Set textField.text from other class of my app - objective-c

I am trying to solve my problem with searching in Developer Library but probably i dont know for what should i search.
I have HeadViewController.h where i set property of my IBOutlet textField.
In that view i have another view (containerView) with ContainerViewController class.
My problem is that i cant set textField text in my HeadViewController even if i try to set property of my HeadViewController class in my ContainerViewController.h
Here is what am i trying to:
#class HeadViewController;
#property HeadViewController *hvc;
#import "HeadViewController.h"
// in my IBAction method
self.hvc.textField.text = #"text from container view";
I also trying to use [textField setText:#""] and [textField inserText:#""] but with same result. If anyone know where is my problem or for what i have to search in Developer Library i will appreciate that.

You need to set the value of your property, hvc. hvc is a pointer, but just declaring it doesn't make it point to anything, it just says what class of object it should point to. Since ContainerViewController is embedded in a container in HeadViewController's view, that makes HeadViewController the parent. So you can reference HeadViewController from ContainerViewController by using self.parentViewController.
// in my IBAction method
self.hvc = (HeadViewController *)self.parentViewController;
self.hvc.textField.text = #"text from container view";


How do I neatly bind Cocoa inputs to NSDocument properties?

Let's say I have a simple NSDocument subclass:
#interface Document : NSDocument
#property NSString *someText;
I want to map someText to some field in my view - so I add a new field to my view controller:
#interface ViewController : NSViewController
#property Document* document;
...and make sure to store my document:
- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject {
[super setRepresentedObject:representedObject];
self.document = ((Document*)representedObject);
Oh yeah, and I make sure that the document property is dynamic, which a bit of googling brought up as important for data binding:
#implementation Document
#dynamic someText;
Then head on over to my NSTextField and try to bind the value:
As you can see, it reports that "Xcode cannot resolve the entered keypath." Furthermore, the "Controller Key" field (which I believe is where I'm supposed to specify document, with self.someText for the keypath?) is entirely greyed out.
What am I doing wrong?
It turns out that #dynamic isn't necessary - what is necessary is that the view controller's representedObject is set quite early.
I modified the default generated makeWindowControllers in the Document class so that it sets representedObject on the just-created WindowController's contentViewController before addWindowController is invoked:
- (void)makeWindowControllers {
NSWindowController *wc = [[NSStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"Main" bundle:nil] instantiateControllerWithIdentifier:#"Document Window Controller"];
wc.contentViewController.representedObject = self;
[self addWindowController:wc];
And then, in my storyboard, I simply bound to View Controller with a Model Key Path of representedObject.someText. (Be sure to check off "Continuously Updates Value" if things still don't seem to be changing - otherwise the data model might only be updated on certain events such as focus change.)

How I can get the value of my UITextField?

how I can get the value of my UITextField ? When I declare my UITextField in the Storyboard, I know but like this, I don't know.
(sorry for my English, I'm French)
Thank you in advance for your answer.
//Ajout d'un Text Field
CGRect rectTF = CGRectMake(10,70,100,20); // Définition d'un rectangle
UITextField *articleSaisi = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:rectTF];
articleSaisi.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleLine;
articleSaisi.placeholder = #"Article";
[self.view addSubview: articleSaisi];
I am not quite sure whether you want to access the value or you want to associate your UI element to your code:
Try this if you are saying that you want to access the text value.
Try to control drag the UI element to either your corresponding .h or .m file so that it can create IBOutlet for you if you are saying that you want to connect your UI element to your code.
Highly recommend you go check the documentation.
if you want to know when the user pressed return, as per your comment, then you should create a UITextViewDelegate for your text view and define its textFieldShouldReturn method:
The text field calls this method whenever the user taps the return button. You can use this method to implement any custom behavior when the button is tapped.
Also, give a look at textFieldDidEndEditing, which is called whenever there is a focus change and you should define to correctly handle user input.
Old answer:
If I do not understand you incorrectly, you want to create a UITextField programmatically (i.e., not through a Storyboard).
In this case, you should put you initialisation code inside the viewDidLoad method of your view controller and make sure that you define a property for the text field instead of a local variable:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, strong) UITextField* articleSaisi;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
CGRect rectTF = CGRectMake(10,70,100,20); // Définition d'un rectangle
self.articleSaisi = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:rectTF];
self.articleSaisi.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleLine;
self.articleSaisi.placeholder = #"Article";
[self.view addSubview:self.articleSaisi];
If you do so, you can access the text field value from any other method in the view controller through its text property:

How to access objects from different classes in Cocoa Programming

I have an NSTextField subclass (called "txtField1" and used as Custom Class for a Text Field in my interface builder) and I would like to be able to access an NSComboBox object which present in my interface builder from this class.
This is my code:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface txtField1 : NSTextField
#import "txtField1.h"
#implementation txtField1
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
HERE I would like to be able to write something like:
[combobox SetHidden:YES];
I would like to be able to set access the combobox SetHidden property, in the mouseDown event.
Can you please tell me how to do that? I have tried different solutions found on internet but didn't obtain anything at all!
Any help would be appreciated.
Here are a lot of ways, and answers here, to do :
Update a label through button from different view
Xcode - update ViewController label text from different view
Setting label text in another class
Set label on another view to stored NSDate
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
HERE I would like to be able to write something like:
[combobox SetHidden:YES];
use the shared instance of comboBox here and make it hidden.
Also, you can use binding to make it hidden
From my point of view txtField1 class is not better place to this code.
You can add NSControlTextEditingDelegate protocol to your NSViewController implementation (that already contains IBOutlets for txtField1 and combobox) and in method – control:textView:doCommandBySelector: implement hiding of your NSComboBox

Set value of property in main view controller from dynamically instantiated class (objective-c)

I am totally out of ideas on this... I've tried so many variations that I am dizzy...
I have a main UIViewController which, at the touch of a button, adds another UIViewController to one of its subviews. When the dynamic UIVC gets added, a property in the main UIVC is updated to hold a reference to it (called currentObject). This is working fine.
The problem I am having is that if I add another dynamic UIVC, the property holding the reference is initially updated correctly, but no matter what I try, I can't get the property to update when I touch the first dynamic UIVC. Everything I try to set "currentObject" from a dynamic UIVC gives me an "unrecognized selector sent to class" error and then bails.
I'm holding off from putting code into this post at first. Not sure what I would post that would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
in DynamicModuleViewController.h:
#interface DynamicModuleViewController : UIViewController <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIPopoverControllerDelegate, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, UITextViewDelegate, UIApplicationDelegate, MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate>{
DynamicModule *currentObject;
#property(nonatomic, retain) DynamicModule *currentObject;
in DynamicModuleViewController.m:
#implementation DynamicModuleViewController
#synthesize currentObject;
DynamicModule *dm = [[DynamicModule alloc]init];
// positioning and PanGesture recognition code to allow dragging of module
currentObject = dm;
[mainView addSubview:currentObject.view];
when added this way, from a button tap, it works fine.
Once more DynamicModules are instantiated, I need to update currentObject with the DynamicModule that was tapped last.
adds another UIViewController to one of its subviews
First of all this is a red flag to me. Adding a UIViewController's view as a subview is almost always the wrong way to manage a view hierarchy and a common mistake in iOS apps. Please see so I can stay on topic and avoid repeating myself.
currentObject = dm;
This sets the ivar backing your currentObject property directly. You are leaking the previous value of currentObject. You don't appear to be removing the previous currentObject's view from mainView. I suspect you are setting the currentObject to an autoreleased object, failing to retain it because you bypassed your setter, and eventually try to send a message to the released object resulting in either an "unrecognized selector" error as your message reaches whatever other object now occupies that memory address or a BAD_ACCESS error as you try to reference an object which no longer exists.
self.currentObject = foo is equivalent to [self setCurrentObject:foo] and is probably what you intended.
What about using the delegate pattern?

Update UI from another Class Method - Cocoa

I would like to update the UI in my application from the AppDelegate, but whenever I call it as so:
Controller *object = [[Controller alloc] init];
[object methodHere];
It doesn't seem to update the UI. What am I doing wrong here? I have put in a NSLog to see if it was being called, and it is. Here is a sample project that shows the error.
Edit: Can someone just show me what to change to the project I provided. I just don't know what to type into my project so that I can change the value of a simple NSTextField from another class.
When you write [[Controller alloc] init], you are not accessing the Controller object that is in your nib. You are creating a new Controller object that is unconnected to anything else in your application.
Remember, every Controller object is not the same any more than every NSArray is the same. Just because you made one Controller in your nib that's connected to an NSTextField does not mean some random Controller that you just created shares that controller's connections.
What you need to do is give the delegate a reference to the Controller that's in the nib.
This is really simple, and Chuck's comments basically explain what you need to do, but I will lay out the code explicitly for you. In testAppDelegate.h:
#interface testAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
NSWindow *window;
// You can make an IBOutlet to any kind of object you
// want; it's just a way for you to get a reference
// in code to an object that has been alloc'd and
// init'd already by the xib mechanism.
IBOutlet Controller *controller;
Then go into your xib in InterfaceBuilder and hook up that outlet from your Test App Delegate object to your Controller object (these objects are already present in the xib).
In testAppDelegate.m:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// This is the key:
// _Don't_ alloc/init a new controller object. The
// objects in your xib are allocated and initialized
// by virtue of being in that file. You just need to
// give your AppDelegate a pointer to it, as above.
[controller setTextValue:#"hello"];
It's being called all right, but it's not connected to the interface. There should be a view controller of some sort defined in your appDelegate.h file, call the method on that object instead.
Update for more detail:
One way you could pull this off would be to simply save the Controller when you originally create it (and not release it until later.)
Simply put your own controller object into your .h file
Controller* myController;
And when you create the new view controller you want to flip to, simply set myController to reference that object, and later when you want to update the UI, simply call
[myController methodHere];
A bit clumsy, but it works. Just don't forget to release myController when you're done with that view.
The other idea I'd suggest looking into would be to alter the method you're passing to your delegate. That is, instead of having the method as
put it in as
-(returnType)callDelegateToDoSomething:(id) sender;
You call the new method the same way, but your controller should automatically pass itself as an argument. Then, inside the method, simply use
[sender methodHere];
and it should hopefully work. (You may need to play around with it a little. I'm not an expert on delegates or the sender argument, but it's worth a shot.)