How to verify the number of search results with Selenium IDE? - selenium

I am using Selenium IDE Firefox extension and I need to know how can I verify that the number of elements from a certain area is the correct one. For example, I need to verify that the number of displayed search resuls is equal to 20.
*info updated: there is no table, the results ("li"s) are between "ul" tags. So I think that a command for counting the number of "li"s from that "ul" will work fine.
Here is how the code looks like:
<ul class="testclass">
<li class="search-result"></li>
<li class="search-result"></li>
<li class="search-result"></li>
Thanks !


Click on parent element based on two conditions in child elements Selenium Driver

Using Selenium 4.8 in .NET 6, I have the following html structure to parse.
<ul class="search-results">
<a href=//to somewhere>
<span class="book-desc">
<div class="book-title">some title</div>
<span class="book-author">some author</span>
I need to find and click on the right li where the book-title matches my variable input (ideally ignore sentence case too) AND the book author also matches my variable input. So far I'm not getting that xpath syntax correct. I've tried different variations of something along these lines:
var matchingBooks = driver.FindElements(By.XPath($"//li[.//span[#class='book-author' and text()='{b.Authors}' and #class='book-title' and text()='{b.Title}']]"));
then I check if matchingBooks has a length before clicking on the first element. But matchingBooks is always coming back as 0.
class="book-author" belongs to span while class="book-title" belongs to div child element.
Also it cane be extra spaces additionally to the text, so it's better to use contains instead of exact equals validation.
So, instead of "//li[.//span[#class='book-author' and text()='{b.Authors}' and #class='book-title' and text()='{b.Title}']]" please try this:
"//li[.//span[#class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'{b.Authors}'))] and .//div[#class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'{b.Title}'))]]"
The following XPath should work. This is a example specific XPath I tried and it worked "//li[.//span[#class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'anima'))] and .//div[#class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'Coloring'))]]" for blood of the fold search input.
Also, I guess you should click on a element inside the li, not on the li itself. So, it's try to click the following element:
"//li[.//span[#class='book-author' and(contains(text(),'{b.Authors}'))] and .//div[#class='book-title' and(contains(text(),'{b.Title}'))]]//a"

aurelia/html repeat.for - redundant elements

I have the following html (view):
<b>Institute:</b> Length: ${institutes.length}
<li repeat.for="el of institutes">
${}: ${el.terminalCount}
I see the following in the browser:
As seen, the array institutes has 2 elements, but in list I see 4 more rows - with empty values.
What is it? How I can fix it?
Thanks in advance.
You definitly have something else on that array apart from the elements. Otherwise it would be just two LI tags.
If you look # the source
there are number of repeater strategies in aurelia templating. Depending on the type of the object you want to iterate over.
If you are actively developing something with aurelia, I suggest you join the official aurelia discourse
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Get xpath under particular tag

Am newbie to selenium (java).
I have to click on the menu item which is under <ul> tag as <li> items. I can able to get it with //*[#id='MainMenu']/li[5]/span xpath.
I do not want to hard code [5] of the list item, because item's position may change. It may not at 5th position all the time.
I wanted to get xpath for the particular item under particular tag with an id.
This is how my html looks like. List item text will be loading dynamically.
<ul id="sfMainMenu" class="sf-menu ui-selectable">
<li class="ui-selected ui-selectee">
<span subnav="0" param="cmd=desk" filesrc="/Dashboard/Index"></span>
<li class="ui-selectee"></li>
<li class="ui-selectee"></li>
<li class="ui-selectee"></li>
<li class="ui-selectee">
<span subnav="18" param="cmd=desk" filesrc="../myFile.aspx"></span>
Kindly suggest the approach with an example.
I suggest trying this:
//*[#id='MainMenu']/li[normalize-space() = 'The text you want']/span
Though if you could show us what the HTML in question actually looks like, we can provide a more reliable answer. XPath doesn't have any concept of "visual text", so if you have some text that's hidden within the li you're trying to retrieve, that could be considerably trickier.
I have solved by using filesrc attibute of span tag in the list item.
Xpath is:
//span[contains(#filesrc, 'myFile.aspx')]
As my .aspx file will be the same for any page, so I used filesrc attribute which contains the actual file name and is the only file name in that html page.
You can use the following
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//li[contains(Text(),'Expected Text']")).Click();
Or you can avoid xpath all together by running a foreach loop on the relevant Class tag
foreach (IWebElement e in driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("ui-selectee")))
if (e.Displayed && e.Text == "Expected Text")

Span id not found in Selenium IDE

I am using Selenium IDE and need to store a span id value:
<span id="ustData"
data-itemId="2130078"></span> <div class="clear"></div>
I want to store the value "2130078". This value changes for each page but is not visible. I have looked far and wide for a solution.
Currently using xpath location:
From documentation I have read this seems correct?
When I run the test I get: [error] Element //data-itemId[#span='ustData'] not found
Any help would very much appreciated.
Your XPath should be:
to match your span tag with an id attribute of 'ustData'
Then if you want to get the data-itemId attribute you can do:

Unable to click the elements in the dynamical list

For the below code
<li class="user ui-menu-item" role="presentation">
<a id="ui-id-52" class="ui-corner-all" tabindex="-1">
Staff User
This is the scenario:
There is a text field, in which I enter the name Staff, with that the related values for the staff are displayed in the dynamic list box, in the above scenario the id is dynamically generated, and when I tried to select the value by class, it is same for all the elements.
I want an xpath expression to select the first available options in the list. I tried in many ways like with contains and starts-with, but no use. Please let me know your valuable suggestion.
Thanks in Advance
I think this should work
WebElement ele = webdriver.findElement(By.Xpath("//li[#class='user ui-menu-item'][1]"))
Did you try forming a List and then just directly using the first element of that List?
List<WebElement> list = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//li[#class(contains, 'user')]";
I'm still not 100% percentage sure what you want to do with the element once you have found it though. It would probably be better to form the List, then iterate over that list and perform whatever action you require per element.
Use this xpath
source: XPath query to get nth instance of an element
Use the xpath. It should work
//li[#role = 'presentation']//a[1]