vector reflexivity under setoid equality using CoRN MathClasses - equality

I have a simple lemma:
Lemma map2_comm: forall A (f:A->A->B) n (a b:t A n),
(forall x y, (f x y) = (f y x)) -> map2 f a b = map2 f b a.
which I was able to prove using standard equality (≡). Now I am need to prove the similar lemma using setoid equality (using CoRN MathClasses). I am new to this library and type classes in general and having difficulty doing so. My first attempt is:
Lemma map2_setoid_comm `{Equiv B} `{Equiv (t B n)} `{Commutative B A}:
forall (a b: t A n),
map2 f a b = map2 f b a.
induction n.
dep_destruct a.
dep_destruct b.
(here '=' is 'equiv'). After 'simpl' the goal is "(nil B)=(nil B)" or "[]=[]" using VectorNotations. Normally I would finish it using 'reflexivity' tactics but it gives me:
Tactic failure: The relation equiv is not a declared reflexive relation. Maybe you need to require the Setoid library.
I guess I need somehow to define reflexivity for vector types, but I am not sure how to do that. Please advise.

First of all the lemma definition needs to be adjusted to:
Lemma map2_setoid_comm : forall `{CO:Commutative B A f} `{SB: !Setoid B} ,
forall n:nat, Commutative (map2 f (n:=n)).
To be able to use reflexivity:
Definition vec_equiv `{Equiv A} {n}: relation (vector A n) := Vforall2 (n:=n) equiv.
Instance vec_Equiv `{Equiv A} {n}: Equiv (vector A n) := vec_equiv.


Why doesn't this proof require extensionality? (Agda)

The following proves the equality of two functions:
η-→ : ∀ {A B : Set} (f : A → B) → (λ (x : A) → f x) ≡ f
η-→ f = refl
Why doesn't it need extensionality? How does Agda know that the function to the left of the ≡ simplifies to f?
(λ x → f x) ≡ f is a basic rule of definitional equality for functions, called the eta rule. It's built into the type checker. Implementations of type theory commonly support it.

Proving `weaken` doesn't change the value of a number

Let's say we want to prove that weakening the upper bound of a Data.Fin doesn't change the value of the number. The intuitive way to state this is:
weakenEq : (num : Fin n) -> num = weaken num
Let's now generate the defini... Hold on! Let's think a bit about that statement. num and weaken num have different types. Can we state the equality in this case?
The documentation on = suggests we can try to, but we might want to use ~=~ instead. Well, anyway, let's go ahead and generate the definition and case-split, resulting in
weakenEq : (num : Fin n) -> num = weaken num
weakenEq FZ = ?weakenEq_rhs_1
weakenEq (FS x) = ?weakenEq_rhs_2
The goal in the weakenEq_rhs_1 hole is FZ = FZ, which still makes sense from the value point of view. So we optimistically replace the hole with Refl, but only to fail:
When checking right hand side of weakenEq with expected type
FZ = weaken FZ
Unifying k and S k would lead to infinite value
A somewhat cryptic error message, so we wonder if that's really related to the types being different.
Anyway, let's try again, but now with ~=~ instead of =. Unfortunately, the error is still the same.
So, how one would state and prove that weaken x doesn't change the value of x? Does it really make sense to? What should I do if that's a part of a larger proof where I might want to rewrite a Vect n (Fin k) with Vect n (Fin (S k)) that's obtained by mapping weaken over the original vector?
If you really want to prove that the value of the Fin n does not change after applying the weaken function, you would need to prove the equality of these values:
weakenEq: (num: Fin n) -> finToNat num = finToNat $ weaken num
weakenEq FZ = Refl
weakenEq (FS x) = cong $ weakenEq x
To your second problem/Markus' comment about map (Data.Fin.finToNat) v = map (Data.Fin.finToNat . Data.Fin.weaken) v:
vectorWeakenEq : (v: Vect n (Fin k)) ->
map Fin.finToNat v = map (Fin.finToNat . Fin.weaken) v
vectorWeakenEq [] = Refl
vectorWeakenEq (x :: xs) =
rewrite sym $ weakenEq x in
cong {f=(::) (finToNat x)} (vectorWeakenEq xs)
And to see why num = weaken num won't work, let's take a look at a counterexample:
getSize : Fin n -> Nat
getSize _ {n} = n
Now with x : Fin n, getSize x = n != (n + 1) = getSize (weaken x). This won't happen with functions which only depend on the constructors, like finToNat. So you have to constrain yourself to those and prove that they behave like that.

Obtain decidable total order on a type from an injection into `nat`

Since the natural numbers support a decidable total order, the injection nat_of_ascii (a : ascii) : nat induces a decidable total order on the type ascii. What would be a concise, idiomatic way of expressing this in Coq? (With or without type classes, modules, etc.)
Such process is fairly routine and will depend on the library you have chosen. For order.v, based on math-comp, the process is totally mechanical [in fact, we'll develop a general construction for types with an injection to total orders later in the post]:
From Coq Require Import Ascii String ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import eqtype choice ssrnat.
Require Import order.
Import Order.Syntax.
Import Order.Theory.
Lemma ascii_of_natK : cancel nat_of_ascii ascii_of_nat.
Proof. exact: ascii_nat_embedding. Qed.
(* Declares ascii to be a member of the eq class *)
Definition ascii_eqMixin := CanEqMixin ascii_of_natK.
Canonical ascii_eqType := EqType _ ascii_eqMixin.
(* Declares ascii to be a member of the choice class *)
Definition ascii_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin ascii_of_natK.
Canonical ascii_choiceType := ChoiceType _ ascii_choiceMixin.
(* Specific stuff for the order library *)
Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Open Scope order_scope.
(* We use the order from nat *)
Definition lea x y := nat_of_ascii x <= nat_of_ascii y.
Definition lta x y := ~~ (lea y x).
Lemma lea_ltNeq x y : lta x y = (x != y) && (lea x y).
rewrite /lta /lea leNgt negbK lt_neqAle.
by rewrite (inj_eq (can_inj ascii_of_natK)).
Lemma lea_refl : reflexive lea.
Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lea_trans : transitive lea.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed.
Lemma lea_anti : antisymmetric lea.
Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /(can_inj ascii_of_natK). Qed.
Lemma lea_total : total lea.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed.
(* We can now declare ascii to belong to the order class. We must declare its
subclasses first. *)
Definition asciiPOrderMixin :=
POrderMixin lea_ltNeq lea_refl lea_anti lea_trans.
Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii asciiPOrderMixin.
Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total.
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin.
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total.
Note that providing an order instance for ascii gives us access to a large theory of total orders, plus operators, etc..., however the definition of total itself is fairly simple:
"<= is total" == x <= y || y <= x
where <= is a "decidable relation" and we assume, of course, decidability of equality for the particular type. Concretely, for an arbitrary relation:
Definition total (T: Type) (r : T -> T -> bool) := forall x y, r x y || r y x.
so if T is and order, and satisfies total, you are done.
More generally, you can define a generic principle to build such types using injections:
Section InjOrder.
Context {display : unit}.
Local Notation orderType := (orderType display).
Variable (T : orderType) (U : eqType) (f : U -> T) (f_inj : injective f).
Open Scope order_scope.
Let le x y := f x <= f y.
Let lt x y := ~~ (f y <= f x).
Lemma CO_le_ltNeq x y: lt x y = (x != y) && (le x y).
Proof. by rewrite /lt /le leNgt negbK lt_neqAle (inj_eq f_inj). Qed.
Lemma CO_le_refl : reflexive le. Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed.
Lemma CO_le_trans : transitive le. Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed.
Lemma CO_le_anti : antisymmetric le. Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /f_inj. Qed.
Definition InjOrderMixin : porderMixin U :=
POrderMixin CO_le_ltNeq CO_le_refl CO_le_anti CO_le_trans.
End InjOrder.
Then, the ascii instance gets rewritten as follows:
Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Definition ascii_porderMixin := InjOrderMixin (can_inj ascii_of_natK).
Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii ascii_porderMixin.
Lemma lea_total : #total ascii (<=%O)%O.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed.
Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total.
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin.
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total.

Can Idris try multiple hints for auto proofs?

In this example
lemma1: S a `LTE` S b -> a `LTE` b
lemma1 = ?todo1
myMinus: (a, b: Nat) -> {auto prf: b `LTE` a} -> Nat
myMinus (S a') (S b') = a' `myMinus` b' -- automatically uses lemma1
myMinus a b = ?todo2
Idris is able to automatically use lemma1 where it's needed. Now I add a second lemma
lemma2: S a `LTE` b -> a `LTE` b
lemma2 = ?todo3
between lemma1 and myMinus. Now Idris doesn't find lemma1 anymore, probably because it only tries lemma2, and I have to specify it manually.
Is there a way, that I can have both lemma1 and lemma2 with %hint in context and let Idris automatically choose the correct one?

Understanding 'impossible'

Type-Driven Development with Idris presents:
twoPlusTwoNotFive : 2 + 2 = 5 -> Void
twoPlusTwoNotFive Refl impossible
Is the above a function or value? If it's the former, then why is there no variable arguments, e.g.
add1 : Int -> Int
add1 x = x + 1
In particular, I'm confused at the lack of = in twoPlusTwoNotFive.
impossible calls out combinations of arguments which are, well, impossible. Idris absolves you of the responsibility to provide a right-hand side when a case is impossible.
In this instance, we're writing a function of type (2 + 2 = 5) -> Void. Void is a type with no values, so if we succeed in implementing such a function we should expect that all of its cases will turn out to be impossible. Now, = has only one constructor (Refl : x = x), and it can't be used here because it requires ='s arguments to be definitionally equal - they have to be the same x. So, naturally, it's impossible. There's no way anyone could successfully call this function at runtime, and we're saved from having to prove something that isn't true, which would have been quite a big ask.
Here's another example: you can't index into an empty vector. Scrutinising the Vect and finding it to be [] tells us that n ~ Z; since Fin n is the type of natural numbers less than n there's no value a caller could use to fill in the second argument.
at : Vect n a -> Fin n -> a
at [] FZ impossible
at [] (FS i) impossible
at (x::xs) FZ = x
at (x::xs) (FS i) = at xs i
Much of the time you're allowed to omit impossible cases altogether.
I slightly prefer Agda's notation for the same concept, which uses the symbol () to explicitly pinpoint which bit of the input expression is impossible.
twoPlusTwoNotFive : (2 + 2 ≡ 5) -> ⊥
twoPlusTwoNotFive () -- again, no RHS
at : forall {n}{A : Set} -> Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
at [] ()
at (x ∷ xs) zero = x
at (x ∷ xs) (suc i) = at xs i
I like it because sometimes you only learn that a case is impossible after doing some further pattern matching on the arguments; when the impossible thing is buried several layers down it's nice to have a visual aid to help you spot where it was.