I have a Scipy matrix
a = sps.csc_matrix( (z , (x,y)), shape = (N,N), dtype = int)
I have another 1D array z that I would like to compare to each column in a and count the matches.
count = 0
for i in range(N):
count += (z == a[:,j]).sum()
This takes a VERY long time because the code is not vectorized. Is there a way to vectorize this comparison?
a == z
does not work. But I want something analogous to how a*z in numpy for two arrays will do a column-wise multiplication very fast, in contrast to explicitly looping over the columns of a and multiplying by z..
Does this give you what you want?
(a == z[:, None]).sum()
I have the following code:
x = sp.linspace(-2,2,1000)
z = sp.linspace(-1,3,2000)
X,Z = sp.meshgrid(x,z)
X = X[:,:,sp.meshgrid]
Z = Z[:,:,sp.meshgrid]
E = sp.zeros((len(z),len(x),3), dtype=complex)
# e_uvect.shape = (2,N,2,3)
# En.shape = (2,N,2)
# d_cum.shape = (N,)
# pol is either 0 or 1
for n in range(N):
idx = sp.logical_and(Z<d_cum[n], Z>=d_cum[n-1])
E += e_uvect[pol,n,0,:]*En[pol,n,0]*sp.exp(+1j*self.kz[n]*(Z-d_cum[n-1])+1j*self.kx*X)*idx
Basically the above is part of a code to calculate the electric field of an N-layer structures. For each iteration inside for loop, I find the index of the array elements which are within the Nth layer, then after I calculate the electric field I multiply the whole thing by idx to 'filter' out the correct part which satisfies sp.logical_and(Z<d_cum[n], Z>=d_cum[n-1]).
It works fine, but I wonder if there is a more efficient way of doing this using numpy array slicing or other methods, because each multiplication involves a large proportion of array elements which are not accepted in each iteration. I tried something like the following to only work on the relevant part of the coordinates array Z and X
idx = sp.logical_and(Z<d_cum[n], Z>=d_cum[n-1])
Z2 = Z[idx]
X2 = X[idx]
E[???] += e_uvect[pol,n,0,:]*En[pol,n,0]*sp.exp(+1j*self.kz[n]*(Z2-d_cum[n-1])+1j*self.kx*X2)
But then Z2 and X2 becomes a 1d-array, and I'm not sure about the indexing part within E or how to reshape the arrays appropriately.
So are there any ways to speed up the original code?
I have a 2d np array of values 0 and 1 called t. I have another 2d array initialized with random values called q. They are the same size. I want to update q so that in every place t is 0 q is changed to be -np.inf
I believe the below loops work
for i in range(0, np.shape(t)[0]):
for j in range(0, np.shape(t)[1]):
if t[i, j] == 0:
q[i, j] = -np.inf
However I am wondering if there is a more efficient solution using numpy.
Using np.isclose would be a better way, e.g.
q[np.isclose(t, 0.0)] = np.NINF
What's the easiest, most Pythonic way to divide one numpy array by another (of the same shape, element-wise) only where both arrays are non-zero?
Where either the divisor or dividend is zero, the corresponding element in the output array should be zero. (This is the default output when the divisor is zero, but np.nan is the default output when the dividend is zero.)
This still tries to divide by 0, but it gives the correct result:
np.where(b==0, 0, a/b)
To avoid doing the divide-by-zero, you can do:
m = b!=0
c = np.zeros_like(a)
np.place(c, m, a[m]/b[m])
I would do it in two lines:
z = x/y
z[y == 0] = 0
As you said, if only the element in x is 0, z will already be 0 at that position. So let NumPy handle that, and then fix up the places where y is 0 by using NumPy's boolean indexing.
For a current project I have to compute the inner product of a lot of vectors with the same matrix (which is quite sparse). The vectors are associated with a two dimensional grid so I store the vectors in a three dimensional array:
X is an array of dim (I,J,N). The matrix A is of dim (N,N). Now the task is to compute A.dot(X[i,j]) for each i,j in I,J.
For numpy arrays, this is quite easily accomplished with
Y = X.dot(A.T)
Now I'd like to store A as sparse matrix since it is sparse and only contains a very limited number of nonzero entries which results in a lot of unnecessary multiplications. Unfortunately, the above solution won't work since the numpy dot doesn't work with sparse matrices. And to the best of my knowledge there is not tensordot-like operation for scipy sparse.
Does anybody know a nice and efficient way to compute the above array Y with a sparse matrix A?
The obvious approach is to run a loop over your vectors and use the sparse matrix's .dot method:
def naive_sps_x_dense_vecs(sps_mat, dense_vecs):
rows, cols = sps_mat.shape
I, J, _ = dense_vecs.shape
out = np.empty((I, J, rows))
for i in xrange(I):
for j in xrange(J):
out[i, j] = sps_mat.dot(dense_vecs[i, j])
return out
But you may be able to speed things up a little by reshaping your 3d array to 2d and avoid the Python looping:
def sps_x_dense_vecs(sps_mat, dense_vecs):
rows, cols = sps_mat.shape
vecs_shape = dense_vecs.shape
dense_vecs = dense_vecs.reshape(-1, cols)
out = sps_mat.dot(dense_vecs.T).T
return out.reshape(vecs.shape[:-1] + (rows,))
The problem is that we need to have the sparse matrix be the first argument, so that we can call its .dot method, which means that the return is transposed, which in turns means that after transposing, the last reshape is going to trigger a copy of the whole array. So for fairly large values of I and J, combined with not-so-large values of N, the latter method will be several times faster than the former, but performance may even be reversed for other combinations of the parameters:
n, i, j = 100, 500, 500
a = sps.rand(n, n, density=1/n, format='csc')
vecs = np.random.rand(i, j, n)
>>> np.allclose(naive_sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs), sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs))
n, i, j = 100, 500, 500
%timeit naive_sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs)
1 loops, best of 3: 3.85 s per loop
%timeit sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs)
1 loops, best of 3: 576 ms per
n, i, j = 1000, 200, 200
%timeit naive_sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs)
1 loops, best of 3: 791 ms per loop
%timeit sps_x_dense_vecs(a, vecs)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.3 s per loop
You could use jaxto achieve what you are looking for. Let's suppose your sparse matrix is in csr_arrayformat. You would first transform it into a jax BCOO array
from scipy import sparse
from jax.experimental import sparse as jaxsparse
import jax.numpy as jnp
def convert_to_BCOO(x):
x = x.transpose() #get the transpose
x = x.tocoo()
x = jaxsparse.BCOO((x.data, jnp.column_stack((x.row, x.col))),
x = L.sort_indices()
You could then use jax.sparsify to create a sparsified dot product as follows.
def dot(x, y):
return jnp.dot(x, y)
sp_dot = jaxsparse.sparsify(dot)
A_transpose = convert_to_BCOO(A)
Y = sp_dot(X,A_transpose)
The function sp_dot now follows the exact same rules as numpy.dot.
Hope this helps!
For each location in the result matrix, instead of storing the dot product of the corresponding row and column in the argument matrices, I would like like to store the element wise product, which will be a vector extending into a third dimension.
One idea would be to convert the argument matrices to vectors with vector entries, and then take their outer product, but I'm not sure how to do this either.
I figured it out before I saw there was a reply. Here is my solution:
def newdot(A, B):
A = A.reshape((1,) + A.shape)
B = B.reshape((1,) + B.shape)
A = A.transpose(2, 1, 0)
B = B.transpose(1, 0, 2)
return A * B
What I am doing is taking apart each row and column pair that will have their outer product taken, and forming two lists of them, which then get their contents matrix multiplied together in parallel.
It's a little convoluted (and difficult to explain) but this function should get you what you're looking for:
def f(m1, m2):
return (m2.A.T * m1.A.reshape(m1.shape[0],1,m1.shape[1]))
m3 = m1 * m2
m3_el = f(m1, m2)
m3[i,j] == sum(m3_el[i,j,:])
m3 == m3_el.sum(2)
The basic idea is to turn the matrices into arrays and do element-by-element multiplication. One of the arrays gets reshaped to have a size of one in its middle dimension, and array broadcasting rules expand this dimension out to match the height of the other array.