Expose only a part of my class - oop

Lets say i have a Class User with multiple properties. I'm building a REST based App so in my homepage when I request for "user details" I need only a few properties from my User and rest from other classes. How do i write the class for the object which i would return for "user details" ?
My current design retrieves the needed properties from the class to build the JSON. I hope there is a better way to handle this.
I use Play Framework 2.0 with Java

If you don't want to expose whole business class User, I'll build a second class, a DTO. This class provides only the desired data to be transfered by REST API.
User user = new User("admin");
// Set other properties
UserDetailsDTO userDetailsDTO = new UserDetails(user); //<- Transfer userDetailsDTO
Or if "user details" are important for your application, maybe you should consider to create a UserDetails class and use it inside your User class by composition.
public class User {
Long id;
String name;
String address;
UserDetails userDetails; // Composition <- Tranfer userDetails
Note: example where don in Java

Looks like you need a Facade: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facade_pattern.
It is a simple pattern that helps you expose methods/properties from a multiple classes.
You can store references to objects in your Facade class and expose only those things you need.

There is an option of creating a View Model object, providing proper abstraction for the information required for that JSON.
More details about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_View_ViewModel
But this is typically used in the cases where view directly used in Views of the application. So careful analysis is required in use case mentioned above, since there is already JSON being created, creation of this View Model layer is really justified.


DDD - injecting Factories in aggregate root Entity constructor

I'm writing an app with DDD in mind and trying to avoid having an anemic domain model by delegating doman logic and behaviour to entities. There's an issue I'm running into with constructing entities that are aggregate roots and need to create sub-entities that require handling by a factory class. Here's an example:
I have the following entities: Page, Url and Layout. What makes a Page in my model is a Page with a Url and a Layout - without those two, a Page object would not be valid. In a simple model, the Page constructor method would simply create those two objects as private attributes. However, the Url has a specific requirement; it has to be created from the Page's title - or a slug - and it has to be unique (ensured by appending "-1", "-2", or something similar). This requires communication with a repository.
My initial idea was to pass/inject a UrlFactory object to the Page constructor and have the Page create the Url it needs, but I keep reading about how injecting services into entities is a bad idea.
So, my question is; is there a way - or an established pattern - to allow entities to construct their complex sub-entities without having an anemic domain model, or is injecting a factory in case such as this a valid solution?
If you consider URL construction as a technical concern, you could have an UrlFactory in the Infrastructure layer
in C# :
public class UrlFactory
public string CreateUrl(string title)
var url = // ... construct URL from the title here
return _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url);
and then call it from your Application layer service.
If you see it as a Domain concern, Url construction logic could be in a Domain Service instead. The line calling the repository would be moved to the Application layer Service :
public void CreatePage(string title)
var potentialUrl = _urlService.CreateUrl(title);
var realUrl = _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url)
new Page(title, realUrl, ...); // do whatever you want with the new Page instance
Do not inject factory class into aggregrate, use factory method instead. Then create method "validate(Validator)" in aggregate (Aggregate will only know it can be valided, but it will not implement logic how to do it).
Validator class which will be passed as parameter to your validate method, will need to have one method ->validateObject(this).
You pass instance of aggregate into validateObject so it will have access to your properties.
Validator class can have injected repository. When you run validateObject method it will search database for uniquness.

Is user class responsible for authentication?

I have class named User, it has fields like username, password, firstName... . is it good to place authenticate(username, password) method in it?
Ideally no, that should be the job of the controller. User class should be just a data class, which is used by the controller (the business logic class) to evaluate things like Authenticate etc.
You need to modularize your code(break it into components) and each component should be an independent entity but requires other components to give the whole picture of the system.
It appears by your question that you want to perform some business layer operation in your DO(data object) class. It can be done but is never recommended as it kills the idea of separation of concerns.
As for controllers, you could do something like
Have object/entity level managers, i.e, for every entity you have a manager to handle its business logic stuff. Say for a User class you have a UserManager.
Have conceptual level controllers. This means that you have controllers that handle a specific module of your system(an entire concept). For example, if you have a website that needs to authenticate users, you can have an AuthenticationController.
Now, Authentication must not necessarily map to just one table/object, though it appears that its sole target is(logically) your User table/class etc, it could be doing other stuff and accessing other entities(depending on the requirement) etc. So by having entity level managers that are used by conceptual level controllers, you could ease your development.
I would say no. Better is to have a Connection and create a user using login method with username and password:
class Connection{
Connection(string connectionString);
User login(string userName, string Password);
That would break the MVC (Model View Controller) structure. It is best to keep these three separated for code elegance, readability, and maintainability. A quick example would be, in Java:
public class User {
private String username;
private String password;
import yourmodelpackage;
public class MyController {
public static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
//your logic
//call your authenticate() method through the controller
MyController control = new MyController();
boolean b = control.authenticate(username, password);
There are a few design patterns that maximize the use of inheritance for this structure. I'd recommend looking into the Decorator Design Pattern.
You could have a method hasPassword(string password) on the User class, if you absolutely wanted to encapsulate the verification in that class.

Where to put methods that interact with multiple classes

I have a class called Contact and one called Account
and I have a method called public static Account GetAccount(Contact c) {...}
Where is the best place to put this method? What design patterns should I be looking at?
A) With the Contact class
B) With the Account class
C) Have the method accessible in both classes
D) Somewhere else?
There are probably many good answers to your question. I'll take a stab at an answer, but it will have my personal biases baked in it.
In OOP, you generally don't see globally accessible) functions, disconnected from, but available to all classes. (Static methods might be globally available, but they are still tied to a particular class). To follow up on dkatzel's answer, a common pattern is in OOP is instance manager. You have a class or instance that provides access to a a database, file store, REST service, or some other place where Contact or Account objects are saved for future use.
You might be using a persistence framework with your Python project. Maybe something like this: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/managers/
Some persistence frameworks create handy methods instance methods like Contact.getAccount() -- send the getAccount message to a contact and the method return the associated Account object. ...Or developers can add these sorts of convenience methods themselves.
Another kind of convenience method can live on the static side of a class. For example, the Account class could have a static getAccountForContact() method that returns a particular account for a given Contact object. This method would access the instance manager and use the information in the contact object to look up the correct account.
Usually you would not add a static method to the Contact class called getAccountForContact(). Instead, you would create an instance method on Contact called getAccount(). This method could then call Account.getAccountForContact() and pass "self" in as the parameter. (Or talk to an instance manager directly).
My guiding principle is typically DRY - do not repeat yourself. I pick the option that eliminates the most copy-and-paste code.
If you define your method in this way, it's not really connected with either of your classes. You can as well put it in a Util class:
public class AccountUtil{
public static Account getAccount(Contact c){ ... }
// you can put other methods here, e.g.
public static Contact getContact(Account a){ ... }
This follows the pattern of grouping static functions in utility classes like Math in Java / C#.
If you would like to bound the function to a class in a clear way, consider designing your class like this:
public class Contact{
public Account getAccount(){ ... } // returns the Account of this Contact
// other methods
In OOP it is generally recommended that you avoid using global functions when possible. If you want a static function anyways, I'd put it in a separate class.
It depends on how the lookup from Contact to Account happens but I would vote for putting it in a new class that uses the Repository pattern.
Repository repo = ...
Account account = repo.getAccount(contact);
That way you can have multiple Repository implemtations that look up the info from a database, or an HTTP request or internal mapping etc. and you don't have to modify the code that uses the repositories.
My vote is for a new class, especially if the function returns an existing account object. That is, if you have a collection of instances of Contact and a collection of instances of Account and this function maps one to the other, use a new class to encapsulate this mapping.
Otherwise, it probably makes sense as a method on Contact if GetAccount returns a new account filled in from a template. This would hold if GetAccount is something like a factory method for the Account class, or if the Account class is just a record type (instances of which have lifetimes which are bound to instances of Contact).
The only way I see this making sense as part of Account is if it makes sense as a constructor.

Providing a WCF Interface to an Existing Set of Classes

I have inherited an application that is logically split into 4 tiers, but physically resides across two. The 4 logical tiers are:
asp.net website
business logic in a C# .Net assembly (referenced from website)
data access c# assembly - classes generated by codesmith tool (referenced from business logic)
sql server database
An example of the way that the website interacts with the business layer is:
Booking b = new Booking();
b.property1 = x;
b.property2 = y;
result = b.method();
ie. it sets the data on public properties of the biz class then executes a method that in-turn reads from the properties.
Unfortunately, there are lots of properties and some of these are not base types, they are other objects eg the Booking object contains collection of Vouchers objects
I need to make the tiers 2-4 available to a new user interface (a very different website that will serve in-store kiosks).
I would like to expose the business layer through WCF. I have created an IBooking interface, defined the method signatures and decorted with [OperationContract] etc. Where I'm stuck is how to manage the data. I realise that I could define a data contract to match the various public properties of the Booking object but then I would need to make significant changes to the existing website - rather than it setting the properties and calling a method withouth parameters it would need to populate an instance of the data contract and pass this as a parameter to every method call.
Could anyone advise on the best way to approach this please. I am able to make changes to the exisiting website but I'd like to keep these to a minimum.
Many thanks,
I'd suggest the simplest means of implementing this would be to create a WCF wrapper around your existing business logic without altering your current website. This can be done without any (significant) code changes to what you already have. The 'downside', if you consider it such, is that your existing website won't use your WCF services.
You've already created an contract for the service. If you haven't already, create message contracts for the operation parameters. Then you can create your 'new' website by working with the service contract & message contracts.
Services are different to OO, in that you don't normally set properties & then call parameterless methods - instead you invoke an operation and include any relevant, required data at the same time. Your service implementation - the class that implements the IBooking contract - will do the work of
instantiating your existing classes
populating those objects
calling the parameterless methods, and
returning results.
// contract
MyResponseMessage DoMethod(MyResultRequest requestData);
// and the implementing class (the 'service')
public MyResponseMessage DoMethod(MyResultRequest requestData)
MyResponseMessage responseData = new MyResponseMessage();
Booking b = new Booking();
b.property1 = requestData.X;
b.property2 = requestData.y;
responseData = b.method();

Does dependency injection increase my risk of doing something foolish?

I'm trying to embrace widespread dependency injection/IoC. As I read more and more about the benefits I can certainly appreciate them, however I am concerned that in some cases that embracing the dependency injection pattern might lead me to create flexibility at the expense of being able to limit risk by encapsulating controls on what the system is capable of doing and what mistakes I or another programmer on the project are capable of making. I suspect I'm missing something in the pattern that addresses my concerns and am hoping someone can point it out.
Here's a simplified example of what concerns me. Suppose I have a method NotifyAdmins on a Notification class and that I use this method to distribute very sensitive information to users that have been defined as administrators in the application. The information might be distributed by fax, email, IM, etc. based on user-defined settings. This method needs to retrieve a list of administrators. Historically, I would encapsulate building the set of administrators in the method with a call to an AdminSet class, or a call to a UserSet class that asks for a set of user objects that are administrators, or even via direct call(s) to the database. Then, I can call the method Notification.NotifyAdmins without fear of accidentally sending sensitive information to non-administrators.
I believe dependency injection calls for me to take an admin list as a parameter (in one form or another). This does facilitate testing, however, what's to prevent me from making a foolish mistake in calling code and passing in a set of NonAdmins? If I don't inject the set, I can only accidentally email the wrong people with mistakes in one or two fixed places. If I do inject the set aren't I exposed to making this mistake everywhere I call the method and inject the set of administrators? Am I doing something wrong? Are there facilities in the IoC frameworks that allow you to specify these kinds of constraints but still use dependency injection?
You need to reverse your thinking.
If you have a service/class that is supposed to mail out private information to admins only, instead of passing a list of admins to this service, instead you pass another service from which the class can retrieve the list of admins.
Yes, you still have the possibility of making a mistake, but this code:
AdminProvider provider = new AdminProvider();
Notification notify = new Notification(provider);
is harder to get wrong than this:
String[] admins = new String[] { "joenormal#hotmail.com" };
Notification notify = new Notification(admins);
In the first case, the methods and classes involved would clearly be named in such a way that it would be easy to spot a mistake.
Internally in your Execute method, the code might look like this:
List<String> admins = _AdminProvider.GetAdmins();
If, for some reason, the code looks like this:
List<String> admins = _AdminProvider.GetAllUserEmails();
then you have a problem, but that should be easy to spot.
No, dependency injection does not require you to pass the admin list as a parameter. I think you are slightly misunderstanding it. However, in your example, it would involve you injecting the AdminSet instance that your Notification class uses to build its admin list. This would then enable you to mock out this object to test the Notification class in isolation.
Dependencies are generally injected at the time a class is instantiated, using one of these methods: constructor injection (passing dependent class instances in the class's constructor), property injecion (setting the dependent class instances as properties) or something else (e.g. making all injectable objects implement a particular interface that allows the IOC container to call a single method that injects its dependencies. They are not generally injected into each method call as you suggest.
Other good answers have already been given, but I'd like to add this:
You can be both open for extensibility (following the Open/Closed Principle) and still protect sensitive assets. One good way is by using the Specification pattern.
In this case, you could pass in a completely arbitrary list of users, but then filter those users by an AdminSpecification so that only Administrators recieve the notification.
Perhaps your Notification class would have an API similar to this:
public class Notification
private readonly string message;
public Notification(string message)
this.message = message;
this.AdminSpecification = new AdminSpecification();
public ISpecification AdminSpecification { get; set; }
public void SendTo(IEnumerable users)
foreach(var u in users.Where(this.AdminSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy))
// more members
You can still override the filtering behavior for testing-purposes by assigning a differet Specification, but the default value is secure, so you would be less likely to make mistakes with this API.
For even better protection, you could wrap this whole implementation behind a Facade interface.