Dynamic style change in Titanium Alloy - titanium

I am new to the Titanium-Alloy. I am creating a 9X9 matrix using xml mark up. I want to change the background color of all the cells if I clicked on a single cell.
My questions are
1) Can I use class property like in jquery
$(".col").click(function() {
2) Should I change the background color using id property of each and every cell
3) Is it possible to assign a common click listner to all the cells.
Following is my xml markup
<View id="rowContainer" class="rowContainer">
<View id="rowHolder" class="rowHolder">
<View id="row1" class="row">
<View id="row1col1" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col2" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col3" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col4" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col5" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col6" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col7" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col8" class="col"></View>
<View id="row1col9" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9" class="row">
<View id="row9col1" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col2" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col3" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col4" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col5" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col6" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col7" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col8" class="col"></View>
<View id="row9col9" class="col"></View>
</View> // end rowHolder
</View> // end rowContainer

For the first and third parts:
No, you cannot use that technique. You have to manually assign the classes to the proxy objects. Something similar to this:
Define a function inside your controller
function cellClickHandler(event) {
$.addClass(event.source, 'backgroundRedColorClass');
In view.xml add:
<View id="row9col4" class="col" onClick='cellClickHandler'></View>
For the second part:
Yes, this is also an option. Assuming you have all references to cells in an array:
_.each(referencesToCells, function(cell){
$.addClass(cell, 'backgroundRedColorClass');


How to resolve the Virtualized Lists warning with multiple Flatlists within a scroll

I have been working my way through legacy views within an app - resolving the issues of FlatLists within a ScrollView component casuing the resulting Virtualised Lists error that is displayed.
I have 5 affected pages - first 3 only had 1 flatlist in the view - so was easy enough to split the urrounding code into flatlist header and footer assets. However I'm not sure what to do in terms of having 2 or more flatlists - how do i apprach the layout in thsi scenario - so there is only 1 scroll?
I may be missing something very simple but need a nudge please!
here is the view code:
<View style={[PRStyles.IRContainer]} >
<StatusBar barStyle="light-content" />
<View style={PRStyles.header}>
<FixedHeader backButton={true} navScreen='HomeViewContainer' />
<View style={PRStyles.IRBody}>
onRefresh={this._onRefresh} />}>
<TitleHeader sectionLocaleTxt='Duty Record' sectionTxt='' sectionDesc='End of shift duty Record.' sectionHyphen={false} />
<View style={FormStyles.PrRow}>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowTitle}>{this.props.auth.checkedInVenueName}</Text>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowDate}>{this.getCurrentDate()}</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.PrRow}>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowSubTitle}>General Manager / Licence Holder:</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.PrTable}>
<View style={FormStyles.prRowStrip}><Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripText} >{this.state.licenceHolder}</Text></View>
<View style={FormStyles.PrRow}>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowSubTitle}>Door Staff (<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowCount}>{this.state.doorStaffCount}</Text> total)</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.PrTable}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
<View style={FormStyles.PrRow}>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowSubTitle}>Numbers:</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.PrTable}>
<View style={FormStyles.prRowStrip}><Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripText} >Total In <Text style={ FormStyles.prRowStripColon}>:</Text> <Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripOrText}>{this.state.totalIn}</Text></Text></View>
<View style={FormStyles.prRowStrip}><Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripText} >Total Out<Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripColon}>:</Text> <Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripOrText}>{this.state.totalOut}</Text></Text></View>
<View style={FormStyles.prRowStrip}><Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripText} >Overall Difference<Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripColon}>:</Text> <Text style={FormStyles.prRowStripOrText}>{this.state.totalDifference}</Text></Text></View>
<View style={FormStyles.PrRow}>
<Text style={FormStyles.PrRowSubTitle}>Door Counts:</Text>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
<View style={[FormStyles.form, FormStyles.PrRow, {marginTop:15, paddingTop:0, borderBottomWidth:0} ]}>
<Text style={ModalStyles.formTop}><Text style={[ModalStyles.required, ]}>*</Text>Required Field</Text>
<Text style={[FormStyles.formLabel, FormStyles.formlabelFirst ]}>1. Customer Comments:</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.textInputBlock}>
placeholder="Enter Comments"
onChangeText={val => this.setState({ comments: val})}
style={{minHeight: 280, height: 'auto', textAlignVertical: 'top'}}
<Text style={[FormStyles.formLabel, FormStyles.formlabelFirst ]}>2. Duty Manager Name<Text style={ModalStyles.required}>*</Text> :</Text>
<View style={FormStyles.textInputBlock}>
placeholder="Please Print Name"
onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({signatureName:text})}
<Text style={[FormStyles.formLabel, FormStyles.formlabelFirst ]}>3. Duty Manager Signature: <Text style={ModalStyles.required}>*</Text></Text>
<Text style={[FormStyles.formLabelSub, FormStyles.formLabelSubHigh, FormStyles.superHighLight ]}>Note: PRESS BLUE SAVE BUTTON after applying Signature</Text>
<View style={[FormStyles.textInputBlock, this.isSignatureAdded() && FormStyles.signatureBlock ]}>
This is the most common error when working with scroll view and flat list.
To prevent the error cause, we have to manage our views inside a single flat list and put other components in the list header component and list footer component in an efficient way as we desire.
renderItem={(item) => {
return (
// Your flat list item goes here..
// Content above the list goes here..
// Content below the list should goes here..
You can still check the below link for more understanding.
FlatList Example with Custom Header and Custom Footer

React native Model popup with Check box list style Issue

I make check box list on Model Pop up by using react native multiple select checkbox list listed but it take full screen height i am not able to fix this issue please Any body help me
below is my Model Pop up Code
onRequestClose={() => {
Alert.alert("Modal has been closed.");
<View style={styles.ModalcenteredView}>
<View style={styles.ModalView}>
<View style={{height:'30%'}}>
// renderLabel={renderLabel}
onSelectionsChange={this.SelectFamilyMembers} />
<View style={{flex:1, flexDirection:'row', flex:1,height:'1%'}}>
<TouchableHighlight style={{height:'5%'},\[styles.ModalCloseButton\] }
onPress={() => {
<Text style={styles.ModalCloseButtonTextStyle}>Close</Text>
<TouchableHighlight style={{height:'5%'},\[styles.ModalSaveButton\] }
onPress={() => {
<Text style={styles.ModalSaveButtonTextStyle}>Save</Text>
You can make your modal like this
//this is parent view
//set this vide at the center of parent view and set height 40% or 30%

Text not getting rendered for an object

I have this below code, The alert shows following message:
{"item":{"isPositive":"false", "balance":"-500","currency":"AUD"}}
If I do alert on "ob" I get undefined. My problem is that the Text doesn't display anything:
_renderItemView(item) {
const ob = item
<View style={styles.rowContainer}>
<View style={styles.iconContainer}></View>
<View style={styles.descriptionContainer}>
<Text style={styles.subText}>{item.date}asasas</Text>
{/* <Text style={styles.transactionDescText}>{item.description}</Text>
<Text style={styles.subText}>{item.descFrom}</Text> */}
<View style={styles.balanceContainer}>
{/* <Text style={styles.balance}>{item.currency}</Text>
<Text style={styles.balanceSubText}>{item.balance}</Text> */}
I was using renderItem={(item, index) => _renderItemView(item) to render
I needed an extra brace like this
renderItem={({item, index}) =>

react-native touchable opacity click issue in IOS 12.02

TouchableOpacity requires us to click two times in IOS 12.2. These issues were not in previous IOS 12.1 version.
Whenever clicking on TouchableOpacity it seems to register click but do not fire onPress event. This issue is occuring in react-native version 0.52. This issue only occurs in IOS and not in android.
Code Snippet
keyExtractor={(data, index) => index}
renderItem={({ item , index}) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.itemDetailsPage(item)} >
<CardItem onPress={()=>this.itemDetailsPage(item)} style={[styles.menuSubCategoryCardItem, {marginLeft:0, borderLeftWidth: 6, borderLeftColor: item.itemCount ? '#00CDBE' : '#FFFFFF'}]}>
<View style={{flex:2,marginLeft:"0%"}}>
<View style={styles.menuItemImageOuterContainer}>
<View style={styles.menuItemImageInnerContainer}>
source={{ uri: item.menu_photo }}
{item.ratable == 'true' ?
<View style={[styles.menuItemRatingImage,{backgroundColor:item.overall_rating==0 ? 'rgb(166,166,166)' : item.rating_color}]}>
<Text style={styles.menuItemRatingImageText}>{ item.overall_rating>0 ? parseFloat(item.overall_rating).toFixed(this.state.rating_decimal_places) : "-" }</Text>
<View style={styles.menuItemNameContainer}>
<View style={{width:'100%',}}>
<Text numberOfLines={2} style={[styles.textHeadingMenuItem,{fontSize: item.menu_name.length>50 ? 53/3.82 : 63/3.82,paddingLeft:"2%"}]}>
<View style={{width:'130%',}}>
<Text numberOfLines={3} note style={[styles.textMenuItem,{paddingLeft:"2%"}]}>
item.friend_review_count > 0 ?
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',marginLeft:"2%",alignItems:'center'}}>
<Image style={styles.userIconBelowMenuItemText} source={require("../../../assets/home/blueUser.png")}>
<Text numberOfLines={1} style={styles.MenuItemFriendsRatedText}>
{item.friend_review_count} friends have rated this.
<View style={styles.menuItemPriceOuterContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.textHeadingMenuItemPrice,{paddingTop:"5%"}]}>
{this.state.currency} {CommonFunc.numberWithCommas(
<View style={styles.menuItemPlusButtonContainer}>
{ item.itemCount == undefined || item.itemCount == 0?
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.menuItemPlusButton}
onPress={() => this.displaySelector(item.menu_price, item.Menu_Options, this.props.toutIndex, null, index, 1)}
onLongPress={() => this.displaySelector(item.menu_price, item.Menu_Options, this.props.toutIndex, null, index, 1, 1)}
<Image style={[styles.menuItemPlusButtonImage,{resizeMethod:'resize'}]} source={require("../../../assets/order/Add.png")} />
<View style={styles.menuItemSelectorContainer}>
<Button transparent onPress={() => this.displaySelector(item.menu_price, item.Menu_Options, this.props.toutIndex, null, index, -1)} style={{paddingVertical:10, paddingLeft:2}}>
<Image source={require('../../../assets/order/decrease.png')}
<Button transparent>
<Text style={styles.menuItemSelectorCountText}>
<Button transparent onPress={() => this.displaySelector(item.menu_price, item.Menu_Options, this.props.toutIndex, null, index, 1)}
onLongPress={() => this.displaySelector(item.menu_price, item.Menu_Options, this.props.toutIndex, null, index, 1, 1)}
style={{paddingVertical:10, paddingRight:2}}
<Image source={require('../../../assets/order/increase.png')}
on parent components to the TouchableOpacity inorder for child touchables to persist the taps.
for eg1
<Flatlist keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always'>
<TouchableOpacity keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always'>
This, most probably, is a conflict between react components. While updating to latest react might do the trick, but I would advice you to try and remove each and every component and see if it works.
Are you using PanResponder by any chance? This could also create a conflict. Thanks and good luck.
Try react-native 0.55.4 its a stable version and i mostely use in my personal projects.
and try to wrap your image inside a View like this\
<Image />
You have 2 onPress nested functions, in <TouchableOpacity> and <Card>, which both are calling the same item, delete onPress function of <Card> component and it will mostly work

React Native - Scrollview vertical with scrollview horizontal in it?

I'm creating an APP to show points of interest of monuments. Right now I'm rendering the information on a ScrollView (vertical way). The output is like this:
I edited the image, it continues, but I think you get the point.
Here is my code:
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.contentContainer}>
{monumento.pois.map((poi, index) => (
<View key={index} style={{marginBottom: 15}} >
imageSrc = {{uri:poi.image}}
contentContainerStyle = {{marginBottom: -30}}
<View style={styles.map}>
onPress={() => navigate('Mapa', {monumento: monumento})} />
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>{poi.name}</Text>
<View style={styles.bodyContent}>
<Text style={styles.bodyText}>{poi.description}</Text>
What I want is to scroll normally for one Point of Interest (PoI), but the next PoI I want him to appear by scrooling horizontal (swiping left)...like this:
How can I accomplish that? Thanks!