Magnific-popup - Source (not showing up again) after closing Popup - magnific-popup

I'm trying to implement the Magnific-popup on a website. Source is a jquery ( html articles with a header paragraphs...) object loaded as inline type. The shown source is on the same page as the popup. To this point it is working fine, popup is working, content is loaded.
Now I'm unsure whether this is standard behaviour or not: In the background the shown article is hidden, while the rest of the articles are still there. When closing the popup, the shown article stays hidden.
tl;dr: Magnific-popup hides the source of the opened information, not making it visible again after closing the popup.
Am I doing anything wrong or is it just the expected behaviour of Magnific-popup?
Any hints/solutions appreciated.

its general behavior.
when you close the popup once, it adds class "popup-hide" to hide the popup content, though which may not be applied by you in its html
i hope you are referring to something like this : (when you click the trigger (the team logo), the inline-content gets hidden once the popup is closed.)
i'll try to get more (solution) on this later.. :)


In IE elements are get hide then after hover on them they get visible

I am working with IE11. After loading my website elements like checkbox, radio button, drop down arrow get automatically hidden then after hover on them they get visible then after click anywhere in page they again get hide. All this element are present and style are applied tested with developer tool but still they was giving problem. Then after check "use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" option from settings->Internet option->Advanced->"use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" everything got ok. Now my website element not getting hide all style applied perfectly. But I doesn't understand why this happen? How this setting fixed issues. Please any idea help!

Selenium does not work

Hello: I am using Selenium/Java to grab a PDF from a website. The website does not generate them in advance, but only after I clink on a link. When I do, the web server goes away for a few minutes, and then comes back with the content.
I'm using Firefox, and its built-in PDF viewer. When I click on the download link from the main browser window, it opens another window to receive the PDF content. In a few minutes the child window is filled with the PDF content, and all I need to do is click a download button on the Firefox toolbar, and then press a Save button on the confimration dialog. I have done both of these things, successfully, sometimes.
My problem, sometimes occurs when I execute the code to click on the child window's download button...
WebElement element = driver.findElement("download"));;
Sometimes, it just doesn't work. The statement:
...never throws an exception, so it appears to always be successful. Yet, the subsequent will often not produce the expected results.
I've thrown about 100 darts at this problem, but I can't seem to find one that produces consistent results. I've tried introducing delays, calling findElement several times, trying to use the driver on the child window in ways to confirm its connection to that window (all with positive return values), but nothing seems to help make on the darn download link successfull.
I have found Selenium to be a rock-solid solution, especially when working through the primary never misses a beat, and I'm really quite impressed about that behavior. This is my first Selenium project, and I hoping someone that has used it a bit more, might have a suggestion for this particular problem.
It's hard to answer this question without additional information about how the child window is populated. If the child window is using javascript to add the button to the page and define its behavior (which is likely), then the element could be actually present on the page when you look for it (i.e. no error will be thrown), but it might not be active yet or prepared to be clicked.
It might be a good idea to look at the element definition in the source for the child page to get a better idea of how the button is coded. If you have access to the web developers who designed/implemented the button even better. If you can wait to perform the click action until the button is in the desired state, this should solve the problem.
Additionally if the page is coded using a dynamic framework like Angular, you might be better off using Protractor for testing, which is based off of Selenium, but which is aware of updates in the view as they are occurring.

Impress Pages - HTML widget not saving/publishing

I'm currently trying to embed a mailchimp sign up form using the HTML widget from impress pages, and at first, it seems to work perfectly fine.
I drag the block onto the screen, a popup comes up, then I paste the form code into it, and then voila! A pretty looking, rendered form appears. I then go ahead and press publish... and bam! My HTML widget is gone, and all that's left is an empty block within the layout asking me to click to add text!
I have no idea what's going on here, does anyone have any ideas? I'm using a custom theme, and I'm wondering if the workaround is to hard-code a widget for my client and just use that (although it looks like it'll be a big drain on my time)
If you get "Forbidden" as a response after pressing save, you should have a look at the answer here impresspages html widget not saving

inject text from javascript to html "View source"

When I change text using JavaScript The text does not appear in the HTML "View source". Is it possible to inject information to the HTML "View source". (When I write View source I mean to While you pressing on the right mouse button in the browser you can view the source code That returns from the server)
View Source shows you only the HTML it received from the server's response. Your JS changes happen afterward.
Firebug and Chrome's debugger show you the source dynamically so you can see the DOM and HTML as it has been changed. But view source will only ever show you what the browser received from the server.
You have said it right. When you "View source" you see what was received from the server, and elements that you added dynamically using javascript do not exist there.
If you want to see elements which you added later, you can do that using Inspect element (CTRL + SHIFT + I), which will show you current html structure displayed in browser.
When you "view source" in a browser, it is opening a window and printing the source code to the current page. This text is totally static, nothing will change its contents besides manually refreshing.
If you want the HTML source you are looking at to reflect changes you make to the page, you need to use your browsers Dev Tools. Try Right Click->Inspect Element instead of Right Click->View Source
Some techniques:
In some browsers Ctrl-A to select the whole rendered page content
and, with a right click View Source of selection, gives the source as generated by
rendering scripts. (often <script> elements are gone and replaced
by the rendered content)
Augment the address bar URI by prepending view-source: to get the
original source.
Use the menu bar or right click View Source interfaces.
With these techniques and FF it is possible to get different sources for a "static" page in the rendering chronology.
Technique #1 is interesting when automated ... along the lines of:
generate a page that displays the time in seconds,
select whole page,
render the source view of the selection
repeat periodically
quasi code:
setInterval ( write Date() to page, select all, write view source of selection to page ) every second

openWYSIWYG - dynamic positioning

I am making a webpage that has different areas that can be clicked on to change the contents.
I want to set it up so that when you click on an area, an openWYSIWYG editor appears in the middle of the screen with the rest of the page greyed out.
I have achieved this except for the positioning of the editor. When you click on a section I have a div with 50% opacity cover the page and a textarea appear in the middle. But when I try to attach the editor to the textarea, it loses it's position and falls behind the div not in front of it like the textarea is.
Can anyone suggest a way of centring the openWYSIWYG editor?
You're looking for Modal positioning. Here's one solution:
Basically, apply the Jquery Dialog to the div that holds your WYSIWYG. Don't forget a submit button.
Just a quick heads up--I went through quite a bit of headache dealing with WYSIWYG editors for client-facing sites a few months back. It seems that clicking the "paste from WORD" button was a very difficult task to figure out. Word-pasted code can wreak havoc on websites, overrunning text fields in the database. I gave it a try on their demo (which also doesn't support webkit based browsers) and the result wasn't pretty. The only two options I found to solve this were to sanitize code on the back end, or to use CKEditor. I chose the latter because it was so easy. Take a look at CK, it's a great piece of free code.