Globally disabling protocols in OpenSSL - ssl

Is it possible to globally disable TLS 1.1 for an application that is indirectly using OpenSSL?
I would like to disable TLS 1.1 for a C application that makes soap HTTPS calls using gSOAP.
Disabling TLS 1.1 fixes a intermittent SSL connection problem I have been experiencing for the last few days (SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number).
Currently TLS 1.1 is disabled by using a custom build of gSOAP but ideally I would like to disable the protocol using a config file or some code in my application.
Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
OpenSSL 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.20
gSOAP 2.8.4-2

Although there is a global OpenSSL config file it can not be used to restrict the default SSL version(s). And unfortunately there seems to be no API or configuration for the gSOAP library to restrict the SSL version. So you must probably live with your custom build version and hope that someday they provide an API to set the SSL version.

At a minimum you will need gSOAP 2.8.28. Use the SOAP_TLSv1_2 option with soap_ssl_client_context() and soap_ssl_server_context() to restrict the TLS protocol to TLSv1.2 only. TLS1.0/TLS1.1/SSLv3 are disabled. You can't combine the SSL/TLS protocol options, so only TLSv1.2 will be enabled with this option. This works with OpenSSL 1.0.1 or later and recent GNUTLS versions. Perhaps there will be new options in upcoming gSOAP releases to support subsets of protocols, which would be nice.


Disable TLS 1.3 for GRPC or system-wide in Ubuntu?

I'm trying to use a GRPC client which is TLS 1.3 enabled on my system (Ubuntu 20.04). I'd like to force it to connect over TLS 1.2: I don't see any options to control this, so I thought I'd try disabling TLS 1.3 system-wide.
How do I do this? I tried adding
MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
to my /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf as this page seems to suggest*, but my GRPC traffic continues over TLS 1.3 (perhaps I'm not reloading the config or something?). I've heard mention of boringssl when it comes to GRPC as well, so perhaps that has something to do with things.
I added it as the second line, right after HOME = .: you can see the whole file here

NiFi ListenHTTP processor: Uses an unsupported protocol

I have configured a ListenHTTP 1.7.0 processor in NiFi 1.7.0-RC1. It is listening on a custom port behind a reverse proxy. I have configured a StandardRestrictedSSLContextService with a JKS keystore and have added the keystore password. We have not configured the truststore as we don't expect to need mutual TLS. The certificate is signed by an internal enterprise CA and is (or should be!) trusted by the client.
When I test this with Chrome I receive the following:
This site can’t provide a secure connection
my.server uses an unsupported protocol.
Unsupported protocol
The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
We have tried both TLS and TLSv1.2 in the ListenHTTP processor.
We have treid using curl (Linux) and Invoke-WebRequest (Windows) but have received variations on the bad cipher/SSL version message above.
I don't see anything in the release notes suggesting that the ListenHTTP processor changed much since 1.7.0, so I'm assuming that I don't need to upgrade NiFi.
Can anyone suggest what to try next or explain why we see this error?
I have read the following:
Nifi: how to make ListenHTTP work with SSL
What version of Java are you running on? Java 11 provides TLSv1.3, which is the default offering if you have generic TLS selected, but NiFi 1.7.0 doesn't support TLSv1.3 (and doesn't run on Java 11). So assuming you are running on Java 8, recent updates have introduced TLSv1.3 but should still provide for TLSv1.2. This can also indicate that the certificate you have provided is invalid or incompatible with the cipher suite list provided by the client. You can use $ openssl s_client -connect <host:port> -debug -state -CAfile <path_to_your_CA_cert.pem> to try diagnosing the available cipher suites & protocol versions. Adding -tls1_2 or -tls1_3, etc. will restrict the connection attempt to the specified protocol version as well.
You should definitely upgrade from NiFi 1.7.0 -- it was released over 2 years ago, has known issues, and there have been close to 2000 bug fixes and features added since, including numerous security issues. NiFi 1.12.1 is the latest released version.

WebSphere Multiple SSL Version Support

I'm running a web application that communicates with various APIs. One API requires TLSv1.2 while another will not support something that current (TLSv1 or TLSv1.1).
Does Websphere support multiple SSL versions?
I've found documentation about successfully changing the version of SSL, however I really need to be able to run TLSv1.1 and 1.2 together (if that's even possible) or run one version for one application while another for another application.
According to documentation for setting up SSL in WebSphere, to support the use of TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2, I need to enable SSL_TLSv2:
Question: WAS is act SSL client, What does remote SSL server support
only TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 and Similar WAS is act SSL Server, What does
Remote SSL client does support only TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2.
What to do in order to work such environments?
Answer: There is an alternative option, SSL_TLSv2, which will enable
support for TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2 in the environment. Please
use this setting SSL_TLSv2 in environments where support for multiple
TLS protocols is required, or if you are not sure whether your WAS
environment interacts with other servers or clients using non-TLSv1.2
protocols then, you can configure WAS to use SSL_TLSv2 using same
steps as given in the above.
Without poddle fix and configured WAS to use SSL_TLSv2
SSL_TLSv2 ==> Enables all SSL v3.0 and TLS v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2
protocols. Accepts SSLv3 or TLSv1 hello encapsulated in an SSLv2
format hello.
If you installed Poddle fix (will disable SSLv3 ) and configured WAS
to use SSL_TLSv2
SSL_TLSv2 ==> Enables these three TLS v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 protocols.
So, changing the QoS settings to SSL_TLSv2 allows SSL Handshakes to multiple TLS versions when required.

How ssl client in gsoap can send only TLSv1 request to server

I am using gSoap 2.8.16 version.
I recently upgraded my openssl at client to 1.0.2d version. But still I have soap server with openssl 1.0.0 version.
I am finding protocol version fatal error due to TLS version mismatch in client and server.
So I want SSL client in gsoap to send TLSv1 to the server.
I tried use like this, but client still sending TLSv1.2 version
Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
Perhaps you may want to upgrade gSOAP to a more recent version. The SOAP_TLSv1 flag works well in recent releases that include updates for the OpenSSL 1.0.x APIs as I saw in the changelog.

Modifying the ssl version using openssl on wamp server

I am currently working on testing some vulnerabilities in TLS 1.0. I have created a website and hosted it on wamp server 2.4. I am using openssl to create self-signed certificates for SSL encryption ver. 1.01. But the current openssl version uses TLS 1.2 provide. I want to use TLS 1.0 rather to test some of the vulnerabilities such as BEAST attack present in TLS 1.0. I would like to know how can I modify the version so that the website now uses TLS 1.0 protocol instead.
Try reading this the manual:
Then in the \wamp\bin\apache\apachex.y.z\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf find this line
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
Then change that line to only include the protocol you want to test so it is the only one that is used.