Cumulative substract throught multiple rows - sql

I would like to substract one row from multiple rows. I need to get remaining Quantity (differentiated by BusTransaction_ID and Artikl, and ordered by X_PDateMonth$DATE), which is result of this substract:
And expected results:
Result can be with or without "zero rows". I don't know, how to accomplish this result. And will be better use some "stored procedure" or something, because it will be use to a pretty large data set?
Thanks for all replies.

Here is a solution that works by doing the following:
Calculates the cumulative sums of the values in the first table.
Based on the cumulative sum, determines the value to subtract.
The query looks like this:
select t.bustransaction_id, t.artikl, t.xpldate,
(case when cumeq <= subt.quantity then 0
when cumeq - t.quantity <= subt.quantity
then cumeq - subt.quantity
else t.quantity
end) as newquantity
from (select t.*,
sum(quantity) over (partition by bustransaction_id, artikl order by xpldate) as cumeq
from start_table t
) t left join
subtract_table subt
on t.bustransaction_id = subt.bustransaction_id and
t.artikl = subt.artikl
order by t.bustransaction_id, t.artikl, t.xpldate;
Here is the SQL Fiddle (based on Brians).

This will give you the result with the 'zero rows' using analytic functions:
select x.*,
when subqty >= runner
then 0
when runner > subqty
and lag(runner, 1) over( partition by bustransaction_id, artikl
order by bustransaction_id, artikl, xpldate ) > subqty
then quantity
else runner - subqty
end as chk
from (select s.bustransaction_id,
sum(s.quantity) over( partition by s.bustransaction_id, s.artikl
order by s.bustransaction_id, s.artikl, s.xpldate ) as runner,
z.quantity as subqty
from start_table s
join subtract_table z
on s.bustransaction_id = z.bustransaction_id
and s.artikl = z.artikl) x
order by bustransaction_id, artikl, xpldate
The CASE statement combined with the LAG function is what identifies the first "half-depleted" row, which is the biggest piece of your calculation.
In that fiddle I included my derived columns that were necessary to get what you wanted. If you don't want to show those columns you can just select those you need from the inline view, as shown here:!6/20987/2/0


Group by after a partition by in MS SQL Server

I am working on some car accident data and am stuck on how to get the data in the form I want.
count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity)
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
This is my code, which counts the accidents had per each sex for each severity. I know I can do this with group by but I wanted to use a partition by in order to work out % too.
However I get a very large table (I assume for each row that is each sex/severity. When I do the following:
count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity)
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
group by
I get this:
(No column name)
I won't give you the whole table, but basically, the group by has caused the count to just be 1.
I can't figure out why group by isn't working. Is this an MS SQL-Server thing?
I want to get the same result as below (obv without the CASE etc)
count(accident.accident_severity) as num_accidents,
CASE vehicle.sex_of_driver WHEN '1' THEN 'Male' WHEN '2' THEN 'Female' end as sex_col,
CASE accident.accident_severity WHEN '1' THEN 'Fatal' WHEN '2' THEN 'Serious' WHEN '3' THEN 'Slight' end as serious_col
SQL.dbo.accident as accident
inner join SQL.dbo.vehicle as vehicle on
accident.accident_index = vehicle.accident_index
sex_of_driver != 3
sex_of_driver != -1
group by
order by
You seem to have a misunderstanding here.
GROUP BY will reduce your rows to a single row per grouping (ie per pair of sex_of_driver, accident_severity values. Any normal aggregates you use with this, such as COUNT(*), will return the aggregate value within that group.
Whereas OVER gives you a windowed aggregated, and means you are calculating it after reducing your rows. Therefore when you write count(accident_severity) over (partition by sex_of_driver, accident_severity) the aggregate only receives a single row in each partition, because the rows have already been reduced.
You say "I know I can do this with group by but I wanted to use a partition by in order to work out % too." but you are misunderstanding how to do that. You don't need PARTITION BY to work out percentage. All you need to calculate a percentage over the whole resultset is COUNT(*) * 1.0 / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (), in other words a windowed aggregate over a normal aggregate.
Note also that count(accident_severity) does not give you the number of distinct accident_severity values, it gives you the number of non-null values, which is probably not what you intend. You also have a very strange join predicate, you probably want something like a.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id
So you want something like this:
count(*) as Count,
count(*) * 1.0 /
sum(count(*)) over (partition by sex_of_driver) as PercentOfSex
count(*) * 1.0 /
sum(count(*)) over () as PercentOfTotal
dbo.accident as accident a
inner join dbo.vehicle as v on
a.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id
group by

Percentage difference between numbers in two columns

My SQL experience is fairly minimal so please go easy on me here. I have a table tblForEx and I'm trying to create a query that looks at one particular column LastSalesRateChangeDate and also ForExRate.
Basically what I want to do is for the query to check that LastSalesRateChangeDate and then pull the ForExRate that is on the same line (obviously in the ForExRate column), then I need to check to see if there is a +/- 5% change since the last time the LastSalesRateChangeDate changed. I hope this makes sense, I tried to explain it as clearly as possible.
I believe I would need to create a 'subquery' to look at the LastSalesRateChangeDate and pull the ForEx rate from that date, but I just don't know how to go about this.
I should add this is being done in Access (SQL)
Sample data, here is what the table looks like:
| BaseCur | ForCur | ForExRate | LastSalesRateChangeDate
| USD | BRL | 1.718 | 12/9/2008
| USD | BRL | 1.65 | 11/8/2008
So I would need a query to look at the LastSalesRateChangeDate column, check to see if the date has changed, if so take the ForExRate value and then give a percentage difference of that ForExRate value since the last record.
So the final result would likely look like
"BaseCur" "ForCur" "Percentage Change since Last Sales Rate Change"
Gordon's answer pointed in the right direction:
SELECT t2.*, (SELECT top 1 t.ForExRate
FROM tblForEx t
where t.BaseCur=t2.BaseCur AND t.ForCur=t2.ForCur and t.LastSalesRateChangeDate<t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t.LastSalesRateChangeDate DESC, t.ForExRate DESC
) AS PreviousRate, [ForExRate]/[PreviousRate]-1 AS ChangeRatio
FROM tblForEx AS t2;
Access gives errors where the TOP 1 in the subquery causes "ties". We broke the ties and therefore removed the error by adding an extra item to the ORDER BY clause. To get the ratio to display as a percentage, switch to the design view and change the properties of that column accordingly.
If I understand correctly, you want the previous value. In MS Access, you can use a correlated subquery:
select t.*,
(select top (1) t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
from tblForEx as t2
where t2.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and t2.ForCur = t.ForCur
t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate < t.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate desc
) as prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate
from t;
Now, with this as a subquery, you can get the previous exchange rate using a join:
select t.*, ( (t.ForExRate / tprev.ForExRate) - 1) as change_ratio
from (select t.*,
(select top (1) t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
from tblForEx as t2
where t2.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and t2.ForCur = t.ForCur
t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate < t.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate desc
) as prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate
from t
) as t inner join
tblForEx as tprev
on tprev.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and tprev.ForCur = t.ForCur
tprev.LastSalesRateChangeDate = t.prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate;
As per my understanding, you can use LEAD function to get last changed date Rate in a new column by using below query:
SELECT *, LEAD(ForExRate, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY BaseCur, ForCur ORDER BY LastChangeDate DESC) LastValue
SELECT BaseCur, ForCur, ForExRate, LastChangeDate , CAST( ((ForExRate - ISNULL(LastValue, 0))/LastValue)*100 AS float)
Problem here is:
for every last row in group by you will have new calculalted column which we have made using LEAD function.
If there is only a single row for a particular BaseCur and ForCur, then also you will have NULL in column.
If you are sure that there will be at least two rows for each BaseCur and ForCur, then you can use WHERE clause to remove NULL values in final result.
SELECT *, LEAD(ForExRate, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY BaseCur, ForCur ORDER BY LastChangeDate DESC) LastValue
SELECT BaseCur, ForCur, ForExRate, LastChangeDate , CAST( ((ForExRate - ISNULL(LastValue, 0))/LastValue)*100 AS float) Percentage
SELECT basetbl.BaseCur, basetbl.ForCur, basetbl.NewDate, basetbl.OldDate, num2.ForExRate/num1.ForExRate*100 AS PercentChange FROM
(((SELECT t.BaseCur, t.ForCur, MAX(t.LastSalesRateChangeDate) AS NewDate, summary.Last_Date AS OldDate
FROM (tblForEx AS t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT TOP 2 BaseCur, ForCur, MAX(LastSalesRateChangeDate) AS Last_Date FROM tblForEx AS t1
WHERE LastSalesRateChangeDate <>
(SELECT MAX(LastSalesRateChangeDate) FROM tblForEx t2 WHERE t2.BaseCur = t1.BaseCur AND t2.ForCur = t1.ForCur)
GROUP BY BaseCur, ForCur) AS summary
ON summary.ForCur = t.ForCur AND summary.BaseCur = t.BaseCur)
GROUP BY t.BaseCur, t.ForCur, summary.Last_Date) basetbl
LEFT JOIN tblForEx num1 ON num1.BaseCur=basetbl.BaseCur AND num1.ForCur = basetbl.ForCur AND num1.LastSalesRateChangeDate = basetbl.OldDate))
LEFT JOIN tblForEx num2 ON num2.BaseCur=basetbl.BaseCur AND num2.ForCur = basetbl.ForCur AND num2.LastSalesRateChangeDate = basetbl.NewDate;
This uses a series of subqueries. First, you are selecting the most recent date for the BaseCur and ForCur. Then, you are joining onto that the previous date. I do that by using another subquery to select the top two dates, and exclude the one that is equal to the previously established most recent date. This is the "summary" subquery.
Then, you get the BaseCur, ForCur, NewDate, and OldDate in the "basetbl" subquery. After that, it is two simple joins of the original table back onto those dates to get the rate that was applicable then.
Finally, you are selecting your BaseCur, ForCur, and whatever formula you want to use to calculate the rate change. I used a simple ratio in that one, but it is easy to change. You can remove the dates in the first line if you want, they are there solely as a reference point.
It doesn't look pretty, but complicated Access SQL queries never do.

Why would the query show data from the wrong month?

I have a query:
;with date_cte as(
SELECT r.starburst_dept_name,r.monthly_past_date as PrevDate,x.monthly_past_date as CurrDate,r.starburst_dept_average - x.starburst_dept_average as Average
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY starburst_dept_name ORDER BY monthly_past_date) AS rowid
FROM intranet.dbo.cse_reports_month
) r
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY starburst_dept_name ORDER BY monthly_past_date) AS rowid
FROM intranet.dbo.cse_reports_month
Where month(monthly_past_date) > month(DATEADD(m,-2,monthly_past_date))
) x
ON r.starburst_dept_name = x.starburst_dept_name AND r.rowid = x.rowid+1
Where r.starburst_dept_name is NOT NULL
Select *
From date_cte
Order by Average DESC
So doing some testing, I have alter some columns data, to see why it gives me certain information. I don't know why when I run the query it gives my a date column that should not be there from "january" (row 4) like the picture below:
The database has more data that has the same exact date '2014-01-25 00:00:00.000', so I'm not sure why it would only get that row and compare the average?
I did before I run the query alter the column in that row and change the date? But I'm not sure if that would have something to do with it.
I have added the sqlfinddle,
What I would like to get it subtract the average
from last_month - last 2 month ago.
It Was actually working until I made a change and alter the data.
I made the changes to test a certain situation, which obviously lead
to learning that there are flaws to the query.
Based on your SQL Fiddle, this eliminates joins from prior than month-2 from showing up.
,lastmonth.monthtly_past_date [PrevDate]
,thismonth.monthtly_past_date [CurrDate]
,thismonth.starburst_dept_average - lastmonth.starburst_dept_average as Average
FROM dbo.cse_reports thismonth
inner join dbo.cse_reports lastmonth on
thismonth.starburst_dept_name = lastmonth.starburst_dept_name
AND month(DATEADD(MONTH,-1,thismonth.monthtly_past_date))=month(lastmonth.monthtly_past_date)
WHERE MONTH(thismonth.monthtly_past_date)=month(DATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE()))
Order by thismonth.starburst_dept_average - lastmonth.starburst_dept_average DESC

How to perform running sum (balance) in SQL

I have 2 SQL Tables
(tables schema here:!3/e3204/2 )
What I need is to perform an SQL Query in order to generate a table with balances. Right now I have this SQL Query but it's not working fine because when I have 2 transactions with the same date then the balance is not calculated correctly.
CASE ftd.isdebit WHEN 1 THEN MAX(ftd.debitaccountid) ELSE MAX(ftd.creditaccountid) END as financialaccountname,
CAST(COUNT(0) as tinyint) as totaldetailrecords,
SUM(ftd.amount) as amount,
balance.amount as balance
FROM unit_transaction_details ftd
JOIN unit_transactions ft ON ft.transactionid = ftd.transactionid
SUM(CASE b.isdebit WHEN 1 THEN b.amount ELSE -ABS(b.amount) END) as amount
--SUM( as amount
FROM unit_transaction_details a
JOIN unit_transactions ft ON ft.transactionid = a.transactionid
CROSS JOIN unit_transaction_details b
JOIN unit_transactions ft2 ON ft2.transactionid = b.transactionid
WHERE ( <=
AND ft.unitid = 1
AND ft2.unitid = 1
AND a.masterentity = 'CONDO-A'
GROUP BY a.transactionid,a.amount
) balance ON balance.transactionid = ft.transactionid
ft.unitid = 1
AND ftd.isactive = 1
The result of the query is this:
Any clue on how to perform a correct SQL that will show me the right balances ordered by transaction date in descendant mode?
Thanks a lot.
The problem is generated when you have the same date in 2 transactions, so here is what Im going to do:
Save Date and Time into "date" column. That way there won't be 2 exact dates.
Create a "priority" column and set the priority for each record. So if I found that the date already exists and it has priority = 1 then the current priority will be 2.
What do you think?
There are two ways to do a running sum. I am going to show the syntax on a simpler table, to give you an idea.
Some databases (Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2012, Teradata, DB2 for instance) support cumulative sums directly. For this you use the following function:
select sum(<val>) over (partition by <column> order by <ordering column>)
from t
This is a windows function that will calculate the running sum of for each group of records identified by . The order of the sum is .
Alas, many databases don't support this functionality, so you would need to do a self join to do this in a single SELECT query in the database:
select t.column, sum(tprev.<val>) as cumsum
from t left join
t tprev
where t.<column> = tprev.<column> and
t.<ordering column> >= tprev.<ordering column>
group by t.column
There is also the possibility of creating another table and using a cursor to assign the cumulative sum, or of doing the sum at the application level.

"Partitioned" sorting in a SQL query

The following SQL query that displays products sold sorted by cost and number of orders have to be sorted in a partitioned manner. Namely, products with the cost of under $100 should go first and then everything else that is > $100 should follow it. Adding HAVING TS.TotalSold < 100 to the query would accomplish this for the first partition, but would filter out other products. The operation should be atomic, so that this query can be executed only once.
NOTE: cost by which the query has to be partitioned is calculated as a max of two cost columns, which makes things a bit more complicated (the proposed solutions of CASE WHEN won't work as HighestCost is not a column)
SELECT PS.ProductName, TS.TotalSold,
((PS.Cost1 + PS.Cost2 + ABS(PS.Cost1-PS.Cost2)) / 2) as HighestCost
FROM Products as PS
FROM Orders as OS
WHERE OS.ProductId=PS.ProductId)
as TotalSold) TS
ORDER BY HighestCost ASC, TS.TotalSold
EDIT: modified the query to include calculated cost by which the query has to be partitioned.
SELECT PS.ProductName, TS.TotalSold,
((PS.Cost1 + PS.Cost2 + ABS(PS.Cost1-PS.Cost2)) / 2) as HighestCost
FROM Products as PS
(SELECT COUNT(OrderId) as TotalSold
FROM Orders as OS
WHERE OS.ProductId=PS.ProductId) TS
) SQ
ORDER BY CASE WHEN HighestCost > 100 THEN 1 END ASC, TotalSold
original below
SELECT PS.ProductName, TS.TotalSold
FROM Products as PS
(SELECT COUNT(OrderId) as TotalSold
FROM Orders as OS
WHERE OS.ProductId=PS.ProductId) TS
CASE WHEN TS.TotalSold > 100 THEN 1 END, PS.Cost ASC, TS.TotalSold
You may notice I removed a subquery level since it was extraneous.
I don't know which dbms you are using but in mine I would use a calculated column to assign a partitionId, and sort by that. Something like this:
SELECT PS.ProductName, TS.TotalSold,
(if cost < 100 then 1 else 2 endif) as partition
FROM Products as PS
FROM Orders as OS
WHERE OS.ProductId=PS.ProductId)
as TotalSold) TS
ORDER BY partition, PS.Cost ASC, TS.TotalSold