Find filename of view template in Rails 3 based on action and format - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm upgrading an old Rails 2.3 (I know, I know) which uses an external program to modify a PDF before rendering it for an action. Therefore, it's necessary for the action to be able to determine the filename of the PDF source file, which is stored in the view template directory, which was done with:
view_paths.find_template(default_template_name(:show), :pdf).filename
However, this no longer works in Rails 3. I've tried something like:
lookup_context.find :show, controller_name
But I can't find a way to specify the format, so that always returns the path for the HTML template (app/views/name/show.html.erb). How can I get the filename of the template for the PDF format (app/views/name/show.pdf)?

Though more complicated than I would like, I eventually found this, which seems to work:
new(view_paths, {formats: :pdf}).
find(:show, controller_name).


Typo3 LTS9 PDF dimensions are not read and displayed in 0x0

I am having an issue with PDF's in the latest Typo3 release. If I add PDF to the Image content element, I get this:
The file info looks like this:
Checking the Image Processing Test of Typo3, no errors are returned. PDF/AI also seems to be fine.
I tested several PDF's and AI files as well, they won't show dimensions either.
I have the suspicion that the command 'identify' does not work within Typo3, it still returns perfect results from shell.
Any idea where to look?
multiple reasons possible:
you just need to reimport metadata (scheduler task)
your PDF is coded in an unsual format (there is more then one option in PDF to include the title image)
missing/wrong rights:
maybe another program is executed from commandline than from PHP.
maybe the file can't be accessed correctly from ghostscript started from web

Middleman Build assets without hash

How do I configure Middleman to build images without appending a hash to the filename? I'm referring to filepaths in javascript and need to know the full filename to refer to the files. My JS doesn't get updated with the hashed filenames like my CSS does.
Oops, figured it out. I had enabled activate :asset_hash. removing that from config.rb fixed it.
No need to abandon :asset_hash just because you want to refer to them in JS. The asset hash extension actually attempts to rewrite paths in CSS and JavaScript automatically, but it sounds like whatever way you're linking them isn't getting detected.
You can always name your javascript something like application.js.erb and then have code like this:
var my_image = <%= image_path("myimage.png") %>;
That way you'll always have the right path.

HAML markdown rendering and showing ERB within

I have this in one of my HAML templates:
#{render ''}
and in I have:
There are **#{#photo_count}** photos.
When viewing the site, it literally outputs that. How can I get the #photo_count variable to be interpolated?
For a pure Markdown file, I don't think you'll be able to do what you want as the format itself won't support your Ruby variable.
If you don't mind changing your markdown file to a HAML partial file (no need to change its content), you could do something like this (I've used something similar to the code below using the RDiscount gem; your mileage may vary with other Markdown gems...):
def home
#photo_count = 10
#{render 'home_page'}
There are **#{#photo_count}** photos.
See also this StackOverflow Q&A for other ideas:
How can I automatically render partials using markdown in Rails 3?

How to render

I am getting a "missing template" error message when rendering an action with a extension. If I rename it to or js.erb, I can get the controller to recognize the file, but I lose the pre-processor.
It looks like previous versions did not require the .erb to process ERB, but now it is required and the controller doesn't recognize the template.
Is anyone else seeing this?
It doesn't look like Rails is going to support rendering coffee script from an action:

Rails and mongoid: What is going on with RC7 and embedded documents?

Until now I was using rc6 and I decided to upgrade, but it's totally
breaking my app ? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I believe I
followed the documentation.
I have a model Content that embeds_many Localized_Content.
Once I have a content created and wanted to added a localized content
I would do the following:
#content = Content.find('xxx')
#new_content =
This is working perfectly fine under rc6 and updates correctly all the
timestamps in localized_contant (using include Mongoid::Timestamps)
But doing the same thing in rc7 break with the following error:
"Access to the collection for LocalizedContent is not allowed since it
is an embedded document, please access a collection from the root
Ok, maybe I need to save directly from the parent content then ok.
Doing a
works but will not trigger all the timestamping
and this breaks the logic of my apps... what should I do ? is the way to go. You should refactor your code to call save() on the parent object instead of the embedded document.