Windows phone 8.1 wizard control - xaml

I need to create an app that has a few setttings that need to be set before the application can continue i would like to do that using some sort of wizard. I looked at other apps and found that the 'Kid's corner' app does exactly what i want.
My question is is that a default control or is it a custom control. If it's a custom control how would one create one.

There is no specific template to accomplish this task. The most common way to do it would be to create a separate page for the wizard. On the page you'll use various controls to actually create a settings page. Most likely these will include Textblock (for static text), TextBox (for text entry), and ToggleSwitch for binary (e.g. On/Off) options. Here's an example of what you could use to create a very simple welcome wizard that allows the user to turn live tiles on or off.
<TextBlock Text="Welcome to the app!">
<ToggleSwitch x:Name="toggleSwitch1" Header="Turn on live tiles?"
OnContent="On" OffContent="Off"
If you need more info please ask :)
Reference for ToggleSwitch:


How to generate Domino dialogboxes on traditional (non-xpages) webforms

I want to have a popup/dialogbox with an "OK" button on it that will close the dialogbox...after someone performs a task on a Domino webform. I know I used overlays in xpages before, but the current application I am maintaining was built with traditional Domino forms (lots of pass-thru HTML) and my initial attempt to build an overlay effect did not work.
I have tried using javascript code of:
var window =, windowName, [windowFeatures]);
...but this has not been successful. No errors in debug, yet my url page does not pop up. I am hoping someone might be able to provide a snippet of what you use so I can see where I am going wrong.
The url parameter I am passing is correct, as I used an alert to show me what was going in there, but I am doing something basic wrong.
If I can answer any questions for you I can do that as well.
Thank you
The only way I know to display a dialog box in a classic Domino web application is to do just like you would on any HTML-based webpage. Either you create your own popup functionality, or you use one of the many plugins available.
When I work with classic Domino web applications, I have often added Bootstrap to it, to make things look a bit better. Then I can use either the native Bootstrap dialog boxes, or a plug-in called Bootbox.js. But there are many other ones.

how to prevent dojo name text box remove/delete name onclick

I want prevent users from possibility to delete a name by accident from the list.. It should be possible to delete a name by clicking only on [x]...
Reconsider the plan as Stephan says. My advice: you have used filter elements from OneUI framework. That's not a good choice in my opinion.
My suggestion is to use list element of OneUI instead, for example:
You might want to reconsider that plan :-) - the behavior of the dojo value picker in any other application is to make the full entry a click target - since you don't control other applications, you create an interaction inconsistency that will rather annoy users.
... But if you have to:
The Dojo UI interaction is deeply wired into that control and can't be changed easily. Your sensible option is to take the source of the control and create your own dojo/dijiit widget. Since dojo supports name spaces, that can coexist with the default control. Check the dojo documentation. It contains tutorials how to do that.
You might find there are better uses for your time.

How to create drop down list in windows phone

I am developing windows phone app. I want to create drop down list for names of states in India.
How to create drop down list in windows phone ?
Source click
ListPicker control in the Windows Phone Toolkit, which provides many additional controls and pieces of functionality for Windows Phone development. It's not native to Visual Studio, but it's easy to install and use in apps. For a detailed tutorial on how to install it, I recommend you read this post
The ListPicker control has two modes of display: expansion mode and full-screen mode. By default, if there are five or fewer items in the ListPicker, the data will display in expansion mode, which most resembles a dropdown. If there are more than five items, the data will display in its own screen.
The XAML for adding a ListPicker is quite simple. If you want to hard-code your values in the ListPicker (and you have fewer than six items), your code will look something like this:
This works great if your options aren't likely to change. However, if you need to programmatically add values to the ListPicker, you'll add this code to your MainPage.xaml.cs file:
Alternatively, if the ListPicker values will be populated from a datasource, you have this option:
In all of these examples, since the number of items is fewer than six, the ListPicker will expand in place:

Basic Page vs. Blank Page

I am trying to find the difference between the uses of a basic page and a blank page on windows store apps. I am writing an application that has multiple pages and I am not sure which one to use for my main page and I can't seem to find an answer that is helpful.
Basic Page inherits Common.LayoutAwarePage. This gives your page various capabilities like the automatic back button and a visualstatemanager for snapping among other things.
Blank Page only inherits Page and does not get any of the above capabilities. So for example if you need to incorporate snapped view in your page, you need to add a handler for the size changed event in your code.
A Basic Page makes it very easy to just write all the snapped changes in your VisualStateManager in XAML and then test it without running your code using just the device tab where you can select state of your device.
The MainPage in your project is a Blank Page and I prefer to create all other pages as Basic Pages to not worry about stuff like the back button.
That being said, Windows 8.1 apps do not include the LayoutAwarePage so if you are not used to the LayoutAwarePage, do not bother.
Let me know if you need more clarification.
Go with the Basic Page as it gives you automatic back button your view's title etc, and if you don't need them you can disable them also. But for blank page you have to write code for those common things.
This blog post will help you in understanding of Basic Page vs Blank Page.

Tabs in Windows Store App

I am trying to convert some of my old applications into new Windows Store App design. Some of these applications use Tabs to represent multiple functionalities of the applications. For example, I have a simple English-German dictionary with two main functionality:
Translate English to German
Translate German to English
each represented in a separated Tab.
I have looked around various applications in Metro style and found no equivalent to Tabs.
It is possible to create Tabs manually (using buttons and ...) but they probably had a reason for not including such thing in default elements.
What's the proper way to design such concept in Metro?
You could implement "tabs" in two ways:
Use the top app bar, like Internet Explorer
Provide on-screen buttons in the header of the app (and style them to look like Pivot items in Windows Phone 7)
However, I believe that tabs should be used for independent activities. In your case, most users would want to easily swap from one translation to another. So, I recommend that you implement an interface similar to or
You could look into using the FlipView control. A typical example showing where this is used is the control used for navigating screenshots in the Windows Store. You can make use of buttons (or whichever control you choose) to change and track the currently displayed item in the flipview.