Infinite amount of Collection VBA - vba

Here is the screen of my problem which is infinite amount of collections.
I want the collection be added to object property just once. Not like this:
(screen showing the problem with "watch" of collection in VBA
Public Sub testCollections()
Dim index As Long
index = 1
Dim OJsonElement As JsonElement
Dim newColl As New Collection
Dim str As String
Call addColl(OJsonElement, newColl)
For Each OJsonElement In newColl
Debug.Print "THE NAME IS:" &
Next OJsonElement
End Sub
Function addColl(obj1 As JsonElement, nextCollection As Collection)
Dim i As Long
Set nextCollection = New Collection
Set obj1 = New JsonElement
Set obj1.valueCollection = nextCollection = "CityName"
obj1.value = "type"
nextCollection.Add obj1
'obj1.ValueType = nextCollection
'nextCollection.Add nextCollection
End Function
Public name As String
Public nameCollection As Collection
Public value As Variant
Public ValueType As String
Public valueCollection As Collection

I don't really understand well your code, but I will limit to explain you why it happens what you see in your watcher. The line:
Set obj1.valueCollection = nextCollection
is adding the new collection into the obj1 property valueCollection. Then, two lines after, you say:
nextCollection.Add obj1
which means you're adding the obj1 into its own property, so creating an infinite nesting. I'd like to help you but for that I'd need to understand what you want to reach with your code. But sticking to your request I want the collection be added to object property just once, I would just suggest you to remove the line nextCollection.Add obj1, which (at least from the perspective of who doesn't know the project purpose) does not seem to do anything useful but an infinite nesting.


Properties, Arrays and ArrayLists using

In my code behind in my Web project I have a Property
Public Shared UserAttributes(2) As String
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And I also have an ArrayList declared as Friend
Friend UserParameters As New ArrayList
I call my property like that:
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3"
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1,1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2,1"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3,1"
From the above code we may see the two pairs of Attributes having one text each one.
What I need now is:
After I add the three Attributes from my Property to my ArrayList
The second three Attributes of my property NOT to spoil the first one.
Which by now that they are doing
And finally I have two(2) _items in my ArrayList which they have the same text on each _item (which is the last one).
What I need is to write the second (or more) set of Attributes without spoiling the previous _items from ArrayList.
Finally I've made it to solve this puzzle as follows
One Property as ArrayList
Public Property _UserParameters As ArrayList
Return UserParameters
End Get
Set(value As ArrayList)
UserParameters = value
End Set
End Property
Second Property as Array
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And from code behind I use this code:
Dim UserAttributes As New Hashtable
Dim key As Object = Nothing
Dim Param As Object = Nothing
Dim myList As New ArrayList
Dim item As Object = UserAttributes
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3-1")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
The use of HashTable solves my issue, Along with the conversion from HashTable parameters to String
Which add them first to the ArrayList Property
And after that add them to the second ArrayList
And the result of these ArrayList I add it to a Pull Down menu control.
And Why I'm doing all that?
That is because I have many users with the same attributes as keys but deferent values
Good day to all, with many thanks.

Array of variables declared as string

I have a query regarding creating an array of variables declared as string.
Below is my code. On debugging, the variables show no value.
Need help..
Module Module1
Public Status, PartStat, HomeStat, ClampStat, SldCylStat, PrsCylP1Stat,
PrsCylP2Stat, PrsCylP3Stat, PrsCylP4Stat, PunchStat, SysInProc, Home1,
Home2, Home3, CyclTim, TrqP1Stat, TrqP2Stat, TrqP3Stat, TrqP4Stat,
AngleP1Stat, AngleP2Stat, AngleP3Stat, AngleP4Stat As String
Function AutoReadStatus()
Dim StatArray = {HomeStat, ClampStat, SldCylStat, Home1, PrsCylP4Stat,
PrsCylP2Stat, Home2, PrsCylP3Stat, PrsCylP1Stat, Home3, PunchStat,
AngleP4Stat, AngleP2Stat, AngleP3Stat, AngleP1Stat, TrqP4Stat,
TrqP2Stat, TrqP3Stat, TrqP1Stat}
Status = ReadMultiReg(FormAuto.SP1, "03", "1258", "0013")
For i = 0 To ((Status.Length / 4) - 1)
StatArray(i) = CInt("&H" & Status.Substring(i * 4, 4))
Return Nothing
End Function
End Module
It is not even showing the index of any variable from above array..
Label1.Text = Array.IndexOf(StatArray, SldCylStat)
When you assign a new value to the item inside the array, you assign a new value to the item inside the array (pun intended).
What that means is that item's array now reference the string (or rather the Integer implicitely converted to string as you don't have Option Strict On) you gave and the precedent reference (on your public field) is dropped.
Test this sample code and I think you will understand
Public item As String
Sub Test()
Dim array = {item}
Console.WriteLine(array(0) Is item) ' True
array(0) = "new value"
Console.WriteLine(array(0) Is item) ' False
End Sub
You can see now array(0) reference another object than the one referenced by the item field
As for how to solve it,yYou could pass all those string ByRef that way assignment inside the method would reflect outside of it but that would be tedious.
A "better" way IMO, would be to make a type (a Class) to hold all those string and pass an instance of that type to your method, that way you just mutate the same existing object.
Quick, contrived example :
Class SomeType
Property Item As String
End Class
Sub Test(instance As SomeType)
instance.Item = "new value"
End Sub
' Usage
Dim sample As New SomeType
' here sample.Item is Nothing
' here sample.Item is "new value"

VBA - Is it possible to pass an Object's property as an argument in a method?

I'm pretty used to VBA, not that much for Objects though and I'm hitting a wall right now...
My config class has almost 100 properties, so I'll not spam them here as the details doesn't really matter for my question.
I hoped to code a duplicate function, to create multiple objects from one and then assign different values for a specific property of each new objects (add new elements to the configurations, so it generates new configs), that would look like this :
Public Function Duplicate(SrcCfg As Config, PropertyName As String, Properties As String) As Collection
Dim Cc As Collection, _
Cfg As Config, _
TotalNumber As Integer, _
A() As String
Set Cc = New Collection
A = Split(Properties, "/")
TotalNumber = UBound(A)
For i = 0 To TotalNumber
'Create a copy of the source object
Set Cfg = SrcCfg.Copy
'Set the property for that particular copy
Cfg.PropertyName = A(i)
'Add that copy to the collection
Cc.Add ByVal Cfg
Next i
Duplicate = Cc
End Function
But I'm not sure that a collection is the best output (as I'll take the results and incorporate them into another master collection), so I'm open to suggestions.
And I'm pretty sure that we can't pass a Property as an argument (I spent quite some times looking for a solution for this...) and I don't know what to do about it as this would be super practical for me. So if there is a solution or a workaround, I'll gladly try it!
Here is the rest of my methods :
Friend Sub SetConfig(SrcConfig As Config)
Config = SrcConfig
End Sub
Public Function Copy() As Config
Dim Result As Config
Set Result = New Config
Call Result.SetConfig(Config)
Set Copy = Result
End Function
Final code to duplicate object :
Working smoothly :
Private Cfg As Config
Friend Sub SetConfig(SrcConfig As Config)
Set Cfg = SrcConfig
End Sub
Public Function Copy() As Config
Dim Result As Config
Set Result = New Config
Call Result.SetConfig(Cfg)
Set Copy = Result
End Function
Public Function Duplicate(PropertyName As String, Properties As String) As Collection
Dim Cc As Collection, _
Cfg As Config, _
TotalNumber As Integer, _
A() As String
Set Cc = New Collection
A = Split(Properties, "/")
TotalNumber = UBound(A)
For i = 0 To TotalNumber
'Create a copy of the source object
Set Cfg = Me.Copy
'Set the property for that particular copy
CallByName Cfg, PropertyName, VbLet, A(i)
'Add that copy to the collection
Cc.Add Cfg
Next i
Set Duplicate = Cc
End Function
You actually got it right, including the types (String).
Just replace your
Cfg.PropertyName = A(i)
CallByName Cfg, PropertyName, vbLet, A(i)
The property name must be passed as a string, not a reference or a lambda or anything, so no type safety or compiler aid here. You will have a runtime error if you misspell the name.
As for the return type, VBA does not have lists, so a collection is generally fine, but because in your particular case you know in advance how many objects you will be returning, you can declare an array:
Dim Cc() As Config
ReDim Cc(1 to TotalNumber)
You could declare an array in any case, but if you didn't know the total number, you'd be reallocating it on every iteration.

Vba Add Collection into object property

How can I add collection into the ? It keeps giving me an error. What am I doing wrong?
I wanna get a tree structure, I mean inside one property(for example value) would be a collection which has another objects with collections...
Option Explicit
Public name As String
Public value As Variant
Public ValueType As String
Public valueHelp As Collection
Function addColl()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 5
Dim nextCollection As Collection
Set nextCollection = New Collection
Dim obj1 As JsonElement
Set obj1 = New JsonElement = "City" & i
obj1.value = "type"
obj1.ValueType = nextCollection
nextCollection.Add obj1
'obj1.valueHelp = nextCollection
'nextCollection.Add nextCollection
End Function
I guess you just have to replace this line:
obj1.ValueType = nextCollection
with this line:
Set obj1.ValueType = nextCollection
since the object type of the property you are trying to store a value in (type Collection) cannot implicitly call the Set keyword as it does with strings or integers.

How Do I loop through this class once I have added items

How do i loop through this class once I add items via this method. Just I am quite new to generic lists so was wonding if someone could point me in right direction in datatables im used to doing the following:
For Each thisentry In dt.rows
What do I use in collections
Calling Code
Calling this in my delciarations of main class
Dim infoNoProductAvail As List(Of infoProductsNotFound) = New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)()
this is how i am adding the files but I have checked in the routine and the count for the list is at 2 products
If medProductInfo.SKU.SKUID = 0 Then
infoNoProductAvail.Add(New infoProductsNotFound(thisenty2.Item("EAN13").ToString(), True))
End If
this is the class itselfs
Public Class infoProductsNotFound
Public Sub New(tbcode As String, notfound As Boolean)
Me.tagbarcode = tbcode
Me.notfound = notfound
End Sub
Private tagbarcode As String = String.Empty
Private notfound As Boolean
Public Property tbcode() As String
Return tagbarcode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
tagbarcode = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property isNotFound() As Boolean
Return notfound
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
notfound = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
I tried using the following
Function BuildExceptionsForEmail()
Dim retval As String = ""
Dim cnt As Int32 = 0
retval = "The following products are not avialable" & vbCrLf
For Each info As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
retval &= info.tbcode
cnt &= 1
Return retval
but for some reason at this point my info noproductAvail is blank even though in the routine above its sitting at count of 2 what gives?
First I'd shrink that declaration a bit:
Dim infoNoProductAvail As New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)
Next, to iterate there are several options. First (and what you're likely most used to):
For Each info as infoProductsNotFound in infoNoProductAvail
If info.tbCode = "xyz" Then
End If
Or you might want to use lambda expressions (if you're using .Net 3.5 and above I think - might be .Net 4):
infoNoProductAvail.ForEach (Function(item) DoSomething(item))
Remember that generics are strongly typed (unlike the old VB collections) so no need to cast whatever comes out: you can access properties and methods directly.
If infoNoProductAvail(3).isNotFound Then
'Do something
End If
(Not that that is a great example, but you get the idea).
The For Each syntax is the same. It works the same way for all IEnumerable objects. The only "trick" to it is to make sure that your iterator variable is of the correct type, and also to make sure that you are iterating through the correct object.
In the case of the DataTable, you are iterating over it's Rows property. That property is an IEnumerable object containing a list of DataRow objects. Therefore, to iterate through it with For Each, you must use an iterator variable of type DataRow (or one of its base classes, such as Object).
To iterate through a generic List(Of T), the IEnumerable object is the List object itself. You don't need to go to one of it's properties. The type of the iterator needs to match the type of the items in the list:
For Each i As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
Dim i As infoProductsNotFound
For Each i In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
For Each i As Object In infoNoProductAvail
' ...