Does anybody know how to use the Get command in monkey talk?
In monkey talk guide only the command is written but no syntax is present.
Here is an example for you,
var x = app.label("label1").get("x","value")
Above line will get the value of label1 and store it in variable x. You can change the second parameter "value" to ".text" or ".size" depending on your needs
since the question is not marked Answered and For the future reference i am answering this.
ComponenType MonkeyId Get varName propName
Works like an assignment statement (varName= propName)
The default property is “value”
// Get label value currently displayed
Label lastname Get name
// Enter name into input field
Input query EnterText ${name}
// Get the first table item
Table countries Get country items1
// Enter into input field
Input * EnterText ${country}
you can refer this document here, thanqs
I will try to explain using example. Suppose there is a ListView(Table) and you want to scroll till its last item.
//Define a variable
Vars * Define row
//Store size of list in variable row using Get. Check use of "Get" here
Table * Get row size %thinktime=20000
//Now stored variable can be used as per need. here I am using for scrolling
Table * ScrollToRow ${row} %thinktime=2000
Hope it helps you !!
I am very new to using Robot Framework, and I am using the RIDE development environment. I am trying to obtain a value from an element on a website, and then set a variable with that value. The keyword Get Value only accepts one argument from what I can see, and I cannot find any documentation explaining how to do this. This question is similar to another SO question but I am unclear on how to assign this data to a variable.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
here is the element that i am trying to obtain data from:
<div class="highlight-box animate ng-binding" animate-change="master.user.balance.toFixed(2)" id="header-balance">
I tried setting the variable like this:
#{balance} get value header-balance
as suggested, and it didnt throw any errors, but then when I tried to use the variable with an input text:
input text Textbox-1 #{balance}
it threw an error saying that input text requires two arguments. I took this to mean that the variable did not contain anything, regardless of being set in the last line.
To set a variable with the value obtained, just add the variable name as first element in your statement. Something like:
${variable} = Get Value id=my_element
In my plugin I get property as an input parameter. I'm trying to get property value at particular cell. I've checked that value at the cell is really defined, but I get Nan.
Code sample:
double permValueCell;
Index3 TestIndex = new Index3(54,8,7);
permValueCell = _propPermeability[TestIndex];
Firstly I thought that there is some problem in getting property as parameter, but during debug I saw that description section of the property displays a correct name. What can be wrong ?
In Petrel, the cell index seen in the UI is not the same as stored in Ocean.
You can convert between the two by using the ModelingUnitSystem class in Petrel 2014.
Look at :
I am using JasperStudio and the report is not generated dynamically from java code.
I have a problem with getting single value from parameter.
In the report I have a parameter A of a type List.
It is not a problem to use it in a clause as IN statement:
But I have a problem to get a single value from that list.
I know that my List has always 10 values.
So I want to use it in query, but I don't know how to write the statement:
AND USER.ID_USER = *first_value_of_list_A*
AND USER.ID_USER = $P!{Atrybuty}.get(1)
doesn't work
I tried also to assign parameter value to a variable, but as I know it isn't possible to use variables in queryString.
So my question: How to get single value from parameter List in queryString.
What you need to do for this is use
Set A type as Collection and that will allow you to even have a single selection or multi selection or just a single value.
Hope that this helps.
Is there any way of programmatically getting the value of a Text Symbol at runtime?
The scenario is that I have a simple report that calls a function module. I receive an exported parameter in variable LV_MSG of type CHAR1. This indicates a certain status message created in the program, for instance F (Fail), X (Match) or E (Error). I currently use a CASE statement to switch on LV_MSG and fill another variable with a short description of the message. These descriptions are maintained as text symbols that I retrieve at compile time with text-MS# where # is the same as the possible returns of LV_MSG, for instance text-MSX has the value "Exact Match Found".
Now it seems to me that the entire CASE statement is unnecessary as I could just assign to my description variable the value of the text symbol with ID 'MS' + LV_MSG (pseudocode, would use CONCATENATE). Now my issue is how I can find a text symbol based on the String representation of its ID at runtime. Is this even possible?
If it is, my code would look cleaner and I wouldn't have to update my actual code when new messages are added in the function module, as I would simply have to add a new text symbol. But would this approach be any faster or would it in fact degrade the report's performance?
Personally, I would probably define a domain and use the fixed values of the domain to represent the values. This way, you would even get around the string concatenation. You can use the function module DD_DOMVALUE_TEXT_GET to easily access the language-dependent text of a domain value.
To access the text elements of a program, use a function module like READ_TEXT_ELEMENTS.
Be aware that generic programming like this will definitely slow down your program. Whether it would make your code look cleaner is in the eye of the beholder - if the values change rarely, I don't see why a simple CASE statement should be inferior to some generic text access.
Hope I understand you correctly but here goes. This is possible with a little trickery, all the text symbols in a report are defined as variables in the program (with the name text-abc where abc is the text ID). So you can use the following:
data: lt_all_text type standard table of textpool with default key,
lsr_text type ref to textpool.
"Load texts - you will only want to do this once
read textpool sy-repid into lt_all_text language sy-langu.
sort lt_all_Text by entry.
"Find a text, the field KEY is the text ID without TEXT-
read table lt_all_text with key entry = i_wanted_text
reference into lsr_text binary search.
If you want the address you can add:
field-symbols: <l_text> type any.
data l_name type string.
data lr_address type ref to data.
concatenate 'TEXT-' lsr_text->key into l_name.
assign (l_name) to <l_text>.
if sy-subrc = 0.
get reference of <l_text> into lr_address.
As vwegert pointed out this is probably not the best solution, for error handling rather use message classes or exception objects. This is useful in other cases though so now you know how.
Suppose I have a Model Class named Anything, in Yii, and all I want is to get not the field value, but the field name, how could I do that?
Because using something like:
$anything = new Anything;
Returns the value of that field, which is the purpose for that, still, if all you want is the string of the name of the field, how could you do that?
I tried using:
But it just returns an array of field names, I want to try and get a specific value as a defined constant.
What I want to do is use the $_POST with specific and practical use, so I wouldn't need to use:
Instead I could use:
Which seems a lot better than "" and '' here and there. Mostly because I'm trying to set multiple fieldsets of different Models in the same formulary.
So if I could use:
It would save a lot of problems I might had in the future.
$strModelName = 'ModelName'; //dynamic - whatever model name you put in it
$find_id = 3;
$record = $strModelName::model()->findByPK($find_id); //it's same with ModelName::model()->findByPK(3)
foreach($record->attributes as $key=>$value){
var_dump($_POST[$strModelName][$key]); //get value corresponding to given key
Btw, you still need check whether the model is exist or not