Defining business rule in code - oop

A fellow programmer told me that I shouldn't put Business Rule in JSPs. This really confused me.
I'm really having a hard time understanding this. I mean I don't know how can I identify which in the code is the Business rule.
What is really a business rule?( I know I can search this on google but can you give me a simple example? )
How can I identify business rule in the code ( an example would be great )

Business rule is a criterion used in business operations to guide behaviour, shape judgements and make decisions.
What I see is most of the times, a confusion between different types of logic, and they all are called business rules by mistake. There are many reasons that you should not implement business rules into your source code. Generally, your application should take care of different types of logic: Application Logic and Business Rule. When you separate these from each other, then you allow business rules to be updated independently, with no application code change by business people. For example, when a tax rate is changed, business can update the tax rule without need to ask IT team (developers).
So in your question, if you still keep the business rule in JSP codes, then there still is dependency to developers (and IT) so that's not much beneficial from what I just mentioned. However structuring in a better way in your code, would be beneficial in long run of the project, so developers will be update them easier.
If you want to extract them totally from your source code, and let them be managed out side of your source (JSP) you need a business rule management system (BRMS). One component of a BRMS is a Business Rule Engine (BRE) which allows you to execute the business rules that are modelled in different forms.
When we are talking about BRMS, it is not only the execution (BRE) aspect of it but also other capabilities like, standard modeling language and authoring, debugging, testing, version control, deployment and hosting as a service (REST), security and permission control and so on... therefore a BRMS solution should cover the whole lifecycle of business rules.
Regarding to identifying them in your code, IMHO, in an existing application, it is not easy to identify and extract the business rules out. It really depends on the complexity of application domain and how well it is written. Pick one specific scenario, sit with your BA, define the business need and requirement of the implemented scenario, check if a logic is application logic, or business related logic. Here is an example of how business rule can be separated from source code.

Like much else in programming something that started of as a sensible guideline has mutated into an ill-defined rule and a stick for pedants to hit the innocent programmer with.
Firstly no one agrees what a business logic is. At one end of the scale you have people like #Arash who think of a business rule as something specified by the business and under their control like the exact rate for sales tax. On the other hand some people think any logic at all like checking the sql return code qualifies as business logic. And if you are implementing a system for a charity hospital how can there by any "business" rules at all.
For simplicity and clarity I would urge people to stick with the following definition. "Rules specified by the requester/customer of the system" so when your project sponsor says "calculate sales tax like this" its a business rule everything else is an implementation detail.
Secondly while in most cases it makes sense to keep the presentation (as in formatting the screen, populating pull downs etc.) separate from the fetching the data and calculating the numbers its not always that simple. What if there is a business rule "don't let the customer see the sales commission numbers"? You now have to format the screen differently if there is a customer present, a rule which is easiest to implement in the "presentation logic". Or "use the Bloomberg color scheme that my traders understand" you code jump through lots of hoops to implement "green for up, red for down, white for unchanged" in this "business logic" back end or you could have some simple and easy to understand code in the "presentation logic".
So unless you have a really good reason to keep your JSP code simple and concerned only with formatting and presentation. But if there is a good reason to put logic there then just do it. A simple trick is to ask yourself "how easy would it be to implement this as a voice only call center application"

Business rule is simply a programming logic which is used to process data extracted from database.
Business rule need not to be implemented using JSP. It should be created using Java programming logics and then JSP should be used to display data.


How to get non-programmers to understand domain model

When working on a complicated project, many people will involved in the developemnt, over a long time span. Therefore comes the problem of how to get everyone involved to understand the domain model.
When a project is first developed following DDD, it's probably well discussed among all people, and is designed carefully. At this stage it's relatively easy for everyone to understand and agree on the underlying domain model.
However as the project iterated over a longer period, different groups of people may be involved and few people could still hold the full picture. Even if the code is very well maintained, it's hard for non-programmers, including domain expert/ product managers/ testers, to grasp the business rules embeded in the code.
The only way out I could think of, is to keep the documents/umls/graphs well maintained for each changes, and always reflect the underlying model. However I think this is a huge challenge for any non-trival project. And it's very hard to decide how much details need to be included in the document.
Is there any best practice which I could learn from, such that the domain model could be well understood by people, and is also easy to evolve with the product?
Use Behaviour Driven Development (BDD).
BDD is like TDD. But BDD always focuses on testing domain behaviour, and tests are defined using the domain's Ubiquitous Language. All stories/features/scenarios can be written in a structured, human readable form (like this)
And because the tests are tightly coupled to your code, they have to stay in sync (assuming that your team is disciplined in keeping tests up-to-date).
In my experience, this offers the most economical solution for exposing up-to-date domain rules in a moderately readable format.
The most important strategy that comes from the DDD are the Bounded contexts. This corresponds to the (sub)domains in the business. Ideally they should map one to one. So, the first step that should be done is to clearly identify the (sub)domains; this is also the hardest.
Instead of keeping a lot of diagrams with a lot of details that are hard to keep up to date with the project, one should draw a context map.
After this you have already split the problem in pieces that are more manageable. Seeing a context map one could understand the big picture in a manner of minutes.
For each (sub)domain you can keep a list of main business rules. The Task management software (i.e. Jira) could be the single source of truth for these.

Abstractions that are... too abstract?

In the Vaughn Vernon's Domain-Driven Design Distilled book we can read that we should try to avoid creating technical abstractions that are perhaps too abstract and try to be more explicit by sticking to the concepts of the Ubiquitous Language.
Where I work we've built several tracking applications and in almost every of them there is the problem of having multiple specializations of the same thing, most likely with common behaviors, but different data and validation rules.
For instance, imagine an incident logging application where various kind of incidents are reported over the phone (e.g. car accident, fire, robbery). The information gathering process is similar to every incidents, but the captured data may vary widely as well as the validation rules that constrains this data.
So far, we have always solved these kind of problems with very technical abstractions (this is an oversimplified model, but you should get the idea):
As you can see, the DataValidationRules, DataFields and DataEntries abstractions have very little to do with the business of incident logging. Actually, they are part of a very generic solution to the problem of representing multiple entity specializations with different data in any domain.
I'd like to move away from this kind of very abstract model, but at the same time I do not see what would be the correct approach in making the business concepts explicit. I understand that the answer would be different in every domain, but in essence, should I be looking into having a single class per specialization? E.g. CarAccidentIndicent, FireIncident and RobberyIncident?
With a very limited number of specializations it seems like it could be manageable, but what if I have hundreds of them?
What about the UI? That means I'd have to move away from a generic way of generating the UI as well.
After thinking a little more about it I think I may have found a better and simpler way to express my concerns when it comes to DDD, OO and modeling many specializations.
On the one hand I want to come up with a model that is faithful to the Ubiquitous Language (UL) and model domain concepts explicitly. On the other hand I'm trying to respect the "favor composition over inheritance" mantra I'm so used to apply.
It seems that boths are conflicting because in order to enable composition I'll have to introduce abstractions that are most likely not part of the UL (e.g. Entity--Field composition) and when it comes to explicit modeling I do not see any other way than inheritance with one class per specialization.
Am I wrong in trying to avoid inheritance to represent hundreds of specialized entities that mainly differ in terms of data structure, not behaviors?
Then again, assuming they did differ a lot in terms of behaviors as well I'd have the same dilemma.
Just to be more explicit on the design choices:
In one scenario, composition would be achievable dynamically without requiring multiple classes per specialized compositions:
class Incident {
Set<Detail> details;
IncidentType type;
interface Detail {
public DetailType type();
class SomeDetail implements Detail {
class SomeOtherDetail implements Detail {
In the other scenario compositions are static and do require one class per specialized composition:
class CarAccidentIncident extends Incident {
SomeDetail someDetail;
SomeOtherDetail someOtherDetail;
class SomeDetail {}
class SomeOtherDetail {}
Obviously, the second approach is more explicit and offers a natural home for specific behaviors and rules. In the first approach we would have to introduce some abstract and technical concepts like Operation and DetailValidation which may not align well with the UL.
With a small number of different specializations I'd probably choose the latter without a second though, but because there are many of them it seems like I'm leaning more towards dynamic composition (even thought being dynamic is not required). Should I?
When to use DDD?
The thing is, DDD is not necessarily the right fit for all systems. It's particularly well suited to large systems with complex business rules.
If the business rules that need expressing to capture the essence of a FireIncident are simple enough to be encoded in a DataValidationRules record and a set of DataFields, then that suggests that perhaps those rules do not require the complexity of a DDD implementation.
The Domain of Data Validation
However, if you acknowledge that, you can shift your perspective towards intending to actually build a pure data validation engine. The domain of data validation should include entities such as data validation rules, and data fields, and would contemplate such questions related to the lifecycles of rules and fields - e.g. 'what happens if a validation rule changes - do all existing records that have previously been validated need revalidation?'
If the lifecycle of a data validation rule itself is complex enough to warrant it, then by all means, use DDD to implement that domain, although you may still choose to use CRUD if you find there are no complex rules or processes in the domain of data validation.
Who are your Domain Experts?
The further consequence of that is that your domain experts are no longer your end users (the people who know about car accidents and fire incidents) they are now the people (most likely specialists) who craft the validation rules and fields. If using DDD, you need to be asking them what types of rules they need and how they need the rules to work, and implementing using the Ubiquitous Language that they use to talk about the art and process of crafting validation rules.
Those people, in turn, would be 'programming' a next level system (you might say they are using a 4GL language tailored to the domain of incident logging) using your data validation engine. The thing is, their domain experts would be the people who know about car accidents. But the specialists wouldn't strictly be using DDD to craft the rules of a car accident, because they would not be expressing their model in software, but in the constrained language of your data capture and validation engine.
Additions following Update
Have been pondering this since your update and had a few more thoughts/questions:
Data Validation vs Entity Lifecycle/Behavior
Most of your concern is around representing data validation rules on create/update. Something that would help to understand is - what behavior/rules are represented by your entities other than data validation? i.e. in an incident management system, you might track an incident through a set of states such as Reported, WaitingForDispatch, ResponseEnRoute, ResponseOnSite, Resolved, Debriefed? In an insurance system you might track Reported, Verified, AwaitingFunding, Closed, etc.
The reason I ask, is that in the absence of such lifecycle behavior - if the main purpose of your system is pure data validation, then I return to my original thought of wondering if DDD is really the right approach for this system, as DDD brings greatest value when there is complex behavior to be modelled.
If you do have such lifecycles or other complex behavior - then one possibility is to consider the approach from the perspective of different bounded contexts - i.e. have one bounded context for data validation - which uses the approach you've described with more technical abstractions - as it is an efficient way to represent the validations - but another context from the perspective of lifecycle management, in which you could focus more on business abstractions - if all incidents follow similar set of lifecycles, then that context would have a much smaller number of specific entities.
Keeping entities sync'd between contexts is a whole 'nother topic, but not too troublesome if you adopt a service bus or event type technology and publish events when things change.
Updates to Validation Rules?
How do your business experts express requests for changes to validation rules? And how do you implement them? I'm guessing from what you've said, they probably express them in domain terms such as 'FireIncident'. But the implementation is interesting - do you have to craft data modification statements in SQL which get applied as part of a deployment?
Inheritance vs Composition
It seems that boths are conflicting because in order to enable composition I'll have to introduce abstractions that are most likely not part of the UL (e.g. Entity--Field composition)
I do not think this is true - composition does not have to require introducing technical abstractions. With either composition or inheritance, the goal is to distil insights into the domain to discover common patterns.
e.g. look for common behaviours or data validation sets and find the business language term that describes this commonality. e.g. You might find RobberyIncident and FireIncident both apply to Buildings.
If using inheritence you might create a BuildingIncident and RobberyIncident and FireIncident would extend BuildingIncident.
If using composition, you might create a valueobject to represent a Building and both RobberyIncident and FireIncident would contain a Building property. However RobberyIncident would also contain a Robbery property and FireIncident would also contain a Fire property. CarAccidentIncident and CarRobberyIncident would both contain a Car property, but CarRobberyIncident would also contain a Robbery property of the same type as the Robbery property on RobberyIncident - assuming they are truly common behaviours.
You may still have hundreds of classes representing specialised incident types, but they are simply composed of a set of value object properties representing the set of common patterns they are composed of - and those value objects can and should be in terms of ubiquitious language concepts.
My take on this is that not all information is pertinent to the domain.
I think that in many instances we try to apply techniques in an "all-or-nothing" approach whereas we may need to be focusing on the "right tool for the job". In the answer provided by Chris he asks the question "When to use DDD?" and mentions "The thing is, DDD is not necessarily the right fit for all systems." I would argue that DDD may not be appropriate for some parts of a system.
Would DDD be useful to create, say, a word processing application? I don't really think so. Although some good old proper OO would go a long way.
DDD is absolutely great for business behaviour focused bits of a system. However, there are going to be bits that can be modeled in a more technical/generic way that feed into more interesting business functionality. I'm sure that those incidents end up in some business process. An example may be a Claim. The business is very interested in tracking a claim and the claim amount, but where that claim came from isn't all too interesting. For all intents and purposes the "initiating documentation" may be filled in using pen and paper and scanned in to be linked to said claim. One could even start a new claim on the system using a plain text input.
I have been involved in a number of systems where a lot of peripheral data was sucked into the system but actually it wasn't really contributing much (law of diminishing returns and such).
I once worked on a loan system. The original 20 year-old system was re-written in C#. The main moving bits:
Loan Amount
Payment schedule
Financial transactions (interest, payments, etc.)
All-in-all it is really a simple system. Well, 800+ tables later and stacks of developers/BAs and the system is somewhat of a monster. One could even capture stock and title deeds as guarantee. Now, my take would be to scan in some of this information and link it to the loan. However, somehow some business folks decide that they absolutely "must have" this information in the system. It isn't core though, I would say.
On the other end, another system I worked on calculated premiums. It was modeled quite business-like and was quite a maintenance nightmare. It was then re-written very generically by simply defining calculations that work on given inputs. There were some lookup tables for values and so on but no business processing as such.
Sometimes we may need to abstract moving bits into something that makes sense as an input or output and then use that in our domain. I think the UL should be used by ourselves and domain experts but it doesn't mean that we are not going to end up using technical concepts that are not part of the UL, and I think that that is okay. I'm sure a domain expert wouldn't care much for a SqlDbConnection even though we are going to using one of those in our code :) --- similarly we could model some structures outside of the domain proper.
In response to your update and question: I would not create a concrete class unless it really does feature in the UL in a big way. On a side note, I still favour composition over inheritance. I typically implement interfaces where necessary and go with abstract classes when inheriting, just to place some default behaviour when it helps.
The UL, as with any design, represents a model with nuances. We can apply DDD without using domain events. When we do use domain events we may even go with event sourcing. Event sourcing has very little to do with the UL in much the same way that the terms "Aggregate", "Entity", or "Value Object" would. The UL is going to be specific to the domain / domain experts and when we, as domain modelers, talk to each other we can describe various models in terms of DDD tactical patterns in order to bring across some of the specific UL concepts.
We have to listen to how a domain expert describes the problem space. As soon as we hear "When", as stated in so many other places, we know that we are probably dealing with an event. In much the same way we can listen to how a domain expert talks about the aggregates. For instance (totally bogus example):
"When a customer is registered we need to inform the supervisor of the CSR that initiated the request"
More loosely related to your example:
"When an incident takes place we need to capture some specific details regarding the incident. Depending on the type we need to capture different bits and validate that we have sufficient data to process our claim
Between these two we can see a distinct difference in how they are referring to interacting with the problem space. When a domain expert thinks of something in very broad terms I think it is prudent that we do the same.
On the other hand, should the conversation be more along the lines of this:
"When a car accident is registered we need to assign an assessor an wait for an assessment report that has to answer..."
Now we have something much more specific. These are, necessarily, mutually exclusive in that if they only ever talk about specifics then we go with "specific". If they first mention in broad terms and then specifics, we can also work in broad terms.
This is where our modeling is tricky to get right. It is the same nuance as we have in the Address as an aggregate vs value object "debate". It all depends on the context.
These things are going to be tricky and dependent on the domain in order to get right. As Eric Evans did mention: it may take a couple of models to get something that fits just right. This is necessarily so based on one's experience with the domain.

How to design a business logic layer

To be perfectly clear, I do not expect a solution to this problem. A big part of figuring this out is obviously solving the problem. However, I don't have a lot of experience with well architected n-tier applications and I don't want to end up with an unruly BLL.
At the moment of writing this, our business logic is largely a intermingled ball of twine. An intergalactic mess of dependencies with the same identical business logic being replicated more than once. My focus right now is to pull the business logic out of the thing we refer to as a data access layer, so that I can define well known events that can be subscribed to. I think I want to support an event driven/reactive programming model.
My hope is that there's certain attainable goals that tell me how to design these collection of classes in a manner well suited for business logic. If there are things that differentiate a good BLL from a bad BLL I'd like to hear more about them.
As a seasoned programmer but fairly modest architect I ask my fellow community members for advice.
Edit 1:
So the validation logic goes into the business objects, but that means that the business objects need to communicate validation error/logic back to the GUI. That get's me thinking of implementing business operations as objects rather than objects to provide a lot more metadata about the necessities of an operation. I'm not a big fan of code cloning.
Kind of a broad question. Separate your DB from your business logic (horrible term) with ORM tech (NHibernate perhaps?). That let's you stay in OO land mostly (obviously) and you can mostly ignore the DB side of things from an architectural point of view.
Moving on, I find Domain Driven Design (DDD) to be the most successful method for breaking a complex system into manageable chunks, and although it gets no respect I genuinely find UML - especially action and class diagrams - to be critically useful in understanding and communicating system design.
General advice: Interface everything, build your unit tests from the start, and learn to recognise and separate the reusable service components that can exist as subsystems. FWIW if there's a bunch of you working on this I'd also agree on and aggressively use stylecop from the get go :)
I have found some o fthe practices of Domain Driven Design to be excellent when it comes to splitting up complex business logic into more managable/testable chunks.
Have a look through the sample code from the following link:
DDD focuses on your Domain layer or BLL if you like, I hope it helps.
We're just talking about this from an architecture standpoint, and what remains as the gist of it is "abstraction, abstraction, abstraction".
You could use EBC to design top-down and pass the interface definitions to the programmer teams. Using a methology like this (or any other visualisation technique) visualizing the dependencies prevents you from duplicating business logic anywhere in your project.
Hmm, I can tell you the technique we used for a rather large database-centered application. We had one class which managed the datalayer as you suggested which had suffix DL. We had a program which automatically generated this source file (which was quite convenient), though it also meant if we wanted to extend functionality, you needed to derive the class since upon regeneration of the source you'd overwrite it.
We had another file end with OBJ which simply defined the actual database row handled by the datalayer.
And last but not least, with a well-formed base class there was a file ending in BS (standing for business logic) as the only file not generated automatically defining event methods such as "New" and "Save" such that by calling the base, the default action was done. Therefore, any deviation from the norm could be handled in this file (including complete rewrites of default functionality if necessary).
You should create a single group of such files for each table and its children (or grandchildren) tables which derive from that master table. You'll also need a factory which contains the full names of all objects so that any object can be created via reflection. So to patch the program, you'd merely have to derive from the base functionality and update a line in the database so that the factory creates that object rather than the default.
Hope that helps, though I'll leave this a community wiki response so perhaps you can get some more feedback on this suggestion.
Have a look in this thread. May give you some thoughts.
How should my business logic interact with my data layer?
This guide from Microsoft could also be helpful.
Regarding "Edit 1" - I've encountered exactly that problem many times. I agree with you completely: there are multiple places where the same validation must occur.
The way I've resolved it in the past is to encapsulate the validation rules somehow. Metadata/XML, separate objects, whatever. Just make sure it's something that can be requested from the business objects, taken somewhere else and executed there. That way, you're writing the validation code once, and it can be executed by your business objects or UI objects, or possibly even by third-party consumers of your code.
There is one caveat: some validation rules are easy to encapsulate/transport; "last name is a required field" for example. However, some of your validation rules may be too complex and involve far too many objects to be easily encapsulated or described in metadata: "user can include that coupon only if they aren't an employee, and the order is placed on labor day weekend, and they have between 2 and 5 items of this particular type in their cart, unless they also have these other items in their cart, but only if the color is one of our 'premiere sale' colors, except blah blah blah...." - you know how business 'logic' is! ;)
In those cases, I usually just accept the fact that there will be some additional validation done only at the business layer, and ensure there's a way for those errors to be propagated back to the UI layer when they occur (you're going to need that communication channel anyway, to report back persistence-layer errors anyway).

Where to start when doing a Domain Model?

Let's say I've made a list of concepts I'll use to draw my Domain Model. Furthermore, I have a couple of Use Cases from which I did a couple of System Sequence Diagrams.
When drawing the Domain Model, I never know where to start from:
Designing the model as I believe the system to be. This is, if I am modelling a the human body, I start by adding the class concepts of Heart, Brain, Bowels, Stomach, Eyes, Head, etc.
Start by designing what the Use Cases need to get done. This is, if I have a Use Case which is about making the human body swallow something, I'd first draw the class concepts for Mouth, Throat, Stomatch, Bowels, etc.
The order in which I do things is irrelevant? I'd say probably it'd be best to try to design from the Use Case concepts, as they are generally what you want to work with, not other kind of concepts that although help describe the whole system well, much of the time might not even be needed for the current project. Is there any other approach that I am not taking in consideration here? How do you usually approach this?
Whether DDD, or not, I would recommend with determining the ubiquitous language (UL) by interviewing the product owner(s). Establishing communication in a way that will have you and the product owners speaking the same language not only aides in communication, but being able to discuss the project in common terms tends to help the domain model define itself.
So, my answer is basically to discuss, listen, and learn. Software serves a need. Understanding the model from the viewpoint of the experts will lay the solid groundwork for the application.
I'd start by a drawing a class diagram with all the relationships and implement only the classes that are necessary according to the requirements of your application.
You can use an anemic approach (attributes plus getters and setters) to keep things simple and avoid the step of writing business logic in the same step. With an anemic model, the logic would go into a corresponding Service class. That way you can consider Use Cases later on.
I know some people don't appreciate this way of doing things but it does help with maintenance and avoids some dependency issues.
Answer to devoured elysium's question below:
In terms of analysis, starting with Use cases (What) and then proceeding to the class diagram (How) sounds like a good rule of thumb. Personally, I'd do the Sequence diagram (When and Who?) afterwards, as you'd need to know between which processes/objects messages need to be sent.
Beyond that my take on things is that UML is simply a way to model a system/project and not a methodology by itself (unlike Merise, RAD, RUP, Scrum, etc.). There is nothing stopping someone starting off with any diagram as long as they have the sufficient information to complete it. In fact, they should be done simultaneously since each of the diagrams is a different perspective of the same system/project.
So, all in all it depends on how you go about the analysis. During my studies I was taught the rigid waterfall approach, where you do a complete analysis from start to finish before producing some code. However, things can be different in practice, as the imperative might be to produce a working application in the least time possible.
For example, I was introduced to the Scrum methodology recently for an exercise involving the creation of a web site where people can post their fictions. As there was a time constraint and a clear vision of what should be achieved, we started right away with a bare bones class diagram to represent the domain model. The Use cases were then deduced from a series of mock screens we'd produced.
From memory, the classes were Story, Chapter, User and Category. This last class was phased out in favour of a more flexible Tag class. As you'd imagine, the complete class diagram of the existing project would be much more complex due to applying domain driven design and the specificities of the Java programming language.
This approach could be viewed as sloppy. However, a web site like this could easily be made in a couple of weeks using an iterative process and still be well designed. The advantage an iterative process has over the waterfall approach is that you can continually adjust requirements as you go. Frequent requirements changing is a reality, as people will often change their minds and the possibility of producing a working application after each iteration allows one to stay on course so to speak.
Of course, when you're presenting a project to a client, a complete analysis with UML diagrams and some mock screens would be preferable so they have an idea of what you're offering. This is where the UML comes in. Once you've explained some of the visual conventions, an individual should be able to understand the diagrams.
To finish off, if you're in the situation where you're trying to determine what a client wants, it's probably a good idea to gradually build up a questionnaire you can bring with you. Interviewing a person is the only way you can determine what concepts/features are really needed for an application, and you should expect to go back in order to clarify certain aspects. Another tip would be to do some quick research on the web when you're confronted with a subject matter you're unfamiliar with.
In your example, this would be to go through the basics of anatomy. Among other things, this will help you decide what the model should contain and what granularity it should have (What group of organs should be considered? How precise does it need to be? Do only the organs need to modeled or should they be decomposed into their constituents like tissues, cells, chemical composition, etc. ?).
I think the place to start would be whatever feels logical and comfortable. It's probably best to start with the use cases, as they give you clear direction and goals, and help you avoid YAGNI situations. Given that you should be trying to develop a strong domain model, it shouldn't really matter, as the whole picture of the domain is important.
I would like to share my experience for such type of situations. I usually start with writing tests and code. And try to cover one end to end use case. This gives me fair enough idea about problem and at the end I also have something working with me which I can show case to my client. Most of the time subsequent stories build on top of previous one, but it also happens to me that subsequent stories require changes in the previous model I came up with. But this does not impact me as I already have good test coverage. In this way I came up with the model which fits for the current problem, not the model which maps the real world.
You start with Business Requirements which can be formalized or not. If formalized you would use Use Case Diagrams.
For example here are use case diagrams for an e-commerce app:
From these use cases, you can naturally deduce the business entities: product, category of product, shopping cart, ... that is start to prepare class diagrams.
This is best practice in many methodologies but this is also just common sense and natural.
Short answer
Pick a use case, draw some collaboration diagram (and a class diagram) to realize the domain objects involved. Concentrate only on those objects participated in order to accomplish use case goal. Write TDD test case to set the expectation and gradually model your domain classes to meet the expectations. TDD is very helpful to understand the expected behaviors and it helps to get the cleaner domain model. You will see your domain evolve gradually along with the TDD expectations.
Long answer
My personal experience with DDD was not easy. That was because we didn't have necessary foundations in the first place. Our team had many weak points in different areas; requirements were not captured properly and we only had a customer representative who was not really helpful (not involved). We didn't have a proper release plan and developers had a lack of Object Oriented concepts, best principles and so on. The major problem we had was spending so much time on trying to understand the domain logic. We sketched many class diagrams and we never got the domain model right, so we stopped doing that and found out what went wrong. The problem was that we tried too hard to understand the domain logic and instead of communicating we made assumptions on the requirements. We decided to change our approach, we applied TDD, we started writing the expected behavior and coded the domain model to meet the TDD's expectations. Sometimes we got stuck writing TDD test cases because we didn't understand the domain. We straight away talked to the customer representative and tried to get more input. We changed our release strategy; applied agile methodology and release frequently so that we got real feedback from the end user. However, needed to ensure the end user expectation was set at the right level. We refactored based on the feedback, and in that way the domain model evolved gradually. Subsequently, we applied design patterns to improve reusability and maintainability. My point here is that DDD alone cannot survive, we have to build the ecosystem that embraces the domain, developers must have strong OOP concepts and must appreciate TDD and unit test. I would say DDD sits on top of all the OOP techniques and practices.

What exactly consists of 'Business Logic' in an application? [closed]

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I have heard umpteen times that we 'should not mix business logic with other code' or statements like that. I think every single code I write (processing steps I mean) consists of logic that is related to the business requirements..
Can anyone tell me what exactly consists of business logic? How can it be distinguished from other code? Is there some simple test to determine what is business logic and what is not?
Simply define what you are doing in plain English. When you are saying things businesswise, like "make those suffer", "steal that money", "destroy this portion of earth" you are talking about business layer. To make it clear, things that get you excited go here.
When you are saying "show this here", "do not show that", "make it more beautiful" you are talking about the presentation layer. These are the things that get your designers excited.
When you are saying things like "save this", "get this from database", "update", "delete", etc. you are talking about the data layer. These are the things that tell you what to keep forever at all costs.
It's probably easier to start by saying what isn't business logic. Database or disk access isn't business logic. UI isn't business logic. Network communications aren't business logic.
To me, business logic is the rules that describe how a business operates, not how a software architecture operates. Business logic also has a tendency to change. For example, it may be a business requirement that every customer has a single credit card associated with their account. This requirement may change so that customers can have several credit cards. In theory, this should just be a change to the business logic and other parts of your software will not be affected.
So that's theory. In the real world (as you've found) the business logic tends to spread throughout the software. In the example above, you'll probably need to add another table to your database to hold the extra credit card data. You'll certainly need to change the UI.
The purists say that business logic should always be completely separate and so would even be against having tables named "Customers" or "Accounts" in the database.
Taken to its extreme you'd end up with an incredibly generic, impossible to maintain system.
There's definitely a strong argument in favour of keeping most of your business logic together rather than smearing it throughout the system, but (as with most theories) you need to be pragmatic in the real world.
To simplify things to a single line...
Business Logic would be code that doesn't depend on/won't change with a specific UI/implementation detail..
It is a code-representation of the rules, processes, etc. that are defined by/reflect the business being modelled.
I think you confusing business logic with your application requirements. It's not the same thing. When someone explains the logic of his/her business it is something like:
"When a user buys an item he has to provide delivery information. The information is validated with x y z rules. After that he will receive an invoice and earn points, that gives x% in discounts for the y offers" (sorry for the bad example)
When you implement this business rules you'll have to think in secondary requirements, like how the information is presented, how it will be stored in a persistent way, the communication with application servers, how the user will receive the invoice and so on. All this requirements are not part of business logic and should be decoupled from it. This way, when the business rules change you will adapt your code with less effort. Thats a fact.
Sometimes the presentation replicates some of the business logic, mostly in validating user input. But it has to be also present in the business logic layer. In other situations, is necessary to move some business logic to the Database, for performance issues. This is discussed by Martin Fowler here.
I dont like the BLL+DAL names of the layers, they are more confusing than clarifying.
Call it DataServices and DataPersistence. This will make it easier.
Services manipulate, persistence tier CRUDs (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
For me, " business logic " makes up all the entities that represent data applicable to the problem domain, as well as the logic that decides on "what do do with the data"..
So it should really consist of "data transport" (not access) and "data manipulation".. Actually data access (stuff hitting the DB) should be in a different layer, as should presentation code.
If it contains anything about things like form, button, etc.. it's not a business logic, it's presentation layer. If it contains persistence to file or database, it's DAL. Anything in between is business logic. In reality, anything non-UI sometimes gets called "business logic," but it should be something that concerns the problem domain, not house keeping.
Business logic is pure abstraction, it exists independent of the materialization/visualization of the data in front of your user, and independent of the persistence of the underlying data.
For example, in Tax Preparation software, one responsibility of the business logic classes would computation of tax owed. They would not be responsible for displaying reports or saving and retrieving a tax return.
#Lars, "services" implies a certain architecture.