How to test Documentum RESTful APIs - api

I'm successfully running the Documentum Developer Edition on a Virtual Machine as suggested by Documentum's Official Site. I have access to the admin page, and now i'd like to test the RESTful apis to check if it's corrently working, to get an idea on how Documentum works.
Do you know how to do it? What URLs can i visit with the Virtual Machine's browser to test REST apis (possibly with the GET method)?
Please note that i currently can't access the official ecm documentation for office reasons.

I am running Documentum xCP 2.1 Developer Edition. I doubt that REST services on Documentum 7.0/7.1 Developer Edition have different base URL address but check few usual ports at server with either dctm-rest or documentum-rest path.
If by chance you are running xCP 2.1 DE try with
It'll list you repository details.
As you can assume
is the base URL for Documentum REST services. You can play from there. Best part is to create stateless process which you'll consume as REST services from your client. ;)
For help check out these links:
When you gain access to official documentation you'll have 489 pages big Development Guide.


create web service config file in access 2016 vba

I don't have any code yet as I don't know where to start! I see on the web that I'd need to select
on the Access toolbar external data >> more >> data services. Then it asks to point to a xml config file. Which I don't have and would need to create. I have the connection string from a application.
sWIPConnString As String = "SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(;uid=APP_getinfo;pwd=thispassword;"
I'd have to convert that to an xml version. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank in advance
But those data services are not just any old plane jane web site. They are web sites that have installed, setup, and the developers of those web sites setup that data service connection. And these custom connections are NOT general web sites, and they are not general web services that many sites have. And they are not a web API written around say SOAP or some REST standard.
So unless that web site decided to adopt this Microsoft specific means and method to expose data, then you not be able to use this feature to simple connect to any old web site out of the blue. If you have a existing web site that exposes some web services? Then you have to use MSXML and consume that web data yourself. That option in Access is not some general purpose setting or feature that allows connection to any old web site - only ones that have created that web service written to the business connection options that Microsoft created.
It not clear if you planning to create some web services on the target web site (that would assume you're the developer of that web site), or you trying to consume existing web services that the given site exposes. Even in this 2nd case, those exposed web services or even REST calls has ZERO to do with the feature in Access.
so that feature is of only use for connecting to web sites that offer specific created connection based on that standard from Microsoft - it not a general web service consuming feature built into access and you can't use that feature as such.
How to make a web service call from Access? Well, it has ZERO to do with that feature. Here is a MSXML exmaple:
How to use XML web services in Access2007 which are built on Visual studio (2008/2010)

Azure Websites Authentication / Authorization

I am using new feature of Azure that enables the active directory authentication for your website without writing any code.
But the problem is my web application is also hosting some Web APIs, which need to be called without any authentication.
Is there a way (some attributes?) so that I can call Web APIs without any authentication?
Tushar, I see that Byron also replied to your question on his post- and suggested creating another website as for APIs as a work around. However I suggest that you wire-up auth separately for your Web App and APIs following our samples here:,
Let me know if you run into any issues.
From the very same article you refer:
Current Limitations
There are some limitation to the current preview
release of this feature:
With the current release the whole site is placed behind login the
Head less authentication/authorization for API scenarios
or service to service scenarios are not currently supported.
So, no, you cannot have partial APIs or pages anonymously available - all pages and API will be protected by the Azure Active Directory.

Secure Web API With Azure AD

Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to setup and secure a Web API project using Azure AD? I can create the project but when I navigate to /api/values/, I get a 401 response. The application has been added to the list of applications in my Azure AD directory.
I found a blog post here that appears to address this topic but the steps do not match my environment. Perhaps this is because it is a bit outdated?
What am I missing?
Take a look at the Web API examples at, specifically WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet and AzureADSamples/WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-UserIdentity-DotNet.

Web Service on Windows Azure?

I am new to Windows Azure and I have a question.
I have:
Web site which deployed to Windows Azure - The web site manage a table (add, edit, delete). I used this guide: Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Windows Azure Web Site and SQL Database
Andorid application & iOS Application (Native Code).
Now, I want the mobile applications to get data (in JSON format) from the web site (and from the DB).
What is the best practice to do that?
I tried to create a Azure (WCF) Service (the project refrenced to the web site project) but I didn't succeded. If this is the way - Is anyone knows a good tutorial to do that?
Is there another option? Maybe from the web site itself?
Thank you very much,
If you want to integrate with non-Microsoft technologies I suggest you take a look at the ASP.NET Web API which allows you to build REST services using content negotiation. Content negotiation allows your consumer to specify the format it requires (json, xml, ...).
To host the ASP.NET Web API in a Windows Azure Web Site you should take a look at Carlos' blog, he describes in detail what you need to do to make this work: Creating ASP.NET Web APIs on Azure Web Sites
Have you given ASP.NET Web API a look-see?

Auto-generate an API Explorer for WCF services

If you have ever used the Flickr API, you'll be familiar with their API Explorer. It is an awesome tool, that allows you to view the documentation for each API method, and the killer feature, being the execution of that API method (with a form to populate any request parameters). It even picks up when you are logged in, and completes the authentication part on your behalf. Gowalla has a similar API Explorer that is also really good.
Are there are tools for WCF that will auto-generate such an API Explorer, free or commercial?
Currently, we use Fiddler to build the JSON requests, but I would like to publish these service contracts, and allow potential developers to play around with them via a web based API explorer.
I am aware of the WCF Web HTTP Service Help Page, which I am using (and is awesome), but it is the API Explorer part that I am interested in.
You may want to look at I/O Docs - an open-sourced interactive documentation system for RESTful web APIs that any API owner can use to deploy for their own documentation. It runs on Node.js and uses Redis as a data store.
It uses JSON schema based files to define API endpoints, method and parameters. Based on these JSON files, it generates a client interface that developers can use to learn and explore your API. API calls can be executed directly from the documentation interface, producing formatted responses.
It's Open-sourced, so you can be assured of regular updates and improvements. In fact this past weekend, Brandon West from SendGrid (who use I/O docs to power their documentation), created and open sourced the UI to create/edit the JSON schema files for I/O Docs. So you don't have to manually create the JSON files anymore.
Not exactly what you were looking for, but....
WCF provides something called the WCF Test Client, for this purpose.
If you install Visual Studio, you get it. For example, for VS2008, installed in the usual place, you can find the WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\
Take a look at Apigee: