Protected sheet creating hidden hyperlink - vba

When I protect a sheet and attempt to edit a cell that has for example an Index it will teleport me to that sheet and highlight the column the index is attempting to return. This is not that nice, as sometimes I am referencing other closed workbooks. How can I disable this feature and is there a way to have it go directly to the result of the index instead of highlighting the entire column?
To reproduce problem,
Create Index Formula, Protect Sheet, Double Click that cell, it pops up you can't edit it and then teleports you to the cells that are contained in the array portion of the index. You can imagine how this can become a problem when you are protecting cells to prevent users from editing things they shouldn't and instead it brings them strait to another place they shouldn't be!
I have tried:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
but it still pops up the error that the sheet is protected and teleports me. Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) doesn't seem to be capturing this event either.

To avoid such, select all the cells you want protected and then on Format Cells go to Protection Tab.
Check the Hidden check box.
Then protect the worksheet and try double clicking the cell again. HTH.

Whatever cell references are in that array field even if you place them in an if will be opened up by Excel when the sheet is protected. A VBA solution to this problem is
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Target.Locked Then Cancel = True
End Sub
This solution works because it only creates the secret hyperlink(which is not captured by the hyperlink event) when you double click.

If you want to keep the cell locked, the best solution I found is to put the hyperlink in a text box.


Disable a cell in Excel using VBA

I am trying to do few calculations and update the result of the same in a cell upon clicking the Calculate button (Active X button).
When the Excel sheet is opened, I want few of the cells to be disabled and greyed out. To implement the same, I have written the below lines of code under the Workbook_Open() Sub. All the conditions written under the sub are working fine, except, the statement that I have written to disable the cell (written the locked function to disable the cell).
After some surfing, I came to understand that sheet needs to be protected if a cell needs to be disabled/locked. So, I added an extra line in the code to protect the sheet. However, this stopped the result to be updated in a cell.
Upon clicking the calculate button, excel states that the "Sheet is protected". So, is there anyway to enable/ disable the cell using VB Script and without protecting the sheet please?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim b1 As Variant
Set b1 = Sheets("Calculation Tool").CommandButton22
b1.Enabled = False
Range("B4:C4") = ""
Range("E4:O4") = ""
Range("E9:F9") = ""
'This is the code written to disable the cells N4 and O4
Sheets("Calculation Tool").Range("N4:O4").Locked = True
Sheets("Calculation Tool").Protect
End Sub
You cannot "disable" a worksheet cell per-se; it's not like a textbox control.
You can, however:
set the cell's fill color to gray (Ctrl+1 to enter Format Cells > Fill tab)
lock the cell to prevent changes (Ctrl+1 to enter Format Cells > Protection tab)
protect the worksheet (Review tab > Protect Sheet) so the cell locking takes effect.
If you need to change the locked cell you can programmatically unprotect the worksheet, make the change, and then re-protect it. Also note that there are several options available when protecting the worksheet.
Alternatively, you could instead use text boxes, and then disable/lock it like you would other controls.
See Also: Lock or unlock specific areas of a protected worksheet
(Based on your "greyed-out" description, I believe you were thinking of textboxes on Microsoft Access Forms.)
try this code for a range:
Range("A1:B2").Locked = True

Enable Clear Filter on Protected Sheet's Excel Ribbon

Even though Microsoft says that it's not possible: Can't clear auto filter in protected sheet, I am still thinking that somehow this should be possible. At least I hope.
I know that I can clear filters from columns one by one, but I want users to be able to click that Clear feature on the Ribbon/Sort&Filter section. (Currently it's disabled / greyed out)
There are many questions on the internet but none of them is useful honestly. Is there any possibility?
I tried defining Worksheet_Change event to Unprotect Sheet but that is not sensible at all because it slows down my worksheet and I wasn't able to find correct condition to define into Worksheet_Change. In this example it was running whenever $:$ rows are selected . So I need another smart suggestion.
You do not need to unprotect the sheet to clear the filter. Simply paste this macro in a module
Sub ClearFilter()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
End Sub
And then assign a shortcut key to it.
Now when you press CTRL+SHIFT+C, you will see Autofilter data is reset.

Excel full screen mode cant write to cell

I have a problem with excel in full screen mode. When I chose another sheet (via macro) and go back to previous sheet (via macro) I cant write something to cell selected cell. Any advice?
My code for fullscreen:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Visible = False
End Sub
My macro code for select sheet:
Private Sub skok()
Sheets("Sheet 2").Select
End Sub
I can testify that this problem is happening to my workbook also!
To improve visibility, I make the workbook go fullscreen with the DisplayFullscreen=True in the same sub.
Later, the user can move to Sheets 2 with macro in a command button. On sheet 2 there is a button "Save & Return" which runs a macro like
But when we return to Sheet1 the cells seem to freeze. But the command buttons still work.The situation can be 'unlocked' when I randomly select another sheet below on the sheet tab. Then returning to Sheet1 I can then enter in the cells!
One strange thing is that although the sheet seem freeze, I can still copy & paste text in a cell using the Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V on keyboard.
I have the same problem, and it is an Excel bug! We can still copy/paste values in cells, write in cells by VBA code, but we cannot edit cells' value anymore by double-clicking the cell (or F2). The cell edition is frozen! (It is like unchecking the option "Allow editing directly in cells" (Options->Advanced options-> (Sector)"Editing options".)
To create the bug:
Click on an ActiveX control while you are in full screen mode (Application.DisplayFullScreen = True)
...and the bug is there now you cannot edit cells anymore!
The bug stays as long as the formula bar is not physically visible on your screen (fullScreen or not) and will STOP (as long as you do not recreate the bug...) as soon as the formula bar is displayed (staying in fullScreen and executing "Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True" won't work)
The bug will "temporarily" stop (with hidden formula bar) if you activate another sheet but will start again if you click on any other ActiveX control in any sheets (fullScreen or not)...
The answer is a good lesson in form. Try to avoid .Activate and .Select. If you always specify your ranges you can avoid situations like this with multiple workbooks. Use the format:
Workbooks("myBook.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "whatever"
with Workbooks("myBook.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1")
.Range("A1").Value = "A"
.Range("A2").Value = 2
.Range("A3").Value = "Blah"
End With

I need to be able to sort a protected worksheet that has locked column headers in excel (VBA)

I am working on an excel document at the moment and everything is turning out quite nicely. However, I am coming down to the very last issue that I am having a problem resolving: being able to sort my columns in ascending/descending order while the worksheet is protected and the column headers are locked. I will state some facts about my worksheet first, the goal that I am trying to accomplish, then possible solutions that I have researched and why those solutions do not seem to apply to my situation.
First, I am NOT using an excel table object (just plain
The top row has AutoFilter applied (to work as column headers).
All of the cells in the worksheet are unlocked, EXCEPT for the
entire first row which is locked (aka, the column headers).
The worksheet will be protected.
I do NOT want users to be able to edit data in the first row (this
is important, these must not be editable no matter what).
For my protected sheet settings, I have "Select locked
cells","Select unlocked cells","Insert rows","Delete rows","Sort",
and "AutoFilter" checked.
I am using VBA for my worksheet.
I am using Excel 2013
Now, assuming the worksheet is protected, users are currently able to use the AutoFilter at the top to actually "filter" the data as intended. The issue is whenever they try to "sort" the data in ascending/descending order that I get an error saying that you must unprotect the sheet first.
After researching I have seen that this is due to the fact that when you sort, the AutoFilter automatically counts the column header as part of the range being sorted... but because this column header (row 1) is locked, it is causing this error. However, this row HAS to be locked, my VBA code specifically reads the values in these column headers and under no circumstances can they be changed.
So filtering works just fine, it is just the sorting I am trying to figure out now. My "ideal" solution would be to somehow capture an event when a user clicks on the AutoFilter arrow and selects "Sort" where I can then, in VBA, unprotect the sheet, sort according to their selection, then protect the sheet again. However, again upon research, it seems that there really isn't an option when it comes to an event for this AutoFilter button (I could be wrong, sometimes it can be confusing reading other's suggestions).
I am hoping someone out there can help me out with this situation, I would also LIKE to avoid using an excel table object, however if it is the only solution that works that meets all my above criteria then so-be-it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
If you already use VBA, you can plug this code into the Sheet module. This assumes the headers are in row 1. Change to suit.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("1:1")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
The sheet now does not need to be protected.
Borrowing a bit from #Teylyn's and adapted it to disallow selection of the header row, when it is selected, it selects the cell below it directly and displays an error message. The code sits in the sheet module, if it needs to be applied to more sheets, it may be better to use Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range), in that case, replace all instances of Me with Sh in the code below.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("1:1")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Offset(1, 0).Select
MsgBox "You cannot select or edit the headerrow, please use the autofilter button to sort and filter.", vbCritical, "Invalid Selection"
End If
End Sub
Unlocking the cells which is required for the sorting and then allowing unlocked cells to be selected when protecting the worksheet, which is needed to be able to edit the data, makes the worksheet protection effectively useless.
Also wit the code above, there is still a loophole through which cells can be edited. If you select an allowed cell, drag it to the header row, and choose to replace the data in the cell then the header cell to which the allowed cell was moved is selected and editable.
End of note
Select the data range which needs to be sorted and unlock the cells.
When protecting the worksheet, be sure to allow
To prevent users from changing the cell contents, disallow the selection of unlocked cells.

VBA for clear value in specific range of cell and protected cell from being wash away formula

I have data from like A1:Z50 but I want to delete only A5:X50 using VBA
(I think it will be a lot faster than dragging the whole cell or using clickA5+shift+clickX50+delete).
How can I do this ?
And then, how to lock the cell to prevent it from getting fixed or cleared ?
You could define a macro containing the following code:
Sub DeleteA5X50()
end sub
Running the macro would select the range A5:x50 on the active worksheet and clear all the contents of the cells within that range.
To leave your formulas intact use the following instead:
Sub DeleteA5X50()
Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).Select
end sub
This will first select the overall range of cells you are interested in clearing the contents from and will then further limit the selection to only include cells which contain what excel considers to be 'Constants.'
You can do this manually in excel by selecting the range of cells, hitting 'f5' to bring up the 'Go To' dialog box and then clicking on the 'Special' button and choosing the 'Constants' option and clicking 'Ok'.
Try this
Sheets("your sheetname").range("A5:X50").Value = ""
You can also use
Not sure its faster with VBA - the fastest way to do it in the normal Excel programm would be:
A1:X50 Enter
Unless you have to do this very often, entering and then triggering the VBAcode is more effort.
And in case you only want to delete formulas or values, you can insert Ctrl-G, Alt-S to select Goto Special and here select Formulas or Values.