What does Include() do in LINQ? - sql

I tried to do a lot of research but I'm more of a db guy - so even the explanation in the MSDN doesn't make any sense to me. Can anyone please explain, and provide some examples on what Include() statement does in the term of SQL query?

Let's say for instance you want to get a list of all your customers:
var customers = context.Customers.ToList();
And let's assume that each Customer object has a reference to its set of Orders, and that each Order has references to LineItems which may also reference a Product.
As you can see, selecting a top-level object with many related entities could result in a query that needs to pull in data from many sources. As a performance measure, Include() allows you to indicate which related entities should be read from the database as part of the same query.
Using the same example, this might bring in all of the related order headers, but none of the other records:
var customersWithOrderDetail = context.Customers.Include("Orders").ToList();
As a final point since you asked for SQL, the first statement without Include() could generate a simple statement:
SELECT * FROM Customers;
The final statement which calls Include("Orders") may look like this:
FROM Customers JOIN Orders ON Customers.Id = Orders.CustomerId;

I just wanted to add that "Include" is part of eager loading. It is described in Entity Framework 6 tutorial by Microsoft. Here is the link:
Excerpt from the linked page:
Here are several ways that the Entity Framework can load related data into the navigation properties of an entity:
Lazy loading. When the entity is first read, related data isn't retrieved. However, the first time you attempt to access a navigation property, the data required for that navigation property is automatically retrieved. This results in multiple queries sent to the database — one for the entity itself and one each time that related data for the entity must be retrieved. The DbContext class enables lazy loading by default.
Eager loading. When the entity is read, related data is retrieved along with it. This typically results in a single join query that retrieves all of the data that's needed. You specify eager loading by using the Include method.
Explicit loading. This is similar to lazy loading, except that you explicitly retrieve the related data in code; it doesn't happen automatically when you access a navigation property. You load related data manually by getting the object state manager entry for an entity and calling the Collection.Load method for collections or the Reference.Load method for properties that hold a single entity. (In the following example, if you wanted to load the Administrator navigation property, you'd replace Collection(x => x.Courses) with Reference(x => x.Administrator).) Typically you'd use explicit loading only when you've turned lazy loading off.
Because they don't immediately retrieve the property values, lazy loading and explicit loading are also both known as deferred loading.

Think of it as enforcing Eager-Loading in a scenario where your sub-items would otherwise be lazy-loading.
The Query EF is sending to the database will yield a larger result at first, but on access no follow-up queries will be made when accessing the included items.
On the other hand, without it, EF would execute separte queries later, when you first access the sub-items.

include() method just to include the related entities.
but what happened on sql is based on the relationship between those entities which you are going to include what the data you going to fetch.
your LINQ query decides what type of joins have to use, there could be left outer joins there could be inner join there could be right joins etc...
#Corey Adler

Remember that you should use .Include() and .ThenInclude() only when returning the object (NOT THE QUERYABLE) with the "other table property".
As a result, it should only be used when returning APIs' objects, not in your intra-application.


Nhibernate Query with multiple one to many mappings

I'm a beginner in NHibernate. I have to write a complex query on say an "Employee" to populate all the associations for Employee based on the where clause. What I'm looking for is similar to this - when you do a Employee.FindById(10) should fill up OwnedDepartment, SubscribedGroups etc.
The Employee model I need to populate is really heavy (many associations with other objects)
but I need to populate only few associations. How do I achieve it using a query over? or any other approaches?
I was reading about eager loading just now, has it something to do with the loading ? In my map I have not mentioned any loading techniques, so by default all of my employee's child element are getting loaded already. There is a bunch of queries getting triggered underneath.
All the associations are lazy loaded by default. That means that the load is triggered when you access it - that's why so many queries are issued. If you want to eagerly load the data (which means either joining the tables or - rarely - doing additional select queries at once), you have to specify it in your mapping or query, depending how you fetch your data. The concept is generally called "eager fetching".
If you want to get a single Employee by ID, the standard way to do it is using session.Get<Employee>(10) - but that approach means that eager loads need to be specified in the mapping. For mapping by code it will be c.Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy); for collections or c.Lazy(LazyRelation.NoProxy) for many-to-one - see here or here for details.
I prefer specifying that kind of things in the query - just where it is used, not globally for the whole entity, regardless who is fetching and what for. In LINQ provider you have FetchMany(x => x.SubscribedGroups) for collections and Fetch(x => x.OwnedDepartment) for many-to-one relations. You can find similiar options in QueryOver, if that's your choice.

ZF2 Mapping ResultSet of a Join-Statement into different Objects

when it comes down to increasing performance, reducing the amount of single SQL-Queries is one part of that.
Now let's assume a very basic example: i have a blog-table and a user-table. Each blog is referencing to a user by a given primary key.
A statement could be like
SELECT blog.title, blog.text, user.name FROM blog, user INNER JOIN on blog.user_id = user.id
Now my Blog-object i would like to have a $user-property which is a User-object
My Question: Are there inbuilt features within ZF2 to handle such a case? Or would i be needed to either manually map each field of the result into my objects?
Thanks in advance
No, there are no inbuilt features with ZF2 to do this - you should consider Doctrine 2 or Propel if you want that.
With Zend\Db however, you could write such SQL statements within your mapper class and then use an ArraySerializable hydrator to populate the blog entity. The blog entity's populate() could then choose to create a user object with the user data that is passed to it.

NHibernate Future Object Graph Many Queries

Given a multi level object graph being called using Future as:
var Dads = db.Session.Query<Parent>().Where(P => P.EntityKey == Id)
var Kids = db.Session.Query<Kid>().Where(K => K.Parent.EntityKey == Id)
when I call var Dad = dads.ToList() I see the batch go across the wire and show in profiler.
Problem is when enumerating the collection it is still sending one off queries to the db
for each (Kid kid in Dad.Kids) // This seems to hit the database
Sends a SQL query and hits the database to get each kid. Why is the object graph not populated? or is this expected behavior?
That behaviour is to be expected. You are simply telling NHibernate to get two collections from the database in a batch, which it is doing as told. However, you are not telling it that they are related. NH Queries with Futures do not put entities together after executing them unless they are told to do so with a join.
If you executed the separate queries without Futures you would not expect the Parent entity to suddenly have the child collection filled. Basically, Futures allow you to run things in one roundtrip. If the queries happen to have a common root with several child collections (e.g. to avoid a cartesian product), then NH is able to "combine" several collections into one entity.
Unfortunately joins with the NH LINQ Api and the ToFuture() method seem to pose a problem in the current (NH 3.0 or 3.1) implementation. You may need to use the QueryOver Api in that case.
On a side note, I think the method name is not appropriate.
Edit: After Edit of the question the method name is now ok.

NHibernate How to make Criteria inner join without hydrating objects?

Some quick nhibernate problem:
I have sql tables:
Item { Id, Name }
ItemRange { Id, Name }
ItemHasItemRange { Id, ItemId, ItemRangeId }
Mappings are simple, so I will not paste them, the ItemId and ItemRangeId are foreign keys, Item class has ItemHasItemRanges collection mapped as lazy bag.
I want all items which are in particular ItemRange, but I do not want to retrieve associated ItemRangeObjects, I just want to do inner join to narrow results.
When I do it like that:
c.CreateCriteria("Item", "i")
.CreateAlias("ItemHasItemRanges", "ihpr", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("ihpr.ItemRange.Id", I18nHelper.CurrentItemRange.Id));
It works fine, but all ItemHasItemRange objects are fetched as well to the Item.ItemHasItemRanges collections (which is mapped as lazy)
I do not want to fetch Item.ItemHasItemRanges, because it takes time. I just want to do inner join to limit result set. It is possible in NHibernate?
So I think that you just want to retrieve those objects in order to show an overview / list, and you are not going to actually 'do' something with those objects (unless perhaps loading one of them) ?
In that case, I think that it is better for you to work with 'projections'.
Here's the scenario:
You'll have to create a (simple) class that just contains the properties that you want to show (where you're interested in).
You'll have to 'import' that class into NHibernate, so that NHibernate knows of its existence.
Next, you can create your Criteria statement like you have it now. (Working with your domain classes).
Then, you should specify how the projection should look like. That is, how the properties of your Item entity map to the properties of your 'DTO'/View class (= the simple class you just created).
Specify that an AliasToBean ResultTransformer should be used.
Then, execute your Criteria query. NHibernate will be able to produce the simplest possible query that is needed in order to retrieve all the data that is necessary.
I've explained something similar here
I find out the problem was somewhere else. ItemHasItemRange table did not have multiple index on ItemId and ItemRangeId - id only had separate indexes on each field. Thats why performance was so poor.
But NHibernate question is still valid - is it possible to create inner join for criteria only to narrow results and not to fetch all joined objects which normally are lazy.

How can one delete an entity in nhibernate having only its id and type?

I am wondering how can one delete an entity having just its ID and type (as in mapping) using NHibernate 2.1?
If you are using lazy loading, Load only creates a proxy.
session.Delete(session.Load(type, id));
With NH 2.1 you can use HQL. Not sure how it actually looks like, but something like this: note that this is subject to SQL injection - if possible use parametrized queries instead with SetParameter()
session.Delete(string.Format("from {0} where id = {1}", type, id));
For Load, you don't need to know the name of the Id column.
If you need to know it, you can get it by the NH metadata:
Another edit.
session.Delete() is instantiating the entity
When using session.Delete(), NH loads the entity anyway. At the beginning I didn't like it. Then I realized the advantages. If the entity is part of a complex structure using inheritance, collections or "any"-references, it is actually more efficient.
For instance, if class A and B both inherit from Base, it doesn't try to delete data in table B when the actual entity is of type A. This wouldn't be possible without loading the actual object. This is particularly important when there are many inherited types which also consist of many additional tables each.
The same situation is given when you have a collection of Bases, which happen to be all instances of A. When loading the collection in memory, NH knows that it doesn't need to remove any B-stuff.
If the entity A has a collection of Bs, which contains Cs (and so on), it doesn't try to delete any Cs when the collection of Bs is empty. This is only possible when reading the collection. This is particularly important when C is complex of its own, aggregating even more tables and so on.
The more complex and dynamic the structure is, the more efficient is it to load actual data instead of "blindly" deleting it.
HQL Deletes have pitfalls
HQL deletes to not load data to memory. But HQL-deletes aren't that smart. They basically translate the entity name to the corresponding table name and remove that from the database. Additionally, it deletes some aggregated collection data.
In simple structures, this may work well and efficient. In complex structures, not everything is deleted, leading to constraint violations or "database memory leaks".
I also tried to optimize deletion with NH. I gave up in most of the cases, because NH is still smarter, it "just works" and is usually fast enough. One of the most complex deletion algorithms I wrote is analyzing NH mapping definitions and building delete statements from that. And - no surprise - it is not possible without reading data from the database before deleting. (I just reduced it to only load primary keys.)