates a little repetition, returning more data than you really need. But I would expect it to be much more efficient anyway. This is the sort of strategy used by a lot of ORM products when they eagerly load objects from connected tables with many-to-one or many-to-many relationships.
As others have already pointed out, it's probably not worth much concern in this case -- as long as 'field' is indexed, both select's will be extremely fast.
If you have (for whatever reason) a situation where that's not enough, you could create a memory-based temporary table (i.e. a temporary table backed by the memory storage engine), and select your records into that temporary table. Then you could do selects from the temporary table and be quite well assured they'll be fast. This can use a lot of memory though (i.e. it forces that data to all stay in memory for the duration), so it's pretty unfriendly unless you're sure that:
The amount of data is really small;
You have so much memory it doesn't matter; or
The machine will be nearly idle otherwise anyway.
The main time this comes in handy is if you have a really complex select that can't avoid scanning all of a large table (or more than one) but yields only a tiny amount of data.