How to pass multiple info to MDI Child Form from another modal dialog form -

I try using delegate to pass info from dialog form to active MDI child form(not parent form) but it only accepts one data, how to I do this with multiple data like shown in the picture below:
this is I use so far: it only accepts one data from textbox
MDI Child Form:
Private Delegate Sub DoSearch(Msg As String)
Private PerformSearch As DoSearch
Private Sub InvokeFunc(Msg As String)
If PerformSearch IsNot Nothing Then
PerformSearch .Invoke(Msg)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub FuncDisplayMsg(Msg As String)
End Sub
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
PerformSearch = AddressOf Me.FuncDisplayMsg
FrmSecond.InvokeDel = AddressOf Me.InvokeFunc
End Sub
Dialog Form
Public Delegate Sub SearchInvoke(Msg As String)
Public InvokeSearch As SearchInvoke
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Me.InvokeSearch IsNot Nothing Then
InvokeSearch .Invoke(Me.txtMsg.Text)
End If
End Sub
How do I pass the values of a control(textbox, combobox & checkbox) from a dialog form to an Active MDI Child Form (assuming many MDI Child is open) like shown in a picture, and perform the search within the MDI Child

You seem to be jumping through a few too many hoops. You don't need two delegates. You only need one. For instance, if your dialog window had code like this:
Public Delegate Sub SearchInvoke(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean)
Public Property InvokeSearch As SearchInvoke
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Me.InvokeSearch IsNot Nothing Then
InvokeSearch.Invoke(cboSelection.SelectedItem, txtMsg.Text, chkBox1.Checked, chkBox2.Checked)
End If
End Sub
Then you could simply have code in your main form that looked like this:
Public Sub FuncDisplayMsg(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
FrmSecond.InvokeSearch = AddressOf Me.FuncDisplayMsg
End Sub
Using a Class Instead of Multiple Parameters
Alternatively, you could package all of the data in a single object and then send that one object as a parameter to the delegate. For instance, if you had a class like this:
Public Class DialogData
Public Property Selection As Object
Public Property Msg As String
Public Property Chk1 As Boolean
Public Property Chk2 As Boolean
End Class
Then you could define your delegate and call it from the dialog form like this:
Public Delegate Sub SearchInvoke(data As DialogData)
Public Property InvokeSearch As SearchInvoke
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Me.InvokeSearch IsNot Nothing Then
InvokeSearch.Invoke(New DialogData() With
.Selection = cboSelection.SelectedItem,
.Msg = txtMsg.Text,
.Chk1 = chkBox1.Checked,
.Chk2 = chkBox2.Checked
End If
End Sub
And you could handle the delegate invocation in your main form like this:
Public Sub FuncDisplayMsg(data As DialogData)
End Sub
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
FrmSecond.InvokeSearch = AddressOf Me.FuncDisplayMsg
End Sub
Using an Event Instead of a Delegate
Technically, an event is just a special kind of delegate, so they effectively work in the same way. However, the VB.NET syntax for working with events is considerably different than working with standard delegates. Since handling events is commonplace, you may find it more "normal" to implement it as an event rather than a standard delegate. To do that properly, you'd want to make an EventArgs class that contains properties to hold the data (similar to the previously discussed DialogData class), for instance:
Public Class SearchSubmittedEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Public Property Selection As Object
Public Property Msg As String
Public Property Chk1 As Boolean
Public Property Chk2 As Boolean
End Class
Then, you could declare and raise the event from the dialog form like this:
Public Event SearchSubmitted As EventHandler(Of SearchSubmittedEventArgs)
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent SearchSubmitted(Me, New SearchSubmittedEventArgs() With
.Selection = cboSelection.SelectedItem,
.Msg = txtMsg.Text,
.Chk1 = chkBox1.Checked,
.Chk2 = chkBox2.Checked
End Sub
And then you could handle the event on your main form like this:
Private WithEvents _dialog As frmSecondChild
Private Sub _dialog_SearchSubmitted(sender As Object, e As SearchSubmittedEventArgs) Handles _dialog.SearchSubmitted
End Sub
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
_dialog = New frmSecondChild()
End Sub
Rather than using the WithEvents and Handles keywords, you could also choose to manually attach the event handler using the AddHandler and keyword. However, if you do that, don't forget to later detach it using RemoveHandler.
Passing a Business Object to the Dialog Instead of a Delegate
Another option would be to forgo having a delegate or event at all, and instead choose to give some business object to the dialog form. The dialog form could then just call a method on that business class to perform the search as needed. For instance, if you created a business class like this:
Public Class SearchBusiness
Public Sub PerformSearch(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean)
End Sub
End Class
Then you could just call it, as necessary, from the dialog form like this:
Public Property Business As SearchBusiness
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Business IsNot Nothing Then
Business.PerformSearch(cboSelection.SelectedItem, txtMsg.Text, chkBox1.Checked, chkBox2.Checked)
End If
End Sub
And you could show the dialog form from the parent form like this:
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
FrmSecond.Business = New SearchBusiness()
End Sub
Although, in that case, unless there are different kinds of search business classes which all inherit from SearchBusiness, it seems silly to have the parent form be the thing creating the business object when the dialog could just create it itself. Which leads me to the next option...
Using an Interface to Make the Business Object Interchangeable
Since having the separate business class being used explicitly by the dialog form is a bit constricting, the preferable method, in my mind, would be to create an interface for the search business, like this:
Public Interface ISearchBusiness
Sub PerformSearch(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean)
End Interface
Public Class SearchBusiness
Implements ISearchBusiness
Public Sub PerformSearch(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean) Implements ISearchBusiness.PerformSearch
End Sub
End Class
Then, you could call it from the dialog form like this:
Public Property Business As ISearchBusiness
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Business IsNot Nothing Then
Business.PerformSearch(cboSelection.SelectedItem, txtMsg.Text, chkBox1.Checked, chkBox2.Checked)
End If
End Sub
And you could give the applicable business object to the dialog from your main form, the same way as above, like this:
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
FrmSecond.Business = New SearchBusiness()
End Sub
Passing the Parent Form to the Dialog Instead of a Separate Business Object
If, due to an unwise limitation in your design, only the parent form is capable of performing the business logic, then you could give the dialog a reference to the parent form rather than to a separate business object. However, in that case, I would definitely stick with using an interface. That way, you could, at a later date, refactor the code to give the dialog a separate business object that implements the same interface rather than the parent form. You wouldn't want to cement that poor design in stone. So, if you had the same interface as above:
Public Interface ISearchBusiness
Sub PerformSearch(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean)
End Interface
Then you'd still call it from the dialog in the same way, as above:
Public Property Business As ISearchBusiness
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Business IsNot Nothing Then
Business.PerformSearch(cboSelection.SelectedItem, txtMsg.Text, chkBox1.Checked, chkBox2.Checked)
End If
End Sub
Then you could implement the interface in your parent form like this:
Public Class FrmParent
Implements ISearchBusiness
Public Sub PerformSearch(selection As Object, msg As String, chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean) Implements ISearchBusiness.PerformSearch
End Sub
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
FrmSecond.Business = Me
End Sub
End Class
Displaying the Dialog Modally
When a form is displayed modally (i.e. using the ShowDialog method rather than the Show method), that means that execution does not continue in the parent form until the dialog form has been closed. Therefore, if you don't mind the dialog form stealing and holding onto the focus from the user until it is done (which is the typical behavior of a dialog window), then you could just show the dialog form modally and then read its properties once it is closed. For instance, in your main form you could just do something like this:
Private Sub FrmParentLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim FrmSecond As New frmSecondChild()
End Sub
It's not good practice, though, to access controls on another form directly like that. It would be better if the dialog form exposed properties for each datum and then the main form accessed the data through those properties.
This method is by far the simplest. Anywhere you can do it like this, it makes sense. This is, for instance the way the OpenFileDialog, ColorDialog, and other dialogs that are built-in to the .NET framework are designed. This design has one major drawback, though, which can limit its use. If you need to keep the dialog open until the work is complete, then you can't really do it this way. For instance, you may want to display some sort of progress bar on the dialog while the search was being performed. Or, you may want to allow for the fact that some validation error may occur in the business logic at which point you'd want the user to be able to make changes on the dialog and then try again. The latter is of particular concern in cases where the dialog is being used for data entry. For instance, if the dialog was being used to allow the user to submit a new sales order, then you don't want to close the dialog until the sales order has been successfully submitted. If some failure occurs while the data is being saved to the system, then you will likely want to let them fix the problem and then try submitting it again.


Add combobox items from another usercontrol form using textbox

I have a usercontrol form named "ucSETTINGS", where there is a textbox and once the button was clicked, the text inside the textbox will be added to the combobox from another usercontrol form name "ucITEMS"
I tried this code but it's not working
(cboCategory is the name of the combobox from ucITEMS, txtNAME is the textbox from ucSETTINGS)
Private Sub btnSAVE_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSAVE.Click
Dim category As New ucITEMS()
End Sub
Can someone help me?
In this sort of situation, the user controls don't know about each other by default and it should stay that way. The source UC just exposes an interface and lets whomever is watching use that as it sees fit. That means raising an event when something happens and exposing required data via properties, e.g.
Public Class SourceControl
Public ReadOnly Property TextBox1Text As String
Return TextBox1.Text
End Get
End Property
Public Event Button1Click As EventHandler
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub OnButton1Click(e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent Button1Click(Me, e)
End Sub
End Class
The Text of the TextBox is exposed via a property and, when the user clicks the Button, the UC raises an event.
The destination UC provides an interface for new items to be provided but it adds them to its own ComboBox, e.g.
Public Class DestinationControl
Public Sub AddItemToComboBox1(item As Object)
End Sub
End Class
The form then plays go-between, handling the event, getting the property and calling the method:
Private Sub SourceControl1_Button1Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SourceControl1.Button1Click
End Sub
Obviously you would use something more specific and appropriate than my generic naming.

declared event which fires, but is not heard

I have a application which contains two forms. One is called "MapComponentForm" and another called "ComponentPropertiesForm". In the MapComponentForm I have defined an event which I want fired when the OK button is clicked. If the ComponentPropertiesForm is open, I want it to "hear" this event and act accordingly. Stepping through the code the event seems to fire as expected but the ComponentPropertiesForm seems to be oblivious to this. I've attached the code from the two forms after stripping out the non relevant code in hopes that someone can tell me why my event goes unheeded. I used the information here:
in constructing my own code.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Public Class MapComponentForm
Public Event PartMapped(ByRef status As Boolean)
Public Sub New(shape As Visio.Shape)
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
_shape = shape
End Sub
Private Sub OkButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OkButton.Click
'If the component properties window is open, refresh it
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of ComponentPropertiesForm).Any Then
RaiseEvent PartMapped(True)
End If
end sub
end class
Public Class ComponentPropertiesForm
Private WithEvents mPartMap As MapComponentForm
Private Sub ComponentPropertiesForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
mPartMap = New MapComponentForm(Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub mPartMap_PartMapped(ByRef status As Boolean) Handles mPartMap.PartMapped
If status = True Then
MsgBox("something got mapped")
End If
End Sub
end class

Get form control using string name VB.NET

I have a control on a form UserNameCtrl and that control has a sub called LoadCtrl
I essentially have loads of these subs for clicks, so I want to put them all into one event handler
Private Sub NewsletterBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NewsletterBtn.Click, NewsletterImage.Click
If Not MainNewsletterCtrl.Loaded() Then MainNewsletterCtrl.Load()
End Sub
However within each of the subs the control names are hardcoded to call the .loaded and .load functionality.
I've wrote a new version of this
Private Sub GenericNavItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim ctrl As Control = Controls.Find(sender.tag, True).FirstOrDefault
'Want to do the Controlname.Load here
End Sub
Using the tag (which I named as the control name) I got the corresponding control. But it's bringing back it as a control rather than of the type I want it to be.
I know I declare it as Control, but I don't know how I can cast it to be the ControlName.Load rather than the generic control.
If they are all the same class (or base class), then just cast to that class. If they are all different class but have the same method Load and Loaded, then I suggest you create an interface.
Interface ISomeName
Sub Load()
Function Loaded() As Boolean()
End Interface
Make sure all your class implement it and then just cast to that interface.
Private Sub GenericNavItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim ctrl As Control = Controls.Find(sender.tag, True).FirstOrDefault
Dim ctrlInterface As ISomeName = CType(ctrl, ISomeName)
If Not ctrlInterface.Loaded() Then ctrlInterface.Load()
End Sub

Update label from mainform class with backgroundworker from another class

I have two classes.
Public Class MainForm
Private Project As clsProject
Private Sub btnDo_Click
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject
End Sub
and two methods inside MainForm
Public Shared Sub setLabelTxt(ByVal text As String, ByVal lbl As Label)
If lbl.InvokeRequired Then
lbl.Invoke(New setLabelTxtInvoker(AddressOf setLabelTxt), text, lbl)
lbl.Text = text
End If
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub setLabelTxtInvoker(ByVal text As String, ByVal lbl As Label)
end class
I want to update the labels of MainForm from the clsProject constructor.
MainForm.setLabelTxt("Getting prsadasdasdasdasdry..", MainForm.lblProgress)
but it does not update them.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that you are using the global MainForm instance to access the label in a background thread here:
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New()
' When accessing MainForm.Label1 on the next line, it causes an exception
MainForm.setLabelTxt("HERE!", MainForm.Label1)
End Sub
End Class
It's OK to call MainForm.setLabelTxt, since that is a shared method, so it's not going through the global instance to call it. But, when you access the Label1 property, that's utilizing VB.NET's trickery to access the global instance of the form. Using the form through that auto-global-instance variable (which always shares the same name as the type) is apparently not allowed in non-UI threads. When you do so, it throws an InvalidOperationException, with the following error message:
An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment.
I'm guessing that the reason you are not seeing the error is because you are catching the exception somewhere and you are simply ignoring it. If you stop using that global instance variable, the error goes away and it works. For instance, if you change the constructor to this:
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New(f As MainForm)
' The next line works because it doesn't use the global MainForm instance variable
MainForm.setLabelTxt("HERE!", f.Label1)
End Sub
End Class
Then, in your MainForm, you would have to call it like this:
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject(Me) ' Must pass Me
End Sub
Using the global instance from the background thread is not allowed, but when we use the same label from the background thread, without going through that global variable it works.
So it's clear that you cannot use the global MainForm variable from a background thread, but what may not be clear is that it's a bad idea to use it ever. First, it's confusing because it shares the same name as the MainForm type. More importantly, though, it is a global variable, and global state of any kind is almost always bad practice, if it can be avoided.
While the above example does solve the problem, it's still a pretty poor way of doing it. A better option would be to pass the setLabelTxt method to the clsProject object or even better have the clsProject simply raise an event when the label needs to be changed. Then, the MainForm can simply listen for those events and handle them when they happen. Ultimately, that clsProject class is probably some sort of business class which shouldn't be doing any kind of UI work anyway.
You cannot execute any action on GUI-elements from the BackgroundWorker directly. One way to "overcome" that is by forcing the given actions to be performed from the main thread via Me.Invoke; but this is not the ideal proceeding. Additionally, your code mixes up main form and external class (+ shared/non-shared objects) what makes the whole structure not too solid.
A for-sure working solution is relying on the specific BGW methods for dealing with GUI elements; for example: ProgressChanged Event. Sample code:
Public Class MainForm
Private Project As clsProject
Public Shared bgw As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
bgw = BackgroundWorker1 'Required as far as you want to called it from a Shared method
BackgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = True
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject
End Sub
Public Shared Sub setLabelTxt(ByVal text As String)
bgw.ReportProgress(0, text) 'You can write any int as first argument as far as will not be used anyway
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged
Me.Label1.Text = e.UserState 'You can access the given GUI-element directly
End Sub
End Class
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New()
MainForm.setLabelTxt("Getting prsadasdasdasdasdry..")
End Sub
End Class
instead of lbl.Invoke(.... I had to do this. This is my implementation:
Delegate Sub SetTextDelegate(ByVal args As String)
Private Sub SetTextBoxInfo(ByVal txt As String)
If txtInfo.InvokeRequired Then
Dim md As New SetTextDelegate(AddressOf SetTextBoxInfo)
Me.Invoke(md, txt)
txtInfo.Text = txt
End If
End Sub
And this worked for me.

Multi parent form

I've a vb .net winform that is show by others forms. I've frmA.vb, frmB.vb, frmC.vb and frmD.vb.
This all forms can call frmItem.vb.
frmItem.vb allows the user to select an item from a Database, this item is sent by calling a Set Property on the parent.
I open frmA, click on button (something like:)
fi = new frmItem(frmA) 'frmItem has 4 New() methods, frmA.. b... c and d
'i need to pass the correct parent.
So, when i add an item, it calls
It works OK, my doubt is about optimization, because i've duplicated frmItem; one copy managed frmA and frmB, and the other one, frmC and frmD.
in frmItem1 when i've to sent the item, i use:
private fB as frmB
private fA as frmA
if parentFrmA is nothing then
'Is frmB
'Is frmA
end if
And, on frmItem2:
private fC as frmC
private fD as frmD
if parentFrmC is nothing then
'Is frmD
'Is frmC
end if
If i modify frmItem1, i've to modify frmItem2 and viceversa, because they should look and act like one.
All four forms, have the same Set Property, but like they're differents forms, i can't use a unique Form class in frmItem.
Is the posibility that one form, can manage multi parents in an easy way??
If you need more info, let me know. Thanks
I can't completely follow your example since, well, I think it's just hard to follow.
But in general, it sounds like these child forms should just be raising an event that the parent form is listening for. That way, you can separate your concerns a bit and not hardcode these dependencies.
You can try making your own EventArgs class to follow best practices:
Public Class ChildFormEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Private _ItemID As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal itemID As Integer)
_ItemID = itemID
End Sub
ReadOnly Property ItemID() As Integer
Return _ItemID
End Get
End Property
End Class
Your child forms would have a public event and you would raise it when ever this "added" thing happens:
Public Class Form2
Public Event ItemAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChildFormEventArgs)
Private _ItemID as Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent ItemAdded(Me, New ChildFormEventArgs(_ItemID))
End Sub
End Sub
And then your parent form is the one listening and can act accordingly:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using testForm As New Form2()
AddHandler testForm.ItemAdded, AddressOf ChildForm_ItemAdded
RemoveHandler testForm.ItemAdded, AddressOf ChildForm_ItemAdded
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub ChildForm_ItemAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChildFormEventArgs)
'// do something here.
'// sender is the child form that called it
'// e is the event arguments that contains the ItemID value
End Sub