App window restore on keypress - node-webkit

In my app I have added a functionality to minimize app window to system tray on keypress (on ESC or Pause/Break buttons press). So when pressing them the window get minimized.
Is there a way to add functionality to restore app window on certain keypress (even if other application will be currently active)?
For example I press Pause and the window is minimized. I press Pause and the app window is restored.

Here is the solution extracted from node-webkit wiki :
// Load native UI library.
var gui = require('nw.gui');
var option = {
key: "Ctrl+Shift+A",
active: function() {
console.log("Global desktop keyboard shortcut: " + this.key + " active.");
failed: function(msg) {
// :(, fail to register the |key| or couldn't parse the |key|.
// Create a shortcut with |option|.
var shortcut = new gui.Shortcut(option);
// Register global desktop shortcut, which can work without focus.
// If register |shortcut| successfully and user struck "Ctrl+Shift+A", |shortcut|
// will get an "active" event.
// You can also add listener to shortcut's active and failed event.
shortcut.on('active', function() {
console.log("Global desktop keyboard shortcut: " + this.key + " active.");
shortcut.on('failed', function(msg) {
// Unregister the global desktop shortcut.
This example show you how to create a global shortcut listener and the different way to listen the event. This also show you how to unregister the shortcut.


Not able to open link in new tab using ctrl + mouse click in testcafe

import { fixture, Selector } from 'testcafe';
fixture`Fixture import`.only
test('Click a button', async t => {
await t.maximizeWindow()
const ab = Selector('a[href="/documentation/402837/guides/basic-guides/assertions"]')
await, {modifiers: {ctrl:true}})
await t.wait(5000)
I'm trying to open a link in new tab using ctrl + click, the testcase was getting pass, not throwing any error but the link is opening in the same tab.
TestCafe does not open new windows using the Ctrl + mouse click combination. The ctrl modifier only sets the ctrlKey property of the MouseEvent to true.
If you want to open a new window, you can use the openWindow method:

CreateJS click event on sprite not working

I'm having trouble with a click event on a sprite in CreateJS. The event isn't firing as expected. I've tried:
button.addEventListener("click", function() { alert('test'); });
button.on("click", function() { alert('test'); });
Neither of them fire on click event. Any ideas?
I found my problem. I forgot to enable the mouse on the stage.
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvasId");
//Children of container can dispatch mouse events
stage.mouseChildren = true;
//EaselJS checks 10 times per second what's under mouse pointer
CreateJS mouse events tutorial

dojo make a widget react to a published event

Im trying to figure out how to close a pop up dialog based on a published event .. i.e when a person moves the mouse to another part of the page.(i only want it closed when i move to this part of the page) Is this possible
i have a topic published when the user moves off this area.
_hoverOffArea : function() {
how do i get my popup to subscribe to this topic and close itself ?
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog({
onMouseLeave : function() {
onBlur : function() {
messageTooltip.set("content", rollOver.domNode);{
popup: tooltip,
around: e
You may be over thinking it. The dojo/topic module has a subscribe method which takes a topic name ("messageRollOver/close") and a function to fire when the message is published.
console.log('close tooltip');
You can pass arbitrary parameters to the publish message that are then passed to the subscribe:
console.log("arg1 = ",arg1);
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog(/*params*/);
when the subscribe function is invoked, arg1 would be the second argument to the topic#publish function call.

Handling Windows 8 lifecycle

i have run into a problem, that my app sometimes Activates and sometimes Launches when i open something via:
var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions();
options.DisplayApplicationPicker = false;
bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(sampleFile, options);
When app re-activates it shows the same window - when i went to an external app using LaunchFileAsync - this is nice.
But sometimes the app launches, i see a SplashPage and app is beginning from the MainPage. - how can i make this also to return to the page, that i left when used LaunchFileAsync?
I have a MainPage and a BlankPage1
So here is my page on suspend+shutdown (terminate) 8 buttons:
On Restore 0 buttons, I WANT TO SAVE MY VIEW XAML CODE when app gets killed by system:
It depends entirely on the conditions of your application shutdown. Was it suspended and terminated automatically by the OS ? or did you close it yourself ? (ex : ALT-F4)
You can see here the application lifecyle :
If you want your application to restore its previous state on a user shutdown, I think you can enable it on your OnLaunched method in you App.xaml.cs :
if (args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.Terminated
|| args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.ClosedByUser)
await SuspensionManager.RestoreAsync();
catch (SuspensionManagerException)
Then, if your Page extends LayoutAwarePage, you have two methods, SaveState and LoadState.
These methods are called automatically when navigating from or to the frame (including suspending/restoring/opening...).
If you save your data behind your buttons in your SaveState method, you can restore it in the LoadState method (and thus redraw your buttons). There is a detailled exemple here :

Titanium TabGroup: How to close window and then display the tab Group?

I have following flow of app :
First screen is Login screen and if Login gets success the tab-group opens.
here is code :
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow
title:'User Login',
var win = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
// some UI controls
loginBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e)
//calling web service
if(isSuccess == 1)
var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup();
// code to create Tab;
Now if I hide the currentWindow (win) every thing works fine But Login view is get displayed in background of all the time !!! So I want to close Login window and then open the tab group. So I tried :
But doesn't work application gets crashed.
So, How to close window and then display the tab Group ???
Solved !!! As slash197 has suggested in Login.js I was trying to close win which was the root window. So I used a dummy window inside the Login.js and close it and the open tabGroup . Like :
var win = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
var loginView = Ti.UI.createWindow
And added all the UI component into the loginView instead of win.
Then for Android;
And for iPhone;
After success :-
loginBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e)
//calling web service
if(isSuccess == 1)
var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup();
// code to create Tab
//for Android
//for iPhone
Note:- Not sure that it is best approach. But it works for me.
If that window is the first than it's the root element and can't be closed. You could try removing all of it's children and set it's background to transparent then open your tabGroup.