Sql query to calculate first occurrence of a sales order not fulfilled by stock - sql

I have two tables:
Sales Orders (SO ) with fields:Part, Due_Date, Qty
Part with fields Part and Stock.
I an trying to write a query that will produce the first occurrence ( by date - SO.Due_Date) that a sales order (SO.Qty) cannot be fulfilled by the stock.
This is easy if there is no stock i.e. Part.Stock=0 or if there is only one sales order for the part (SO.Qty > Part.Stock)
If there are multiple sales orders I only want the first one shown e.g.
Part.Part = Box , Part.Stock = 250
SO.Part | SO.Due_Date | SO.Qty
Box | 26/10/2014 | 100
Box | 27/10/2014 | 100
Box | 28/10/2014 | 100 * Return this row
Box | 29/10/2014 | 100
I think I need a sub query or need to use CTE but I can't work it out unless I use a loop. The tables have thousands of parts and sales orders and I am trying to run this query as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your help

I assume this is a learning exercise, as no real business would work this way.
Anyway, here is a query to do what you want:
select *
from sales_order as so1
where due_date =
(select min(due_date)
from sales_order as so2
inner join part as p on p.part = so2.part
where so1.part = so2.part
and stock < (
select sum(quantity)
from sales_order as so3
where so3.due_date <= so2.due_date
and so3.part = so2.part
Which I have put into a working fiddle here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/bd8ab5/1
There are some assumptions such as one order per date, but I believe it answers the question.

A query that uses a self join to calculate the running quantity total for each row and selects the row with the smallest due date having a running total greater than p.stock
select so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
from sales_order so
join part p on p.part = so.part
join sales_order so2 on so2.part = so.part
and so2.due_date <= so.due_date
where p.part = 'Box'
group by so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
having sum(so2.quantity) > max(p.stock)
order by so.due_date limit 1


SQL join to and from dates - return most recent if no match found

I have two tables that I need to join. I have:
LEFT JOIN AutoBAF on (GETDATE() BETWEEN AutoBAF.FromDate and AutoBAF.ToDate)
and I get the expected result. Now if no matching record is found between the two dates (AutoBAF.FromDate and AutoBAF.ToDate) I would like to join the most recent matching record instead.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
I am using a MS SQL database hosted in Azure.
Small example:
a small example of what I am trying to achieve:
Table Product:
Product | Description
A | Product A
Table Price
Product | FromDate | ToDate | Price
A | 01-01-20 | 31-01-20 | 100
A | 01-02-20 | 28-02-20 | 110
I need a query that will return the price according to the date returned by GETDATE().
If I run the query 15-01-20 I should get:
Product | Description | Price
A | Product A | 100
If I run the query 15-02-20 I should get:
Product | Description | Price
A | Product A | 110
and finally if I run the query 15-03-20 I will have no price in the Price table. Instead of returning null I would like to "fall back" to the most recent known price instead which in this example is 110
This is not the fastest query cause it joins products with all records with future dates. But if your tables are small, it works.
SELECT product.product, product.description, isnull(pr_curr.price, pr_fut.price) as price
FROM product
left join PRICE pr_curr on product.product=pr_curr.product
and GETDATE() BETWEEN pr_curr.FromDate and pr_curr.ToDate
left join PRICE pr_fut on product.product=pr_fut.product
and GETDATE() < pr_fut.FromDate
where pr_fut.FromDate = (
select min(FromDate) from PRICE dates
where dates.product=pr_fut.product and dates.FromDate>GETDATE()
) or pr_fut.FromDate is null
This looks like SQL Server code, which supports lateral joins via the apply keyword. Assuming you want only one match:
from product p outer apply
(select top (1) ab.*
from autobaf ab
where ab.product = p.product and
getdate() <= ab.todate
order by ab.todate desc
) ab
Note that this correlates on the product, which is not part of your question.
If that is not necessary, then you can use:
from t left join
(select top (1) ab.*
from autobaf ab
where getdate() <= ab.todate
order by ab.todate desc
) ab
on 1 = 1
If you know that there is some record in the past, then you can use cross join instead of left join and dispense with the on clause.
SELECT product.product, product.description, isnull(pr_curr.price, pr_fut.price) as price
FROM product
left join PRICE pr_curr on product.product=pr_curr.product
and GETDATE() BETWEEN pr_curr.FromDate and pr_curr.ToDate
left join PRICE pr_fut on product.product=pr_fut.product
and GETDATE() > pr_fut.FromDate
where pr_fut.FromDate = (
select max(FromDate) from PRICE dates
where dates.product=pr_fut.product and dates.FromDate<GETDATE()
) or pr_fut.FromDate is null

How can I SELECT the max row in a table SQL?

I have a little problem.
My table is:
Bill Product ID Units Sold
1 | 10 | 25
1 | 20 | 30
2 | 30 | 11
3 | 40 | 40
3 | 20 | 20
I want to SELECT the product which has sold the most units; in this sample case, it should be the product with ID 20, showing 50 units.
I have tried this:
SUM(pv."Units sold")
"Products" pv
pv.Product ID;
But this shows all the products, how can I select only the product with the most units sold?
Leaving aside for the moment the possibility of having multiple products with the same number of units sold, you can always sort your results by the sum, highest first, and take the first row:
SELECT pv."Product ID", SUM(pv."Units sold")
FROM "Products" pv
GROUP BY pv."Product ID"
ORDER BY SUM(pv."Units sold") DESC
I'm not quite sure whether the double-quote syntax for column and table names will work - exact syntax will depend on your specific RDBMS.
Now, if you do want to get multiple rows when more than one product has the same sum, then the SQL will become a bit more complicated:
SELECT pv.`Product ID`, SUM(pv.`Units sold`)
FROM `Products` pv
GROUP BY pv.`Product ID`
HAVING SUM(pv.`Units sold`) = (
select max(sums)
from (
SELECT SUM(pv2.`Units sold`) as "sums"
FROM `Products` pv2
GROUP BY pv2.`Product ID`
) as subq
Here's the sqlfiddle
SELECT SUM(pv."Units sold") as `sum`
FROM "Products" pv
group by pv.Product ID
limit 1 + order by
The Best and effective way to this is Max function
Here's The General Syntax of Max function
FROM Products;
and in your Case
SELECT MAX(Units Sold) from products
Here is the Complete Reference to MIN and MAX functions in Query
Click Here

SQL Inner Join query

I have following table structures,
Now my output should display records (1 jan 2013 to 1 feb 2013) between two bill_dates dates as single row as follows,
cust_name | bill_id | bill_amount | tpaid_amount | bill_date | balance
where tpaid_amount is total paid for particular bill_id
For example,
for bill id abcd, bill_amount is 10000 and user pays 2000 one time and 3000 second time
means, paid_info table contains two entries for same bill_id
bill_id | paid_amount
abcd 2000
abcd 3000
so, tpaid_amount = 2000 + 3000 = 5000 and balance = 10000 - tpaid_amount = 10000 - 5000 = 5000
Is there any way to do this with single query (inner joins)?
You'd want to join the 3 tables, then group them by bill ids and other relevant data, like so.
-- the select line, as well as getting your columns to display, is where you'll work
-- out your computed columns, or what are called aggregate functions, such as tpaid and balance
SELECT c.cust_name, p.bill_id, b.bill_amount, SUM(p.paid_amount) AS tpaid, b.bill_date, b.bill_amount - SUM(p.paid_amount) AS balance
-- joining up the 3 tables here on the id columns that point to the other tables
FROM cust_info c INNER JOIN bill_info b ON c.cust_id = b.cust_id
INNER JOIN paid_info p ON p.bill_id = b.bill_id
-- between pretty much does what it says
WHERE b.bill_date BETWEEN '2013-01-01' AND '2013-02-01'
-- in group by, we not only need to join rows together based on which bill they're for
-- (bill_id), but also any column we want to select in SELECT.
GROUP BY c.cust_name, p.bill_id, b.bill_amount, b.bill_date
A quick overview of group by: It will take your result set and smoosh rows together, based on where they have the same data in the columns you give it. Since each bill will have the same customer name, amount, date, etc, we are fine to group by those as well as the bill id, and we'll get a record for each bill. If we wanted to group it by p.paid_amount, though, since each payment would have a different one of those (possibly), you'd get a record for each payment as opposed to for each bill, which isn't what you'd want. Once group by has smooshed these rows together, you can run aggregate functions such as SUM(column). In this example, SUM(p.paid_amount) totals up all the payments that have that bill_id to work out how much has been paid. For more information, please look at W3Schools chapter on group by in their SQL tutorials.
Hope I've understood this correctly and that this helps you.
This will do the trick;
bill_amount - sum(paid_amount)
left outer join bill_info
left outer join paid_info
on bill_info.bill_id=paid_info.bill_id
on cust_info.cust_id=bill_info.cust_id
bill_info.bill_date between X and Y
group by

How to join two tables with max value not greater than another value of column

Apologies for the confusing question title, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe the issue at hand.
I have two tables in Oracle 9i:
Pricing contains incremental updates to the costs of each particular SKU item, at a specific Unix time. For example, if I have records:
SKU ApplicableTime CostPerUnit
12345 1000 1.00
12345 1500 1.50
, then item 12345 is $1.00 per unit for any time between 1000 and 1500, and $1.50 for any time after 1500.
Inventory contains SKU, last updated time, and number of units.
What I'm trying to do is construct a query such that for each row in Inventory, I join the two tables based on SKU, I find the largest value for Pricing.ApplicableTime that is NOT greater than Inventory.LastUpdatedTime, get the CostPerUnit of that particular record from Pricing, and calculate TotalCost = CostPerUnit * NumberOfUnits:
SKU TotalCost
12345 (CostPerUnit at most recent ApplicableTime <= LastUpdatedTime)*NumberOfUnits
12346 <same>
... ...
How would I do this?
(select p.SKU,
p.CostPerUnit*i.NumberOfUnits as cost,
row_number over (partition by p.SKU order by p.ApplicableTime desc) as rnk
from Pricing p
Inventory i on (p.sku = i.sku and i.LastUpdatedTime > p.ApplicableTime)
where rnk=1
select SKU, i1.NumberOfUnits * p1.CostPerUnit as TotalCost
from Inventory i1,
join (
select SKU, max(ApplicableTime) as ApplicableTime, max(i.LastUpdatedTime) as LastUpdatedTime
from Pricing p
join Inventory i on p.sku = i.sku
where p.ApplicableTime < i.LastUpdatedTime
group by SKU
) t on i1.sku = t.sku and i1.LastUpdatedTime = t.LastUpdatedTime
join Pricing p1 on p1.sku = t.sku and p1.ApplicableTime = t.ApplicableTime

Selecting the latest per group of items [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Retrieving the last record in each group
i have 2 tables products and cost
ProdCode - PK
Effectivedate - PK
i tried this query:
SELECT a.ProdCOde AS id, MAX(EffectiveDate) AS edate, RetailCOst AS retail
FROM cost a
INNER JOIN product b USING (ProdCode)
WHERE EffectiveDate <= '2009-10-01'
GROUP BY a.ProdCode;
uhm yah its showing the right effectivedate but the cost on that specific effectivedate doesnt match.
so i want to select the latest date with the matching cost per item.
for example the date i selected is '2009-12-25' and the records for 1 item are these:
ProdCode |EffectiveDate| Cost
00010000 | 2009-01-05 | 50
00010000 | 2009-05-25 | 48
00010000 | 2010-07-01 | 40
so in result i should get 00010000|2009-05-25|48 because it is lesser than the date on my query and it is the latest for that item. and then i want to to show on my query the latest costs on each product.
hope to hear from you soon! thanks!
You need to use a subquery here:
SELECT maxdates.ProdCode, maxdates.maxDate, cost.RetailCost as retail
SELECT ProdCode, max(EffectiveDate) as maxDate
FROM cost
WHERE EffectiveDate < '2009-10-01'
) maxdates
LEFT JOIN cost ON (maxdates.ProdCode=cost.ProdCode
AND maxdates.maxDate=cost.EffectiveDate)
The inner SELECT gives a list of all Products and their respective maximum EffectiveDates. The join "glues" the retail cost per data entry to the result.
Alternatively, using the old max concat trick should do the trick.
SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(d.EffectiveDate, c.RetailCost)), 1, 10) AS date,
SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(d.EffectiveDate, c.RetailCost)), 10, 100) + 0 AS cost
product p,
cost c
p.ProdCode = c.ProdCode AND
c.EffectiveDate < '2009-10-01'