Nacl And Pnacl from terminal on chrome device - chromium

I've built hello world program by nacl and pnacl tools from NACL_SDK.
And now I want to test it.
I've mad a html page and js script which are working with my nexe and pexe and in browser everything is working fine.
But how can I launch my programs from console?
And how can I write stdout to file?

To run a nexe-program my-app.nexe from console and redirect output to file output.log use the following command:
$NACL_SDK/tools/ my-app.nexe > output.log is just a helper script. If you pass a --verbose option to it, you'll see a real command used to run your program. It's something like this:
$NACL_SDK/tools/nacl_helper_bootstrap_x86_64 $NACL_SDK/tools/sel_ldr_x86_64 \
--r_debug=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --reserved_at_zero=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -a \
-B $NACL_SDK/tools/irt_core_x86_64.nexe my-app.nexe


Github Actions, permission denied when using custom shell

I am trying to use a shell script as a custom shell in Github Actions like this:
- name: Test bash-wrapper
shell: bash-wrapper {0}
run: |
echo Hello world
However, when I try to run it, I get Permission denied.
Background: I have set up a chroot jail, which I use with QEMU user mode emulation in order to build for non-IA64 architectures with toolchains that lack cross-compilation support.
The script is intended to provide a bash shell on the target architecture and looks like this:
sudo chroot --userspec=`whoami`:`whoami` $CROSS_ROOT qemu-arm-static /bin/bash -c "$*"
It resides in /bin/bash-wrapper and it thus on $PATH.
Digging a bit deeper, I found:
Running bash-wrapper "echo Hello world" in a GHA step with the default shell works as expected.
Running bash-wrapper 'echo Running as $(whoami)' from the default shell correctly reports we are running as user runner.
Removing --userspec from the chroot command in bash-wrapper (thus running the command as root) does not make a difference – the custom shell gives the same error.
GHA converts each step into a script file and passes it to the shell.
File ownership on these files is runner:docker, runner being the user that runs the job by default.
Interestingly, the script files generated by GHA are not executable. I suspect that is what is ultimately causing the permission error.
Indeed, if I modify bash-wrapper to set the executable bit on the script before running it, everything works as expected.
I imagine non-executable script files would cause all sorts of troubles with various shells, thus I would expect GHA would have a way of dealing with that – in fact I am a bit surprised these on-the-fly scripts are not executable by default.
Is there a less hacky way of fixing this, such as telling GHA to set the executable bit on temporary scripts? (How does Github expect this to be solved?)
When calling your script try running it like this:
- name: Test bash-wrapper
shell: bash-wrapper {0}
run: |
bash <your_script>.sh
Alternatively, try running this command locally and the commit and push the repository:
git update-index --chmod=+x <your_script>.sh

Android Gradle save log output to file

Using Android and Gradle how can I save the console messages of gradlew tasks to a file? For example when running 'gradlew connectedCheck -i' how do I save the run times and any failures to a file?
In bash/command line run:
./gradlew connectedCheck -i 2>&1 | tee file.txt
In Powershell on Windows where tee is typically not available, you can do the same thing with the normal redirection operator (looks similar to BASH, but does indeed work):
./gradlew connectedCheck -i 2>&1 > file.txt
As far as I know this should work all the way back to Powershell 2.0, only because we still use it at work on some of our older servers. I can't find docs for anything older than v3.0, for which the documentation is here:
about_Redirection | Microsoft Docs

Command works in shell but not Objective-C or C

I want to run the following shell command in Objective-C
sshfs -C -p 22 ~/local/directory/path
using the command system("sshfs -C -p 22 ~/local/directory/path");
but I get sh: sshfs: command not found in NSLog.
If I copy and paste it into terminal however, it works.
The path used by an GUI application does not include any changes you have made in your shell files in your home directory (e.g. ~/.bashrc)
One way is to use the full path in the system call. (i.e. /Users/username/Projects - ~ are not automatically expanded) In a Cocoa app I would use NSTask to give more control

How to start a Rails server with an .sh script in a directory of choice

I've been developing with rails for a year now, and although rails is pretty well automated, I'd like to take it one step further.
Every time i start working on a project, i open the terminal, cd to a project folder, than new tab in the terminal, then start the server with "rails s" then back to the first tab to run "sublime ." so that i load the folder in my text editor, Sublime Text.
What i would like is to create a .sh script that would do all that for me, but so far i haven't been able to make it start the server.
So, how to start rails server with a .sh script in a directory of choice?
#Manolo gave me an idea, so I've come up with this:
I modified my .bashrc as the following answer illustrates:
Basically i added
eval "$BASH_POST_RC"
At the end of my .bashrc so i could run arbitrary commands after it was executed.
Next, i made a following script:
firefox -P "development";
sublime . &;
gnome-terminal \
--tab --title="Server" -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails s\";exec bash"' \
--tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"git s\"; exec bash"';
That launches my development profile on firefox, my editor with a project root, and terminal window with two tabs - one that runs a WEBrick server, and another one which runs git status for me.
I made a desktop shortcut to the script so i have my own custom IDE of sorts :)
Try this:
cd your_project_folder
nohup rails s > /tmp/rails_server.log 2>&1 &
sublime .
you can see the ouput of your rails server at the /tmp/rails_server.log file

bash script for screen -r

I want to make a bash script that echo's something into one of the screens that I have running (screen -r is how I get to it in SSH).
I was wondering how I would make the script execute itself in screen -r?
I basically just want the script to say something on a minecraft server through the console and would set up a cronjob to say it every x minutes.
You can use the -X option of screen to send commands to a running screen session.
Also the -p option is useful in this case, as you can use it to preselect a window
As an example you can run a script in a running screen session on windows 0 via:
screen -p 0 -X stuff './^M'
Note, that you have to append the return key-code to execute the script.
You can look in /dev/pts. I don't have screen here to test, but you can echo something to an opened terminal with, for example, echo "toto" > /dev/pts/0 (it will be echoed on the first opened terminal).