How to make AppleScript simulate the keypress for "1" key? - input

I am trying to simulate pressing the key 1 within a Java application. I have tried using key code 18, text to type, key down and keystrokes but whatever I try, the application displays the a character. Even when the script types into applescript window I just get aaaaaaa.
What am I doing wrong and how to properly simulate keypresses with AppleScript?

Did you try anything like the following?
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "1"
end tell
You can pass string literals to System Events keystroke-Handler


Remap hotkey without losing native hotkey functionality

I want the keyboard shortcut ctrl+tab to perform two functions:
ctrl+tab (its normal function, e.g., to switch tabs in a web browser)
ctrl+F6 (which can be used to switch between Microsoft Word documents, for example)
It doesn't need to be context-sensitive, i.e., it's okay to send both commands regardless of what program(s) I am using. The closest I have come is the following:
which performs both of the desired functions, but a "Tab" keystroke is also sent along with the hotkey. (This would wreak havoc on my Word documents!) I need to preserve the native ctrl+tab functionality without sending a Tab keystroke. Could someone please help?
Then just send both commands:
Send, ^{F6}
Send, ^{Tab}
Just note that some programs might not like that.

Change Dialog Box Text With AppleScript?

Simply, is it possible to change a "static text" field in an Apple system dialog box? Specifically I am looking into changing some label text of a password popup. I have tried using AppleScript via GUI scripting:
tell application "System Events"
tell window 1 of process "loginwindow"
repeat until not (value of static text 4 is equal to "")
set value of static text 4 to "this is a test"
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
end try
end tell
Although this does not seem to work at all. Any other methods? Perhaps Scripting Bridge or other? I'd prefer not to code my own dialogs from scratch (not for difficulty reasons, I could easily do it, I'd just prefer to interface rather than emulate.)
Here's an idea... I don't think you can change the login window text itself but you can change the background picture of the login window. Therefore you may be able to setup some images, and then use those images during the login process to display what you want.
I never tried it but this post shows how to do this... here.
After much research, I'm not sure that this is possible - it would be best to write a screen saver, implement it's own password protection, and enable that dialog to be modified from behind the screen saver.

Tell system events to keystroke in Xcode?

I'm making an application, in which I need to run a code that will tell system events to keystroke a certain phrase. Like in an AppleScript, I would do:
Tell Application "System Events" to keystroke "This is a test"
I don't know how to do this from Xcode, and I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!
You can run an AppleScript from code, e.g., using OSACompileExecute. Also see QA1026.
Alternately, you can post keyboard events using the CGEvent APIs. With recent OSes, you may be able to avoid posting each letter individually using CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString.

Application does not accept keystroke

I am trying to send keystrokes to the application VisualBoyAdvance using AppleScript, but I cannot get it to work.
My code, so far, is this:
tell application "VisualBoyAdvance"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "k"
end tell
end tell
When I tell VisualBoyAdvance directly, I get this error:
error "VisualBoyAdvance got an error: Can’t get keystroke \"k\"." number -1728 from keystroke "k"
I have tried telling VisualBoyAdvance directly, and I have also tried using key code 40, but I still cannot get it to work. Strangely enough, this does work:
tell application "VisualBoyAdvance"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "d" using {command down}
end tell
end tell
But that is a keyboard shortcut that shows up in the menu bar, so I guess it would be a bit different.
How can I use AppleScript to simulate a keypress and make the application respond to it? If I cannot use AppleScript for this, what else could I use?
I think you're almost there. Here's something I used for Safari; in this example, I send key code 48 (tab).
tell application "Safari"
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari" to key code 48
end tell
AFAICS this ought to be largely independent of AppleScript support in the target process as you're asking System Events to simulate the key press via Universal Access.
For help with key codes, see this useful application:
It's the developer's choice to make an application fully Applescript aware. Menu items are Applescriptable from the Finder's point of view, but other UI options may or may not be. See UIElementInspector to examine that application for scriptable elements.
I can't garuntee anything as I don't have this app but here is some things to try
tell application "VisualBoyAdvance"
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "VisualBoyAdvance"
keystroke "k"
on error
keystroke (ASCII character 75)
end try
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell

Binding key combinations to your application

How can I bind a key combination to my application? I know it has SOMETHING to do with the registry, but I have no earthly idea what or how to go about doing this. I want the user to be able to hit those keys when the app is open and have it execute my function, but not while the app is closed.
Thanks for the help!
If you are using a dialog, then you can put '&' into the text for some controls (buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) and this will cause Alt plus the next character in the text to be used as an accelerator/shortcut. i.e. "&Open" would activate the Open button if you press Alt+O. "Op&en" would activate if for Alt+e.
Beyond that, as Jason Irwin said, you need to add an event handler to your Form for KeyDown or KeyPress events, and then check if the keypress is the key combination you are interested in. This will only work if the user activates your form (clicks in it to give it the input focus. If they put it behind another window, it will not react to the key presses)
If you don't want to show a form, or want to react to keypresses when you're not the input-focus application, then it gets a bit more complicated (you either need to use a hidden form or a keyboard hook)
OK, it looks like you want a keyboard hook. This looks like a good article.
It depends on what you are trying to do:
If you have a gui application and you want to handle key events then you can do that in a keydown eventhandler
If you want to do more low-level stuff and have an application that will intercept all key strokes (regardless of whether or not the application has focus/is visible) then you need to use pinvoke to hit the win32 apis. I suggest you read the following:
link text
Please let us know what you are trying to do so we can provide better feedback.
Using Google, I found this Keyhook example.
I've worked with keyhooks before, in Delphi WIN32, so I am a bit familiar with them. (Just not in C#.) If you add one to a DLL, all Hell might break loose since most virus scanners will recognise this as malware behaviour. (Especially if you use them in the wrong way, causing them to be injected in each and every process that's running on your system.)
A keyhook will allow key combinations to be captured from other processes, though.
For a solution without programming requirements: Drop a shortcut for the application on your desktop. Edit it, assign a shortcut, close it. Press shortcut to test...