OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties in BizTalk - wcf

Have to add OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties to outgoing BizTalk message
How to implement below code in BizTalk?
ConcurrentPrograms_ARClient client1 = new ConcurrentPrograms_ARClient(binding, address);
using (new OperationContextScope(client1.InnerChannel))
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add("Property Name", "Property Value");

You might want to take a look at WCF message inspectors.
You can implement one in a separate project and configure it as a behavior in your send port where you would then have full control over both the request and the reply message.


How to send a message to an endpoint in Mule 4 to trigger a flow

With Mule 3 it was possible to send messages asynchronously to an endpoint using MuleClient:
MuleClient client = new MuleClient(muleContext);
client.dispatch("vm://vm.queue", "Message Payload", null);
Is there a way to migrate this functionality in Mule 4 since MuleClient has been removed?
I came across a post that suggested getting the flow by name and publishing the message to the flow as follows
Flow flow = registry.lookupByName("MyFlow").get();
InputEvent event = new DefaultInputEvent();
but I get a ClassNotFoundException for the class org.mule.runtime.internal.event.DefaultInputEvent
Using Harshank's recommendation I was able to push messages to a flow simply by getting a reference to the flow and triggering the flow by sending messages to the source.
Flow flow = registry.lookupByName(flowName).get();
ComponentLocation location = DefaultComponentLocation.from(flowName + "/source");
Message message = Message.of(payload);
CoreEvent coreEvent = CoreEvent.builder(EventContextFactory.create(flow, location)).message(message).build();
This is a much cleaner solution than what is implemented in the blog and works from beans initialized in the Spring module. As aled mentioned, this is bad practice, but in the interest of time it is a solution.

Get messages by property or header in RabbitMQ

I'm new in to RabbitMQ and I've faced a problem. I'm trying to get messages from queue by API method. I've made that by now I want to get messages from queue by header or property if it is possible. I read the documentation about HTTP API. I have not found such an API for filtering messages by some headers or properties.
I use that kind of API to get messages from queue:
and in the body:
I was thinking, maybe it is possible to somehow pass some filter in the body so it could filter and return the message what I want.
This is how my message looks like :
I have tried to pass in the body type = "myType" or header = "myHeader"
I've made that by now I want to get messages from queue by header or
property if it is possible.
RabbitMQ only delivers messages in order from a queue. There is no way to filter once a message is in a queue.
You can filter messages as they are published to an exchange, however. Use a headers exchange and bind queues based on header values. Then, each queue will contain the messages you expect and you can then consume from them.
The RabbitMQ tutorials have a section that use a "headers exchange". Use that as a guide.
Finally, only use the HTTP API for testing. It is a very inefficient way to retrieve messages.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
A bit late to the party, but I think you can achieve the same like this
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection conn = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchangeName, "");
DeliverCallback deliverCallback = (consumerTag, delivery) -> {
Map<String, Object> headers = delivery.getProperties().getHeaders();
String message = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");
System.out.println(" [x] Received '" + message + "', with header : " + headers.get("TestHeader") );
channel.basicConsume(queue, true, deliverCallback, consumerTag -> { });

ActiveMQ: multi-consumers connected to one queue but only one consumer recieve all the messages

I was currently using NMS to develop application based ActiveMQ(5.6).
We have several consumers(exe) trying to recieving massgaes from the same queue(not topic). While all the messages just all go to one consumer though I have make the consumer to sleep for seconds after recieving a message. By the way, we don't want the consumers recieving the same messages other consumers have recieved.
It is mentioned in the official website that we should set Prefetch Limit to decide how many messages can be streamed to a consumer at any point in time. And it can both be configured and coded.
One way I tried is to code using PrefetchPolicy class binding the ConnectionFactory class like bellow.
PrefetchPolicy poli = new PrefetchPolicy();
poli.QueuePrefetch = 0;
ConnectionFactory fac = new ConnectionFactory("activemq:tcp://Localhost:61616?jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1");
fac.PrefetchPolicy = poli;
using (IConnection con = fac.CreateConnection())
using (ISession se = con.CreateSession())
IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(se, queue, DestinationType.Queue);
using (IMessageConsumer consumer = se.CreateConsumer(queue1))
while (true)
ITextMessage message = consumer.Receive() as ITextMessage;
if (message != null)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => extractAndSend(message.Text)); //do something
Console.WriteLine("No message received~");
But no matter what prefetch value I set the behavior of the consumers stay the same as before.
And I've tried the second way tying to get the result, namely configure the server conf file. I change the activemq.xml of the server like bellow.
" producerFlowControl="true" memoryLimit="5mb" />
" producerFlowControl="true" memoryLimit="5mb">
But though I've set the dispatchpolicy the messages still go to one consumer.
I want to know that:
Whether this behavior can be achieved by just configuring the server xml file to enable all the consumers recieve messages from one queue? If so, how to configure this and what is wrong with my configuration? If not, how can I use codes to achieve the goal?
Take a look at "Message Groups" feature.
I had the same problem. Only one consumer processed all messages. I found in my code I used group header during send:
request.Properties["NMSXGroupID"] = "cheese";
According to official docs:
Standard JMS header JMSXGroupID is used to define which message group
the message belongs to. The Message Group feature then ensures that
all messages for the same message group will be sent to the same JMS
consumer - while that consumer stays alive. As soon as the consumer
dies another will be chosen.
See full details at http://activemq.apache.org/message-groups.html

How can I delete/remove an ActiveMQ subscriber using NMS API

I need to remove/delete my topic subscriber. I found this http://activemq.apache.org/manage-durable-subscribers.html
However, it's not good enough for us. We want to control the timing of removing a subscriber, and no matter there are any message or not. Besides, our program is written by C#. So the best solution for us is NMS API.
Here are the code,
Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.ConnectionFactory factory = new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.ConnectionFactory(m_brokerURI);
m_connection = factory.CreateConnection(username, password);
Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Connection con = (Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Connection)m_connection;
ISession session = m_connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge);
catch (Exception ex)
// log the error message
Our scenario is quite simple.
A client built a queue and subscribed a consumer on a topic.
the client side closed the connection.
delete the consumer on the server side(as the example code in the last update)
Here is the snapshot of activemq broker via jconsole:
jconsole snapshot
We would like to remove the subscriber “7B0FD84D-6A2A-4921-967F-92B215E22751” by following method,
But always got this error "javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException : No durable subscription exists for: 7B0FD84D-6A2A-4921-967F-92B215E22751"
strSubscriberName = “7B0FD84D-6A2A-4921-967F-92B215E22751”
To delete a durable subscription from the NMS API you use the DeleteDurableConsumer method defined in ISession. You must call this method from a Connection that uses the same client Id as was used when the subscription was created and you pass the name of the subscription that is to be removed. The method will fail if there is an active subscriber though so be prepared for that exception.
In the sample code you don't set a Client Id on the connection. When working with durable subscriptions you must, must, MUST always use the same client Id and subscription name. So in you same you will get this error until you set the client Id to the same value as the connection that created the subscription in the first place.

Accessing the HTTP headers from a WCF Service

I need to access the HTTP response headers that are to be returned to the client from a WCF Service. Accessing the HTTPContext is easy(through HttpContext.Current.Response), but what is the event/extension/behavior that is executed lastly, when the StatusCode is already set (for ex. if the status is 500)?
EDIT: Message Inspectors don't seem to be a good solution here, because at the time they run, the status code isn't set yet. (At least in my trial that was the case)
You can access all headers on WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest, like this:
IncomingWebRequestContext request = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest;
WebHeaderCollection headers = request.Headers;
foreach (string headerName in headers.AllKeys)
Console.WriteLine(headerName + ": " + headers[headerName]);
See here
Simplest way for having control on the Headers is to use Message contracts.
Use Message Inspectors to monitor the message right after receiving it at the Service end.
In an extreme case, where you are not satisfied with any other standard routes, you can go for POX (Plain Old XML) type operations where you would be dealing with raw XML message.