CMake error with string sub-command STRIP "requires two arguments" - cmake

I am trying to compile a library with CMake. This library uses CMake with the pods build system.
During configuring I get the following error:
CMake Error at cmake/pods.cmake:257 (string):
string sub-command STRIP requires two arguments.
In the specific file pods.cmake the command looks like this:
${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --cflags-only-I ${ARGN}
OUTPUT_VARIABLE _pods_pkg_include_flags)
string(STRIP ${_pods_pkg_include_flags} _pods_pkg_include_flags)
which looks fine to me. Any ideas why this error occurs? I don't understand why cmake complains that it needs two arguments for the STRIP command when it clearly has two.
Note: I use cmake, but according to the documentation this should be valid.

While your CMake file does syntactically contain two arguments, ${_pods_pkg_include_flags} can be empty. If so, it is not an argument semantically and never reaches string(), which then sees just one. If it's possible for a string to be empty (and you want to treat it as an empty string in such case instead of skipping it), quote it:
string(STRIP "${_pods_pkg_include_flags}" _pods_pkg_include_flags)


Expand variable name containing a generator expression in cmake

In the build process, I set directories where I gather the build output of different sub-projects. The directories are set as :
Now, I'd like to copy some files (a directory of qt plugins) to that directory dependent on the configuration which it is built for.
I tried:
# copy qt plugins
add_custom_command( TARGET mytarget POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
thus, I try to build a string that equals the variable name and then try to expand that as described here: CMake interpret string as variable. In other words: I would like to have a generator expression that evaluates to the content of CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG or CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTOR_RELEASE dependent on the current build configuration.
However running cmake with the statement above results in an error:
"CMakeLists.txt:112: error: Syntax error in cmake code at [..] when parsing string ${$<UPPER_CASE:CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_$<CONFIG> >}/plugins Invalid character ('<') in a variable name: '$'
So my question is, how can I use a generator-expression to access the corresponding variable? (Bonus question: is there another/better way to achieve the same goal?)
So my question is, how can I use a generator-expression to access the corresponding variable?
You cannot. There is currently (CMake <=3.23) no way to expand a variable whose name is determined by the value of a generator expression.
Bonus question: is there another/better way to achieve the same goal?
Yes, and you are almost there! You can use $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:...>:
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
This works because TARGET_FILE_DIR evaluates to the actual directory containing the executable or library file for mytarget, no matter the active configuration, property values, etc.
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> is already relative to the binary directory so you should not try to compute the binary directory in its definition. Also, it supports generator expressions. Thus, the following will be much more robust:
CACHE STRING "Common output directory for runtime artifacts")
This has a bunch of concrete benefits:
This will work for MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo, plus any custom configurations one might add down the line.
Since it's defined as a cache variable, it can be overridden for debugging / working around name clashes, etc.
A bit more context for (3): most CMAKE_* variables are intended to be either read-only or user-configurable (i.e. at the command line, from the GUI, etc.). Overriding their defaults via set(CACHE) is a polite compromise. A notable exception to this rule is the collection of Qt codegen flags (CMAKE_AUTO{MOC,RCC,UIC}). These must typically be set for the build to produce usable binaries.

What is the "VERSION" in "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)”

I know the meaning of below CMake statement:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
I am just wondering what the VERSION part is syntactically?
Is it a unquoted argument? If it is an argument, there must be some other argument choices.
But according to here, it seems VERSION is the only choice for the cmake_minimum_required() command.
If so, why do we even need to specify this argument explicitly??
And according to here, this command sets the variable CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION. Is there some kind of string concatenation here? So I can use set_minimum_required(XXX <some_value>) to sent an arbitrary variable with the name CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_XXX to <some_value>?
I just tried with below statement in the CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(XXX 123)
And cmake complains that:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:2 (cmake_minimum_required):
cmake_minimum_required called with unknown argument "XXX".
So it seems to be an argument.
But according to here for the project() command, a similar VERSION string is designated as an option. Seems a bit inconsistent.
I just tried with below statement in the CMakeLists.txt:
And cmake complains that:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
cmake_minimum_required called with unknown argument "3.10".
So it seems CMake relies on the VERSION part to properly interpret the "3.10" argument. So I guess the VERSION is also an option here.
And since there's another possible option FATAL_ERROR, it is necessary to have a VERSION option.
So to summarize my current understanding:
The essential paradigm of CMake language is:
CMake commands just manipulate variables based on arguments and options.
Some variables are required to be manipulated and some are optional.
For required ones, their values are specified through arguments. (kind of like positional argument)
For optional ones, their values are specified through argument following corresponding options. (kind of like named argument)
From here, for the VERSION in cmake_minimum_required():
The VERSION is a special keyword for this function. And the value of
the version follows the keyword.
So here it is called keyword instead of option ...
Add 4
Some feelings about CMake...
What is the "VERSION" in "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)”
I am just wondering what the VERSION part is syntactically?
A string. VERSION. Nothing special.
Is it a unquoted argument?
why do we even need to specify this argument explicitly??
To preserve forward compatibility. The idea is that maybe in the feature there will be cmake_minimum_required(DATE 2021-11-03) or similar, for example.
Is there some kind of string concatenation here?
No. It is set explicitly.
So I can use set_minimum_required(XXX <some_value>) to sent an arbitrary variable with the name CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_XXX to <some_value>?
Some variables are required to be manipulated and some are optional.
CMake argument parsing is really crude and simple. It's basically in shell pseudocode if $1 == "VERSION" then check_version($2) else error. How you call those strings is really up to your interpretation that depends on the context, in the context of cmake_minimum_required, sure VERSION is a "keyword". Or a "special required argument". Or similar.
All function arguments are strings, and functions compare them to other strings and execute logic upon that. There are no other variable types. Lists are strings, list elements are separated by ; character in a string.
And the implementation of cmake_minimum_required is here: . Funny, it looks like the parsing is in a loop, so doing cmake_minimum_required(VERSION VERSION VERSION VERSION 3.11) works as fine.
I think the input to a CMake command can be classified as 3 types:
keyword argument (also called option)
positional argument
variable arguments (like ... in C)
For 1, Like the VERSION in cmake_minimum_required, whose value follows it immediately. It is called keyword or option.
For 2, Such argument has a formal name and is referenced through that name within the command body.
For 3, the argument can be referenced with ARGV, ARGN, ARGVC.
I also see marker argument somewhere. But I forget where. Horrible syntax...
OK I found the marker argument. It's in the book Mastering CMake by the CMake team:
...while the CMake official document says it's an option:
Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand
version of the command. These are typically hard-coded guesses.
What a chaotic wording...

Building opencv_contrib on Windows: "CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:78"

It's my fist time using cmake-gui to make the source code of opencv_contrib. And I get an error below. I've searched for it for many times,but do not get any useful help. Even I don't know what the error means. I'm not sure whether merely copying some lines of the error to Google to search is right. I'm sincerely hoping your help.
The error is :
CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:78 (if):
if given arguments:
"NOT" "optimized" "C:/Program Files/Python35/libs/python35.lib" "debug" "C:/Program Files/Python35/libs/python35_d.lib" "EQUAL" ""
Unknown arguments specified
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:219 (find_python)
CMakeLists.txt:562 (include)
The cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:73-80 is
set(_version_major_minor "${_version_major}.${_version_minor}")
ocv_check_environment_variables(${library_env} ${include_dir_env})
if(NOT ${${library_env}} EQUAL "")
set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "${${library_env}}")
I get the source code (cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:73-80) from my own file. And the error comes when I try to click the generate button.
My environment is :
CPU : Intel Pentium 2020E(64X)
OS : Windows10(64X)
opencv_version : 3.1.0
cmake_version : 3.7.2(win-64X)
python_version : 3.5
VisualStudio_version : 2015
Drives me mad.....
It seems that code in cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake is incorrect. (It isn't corrected in the repo too).
Proper way for check variable's non-emptiness:
if(NOT "${VAR}" STREQUAL "")
In your case original lines in cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake:
if(NOT ${${library_env}} EQUAL "")
set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "${${library_env}}")
should be rewritten as:
if(NOT "${${library_env}}" STREQUAL "")
set(PYTHON_LIBRARY ${${library_env}})
Explanations are below.
The line, to which error message refers
if(NOT ${${library_env}} EQUAL "")
is a part of function's definition find_python(), and library_env is the parameter of this function.
The function is called twice: one for Python2 and one for Python3. According to error message, it is second call which fails, and it passes PYTHON3_LIBRARY as library_env argument.
So errorneous line can be read as:
It tries to check, whether variable is not empty ... but does this wrong:
If the variable is actually empty, CMake completely omits its dereference, so the line would be read as
if(NOT EQUAL "")
which is incorrect call to if() command.
In you case, content of the variable PYTHON3_LIBRARY is a list:
optimized "C:/Program Files/Python35/libs/python35.lib" debug "C:/Program Files/Python35/libs/python35_d.lib"
It is valid value for a library, as long as it linked using target_link_libraries command.
But again, in case of list, the if() line becomes incorrect. That is why you get the error message.
Finally, EQUAL compares integers, but strings are compared with STREQUAL.
Both 1 and 2 problems can be fixed by adding qoutes around variable's dereference.
As for assignment
set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "${${library_env}}")
it incorrectly process list variables, which is exactly you case. List variables should be referenced without quotes around them:
set(A_list ${B_list})

CMake - set_property could not find CACHE variable

Disclaimer: I'm aware of this question. However, The OP's needs are different to mine: what he actually wants is to port an app to Linux and therefore the answers go in that line, not answering what I want to know: the reasons of the error.
I'm trying to create a dropdown list in CMake GUI following the instructions in here and here
So I have this very simple CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
set(TARGET_ARCHITECTURE “arm” CACHE STRING “Architecture to compile to”)
#Add subdirectories for each project
Basically I just copied and pasted, following the instructions. However, instead of having a nice drop-down in the CMake GUI, I got the following error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (set_property): set_property could
not find CACHE variable TARGET_ARCHITECTURE. Perhaps it has not yet
been created
Question: What I'm doing wrong?
You may check value of variable TARGET_ARCHITECTURE using message() and you will found CACHE is a part of that value.
This is because you use in set() command double quotes which are not common ones (") but language-specific (“). So CMake treats set() command as not CACHE'd one. That is a reason of the error message.

CMake generator expression is not being evaluated

Due to the following warning:
CMake Error at test/CMakeLists.txt:29 (get_target_property):
The LOCATION property may not be read from target "my_exe". Use the
target name directly with add_custom_command, or use the generator
expression $<TARGET_FILE>, as appropriate.
which is the result from lines like this:
get_target_property(my_exe_path my_exe LOCATION)
Like recommended in the docs, I tried to use a generator expression like this:
add_executable(my_exe_path main.cpp)
message("path to executable: $<TARGET_FILE:my_exe_path>")
But TARGET_FILE is not being evaluated
path to executable: $<TARGET_FILE:my_exe>
I'm using CMake 3.4 and added cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4) to my CMakeLists.txt so what am I doing wrong?
Here is a quick and easy way to print the value of a generator expression:
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo $<1:hello> $<0:world>
In this example, if you run cmake . and then make print, you will see "hello" (without the quotation marks) in the output.
However, if you just use message($<1:hello> $<0:world>), you will see "$<1:hello> $<0:world>" as output (again, without the quotation marks).
While generator expression is stored at configuration stage (when corresponded CMake command is executed),
evaluation of generator expressions is performed at build stage.
This is why message() command prints generator expression in non-dereferenced form: value denoted by the generator expression is not known at this stage.
Moreover, CMake never dereferences generator expressions by itself. Instead, it generates appropriate string in the build file, which is then interpreted by build utility (make, Visual Studio, etc.).
Note, that not every CMake command accepts generator expressions. Each possible usage of generator expressions is explicitely described in documentation for specific command. Moreover, different CMake command flows or different options have different policy about using of generator expressions.
For example, command flow
add_test(NAME <name> COMMAND <executable>)
accepts generator expressions for COMMAND option,
but command flow
add_test(<name> <executable>)
Another example of policies difference:
install(DIRECTORY <dir> DESTINATION <dest>)
In this command flow generator expressions are allowed for DESTINATION, but not for DIRECTORY option.
Again, read documentation carefully.