Is urldecode cross platform? - urlencode

I'm presuming it is cross platform, as it's an age old feature of many frameworks...
However in practice, can url decoding be assumed to be cross platform?
For example urlencoding in .net framework and then decoding on iPhone / objective-c or Android.


JSON parser for Cocoa

I'm starting with iOs. I'd like to know if there is a built-in JSON parser and , if not, what is the best alternative for mapping JSON string into Cocoa objects.
If you are targeting iOS 5 only, then there is the built-in NSJSONSerialization class that will do the job nicely. If you need it to work in older versions of iOS, then something like SBJSON works well for me
There is a built in JSON parser (NSJSONSerialization) in iOS 5 and above.
If you want to target earlier versions of iOS, there are many third party ones such as TouchJSON.
Have you looked at JSONKit
JSONKit is dual licensed under either the terms of the BSD License, or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2011, John Engelhart.
A Very High Performance Objective-C JSON Library
UPDATE: (2011/12/18) The benchmarks below were performed before Apples NSJSONSerialization was available (as of Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS 5). The obvious question is: Which is faster, NSJSONSerialization or JSONKit? According to this site, JSONKit is faster than NSJSONSerialization. Some quick "back of the envelope" calculations using the numbers reported, JSONKit appears to be approximately 25% to 40% faster than NSJSONSerialization, which is pretty significant.
I use SBJson , it is not a built-in JSON parser, but I recommand it, you can try it.

what are the down side when developing adobe AIR application?

looking into the framework, what do you think about it as development framework for
cross platform desktop apps
from first look , i can see that all your source code are not encrypted
also does not support multi threaded
what else i must consider ?
i think this website gives a good overview about the pros and contras of adobe air:
there are already thread here that talk about that issue:
Advantages/disadvantages of writing a web app using Adobe Air/Java as opposed to platform specfic languages?
and if you want to protect your source code, there are some things that will help you:
high performance encryption in adobe air / flash

How do you write program for Mac OS X?

Hi just wondering how do you start writing programs for MAC OS X?
what language does it use? can I use objective C? which IDE do I use? any licensing fee should I know about.
Mac OS X is a great programming platform, as such you can use just about any language you like.
If you wish to write native applications using the Cocoa framework you'll probably want to be using Objective-C. You can download XCode as an IDE for free.
No licensing fees.
Xcode is the apple supplied IDE, and without external libraries some objective C is always required to build applications.
That being said xcode supports multiple types of langauges, and has extensions for many more - and C++ can be spliced in with objective C code - so if you prefer to code in C++ you can write a quick objective C wrapper and do all your own stuff in C++ - or indeed the langauge of your choice. There are a few other open source IDE's but I don't really recommend them - most of them crash on opening in new versions of Mac OS X.
Xcode is found in the developer package on your second mac install disk, or the latest version (with iphone SDK's) can be downloaded once registering on the Apple Developer Website, which you can become a basic member of for free.
As far as licensing goes, unless you plan to make a game for iOS there are no liscensing fees, unless you want a full subscription to apples developer website, which gives you a few extra things from them.
If your trying to write a game, consider using the SDL library, a cross platform wrapper for whole lot of operating system interface functions, including graphics - or you can use it as I do in combination with OpenGL for full 3D Support, hardware acceleration, ect.
Objective-C + Cocoa
Apple suggests XCode
The native libraryfor OS X developed by Apple are called Cocoa. It provides OS X's graphical user interface, and other libraries such as Core Data for database acess, Core Animation for fast easy animation and video features in your software. These libraries are written in a mixture of C and Objective C (which is an extension of the C language). For best performance and best integration with the Mac operating system you should probaby look at developing in C, Objective C and perhaps some C++ as well.
There are some add-on layers that provide acces to the Cocoa libraries from other languages such as Ruby or Python. These are generaly of good quality and work well, so you can use these languages if your aplication does not need the very best performance. They are generaly considered to be easier to learn than the C family of languages and you can become productive very quickly.
Beyond that, you can use languages and toolkits that are platform-independent so your software will can run on Linux or Windows as well as the Mac. For example Python comes with a simple built-in GUI toolkit called Tkinter. You can use more powerful cross-platform toolkits such as Qt or WxWidgets with C or C++ but have excellent bindings for Ruby, Python and other langauges. This is an approach I am using of a project, with Python and Qt.
Others have mentioned Apple's integrated development environemnt (IDE) called XCode. I have only toyed with it, but it looks very powerful for true native development of Cocoa applications.

Does Silverlight 4 have cross platform native process calling?

Is there anything in Silverlight 4 that's comparable to Adobe AIR 2's beta Native Process API? I need to be able to call native executables on different OS platforms and can't seem to find any easy way to do this.
Doesn't seem like it exists for now.

Setting movie metadata with QTKit

I'm trying to convert old QuickTime framework code to the 64-bit Cocoa-based QTKit on OS X, which means that I can't drop down to the straight C function calls at any time. Specifically, I'm trying to find a way to write QuickTime VR movies with QTKit, as they require some special metadata to set the display controller. How can I do this with QTKit?
If you have to delve down into the C APIs, you might tackle the limitation to 32-bit builds by moving the QuickTime specific code into a separate, 32-bit process. We do this on Windows and it works quite well ...
As far as I can tell from the QTKit Documentation there is not way to do this in straight QTKit cocoa calls. You'll need to do this using the Quicktime-C APIs, which of course aren't available to 64-bit applications.
I've run into issues like this numerous times when trying to convert a 32-bit app that uses Quicktime into a 64-bit app. Here's hoping that Quicktime X will have a more fully featured QTKit set of APIs.