It's not clear to me why I'm getting this error: REFRESH_COMPLETED_WITH_UNCERTAIN_ACCOUNT
The authentication workflow went through, but I can't get any summaries for the added site.

When you add a site , all the different types of accounts under the provided credentials will be added. Like - saving, credit card account, loan account etc.
When the refresh is completed but there is a failure in refresh for one of the different types of account present for that site for a user because of either data agent or Site error then this status is set. Hence this status has to be treated same as REFRESH_COMPLETED and you should be able to get summary details.


MWS Developer access for PII personal identifiable Information Revoked - Buyersname, phone, Addresses are coming blank

We are using Amazon Seller account and have been using MWS API for last 10 months. However this is the first time we got this issue.
1. All of our API is getting failed.
2. BuyerName, Addresses, phone are not coming from the MWS API.
3. In the XML, The above tags are missing.
What i need to do now?
We faced this issue and we co-ordinate with amazon MWS operation Support team at https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/. They suggested upon checking, that role was revoked and due to which some Amazon MWS operations and reports do not return certain data.
They suggested to fill the below form from the given link in order to receive Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
But upon clicking this URL, we found access related issue and then the MWS operation team passed this issue to Developer Registration and Assessment forms team to help us in resolving the issue.

Yodlee get_accounts sometimes returns zero result / empty response

Here is the scenario:
User logins to the bank successfully (via Fastlink)
Right after user logs in, I get user's provider_accounts (via /providerAccounts API)
Then when I call to get the accounts, (via /accounts) I sometimes get empty response (zero accounts found?)
When I try later (seconds or minutes after) I get some accounts information back.
Is this because Yodlee is still trying to gather account information when I'm making /accounts api call?
This is because the accounts are still being added/linked.
Using the requestId and providerAccountId provided by FastLink callback, you need to poll continuously to know the refresh status of the account linking process and once it's done, you can call the get accounts.
Read more about the refresh status in the "Add/Update Account Process Status" section.
Yodlee makes things easier now with webhooks. Read more here:
Using Webhooks with the Yodlee Core API
TL/DR: You need to wait for the add/link completion before retrieving the accounts.

PayPal Sandbox transactions are not showing for seller

I've used my live PayPal account to login to developer.paypal.com where I created 2 new accounts buyer# (personal) and seller# (business). I've implemented a PayPal plugin for a shop (CubeCart + PayPal Standard Payment Gateway plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/payment-gateways/paypal-standard). When I complete an order (sandbox testing) I sign using buyer# email and password and complete the order. I can then click to view account and it shows "payment to", "unclaimed" and the amount I've paid. When I logout of this account and login as my buyer#, I see no transactions. If I log back into developer.paypal.com and go to transactions under "Sandbox" section and select any of the email addresses I see the same statement for all of them "You don't have any transactions".
If I login to sandbox.paypal.com using james-facilitator# account (business) there are no transactions here either.
If I login to sanbox.paypal.com using james-buyer# account (personal) there is only the one initial transaction here for the initial 9,999 funds
I've obviously missed something but I can't think what, I'm not sure how a sandbox account knows who it's seller should be but I've checked both sandbox seller accounts. I find it strange that the buyer account I used has registered the transaction but it seems like it's orphaned as there isn't any other record of it any where else including the developer.paypal.com sandbox transaction. I've tried this several times to see if I could get it working and I've also allowed for 24 hours just in case there was a delay somewhere.
I just want to be able to test transactions before going live.
Any help/advice?
Much appreciated :)
Solved - silly really now I know but it was simply the email address I used to test the API. I used my main live account and I should have used the fake email address in my API call. Since my live controls the test accounts I assumed that this should have been used.

Can't get transactions - 0 returned

I'm attempting to get transactions on an account previously added (more than a few days ago).
The account was added to a test account on our sandbox but the account is real.
I use executeUserSearchRequest to initiate the search, with the parameters shown in the image below (screenshot from PhpStorm, while debugging).
The result can also be seen on the screenshot.
Please note that I've also attempted fetching transactions for another account on a different financial institution (that was added to the customer account on Yodlee again several weeks ago). It also returns no results.
When both accounts were added, they were added using addItemForContentService1 with a parameter to refresh right after adding (startRefreshItemOnAddition=true).
What can be the reason for this 'no transactions' reply? (although we know that there were transactions on those accounts).
As per the screenshot it seems like you are filtering the transactions based on the containerType= 'stocks', this will return transactions for all the investment accounts for that user.
Also, you are passing the itemAccountId.identifier which is for a specific account.
It would be great if you check followings:
The actual account aggregated is an investment account?
The itemAccountId is correct for that account?
Else, you can just remove the itemAccountId.identifier param as it is non-mandatory field and try. You should get some transactions in response.

Invalid account details accepts while adding new site account in yodlee live API

I'm using yodlee live API to link the bank transaction details.
Invalid bank account details accepts, when we add new site account in yodlee via live API, For example, the the account details like xxxxx and yyyyy, then the account added successful.
It's normal or any settings to be turned on in yodlee account or API parameters?
How can i validate the account details? while user add new site account?
Thanks in advance.
Though Yodlee accepts the invalid details/credentials, the account would fail. This would be represented by an Error code such as 402, which would mean that the credentials are wrong.
This is normal setting and teh only way you can validate if the details are right is by checking the status of the account. The error code should be "0" if everything is right.
Hope this helps. You can get more details on error codes under different scenarios #Error Code
Hope this helps
In short: Yodlee doesn't know the username/password entered during add account are correct or not; it has to validate the same with Bank website.
To explain you the process:
When you are adding a particular Bank account, you provides the username/password(it may be correct or incorrect) Yodlee doesn't know and can't validate at the time of submission. Yodlee takes the inputs(username/password) and submits the same to the Bank website(which consumer had selected); meanwhile you'll receive a response from API- addSiteAccount1, which will have the code as 801 (Refresh Never Done and Yodlee is going to update your account).
Once Bank website validate the same and found them incorrect Yodlee return 402 error code(invalid credentials), you need to call getSiteRefreshInfo API to check the same in loops each of 3-4sec.