filter data with entity framework - sql

I'm trying to get the right data
Rooms table
Id | Name
1 Room1
2 Room2
Resources table
Id | Name
1 Resource1
2 Resource2
3 Resource3
RoomResources table
Id | RoomId | ResourceId
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 2
5 2 3
I want select a room with Resource1 and Resource2
I'm using this code
int[] ids = sResources.Split(',').Select(s => int.Parse(s)).ToArray();
rooms = from r in context.Rooms
where r.Area.Office.Id == officeId
&& r.MaximumPeople >= numberOfPeople
&& r.RoomResources.Any(s => ids.Contains(s.ResourceId))
select r;
but it return Room1 and Room2 and the result should be Room1

Maybe this?
int[] ids = sResources.Split(',').Select(s => int.Parse(s)).ToArray();
rooms = from r in context.Rooms
where r.Area.Office.Id == officeId
&& r.MaximumPeople >= numberOfPeople
&& ids.All(i => r.RoomResources.Any(s => s.ResourceId == i)) // try this here
select r;


how to fetch data of table after doing full outer join?

i am having a business problem
having a table which have following
|sku_id |solr_status |entry_context | mrp
1 active 10 20
1 inactive 10 30
1 active 10 22.5
2 inactive 10 10
2 inactive 10 31
filter the data into
now i have to do the according to condition
full outer join on 1 and 2 on sku_id.. Three possible cases
case (1 is not null, 2 is not null) => use 1
case (1 is null, 2 is not null) => use 2
case (1 is not null, 2 is null) => use 1
my code is something like that
val activeCatalog=dataframe.filter('solr_status===true).cache()
val inActiveCatalog=dataframe.filter('solr_status===false).cache()
val fullCatalog=activeCatalog.join(inActiveCatalog,Seq("sku"),joinType = "outer")
val resultCatalog = (activeCatalog,inActiveCatalog) match {
case (activeCatalog,inActiveCatalog) if(activeCatalog.count()!=0L && inActiveCatalog.count()!=0L)=>
case (activeCatalog, inActiveCatalog) if (activeCatalog.count() == 0L && inActiveCatalog.count() != 0L) =>
fullCatalog.filter('solr_status === false).cache()
case (activeCatalog, inActiveCatalog) if (activeCatalog.count() != 0L && inActiveCatalog.count() == 0L) =>
fullCatalog.filter('solr_status === true).cache()
so using the approach i am getting ambiguous column error. also my
result data set should maintain the schema for active or inactive
table, doing outer join will create duplicate columns
any help ?

How to get what percentage of total users joined what number of meetings in PostgreSQL?

There are two tables, one is called "user_preference" that contains all users:
id | firstname | lastname | email |
And "match" which combines users with meetups they joined:
id | matcher | partner | meetup |
Both matcher and partner are foreign keys that represent, meaning that same user can be both matcher and a partner in the same meetup.
What I need to know is what percentage of total unique users joined what number of meetings.
For example:
17% of users joined 5 meetups
20% of users joined 3 meetups
40% of users joined 1 meetup
23% of users joined 0 meetups
The number of meetups should not be hardcoded but dynamic.
But I want to avoid duplication of users for a single meetup and count them only once. For example this:
id | matcher | partner | meetup |
1 | user1 | user2 | meetup1 |
2 | user1 | user3 | meetup1 |
3 | user5 | user1 | meetup1 |
4 | user6 | user1 | meetup2 |
Should count that user1 visited only 2 meetups.
What I managed to do so far is to display the count of meetups each user visited but that is not what I need:
SELECT distinct users, COUNT(m.user) meetups
FROM user_preference up
SELECT matcher AS user FROM match
SELECT partner AS user FROM match
) m ON m.user =
ORDER BY meetups desc;
In the end I did this by making simple queries and looping through them in the code, its far from elegant solution but it should work.
If someone posts SQL solution I will accept and upvote it...
export const getDevStats = async () => {
const users = await getRepository(UserPreference).query(
`SELECT * FROM user_preference;`
const meetups = await getRepository(Meetup).query(
`SELECT * FROM meetup;`
const matches = await getRepository(Match).query(
`SELECT * FROM match;`
let userMatches: any = {};
users.forEach((user: any) => {
userMatches[] = []
matches.forEach((match: any) => {
if( == match.matcher || == match.partner) {
if(userMatches[].indexOf(match.meetup) === -1) {
let matchStats: any = {};
for (var userId of Object.keys(userMatches)) {
if (typeof matchStats[userMatches[userId].length] === 'undefined') {
matchStats[userMatches[userId].length] = 0;
return {
users: users,
meetups: meetups,
matches: matches,
userMatches: userMatches,
matchStats: matchStats

Codeigniter merge into one row record with sql one to many relationship

I would like to query one to many relationship
Table A: Table B:
id | country_name id | name | table_A_id
1 | Usa 1 | kerry | 1
2 | Australia 2 | jerry | 1
3 | tommy | 2
4 | cherry | 2
my purpose is to query the result to merge one row record
eg: result list:
1 Record 2 Record
Usa Australia
kerry tommy
jeryy cherry
Currently, I am using Codeignter framework and beginner for sql, please don't mind me guys.
>from("table A")
->join("table B", " = table_A_id");
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result();
My view
<?php foreach($posts as $post) {
echo $post->country_name;
echo $post->name;
} ?>
However, it gives me 4 row records.
1 Record 2 Record
Usa Usa
kerry jerry
3 Record 4 Record
Australia Australia
tommy cherry
Thanks you guys in advance for helping me.
Here is what you missed
>from("table A")
->join("table B", " = table_A_id");
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result();
it should have been
->join("table B", '');
hope this make sense
option B
$this->db->join('table B','','INNER');
$query = $this->db->get('table A');
Try out this
SELECT country, group_concat(name) FROM city c INNER JOIN employee e
ON = e.city_id group by
('USA ' , 'jerry ,kerry'),
('Australia', 'cherry ,tommy');
My solution found without using inner join:
public function mergeRecord() {
$array_store = array();
foreach($this->one() as $row) {
$child = $this->many($row['id']);
if($child) {
$return = array_merge(array("parent" => $row), array("child" =>$child));
array_push($array_store, $return);
return $array_store;
public function one() {
$query = $this->db->select("*")
->get("table A")
return $query;
public function many($id) {
$query = $this->db->select("id, name")
->where("table_A_id", $id)
->get("table B")
return $query;

entity framework distinct by field

i have table kopija that goes like this:
idKopija | idFilm | nije_tu
1 | 1 | 0
2 | 1 | 0
3 | 1 | 1
4 | 2 | 1 and etc.
And i have query that goes like this:
var upit = from f in baza.films
join z in baza.zanrs on f.idZanr equals z.idZanr
join k in baza.kopijas on f.idFilm equals k.idFilm
select new
idFilm = f.idFilm,
nazivFilm = f.naziv,
nazivZanr = z.naziv,
idZanr = f.idZanr,
godina = f.godina,
slika = f.slika,
klip = f.klip,
nijeTu = k.nije_tu
if (checkBox1.Checked)
upit = upit.Where(k => k.nijeTu == 0).Distinct();
upit = upit.Where(k => k.nijeTu == 0 || k.nijeTu == 1).Distinct();
Now i want to make a distinct list of "idFilm". But prolem is that I get idFilm on two places because one of them has nije_tu=0 and other one has nije_tu=1.
Please someone help me.
Thank you.
What about
upit.Where(k => k.nijeTu == 0 || k.nijeTu == 1).Select(x => x.idFilm).Distinct();

Select query question

I have a table in a mysql-database with the fields
"name", "title", "cd_id", "tracks"
The entries look like this:
Schubert | Symphonie Nr 7 | 27 | 2
Brahms | Symphonie Nr 1 | 11 | 4
Brahms | Symphonie Nr 2 | 27 | 4
Shostakovich | Jazz Suite Nr 1 | 19 | 3
To get the tracks per cd (cd_id) I have written this script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings; use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
'user', 'passwd', { RaiseError => 1 } );
my $select_query = "SELECT cd_id, tracks FROM my_table";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $select_query );
my %hash;
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
$hash{"$row->{cd_id}"} += $row->{tracks};
print "$_ : $hash{$_}\n" for sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash;
Is it possible to get these results directly with an appropriate select query?
"SELECT cd_id, SUM(tracks) as tracks FROM my_table GROUP BY cd_id"
edit: see here for further information and other things you can do with GROUP BY:
Use an aggregate function
SELECT `cd_id`, SUM(`tracks`) AS s
FROM `your_table`
GROUP BY `cd_id`