Why is there a NPE on #Injectable class - jmockit

I have a class(looks something like this) I'm trying to test.
public class UserResource extends BaseResource {
#Autowired UserService userService;
public User registerUser(User user){
User registeredUser = userService.register(user);
return registeredUser;
The test looks like this.
public class UserResourceTest {
#Tested UserResource userResource;
#Injectable UserService userService;
#Mocked BaseResource baseResource;
public void registerShouldDoSomething(){
User user = new User();
final User registerResult = new User();
new NonStrictExpectations() {{
userService.register((User)any); result = registerResult;
For some reason in the tested class, userService is null and throwing a NPE when register is called on it (UserService is a class not interface/abstract btw). I'm wondering if perhaps some of the annotations(javax or Spring) may be clashing with JMockit or something(Although I've tried removing them)?
I've tried switching the injectable to just #Mocked, and I've tried removing it and having it be a #Mocked test method param. Nothing seems to be solving the NPE.

I had the same issue, the problem was mixing Spring annotations - Autowired with Java Resource. If you mix them only Java will be injected.
For more details please take a look at:
especially discardFieldsNotAnnotatedWithJavaxInjectIfAtLeastOneIsAnnotated method.
This is a dirty solution to the problem:
package mockit.internal.expectations.injection;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
public class DirtyHack {
static {
try {
setFinalStatic(InjectionPoint.class.getDeclaredField("WITH_INJECTION_API_IN_CLASSPATH"), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
static void setFinalStatic(Field field, Object newValue) throws Exception {
Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
field.set(null, newValue);
Then your test need to for example extends this class.

I ended up using reflection to manually set the #Injectable fields in the #Tested class
public class UserResourceTest {
#Tested UserResource userResource;
#Injectable UserService userService;
#Mocked BaseResource baseResource;
public void registerShouldDoSomething(){
Deencapsulation.setField(userResource,userService); //This line
User user = new User();
final User registerResult = new User();
new NonStrictExpectations() {{
userService.register((User)any); result = registerResult;
Still not sure what the bug is, but this works for me


Using and extending JOOQ generated DAOs with injected DataSource?

I'm new to JOOQ... The following code seems to work in WildFly 22 but I'm not sure if that is the best way to do things. What is the preferred way to inject WF DataSource to JOOQ DAOs (my extended ones)? Is there a way to avoid doing the ".get()." in the service below and just leave #Resource(...) etc. connection related for the MyCompanyDAO to handle internally?
In other words: companyDAO.get().fetchOneById(id) vs. companyDAO.fetchOneById(id)
public class CompanyService extends DefaultCompanyService {
private MyCompanyDAO companyDAO;
public Company find(Integer id) {
return companyDAO.get().fetchOneById(id);
public class MyCompanyDAO extends CompanyDao {
private MyConnectionProvider cp;
public CompanyDAO get() { // since cannot use #Resource in dao constructor
return this;
// custom code here
public class CompanyDao extends DAOImpl<CompanyRecord, tables.pojos.Company, Integer> {
// jooq generated code here
public class MyConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
#Resource(lookup = "java:/MyDS")
private DataSource dataSource;
public Connection acquire() throws DataAccessException {
try {
return dataSource.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Could not acquire connection.", e);
public void release(Connection connection) throws DataAccessException {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Could not release connection.", e);
Put initialization logic of MyCompanyDAO inside a #PostConstruct method.
public void init() {
This way, you don't need to call get:
private MyCompanyDAO companyDAO;
public Company find(Integer id) {
return companyDAO.fetchOneById(id);
How about using constructor injection instead? The generated DAO classes offer a constructor that accepts a Configuration precisely for that:
public class MyCompanyDAO extends CompanyDao {
public MyCompanyDAO (Configuration configuration) {
If for some reason you cannot inject the entire configuration (which I'd recommend), you could still inject the ConnectionProvider:
public class MyCompanyDAO extends CompanyDao {
public MyCompanyDAO (MyConnectionProvider cp) {
super(DSL.using(cp, SQLDialect.POSTGRES));

Where do Before and After hooks go in Cucumber

I have a fairly simple Cucumber test framework with a feature file, a step definitions file, and a test runner class that looks like this:
#CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/java/com/tests/cucumber/features/ui/ExampleTest.feature",
glue = { "com.tests.cucumber.stepdefinitions" },
public class ExampleTestRunner {
This runs a scenario in the feature file just fine. Now I want to add a Before and After hook to do some setup and teardown, but I can't for the like of me get the hooks to run. I've tried adding the hooks to the ExampleTestRunner and to the StepDefinition class, but they never run. Where should I put these hooks? At the moment, the hooks just look like this, but I'll add content to them once I've worked this out!
package com.tests.cucumber.stepdefinitions;
import cucumber.api.java.After;
import cucumber.api.java.Before;
public class StepDefinitions {
public void before() {
System.out.println("starting before()");
Thanks for any help.
I am a little hesitant to answer this question even though I managed to get this to work. As far as I can tell, the problem was that I had added the Before and After methods in classes that were extended by other classes. In this situation, the tests would not run. I had to add the Before and After methods to a class that was not extended.
It feels like this is similar to the situation in which if you specify a step definition in a class that is extended by another class, then the step definition is considered to have a duplicate definition. Do I have the correct diagnosis here?
I use like this;
Runner Class:
features = {"src\\test\\features\\ui_features"},
glue = {"com\\base\\tm\\auto_reg\\tests\\ui_tests\\price_features"},
plugin = {"com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:"}
public class PriceFeatureRunner {
public static void setup() {
public static void teardown() {
public class RunnerUtil {
public static void setup(Class<?> clazz) {
String reportPath = "target/cucumber-reports/" + clazz.getSimpleName().split("_")[0] + "_report.html";
ExtentProperties extentProperties = ExtentProperties.INSTANCE;
public static void teardown() {
UiHooks uiHooks = new UiHooks();
public class UiHooks implements HookHelper {
public static final String BASE_URL = "https://www.stackoverfow.com/";
private Scenario scenario;
public void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario) {
this.scenario = scenario;
public void afterScenario() {
if (HookUtil.driver != null) {
if (HookUtil.seleniumBase != null) {
public void afterTest() {
if (HookUtil.driver != null) {
if (HookUtil.seleniumBase != null) {
public interface HookHelper {
void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario);
void afterScenario();
void afterTest();

How to mock protected final method of base class using jmockit

public class Dao1 extends GenericDao{
public class Dao2 extends Dao1{
public class GenericDao(){
protected final Session getCurrentSession() {
LOG.debug("getting current Session");
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
I am testing methods in Dao2 and wants to mock getCurrentSession method from GenericDao.
I tried to mock it using
new MockUp<GenericDao>() {
protected Session getCurrentSession() {
return session;
I am getting following exception at line new MockUp<GenericDao>():
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: mockit.internal.startup.AgentLoader: method <init>()V not found
at mockit.internal.startup.Startup.verifyInitialization(Startup.java:172)
at mockit.MockUp.<clinit>(MockUp.java:94)

Mocking the static method with Mockito

I am trying to mock static method using powermock.
Below is my code:
public class Helper{
public static User getLoggedInUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws NotFoundException {
String access = request.getHeader("Authorization");
if(access == null || access.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Access is null");
User user = new User();
return user;
And this is the controller function from where i am calling the static method getUser:
#RequestMapping(value = "user/userInfo/{Id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public #ResponseBody
ResultDTO getUser(#PathVariable("Id") Integer Id, HttpServletRequest request) throws NotFoundException, UnauthorizedException {
Integer userID = -1;
User user = Helper.getLoggedInUser(request);
if(user != null){
userID = user.getUserId();
//do something
And this is my test class:
public class CustomerControllerNGTest {
private userController instance = new PaymentCustomerController();
public PaymentCustomerControllerNGTest() {
public void setUpClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
}catch(Exception ex){
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(instance).build();
// mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(wac).build();
}catch(Exception ex){
public void tearDownMethod() throws Exception {
public void testGetUserInfo() throws Exception {
User user = new User();
HttpServletRequest request = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
//this is for the static method
//do something
Now whenever i am executing the test case, and whenever it is executing the lone marked with bold, it is going inside the static method and throwing the exception "Access is null" rather than mocking the method , it is executing the method. Any idea?
I also tried by uncommenting these lines:
but still same exception.
Try to uncomment:
and use
I wrote blog post on topic, that contain links to working examples on GitHub. These use TestNg instead of JUnit, but this shouldn't matter.
I would suggest to always use latest combination of Mockito and PowerMock available. Older combinations were often pretty buggy with confusing errors. Current latest combination is Mockito 1.9.5-rc1+, PowerMock 1.5+. Pre-1.5 versions of PowerMock wasn't Java7 compliant.

How to test a constructor call in JMockit for the following piece of code

public class HuronClassloader extends URLClassLoader {
public HuronClassloader(Logger logger) {
super(new URL[0]);
this.logger = logger;
public void doLogic() throws ClasspathFormattingException {
// logic go heer
// How to test the doLogic method using JMockit?
You can try as follows; #Injectable will automatically inject the mock Logger object to the constructor when initializing your tested class.
import mockit.Injectable;
import mockit.Tested;
HuronClassloader loader;
Logger logger;
public void testSomeMethod() {
//Optionally you can set expectation on your mock
new Expectations() {{
logger.someMethod(); result = ...;