Custom Encoding with NSData, initializes but crashes - objective-c

I've spent some serious time debugging this problem and I am stumped.
I'm trying to pack custom objects tightly into NSData to save space when they are saved to disk. I have implemented custom encoding and decoding methods for these custom objects. When I pack and unpack the objects, everything is initialized properly according to the debugger. Immediately after the code runs, it has either an EXC_BAD_ACCESS code=1 or code=2.
Here is the encoding and decoding:
-(instancetype) initWithData:(NSData *)data {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_memConstants = [[DWMemoryConstants alloc]init];
int arraySize = _memConstants.chunkSize * _memConstants.chunkSize;
NSData* unencodedBlocks[arraySize];
[data getBytes:unencodedBlocks];
_blocks = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
DWBlock *block = [[DWBlock alloc]initWithData:unencodedBlocks[i]];
[_blocks setObject:block forKey:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointFromString(block.blockName)]];
if (i == 0) {
_position = CGPointFromString(block.chunkName);
_chunkName = NSStringFromCGPoint(_position);
_bounds = CGRectMake(_position.x * _memConstants.chunkSize * kBlockSpriteWidth,
_position.y * _memConstants.chunkSize * kBlockSpriteWidth,
_memConstants.chunkSize * kBlockSpriteWidth,
_memConstants.chunkSize * kBlockSpriteWidth);
return self;
-(NSData *) customEncode {
NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc]init];
NSData* blocks[_blocks.allValues.count];
int count = 0;
for (DWBlock *block in _blocks.allValues) {
blocks[count] = [block customEncode];
[data appendBytes:&blocks length:sizeof(blocks)];
return data;
The exception happens at the end of this code. It successfully prints all of the log messages first, and I have verified that there is nothing wrong with the Chunk object:
-(void) testEncodeDecode {
DWChunk *testChunk = [[DWChunk alloc]initWithPosition:CGPointMake(100, 100)];
NSData *testData = [testChunk customEncode];
NSLog(#"datasize= %#", testData);
DWChunk *unencodedChunk = [[DWChunk alloc]initWithData:testData];
NSLog(#"blocks=%#", unencodedChunk.blocks.allValues);
NSLog(#"this message will print");
As I said, all of the variables for the Chunk and Block objects are properly initialized. I suspect that the problem is related to improper releasing of objects, but I don't know where to go from here.
Edit: I have enabled checking for zombies, and now I get this error message:
2014-10-24 11:38:31.775 DigWorld[10622:60b] *** -[NSConcreteMutableData release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x81790710

My initial thoughts where technically incorrect (read the code too fast...), but the actual error is along the exact same lines. By saving blocks, you save only the array of pointers, and not the actual data. You can make sure of that: in your comment you say that sizeof(blocks)=3600 and _blocks.allValues.count=900, so you only save the 900 pointers (* 4 bytes/pointer = 3600 bytes)
The actual data as created by [block customEncode] is then disposed of by ARC.
When reading this array afterward, you get pointers to pieces of memory (formerly NSData) that have been marked as freed, producing your crash, and explaining the error message when enabling zombies.
The tricky part: since this is the same instance of the program, and encode and decode are run next to each other, the actual memory has not been reallocated/overwritten. So you get the impression the objects are correctly saved. But rest assured this memory will eventually be overwritten by something else. You can make sure of that by saving the NSData on disk and decoding it on a re-run of the program.
It seems to me that you are trying to reinvent the wheel here.
The NSCoding protocol has been created exactly for that purpose: persisting graphs of objects on disk. The NSKeyedArchiver class will give you serialisation to disk with flexibility, and platform-independance, in a well-tested and documented interface.
You should be leveraging that architecture. Even if you decide that NSKeyedArchiver creates archives too "big" for your purposes, use the architecture in place and create your own archiver.
If you choose to do so, you can get inspiration with this open source NSCoder subclass implementation (disclaimer: I wrote it)


NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile decodeBytesForKey EXC_BAD_ACCESS code=1 when retrieving data

I need a little help with decodeBytesForKey using NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile. I appear to be writing everything correctly but reading the data gives me a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. I'm trying to deserialize data and have gotten confused by the various answers and examples out there. Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong?
for (NSString *item in directoryContent){
if ([[item pathExtension] isEqualToString:#"template"]) {
**// Next line is the problem line from the calling code:**
templateToRead = [[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:item]] mutableCopy];
IDImageTemplate *template = [[IDImageTemplate alloc] init];
template.templateData = templateToRead.templateData;
template.templateQuality = templateToRead.templateQuality;
template.templateSize = templateToRead.templateSize;
template.templateLocation = templateToRead.templateLocation;
[templatesRead addTemplate:template];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)encoder {
[encoder encodeInteger:self.templateSize forKey:#"templateSize"];
[encoder encodeBytes:(const unsigned char*)self.templateData length:self.templateSize forKey:#"templateData"];
[encoder encodeInt:self.templateQuality forKey:#"templateQuality"];
[encoder encodeInt:self.templateLocation forKey:#"templateLocation"];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.templateSize = [decoder decodeIntegerForKey:#"templateSize"];
**// Next line is where the real problem is:**
self.templateData = (const char *)[decoder decodeBytesForKey:#"templateData" returnedLength:(NSUInteger *)self.templateSize];
self.templateQuality = [decoder decodeIntForKey:#"templateQuality"];
self.templateLocation = [decoder decodeIntForKey:#"templateLocation"];
return self;
If I comment out the encoder and decoder lines for the data, I get the correct values back for everything else, but I need the data too.
Ok, there are a few different issues here. Thankfully, they're mostly easy to fix if you know C. (As an aside, you should probably spend some time [re-]learning C, since I get the impression that you've so far just gotten by on the basics of Objective-C and haven't learned much about the language it's a superset of.) Anyway, all but one of these has to do with a specific line, so I'll copy it here and chop it down so it's easier to inspect:
self.templateData =
(const char *)[decoder
returnedLength:(NSUInteger *)self.templateSize];
Although there's a more glaring issue, the one that's likely causing this particularly crash is this: (NSUInteger *)self.templateSize. I'd guess you were trying to get the address of the templateSize property's instance variable, but this won't work. What you'll actually need to do if you want to pass in the address of that instance variable is something like &_instanceVariable or &this->_instanceVariable (the former usually works since Obj-C allows unqualified instance variable access). (Note: the unary & in the last two code bits is the address-of operator.)
The code you've written is wrong because it's not getting the address of that property's underlying instance variable, it's just casting the returned size to a pointer. So if it returns 0, the pointer is 0; if it returns 4, the pointer is 4; if it returns 42801, the pointer is 42801 (i.e., it's just pointing to whatever those would point to, the first being NULL). So, in the end, decodeBytesForKey:returnedLength: is attempting to write to an address that may or may not be usable memory. It's an easy thing to fix, thankfully.
You could fix #1 and this alone should get it technically working for a short amount of time, but it's still wrong. You also have to take into account that the buffer returned by decodeBytesForKey:returnedLength: is a temporary buffer — it lives only as long as the coder lives. This is mentioned in the discussion segment of decodeBytesForKey:returnedLength:'s docs for NSKeyedUnarchiver and in the NSCoder decodeBytesWithReturnedLength: documentation. Unfortunately, if you're not looking in exactly the right place, that detail might be easy to miss, but it returning a const pointer might be evidence that the result had a temporary lifespan. Anyway, You need to make a copy of the returned buffer if you want to keep that data.
You mentioned in chat that the templateData property is itself a char *, so this means you're going to probably want to allocate a new block of memory of the same size, memcpy the buffer, and store that. This obviously goes with the assumption that you know to also free the buffer.
The easier way to do this, by far, is to just use NSData instead of a pointer to some memory. You can still encode as bytes (which allows you to give it a key) and decode as bytes, but you can get NSData to handle copying the buffer and freeing it for you. E.g.,
NSUInteger size = 0;
const char *buffer = [coder decodeBytesForKey:#"key" returnedLength:&size];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:size];
And with that, the NSData object and ARC in turn handle that for you. Depending on your specific needs, this might not be preferable, so obviously determine what's important for your specific case.
This is not a specific issue but more of a redundancy thing: you do not have to encode the length of the bytes before encoding the bytes themselves. This is handled by the coder already, hence why it returns its length via the returnedLength: argument (lengthp). So, the lines for encoding and decoding the length are unneeded.

Macro that logs the actual types of method arguments

Let's say this is my init method
- (id)initWithClient:(id <Client>)client
andDataStorage:(DataStorage *)storage
if (self = [super init])
self.client = client; = storage;
return self;
Then I want to write a macro that somehow logs the parameters passed to a method, by wrapping the parameter with a defined macro. Is this possible in any way?
The problem is at runtime it's not possible to find out the type of a parameter passed to a method. So I'm trying to find a hack around it, and do it at compile time.
// somehow achieve this, and log the value inside the marco
#define INJECT(x) NSLog(#"%#", x)
- (id)initWithClient:(INJECT(id <Client>))client
andDataStorage:(INJECT(DataStorage *))storage
expected log in console:
id <Client>
DataStorage *
At the risk of running into what appear to be crossed wires in the comments: you can get the parameter types passed to a method at runtime.
NSMethodSignature *signature =
[class methodSignatureForSelector:#selector(someSelector:)];
for(int argument = 2; argument < signature.numberOfArguments; argument++)
const char *argumentType = [signature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:argument];
// this is where it gets a bit messy...
if(!strcmp(argumentType, #encode(int))) NSLog(#"an integer");
if(!strcmp(argumentType, #encode(float))) NSLog(#"a float");
// ... etc, etc, etc ...
For any passed objects, use [object class] since all objects look the same at the runtime level — think of e.g. NSArray -addObject:; the runtime knows an object type will be passed in but it could be any object type.
See Apple's documentation on Type Encodings for information on what's going on there with those #encodes.
Whilst not an answer to the question as such. I would not recommend doing what you are asking about. I've seen far to much code where people have logged every single method call and argument (horribly over-complicated Java Enterprise stuff). The result has always been obscenely large logs that tell you next to nothing because of the amount of work it takes to find what you are after.
My recommendation would be that logging is important, but you should do targeted logging that clearing shows the state of relevant data at specific points which are important to understanding the flow.
Like others, I'm not sure what you are really after, or whether it is a good idea/design etc. But I wonder whether you are approaching the problem the wrong way. So let's take a look and maybe it will help you. From what I see you:
Want to find some way of obtaining the declared types of method parameters, in the form of strings, at runtime.
You are trying to tackle this by adding macros to the source. This tells me that you are not trying to do this for methods in a binary library that you are dynamically loading, but to methods in source you are compiling and are prepared to modify to achieve your goal.
Looked at that way, what is the problem? If you are prepared to add macros to your source why not simply add data declarations that contain the information you want - a mapping from a selector to an order list of parameter types as strings.
Is the issue that you want to extract the information in some automated way and were intending adding your macros by some automated process?
You can arrange for an Xcode project to run a source file through some other program by changing the file extension. Apple provide examples of using this to pre-process strings files - the files are fed through a Ruby script which produces a strings file which Xcode then handles as usual. Will that address your needs? Could you write a script/application (doesn't need to be in Ruby) which could add the information you need "on the fly" - take source in, produce modified source out which Xcode then compiles as usual? Note that the Clang compiler itself is designed to be called as a library so you can even use it to help you parse your source to extract the information you are after.
If none of those approaches suit consider that the debugger knows the correct types at runtime, and it gets those from the symbol information generated for it. There are library functions provided to help reader debugger information, so you should be able to write code which uses the same information the debugger does.
Hope those ideas help you, though I'm still not clear what you are trying or whether it makes sense!
due to objC being dynamically typed, all classes have the type id. The information about the declared types is erased. They are merely hints for the developer and to enable the compiler to do some type checking (again purely for the dev's benefit)
So while #encode works for 'primates' and structs and stuff, for classes all is equal... as there are not really object types for runtime
'Solution': Store the class names of method argumentsin a map manually and then COMBINE that info with #encode;s info to log the stuff.
working sample:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
NSDictionary *DDParamsMap(void);
NSDictionary *DDParamsMap() {
static NSDictionary *dict = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
//add all methods that are have objc classes passed
//add the classes or NSNull
dict = #{#"Test_initWithArray:data:number:": #[NSArray.class, NSData.class, NSNull.null]};
return dict;
void DDLogParamsOf(Class class, SEL sel);
void DDLogParamsOf(Class class, SEL sel) {
//try internal lookup first (so we get class names
NSString *className = #(class_getName(class));
NSString *methodName = NSStringFromSelector(sel);
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#_%#", className, methodName];
NSArray *types = DDParamsMap()[key];
// loop
NSMethodSignature *signature = [class instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:sel];
if(!signature) {
signature = [class methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
//if the array doesnt have the right number of values, screw it!
if(types.count != signature.numberOfArguments - 2) {
types = nil;
for(int argument = 2; argument < signature.numberOfArguments; argument++) {
id type = types[argument - 2];
if(type && ![type isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
NSLog(#"class is %#", type);
else {
const char *argumentType = [signature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:argument];
// this is where it gets a bit messy...
if(!strcmp(argumentType, #encode(int))) NSLog(#"an integer");
if(!strcmp(argumentType, #encode(float))) NSLog(#"a float");
if(!strcmp(argumentType, #encode(id))) NSLog(#"it is a class");
// ... etc, etc, etc ...
#define LogParams() DDLogParamsOf(self.class, _cmd);
#interface Test : NSObject
+ (void)testMethofWithFloat:(float)f;
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray*)a
#implementation Test
+ (void)testMethofWithFloat:(float)f {
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray*)a
return nil;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
[Test testMethofWithFloat:3.0f];
Test *t = [[Test alloc] initWithArray:#[] data:[NSMutableData data] number:1];
t = nil;

Do loops and convenience methods cause memory peaks with ARC?

I'm working with ARC and seeing some strange behavior when modifying strings in a loop.
In my situation, I'm looping using NSXMLParser delegate callbacks, but I see the same exact behavior and symptoms using a demo project and sample code which simply modifies some NSString objects.
You can download the demo project from GitHub, just uncomment one of the four method calls in the main view controller's viewDidLoad method to test the different behaviors.
For simplicity's sake, here's a simple loop which I've stuck into an empty single-view application. I pasted this code directly into the viewDidLoad method. It runs before the view appears, so the screen is black until the loop finishes.
NSString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 600000000; i++) {
NSString *newText = [text stringByAppendingString:#" Hello"];
if (text) {
text = newText;
text = #"";
The following code also keeps eating memory until the loop completes:
NSString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 600000000; i++) {
if (text) {
text = [text stringByAppendingString:#" Hello"];
text = #"";
Here's what these two loops loop like in Instruments, with the Allocations tool running:
See? Gradual and steady memory usage, until a whole bunch of memory warnings and then the app dies, naturally.
Next, I've tried something a little different. I used an instance of NSMutableString, like so:
NSMutableString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 600000000; i++) {
if (text) {
[text appendString:#" Hello"];
text = [#"" mutableCopy];
This code seems to perform a lot better, but still crashes. Here's what that looks like:
Next, I tried this on a smaller dataset, to see if either loop can survive the build up long enough to finish. Here's the NSString version:
NSString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
if (text) {
text = [text stringByAppendingString:#" Hello"];
text = #"";
It crashes as well, and the resultant memory graph looks similar to the first one generated using this code:
Using NSMutableString, the same million-iteration loop not only succeeds, but it does in a lot less time. Here's the code:
NSMutableString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
if (text) {
[text appendString:#" Hello"];
text = [#"" mutableCopy];
And have a look at the memory usage graph:
The short spike in the beginning is the memory usage incurred by the loop. Remember when I noted that seemingly irrelevant fact that the screen is black during the processing of the loop, because I run it in viewDidLoad? Immediately after that spike, the view appears. So it appears that not only do NSMutableStrings handle memory more efficiently in this scenario, but they're also much faster. Fascinating.
Now, back to my actual scenario... I'm using NSXMLParser to parse out the results of an API call. I've created Objective-C objects to match my XML response structure. So, consider for example, an XML response looking something like this:
My object would look like this:
#interface Person : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *firstName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *lastName;
Now, in my NSXMLParser delegate, I'd go ahead and loop through my XML, and I'd keep track of the current element (I don't need a full hierarchy representation since my data is rather flat, it's a dump of a MSSQL database as XML) and then in the foundCharacters method, I'd run something like this:
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string{
if((currentProperty is EqualToString:#"firstname"]){
self.workingPerson.firstname = [self.workingPerson.firstname stringByAppendingString:string];
This code is much like the first code. I'm effectively looping through the XML using NSXMLParser, so if I were to log all of my method calls, I'd see something like this:
See the pattern? It's a loop. Note that it's possible to have multiple consecutive calls to parser:foundCharacters: as well, which is why we append the property to previous values.
To wrap it up, there are two problems here. First of all, memory build up in any sort of loop seems to crash the app. Second, using NSMutableString with properties is not so elegant, and I'm not even sure that it's working as intended.
In general, is there a way to overcome this memory buildup while looping through strings using ARC? Is there something specific to NSXMLParser that I can do?
Initial tests indicate that even using a second #autoreleasepool{...} doesn't seem to fix the issue.
The objects have to go somewhere in memory while thwy exist, and they're still there until the end of the runloop, when the autorelease pools can drain.
This doesn't fix anything in the strings situation as far as NSXMLParser goes, it might, because the loop is spread across method calls - need to test further.
(Note that I call this a memory peak, because in theory, ARC will clean up memory at some point, just not until after it peaks out. Nothing is actually leaking, but it's having the same effect.)
Edit 2:
Sticking the autorelease pool inside of the loop has some interesting effects. It seems to almost mitigate the buildup when appending to an NSString object:
NSString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 600000000; i++) {
#autoreleasepool {
if (text) {
text = [text stringByAppendingString:#" Hello"];
text = [#"" mutableCopy];
The Allocations trace looks like so:
I do notice a gradual buildup of memory over time, but it's to the tune of about a 150 kilobytes, not the 350 megabytes seen earlier. However, this code, using NSMutableString behaves the same as it did without the autorelease pool:
NSMutableString *text;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 600000000; i++) {
#autoreleasepool {
if (text) {
[text appendString:#" Hello"];
text = [#"" mutableCopy];
And the Allocations trace:
It would appear that NSMutableString is apparently immune to the autorelease pool. I'm not sure why, but at first guess, I'd tie this in with what we saw earlier, that NSMutableString can handle about a million iterations on its own, whereas NSString cannot.
So, what's the correct way of resolving this?
You are polluting the autorelease pool with tons and tons of autoreleased objects.
Surround the internal part of the loop with an autorelease pool:
for (...) {
#autoreleasepool {
... your test code here ....
While you're hunting memory-related bugs, you should note that #"" and #" Hello" will be immortal objects. You can think about it as a const, but for objects. There will be one, and only one, instance of this object in memory the entire time.
As #bbum pointed out, and you verified, the #autoreleasepool is the correct way to deal with this in a loop.
In your example with the #autoreleasepool and NSMutableString, the pool doesn't really do much. The only mortal object inside the loop is your mutableCopy of #"", but that will only be used once. The other case is just an objc_msgSend to a persisting object (the NSMutableString), which only references an immortal object and a selector.
I can only assume the memory build up is inside Apple's implementation of NSMutableString, although I can wonder why you'd see it inside the #autoreleasepool and not when it's absent.

Objective C debugging

I was following the example on Beginning iPhone 3 Development. On Chapter 8 I made a mistake in code.
- (NSMutableDictionary *)mutableDeepCopy
NSMutableDictionary * ret = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[self count]];
NSArray * keys = [self allKeys];
for (id key in keys) {
id oneValue = [self valueForKey:key];
id oneCopy = nil;
if ([oneValue respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableDeepCopy)])
oneCopy = [oneValue mutableDeepCopy];
else if ([oneValue respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableCopy)])
oneCopy = [oneValue mutableCopy];
if (oneCopy == nil)
oneCopy = [oneValue copy];
[ret setValue:oneCopy forKey: key];
return ret;
In the second responseToSelector, instead of the mutableCopy above, I have mistakenly written it as mutableDeepCopy. As a result my creation of mutable array from the regular one has failed to a simple copy.
As a result console will print error message like this:
2010-02-04 19:58:28.381 Sections[1806:20b] * WebKit discarded an uncaught exception in the webView:shouldInsertText:replacingDOMRange:givenAction: delegate: * -[NSCFArray removeObjectAtIndex:]: mutating method sent to immutable object
Now my question is, this is really hard for me to debug if I'm writing my own code instead of just copying it from book. How do I know at which line this "mutating method sent to immutable object" occurs?
Step 1. Use the debugger.
Run -> Debugger or Shift-Command-Y. When your program encounters an error like the one above, you can see where in the code it was stopped. You can see Apple's instructions on using the debugger for details, but basic stuff is pretty easy to figure out. The most important part is the thread list panel in the upper-left quadrant of the debugger. It'll allow you to move up and down through the stack to see where in your code the error occurred. Usually you'll be able to use this to determine which one of your objects was declared as immutable and not mutable.
Step 2. Use Instruments.
Instruments is powerful and will allow you to do some pretty nifty stuff. In this situation, once you find out the memory address if your accidentally-immutable object, you can use Instruments to see the history of that object and hopefully trace it back to it's origin. To use instruments to track an object, you'll want to run Instruments with Object Allocation (Run -> Run with Performance Tool -> Object Allocations). If you know the address of the fouled-up object, you can search for it in the lower-right corner of Instruments, in the search box. Open the Extended Detail view (Command-E) to see where that object has been.

Object Owns Its Data?

As you can see in the code below I am creating and initialising a Vertex which I then add into a NSMutableArray instance variable within my Frame object. As I currently have this setup myVert is owned by main and pointed to by vertexList. Would I be better setting this up so that I make a copy of inVertex within the addVertex method so the object takes ownership of its data?
-(void)addVertex:(Vertex*) inVertex {
[vertexList addObject:inVertex];
// -------------------
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Frame *myFrame;
Vertex *myVert;
NSLog(#"MDD_ObjectTest ... ");
myFrame = [[Frame alloc] init];
myVert = [[Vertex alloc] initWithxPos:111 yPos:222 zPos:333];
[myFrame addVertex:myVert];
[myVert release];
// Clean up
[myFrame release];
[pool drain];
return 0;
Finally if I should make a copy what is the best way to do that, should I be looking at ...
-(void)addVertex:(Vertex*) inVertex {
[vertexList addObject:[inVertex copy]];
Although I am a little unsure what to do in terms of the Vertex object with regards to copyWith Zone.
This depends on if Vertex is mutable or not.
If Vertex is immutable:
Since the inVertex can not have any of its data changed, the current way you have it is fine. The vertexList will retain inVertex when you add it and will release it when you remove it. Since the properties of inVertex can not be changed there is no difference in storing it versus a copy.
If Vertex is mutable:
You should store a copy so that the changes to inVertex do not affect the vertex stored in the list. Note however that you have a possible memory leak in the way you have it right now. When you copy an object that copy's retain count is set to 1, then when you store it in the vertexList the retain count becomes 2. When you remove it from the list it will have a retain count of 1, causing a memory leak unless you remember to release it. The best place to release it would be in the addVertex method after it is added to the vertexList to keep its retain count at 1, since only one thing has a reference to it.
- (void) addVertex:(Vertex *) inVertex {
Vertex * copy = [inVertex copy];
[vertexList addObject:copy];
[copy release];
Note that Vertex must implement the NSCopying protocol for this to work.
I suggest using the immutable approach unless you have a real valid reason to make vertex mutable other than convenience.
Edit: Regarding copyWithZone:
To implement object copying you have to implement the NSCopying protcol that defines the copyWithZone: method. The only consideration you need to make with the zone is that instead of calling the alloc method on the Vertex class you call the allocWithZone: method instead.
- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *) zone {
Vertex * copy = [[Vertex allocWithZone:zone] initWithxPos:x yPos:y zPos:z];
// Any other copying that needs to be done
return copy;