Packaging multiple MSi files into a single msi - wix

Am new to Wix, i have a situation where in i have 2 different addins that has been developed using the adx com addin, and now there is a need for release where in a single msi file should install these 2 addins (i have created 2 different addins).
Could you please suggest if i can install these 2 addins in a single wix installer. keeping in mind that these 2 addins will have a seperate registry entry in the registry.
or, i can bundle these to msi inside a single msi file using the bootstrapper.
2.1. i used the chaining functionality with MSIPackage element and the project built successfully, but on installing this msi, there was an error " This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor.......", further analyzing the issue, i understood its because there is no entry point defined for a msi file. i was able to achieve this as an exe, but the client prefers an msi rather.
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You can add your adx com addins as two separate features in one wix project, and then a single msi can install both for you, it doesn't matter that there would be separate files or registry keys.
Why does your customer want an msi? If you do use burn, the executable is still executing separate msi's and so you will still have the benefits of using windows installer, even though the containing file is an exe bootstrapper.


Wix Burn - Save Installer after installation

I have a custom wix burn installer that I have made and it works well except for I can't figure out how to do one thing: save the wix burn installer exe to a location after the installation is done.
Here is my scenario:
My software can be distributed across multiple servers, but one server is the "core" server.
I plan to update the core server and then have the core server push software updates to the other server.
To have the core server distribute the update, it has to keep a copy of the Wix Burn Installer EXE somewhere for distribution. This is what I can't figure out.
Using the built in variable WixBundleOriginalSource, I can find the original installer exe. However, when I try to copy it during ApplyComplete (I don't want to save it unless it successfully installed), I get an access denied trying to copy the file (which makes sense since the burn installer is not running as an admin).
How can I accomplish this - copy the original wix burn installer exe after the installation is complete without permission issues? I get that 99.99% of the time, all file operations should happen inside an MSI, but I can't have an MSI deploy the original Wix Burn Installer, so I am stumped.
OK - here is how I worked around it. I passed the WixBundleOriginalSource to one of the MSIs and then added a CopyFile element to do the copy in the MSI...
Copy file from setup location to another location in wix on install

Running a Windows Installer inside another Windows Installer

I'm looking to create a Windows Installer package that will run an exe that runs another Windows Installer.
I'm putting a package together that has to install three files, an EXE, a CONFIG and an empty TXT. In addition, we also need to run the Access Database Engine 2007 as part of this process. However, when setting custom actions to just run it (with the flag /quiet) it fails because it's attempting to run an MSI inside of an MSI.
Is there any way I could somehow have it launch right after/right before or something? I've looked into WIX but honestly I'm clueless on how it would solve the problem.
You should look at the WiX Burn functionality and prerequisites. Some examples are:
WiX - Install Prerequisites and 3rd party applications
You could probably just run the setup from the Burn bootstrapper - it will do its own detection if it's already installed.

How to create a registration-free installer with WiX (manifest-based)

I'd like to create an installer package to install registration-free COM components (with manifest files included). This would be more or less a self-extracting archive to place some files in a target directory given as commandline argument, but it would also need to check or install some other redistributables like VC++ or DirectX.
The package is supposed to be used in another applications's installer as some kind of redistributable package itself. It should not be registered in the "Program and Features" dialog of Windows but has to be removed with the application. Ideally there should be no changes to the Windows registry.
So far I haven't been very successful. Can anyone please provide me with some hints regarding this use case?
You've got about a dozen different questions in that one question. Start with just creating a simple MSI that successfully installs your files and your manifest. Create a COM client to test it. You can also put AppSearch and LaunchConditions in your MSI to detect your dependencies and not allow installation if they are missing.
That's about all you should have to do for this simple question. As for the other questions.... if you are a redistributable and someone else is silently installing you then it's their job to handle the installation of the other redistributables. Also if they don't want you listed in Programs and Features they can pass the ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 to your installer and you won't be listed. If they want to uninstall you when they uninstall themselves, that's their problem not yours.
If you are really creating a redistributable to be used by other products, sometimes a merge module is the appropriate solution. They build their MSI files and include your merge module.
Otherwise, reg-free COM is in theory an easy install because you're just installing manifest files and Dlls etc. However I don't understand how that could be used by other apps because (IIRC) a client app exe needs your manifest and Dll in their install folder, so how can they do that when they are not installed yet? Or even if they are installed how can you find them? So that goes back to the merge module idea so they include your merge module and install an exe, your manifest and your Dll in the same location. When they uninstall so do your files.

WiX bootstrapper query

I created one msi for my product it's working well but I need to install .net 4.0 as a prerequisite. I came across burn and bootstrapper but have a couple of questions:
Should I have a separate project for the main msi and the bootstrapper?
My customer needs an msi (not an exe), so can the bootstrapper be an msi?
The bootstrapper project is a separate project and produces an .exe as its output. It is its own executable, whereas an .msi is essentially a database that gets processed by Windows Installer.
MSI (Windows Installer) does not support "nested" installs, where one .msi package runs for a while, then pauses, runs a separate installer package, then picks up from where it paused. MSI uses some Windows resources that are essentially system-global, so the "inner" install tromps on the "outer" one.
The way to do multiple installs as a single user experience is to run each install in sequence, one at a time. That is the purpose of the bootstrapper, also known as a chainer: to run the chain of installs, link by link. The bootstrapper is not itself an install package; it is a tool for running one or more install packages.
That is why the bootstrapper cannot be an .msi: it is not itself an installer package. A bootstrapper can be as simple as a batch file or script, or you can use an industrial-strength tool such as a WiX burn bundle, Flexera AdminStudio, etc.
Be aware that there are some installer packages that ship as .exe -- for examples, the .NET Framework or SQL Server installers. These are essentially self-extracting archives that contain one or more .msi packages, dump a temporary copy of that payload then run the Windows Installer service on it. In some sense they are "bootstrappers" plus package, all rolled into one. A bootstrapper can run packages (and other bootstrappers), but not vice-versa.
You might think that you could have your outer package run a custom action that launches the inner package. We've all tried it... and found out the hard way that it doesn't work generally, even when you appear to get away with it on some specific target system.
You'll have to persuade your customer that Windows Installer does not, cannot, work the way he thinks it does. Sadly, sometimes the only way to do this is to replace the customer.

Install more than one MSI files based on user selection in WiX

I would like to create a installer (like BootStarper) to achieve following steps using WiX.
There will be a setup.exe file.
Upon Runnig this file it has to open a UI and show the list of softwares (MSI) available for installation.
The software products are grouped into two Group A or Group B.
Each group may contain Two or more MSI files (Both internal and third party files)
Allow user to Choose a group and one or more products to be installed.
Based on the selection, the products should be silently installed on the local system.
Shall I create a WiX project and display given products(MSI) as its features and can start a deffered custom action to install the seleted ones?
How to author my WiX project to choose the groups and then selected features?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Upgrade to WiX 3.6 (Beta) and take a look at the new "Burn" functionality.
You cannot use a deferred custom action to install another MSI because there is a mutex that enforces one running execute sequence per machine.
There is functionality in MSI 4.5 called multi-package transactions however MSI 4.5 may not be already installed on a 2003/XP/Vista Machine so you'd need setup.exe to boostrap it anyways.
Also "concurrent" installs are deprecated and should not be used to do servicing issues.
This is not something you can solve either with the stable WiX release, or Windows Installer.
You will need a separate bootstrapper to launch your MSI files. as the WiX bootstrapper, Burn is only in the WiX 3.6 beta release and not yet properly documented I would suggest trying something like dotNetInstaller.