How to test a service method that returns a model? - testing

So I have a service method that modifies a model object
public function doSomething() {
$model = new Model();
// Modify the model with a bunch of private methods
return $model;
If I want to test doSomething, I really only have $model to work with. And the only way I can write assertions on $model is to use its public interfaces.
$this->assertEquals($model->getName(), 'name');
What confuses me here is what exactly am I testing with that assertion? Am I testing that getName works properly or am I testing doSomething works properly?
In order for me to test doSomething, I have to assume that getName works. So how do I make sure that is the case?

Based on your code, I would test that I got an instance of Model returned. And then using the public accessors or assertAttributeEquals to check that the properties of the object were correct. This does test the getters of the model, however the object having certain properties is what you are expecting to happen.
Though as your class is both creating the object and modifying it. I would change the method to take a Model as an argument. This way in my test I can create a mockModel and make sure that any public setters are called with the proper arguments. Doing this, I don't have to worry about any of the logic that Model has for properties that get set.
For Example:
Test Function:
public function testDoSomething() {
$mockModel = $this->getMock('Model');
->with('some argument');
->with('some other argument');
$sut = new SUT();
Your function doSomething only needs to become this:
public function doSomething(Model $model) {
/** Do stuff with private methods **/
Now you are able to make sure that properties of Model are set with the proper values and not depending on the logic that may or may not exist in the class. You are also helping to specify the contract that Model needs to fill. Any new methods that you are depending on will come out in your integration / system tests.

Your contract with doSomething() is, that it has to return an object of type "Model". Your contract is not getName() working on a returned object. As result, test $model to be of correct type:
$this->assertInstanceOf('Model', $model);
Documentation: PHPUnit -> assertInstanceOf()
As a hint, "[i]deally, each test case is independent from the others" 2014-10-21
So, in your test_doSomethingTest*(), you are supposed to test only what happens within that function. Check for return type, and whatever happens withing that function. Testing getName() should be in it's own test_getName*().


Why Codeception creates new \Test instance for each test* method?

As a base I use \Codeception\TestCase\Test class.
And I noticed that for every test* methods defined in class, codeception recreates TestCase\Test class !
But Why?
As result I can't use class fields!
public function getName() {
if (!empty($this->_name)) {
return $this->_name;
} else $this->_name = uniqid('_name');
getName() for every test method will return new generated name.. thats wrong behavior as for me. It's possible to resolve this situation if I wants to use class fields for every test methods, like in normal OOP?

Building one object given another

Say I am calling a third-party API which returns a Post, and I want to take that and transfer properties from it into my own Post class. I have in the past had a method like public static my.Post build(their.Post post) which maps the properties how I want.
However, is it better/valid to have a constructor that accepts their.Post and does the property mapping in there? Or should there always be a separate class that does the converting, and leaves my.Post in a more POJO state?
Thanks for your thoughts!
These answers always starts with "it depends."
People generally argue against using public static methods, based on the fact that it is hard to mock them (I don't buy into that bandwagon).
This comes down to design, do you want their post to be part of your class? If you add it as a "copy" constructor then it will now be part of your class and you are dependent on changes to post. If they change their post, your code has to adapt.
The better solution is to decouple it. You would need to find some extenal method to map the two. One way is to use a static builder method (like you mentioned) or if you want to take it a step further, a more complicated solution would be to extract the information you want from their post into some type of generic collection class. Then create a constructor that will accept that constructor class. This way if they change their design your class stays in tact and all you have to do is update the mappings from their post to your generic representation of it.
public class MyPost{
public MyPost(ICollectionOfProperties props){
//copy all properties.
public static class TheirPostExtensions{
public static ICollectionOfProperties ExtractProperties(this TheirPost thePost){
return new CollectionOfProperties(){
A = thePost.PropA,
B = thePost.PropB
public class Example{
public Example(){
TheirPost tp = new TheirPost();
ICollectionOfProperties props = tp.ExtractProperties();
MyPost mp = new MyPost(props);

How to assert if a method was called within another method in RhinoMocks?

I have a class that has two methods. One method needs to call the other method and in my test I want to assert that it was called.
public class Tasks : ITasks
public void MethodOne()
public int MethodTwo(int i)
return i + 1;
I want to mock Tasks and do something like tasks.AssertWasCalled(x => x.MethodTwo(1)). Must MethodTwo be virtual?
The concept you're looking for is partial mocks (this shows old syntax, but I don't remember the new one off the top of my head). You should read up on it. Essentially you create the mock on Tasks (not ITasks) and tell it to mock out only MethodTwo (which needs to be virtual). might want to reconsider your design. What is ITasks? What is the role? Are they different actual tasks? Is there any reason why you would want them in the same class? My understanding is that partial mocks is only included for when you need to test legacy components - I've never found a use for it.
Of course my thinking at that time was flawed. I should be mocking ITasks, not the implementation (Tasks):
ITasks tasks = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITasks>();
tasks.AssertWasCalled(x => x.MethodTwo(Arg<int>.Is.Equal(1)));

Can a class return an object of itself

Can a class return an object of itself.
In my example I have a class called "Change" which represents a change to the system, and I am wondering if it is in anyway against design principles to return an object of type Change or an ArrayList which is populated with all the recent Change objects.
Yes, a class can have a method that returns an instance of itself. This is quite a common scenario.
In C#, an example might be:
public class Change
public int ChangeID { get; set; }
private Change(int changeId)
ChangeID = changeId;
private void LoadFromDatabase()
// TODO Perform Database load here.
public static Change GetChange(int changeId)
return new Change(changeId);
Yes it can. In fact, that's exactly what a singleton class does. The first time you call its class-level getInstance() method, it constructs an instance of itself and returns that. Then subsequent calls to getInstance() return the already-constructed instance.
Your particular case could use a similar method but you need some way of deciding the list of recent changes. As such it will need to maintain its own list of such changes. You could do this with a static array or list of the changes. Just be certain that the underlying information in the list doesn't disappear - this could happen in C++ (for example) if you maintained pointers to the objects and those objects were freed by your clients.
Less of an issue in an automatic garbage collection environment like Java since the object wouldn't disappear whilst there was still a reference to it.
However, you don't have to use this method. My preference with what you describe would be to have two clases, changelist and change. When you create an instance of the change class, pass a changelist object (null if you don't want it associated with a changelist) with the constructor and add the change to that list before returning it.
Alternatively, have a changelist method which creates a change itself and returns it, remembering the change for its own purposes.
Then you can query the changelist to get recent changes (however you define recent). That would be more flexible since it allows multiple lists.
You could even go overboard and allow a change to be associated with multiple changelists if so desired.
Another reason to return this is so that you can do function chaining:
class foo
private int x;
public foo()
this.x = 0;
public foo Add(int a)
this.x += a;
return this;
public foo Subtract(int a)
this.x -= a;
return this;
public int Value
get { return this.x; }
public static void Main()
foo f = new foo();
$ ./foo.exe
There's a time and a place to do function chaining, and it's not "anytime and everywhere." But, LINQ is a good example of a place that hugely benefits from function chaining.
A class will often return an instance of itself from what is sometimes called a "factory" method. In Java or C++ (etc) this would usually be a public static method, e.g. you would call it directly on the class rather than on an instance of a class.
In your case, in Java, it might look something like this:
List<Change> changes = Change.getRecentChanges();
This assumes that the Change class itself knows how to track changes itself, rather than that job being the responsibility of some other object in the system.
A class can also return an instance of itself in the singleton pattern, where you want to ensure that only one instance of a class exists in the world:
Foo foo = Foo.getInstance();
The fluent interface methods work on the principal of returning an instance of itself, e.g.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("123");
You need to think about what you're trying to model. In your case, I would have a ChangeList class that contains one or more Change objects.
On the other hand, if you were modeling a hierarchical structure where a class can reference other instances of the class, then what you're doing makes sense. E.g. a tree node, which can contain other tree nodes.
Another common scenario is having the class implement a static method which returns an instance of it. That should be used when creating a new instance of the class.
I don't know of any design rule that says that's bad. So if in your model a single change can be composed of multiple changes go for it.

Property chaining in RhinoMocks

I have a class TxRx with a property called Common. Common then has a property called LastMod. I want to write a RhinoMock expectation to show that LastMod has been set with something. So I tried:
var txRx = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TxRx>();
var common = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Common>();
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common).Return(common);
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But I get the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
at Rhino.Mocks.LastCall.GetOptions[T]()
at Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocksExtensions.Expect[T,R](T mock, Function`2 action)
at ...
I presume this means Common needs to be virtual, but as it is a property on a LinqToSql generated class I can't make it virtual (other than hacking the autogen code which is not really an option).
Is there any way around this?
One possibility is to wrap TxRx in a mockable class (i.e. one that has overridable methods and properties which you wish to mock out or implements an interface which defines the properties or methods that you're interested in) and then pass around the wrapper rather than the LinqToSQL class itself.
Perhaps something like the following:
public class TxRxWrapper : ITxRxWrapper
private TxRx m_txrx;
public object LastMod
get { return m_txrx.Common.LastMod; }
public interface ITxRxWrapper
public object LastMod { get; }
Not ideal (i.e. it can get somewhat cumbersome to pass wrappers around just for mockability!) but that's the only way you can get RhinoMocks to mock properties/methods for you.
The other option is to use TypeMock instead which I believe uses a different mechanism to mock stuff out. I don't think it's free, though.
You would need to replace your second expectation with
txRx.Expect(() => common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But the Common property itself needs to be virtual for this to work.