Detect / Determine data stored in a varbinary field - sql

I have several tables a varbinary column in a database. They have names like CSB_BLOB or OBJECT_BLOB. Now I am having intermittent success with getting the data out.
For example this query returns readable text from this data. GREAT!
0x46726F6D3A20226465616E6E6167726.....etc --data as stored in the column
However this column has the following query results.
0x0001000000FFFFFFFF01000000000000000C....etc. --data as stored in column
--this query returns empty result
--this query returns no change???
Obviously there is a difference between the two but I am not educated enough to interpret this difference. What do I need to learn / read so I can look at the data in one of these BLOB columns and know how to convert it to something meaningful?
If you can't really know just from looking what are all the different conversion I need to try? That in and of itself seems like an impossible question since just about anything can be converted to binary and stored so....
As far as the different conversion I am not asking you to write my TSQL for me but instead just tell me the common conversions.
Something like:
Try to cast as varchar to see if it is text.
Turn into a byte array and see if it is a jpg
Turn into a byte array and see if it is a pdf
Convert it to hex and then cast as varchar
Thank You


data conversion issue

I have a table in which one of field is Real data type. I need to show the values in decimal format like #.###. So i'm converting the real values to decimal. But when i convert for some values it is not generating actual value. For eg:- 20.05 is the actual value. multiple it by 100 and then it to decimal(9,4) it will return like 2004.9999.
select cast(cast(20.05 as real)*100.00 as decimal(9,4))
Why this is returning like this ?
Real or Float are not precise...
Even if you see the value as "20.05", even if you type it in like this, there will be tiny differences.
Your value 2004.9999 (or similar something like 2005.00001) is due to the internal representation of this type.
If you do the conversion to decimal first, it should work as expected:
select cast(cast(20.05 as real) as decimal(9,4))*100.00
But you should really think about, where and why you use floating point numbers...
UPDATE: Format-function
With SQL-Server 2012+ you might use FORMAT() function:
SELECT FORMAT(CAST(20.05 AS REAL)*100,'###.0.000')
This will allow you, to sepcify the format, and you will get text back.
This is fine for presentation output (lists, reports), but not so fine, if you want to continue with some kinds of calculations.

converting float to varchar sql

Im writing a stored procedure that will convert float columns to varchar as part of its process when returning the data.
i dont want to convert everything to varchar(max) bec i think its probably more efficient not to. what is the largest size varchar i need to use -
convert(NVARCHAR(????), floatcolumn)
i want to make sure i never get a result that looks like 8397Xe10
Presumably, you are using SQL Server (based on the code in your question). If you don't want exponential notation, then use the str() function (documented here). The length of the string doesn't have a large impact on performance, but you can do something like:
select str(floatcolumn, 100, 8) -- or whatever you think reasonable bounds are for your data

Dynamic type cast in select query

I have totally rewritten my question because of inaccurate description of the problem!
We have to store a lot of different informations about a specific region. For this we need a flexible data structure which does not limit the possibilities for the user.
So we've create a key-value table for this additional data which is described through a meta table which contains the datatype of the value.
We already use this information for queries over our rest api. We then automatically wrap the requested field with into a cast.
SQL Fiddle
We return this data together with information form other tables as a JSON object. We convert the corresponding rows from the data-table with array_agg and json_object into a JSON object:
WHEN count( = 0 THEN '{}'::json
ELSE json_object(array_agg(, array_agg(prop.value))
END AS data
This works very well. Now the problem we have is if we store data like a floating point number into this field, we then get returned a string representation of this number:
e.g. 5.231 returns as "5.231"
Now we would like to CAST this number during our select statement into the right data-format so the JSON result would be correctly formatted. We have all the information we need so we tried following:
-- here I cast the value into the right datatype!
-- results in an error
array_agg(CAST(value AS datatype))) AS data
FROM data
SELECT name, datatype
FROM meta)
AS info
ON =
The error message is following:
ERROR: type "datatype" does not exist
LINE 3: array_agg(CAST(value AS datatype))) AS data
Query failed
PostgreSQL said: type "datatype" does not exist
So is it possible to dynamically cast the text of the data_type column to a postgresql type to return a well-formatted JSON object?
First, that's a terrible abuse of SQL, and ought to be avoided in practically all scenarios. If you have a scenario where this is legitimate, you probably already know your RDBMS so intimately, that you're writing custom indexing plugins, and wouldn't even think of asking this question...
If you tell us what you're actually trying to do, there's about a 99.9% chance we can tell you a better way to do it.
Now with that disclaimer aside:
This is not possible, without using dynamic SQL. With a sufficiently recent version of PostgreSQL, you can accomplish this with the use of 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE', which you can read about in the manual. It basically boils down to using EXEC.
Note, however, that even using this method, the result for every row fetched in the same query must have the same data type. In other words, you can't expect that row 1 will have a data type of VARCHAR, and row 2 will have INT. That is completely impossible.
The problem you have is, that json_object does create an object out of a string array for the keys and another string array for the values. So if you feed your JSON objects into this method, it will always return an error.
So the first problem is, that you have to use a JSON or JSONB column for the values. Or you can convert the values from string to json with to_json().
Now the second problem is that you need to use another method to create your json object because you want to feed it with a string array for the keys and a json-object array for the values. For this there is a method called json_object_agg.
Then your output should be like the one you expected! Here the full query:
json_object_agg(, to_json(data.value)) AS data
FROM data

I have an issue trying to UNION All in SQL Server 2008

I am having to create a second header line and am using the first record of the Query to do this. I am using a UNION All to create this header record and the second part of the UNION to extract the Data required.
I have one issue on one column.
,'Active Energy kWh'
,SUM(cast(invc.UNITS as Decimal (15,0)))
Each side are 11 lines before and after the Union and I have tried all sorts of combinations but it always results in an error message.
The above gives me "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
Any help would be much appreciated.
The error message indicates that one of your values in the INVC table UNITS column is non-numeric. I would hazard a guess that it's either a string (VARCHAR or similar) column or something else - and one of the values has ended up in a state where it cannot be parsed.
Unfortunately there is no way other than checking small ranges of the table to gradually locate the 'bad' row (i.e. Try running the query for a few million rows at a time, then reducing the number until you home in on the bad data). SQL 2014 if you can get a database restored to it has the TRY_CONVERT function which will permit conversions to fail, enabling a more direct check - but you'll need to play with this on another system
(I'm assuming that an upgrade to 2014 for this feature is out of the question - your best bet is likely just looking for the bad row).
The problem is that you are trying to mix header information with data information in a single query.
Obviously, all your header columns will be strings. But not all your data columns will be strings, and SQL Server is unhappy when you mix data types this way.
What you are doing is equivalent to this:
select 'header1' as col1 -- string
union all
select 123.5 -- decimal
The above query produces the following error:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
...which makes sense, because you are trying to mix both a string (the header) with a decimal field.
So you have 2 options:
Remove the header columns from your query, and deal with header information outside your query.
Accept the fact that you'll need to convert the data type of every column to a string type. So when you have numeric data, you'll need to cast the column to varchar(n) explicitly.
In your case, it would mean adding the cast like this:
,'Active Energy kWh'
,CAST(SUM(cast(invc.UNITS as Decimal (15,0))) AS VARCHAR(50)) -- Change 50 to appropriate value for your case
EDIT: Based on comment feedback, changed the cast to varchar to have an explicit length (varchar(n)) to avoid relying on the default length, which may or may not be long enough. OP knows the data, so OP needs to pick the right length.

XML text in Varchar(max) mysterious question mark

I have a function in a VB .NET class library, which inserts XML text into a VARCHAR(MAX) column.
The column results in an extra "?" at the front of the data in the column. I do not want that character in my data.
The column data starts like :
?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Registration xmlns:xsi=""....
The insert function is :
INSERT INTO Table (Data) OUTPUT Inserted.ID VALUES (#Data)
The table has 2 columns, Data and ID.
Am I doing something wrong. The XML is created by the .Net XmlSerializer.
First, all XML in SQL Server is in Unicode (UCS-2, to be precise), and data access libraries probably know that. So storing their output in varchar column isn't the best idea - you might run into various issues with implicit conversion, and such. Try switching the column data type to nvarchar and look whether it helped.
Second, it might be some mark bytes that are usually found in disk files stored in UTF-8. Since SQL Server doesn't support this encoding, these bytes might have been converted (again, implicitly) into something unreadable. Try something like this query:
select cast(substring(XMLField, 1, 10) as varbinary)
from dbo.MyTable;
It will show you ASCII codes for those characters, at least.
My best guess, however, would be to get rid of UTF-8 completely - the only way to store such data in SQL Server is via varbinary columns, but I doubt you will like the resulting overhead. Try switching to UTF-16 - it's backward compatible with UCS-2 (unless you deal in something truly exotique).
Varchar can only hold characters in the ascii code page. My guess would be you have some unicode character at the beginning of that string.
Switch to nvarchar, you won't get rid of that initial character but you won't lose it either
I had some difficulty with this using System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer. I also wanted the XML to be stored as a human-readable string (because of reasons).
Here's the code I used in case it is useful to someone:
var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Model.SomeRootType));
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
using var writer = new StreamWriter(ms);
ser.Serialize(writer, myObjectModel);
var xml = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
// format the XML
var doc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse(xml);
var niceXmlForTheDB = doc.ToString();
Needs C# 8 for the using statements without the braces
Doesn't strictly need using for MemoryStream, but hey...
Can convert to VB if needed using one of the many online tools (you'll be used to if you code in VB!)
This code should probably be in a try-catch which does something sensible if it fails!