"Selected" style of textfield - textfield

I am evaluating Codename One for our product and struggling to do one simple thing.
I need colour of border and text of textfield to be blue when field is focused or when I am typing in some text. However, field absolutely behaves like Pressed instead of Selected. So when I'm tapping on the field the style is correct, but when and releasing my finger from that field it turns into Unselected style.
See screenshots of my builder:
You can see that even in preview it's not blue for some reason, same in preview on the right, simulator, and on real device (iPad).

Selection on touch devices is only rendered when the user actually touches the device and hidden when there is no interaction. You can disable that behavior but that's probably not what you want to do and isn't the convention on touch devices such as iOS devices.

In order to make it work I had to set includeNativeBool constant to false. Style is shown correctly on real device, but in Simulator text still is black instead of colour that I set.
As Shai advised unsetting of includeNativeBool is not a correct solution even though it changes behaviour. Setting of pureTouchBool to false is a right way to go.


TextFields disappeared in iOS 14.0.1

I got some very weird issue with some user of iOS 14.0.1
First he reported that the username and password fields of Login page have disappeared.
I thought how this can happened? app was even published in App Store, so I asked for a screenshot and he sent me this:
Previously I thought fields have really disappeared, but after checking code, storyboard, etc... and finding no clue, I checked the screenshot again minutely and I noticed that inputs are there but with color almost same as the background. I also noticed that the background of other inputs has changed the color to some grey (looking like disabled fields). The background of TextFields are set as "Default".In order to fix it in iOS 14, I'm having to set background in all of them as White and incase I disable anyone of them, I need to set color again as Grey (and previously all these were not needed). Does anybody is facing same?
Finally I got the problem so I'm posting the answer in case can help anybody.
The problem was that I was using System's Color and these types of colors can changed (drastically like from white to black) according to the iOS selected mode (Light or Dark).
My suggestion is avoiding System's colors as long as you want fixed colors.
And in case your device is out of date and has no Light/Dark mode, check here how to switch between the modes in simulator.

What secret things are happening to my NSButtonCell?

I'm writing an OS X app (target 10.10, Xcode 6.1) and I'm really confused by my custom NSButtonCell subclass. It seems like there are things going on here that shouldn't. I'm new to OS X programming, so I'm asking if anyone has insight into the inner workings of NSButtonCell.
First, what seems to be working?
I can set the button's image and title. The image appears normally.
The storyboard sets up the button to be Style: Textured and Type: Momentary Change. It's not Bordered, not Transparent, and doesn't allow Mixed State.
List of complaints:
I override -drawTitle:withFrame:inView: to draw the title in a custom color depending on the cell's highlighted. This color should be #cccccc when the cell is not highlighted, but it's actually #d6d6d6.
The button has both image and alternate image. The image that's drawn is never the alternate image, so I override -drawImage:withFrame:inView: to pick the correct image for cell's highlighted. This appears to work, but what the heck, NSButtonCell? How is on/off state different from highlighted? I've tried many of the Type options and none seem to change the fact that pressing the button will momentarily change highlighted, and toggle state.
Speaking of momentarily changing highlighted, it appears that its duration is about as short as possible, so I had to implement a sort of "debouncer" to prevent -drawWithFrame:inView: from being called more frequently than a specified threshold.
My button cell also has properties myBackgroundColor and myAlternateBackgroundColor. I'm not using backgroundColor because I need to be able to draw a custom background shape (filled rect, filled circle, etc). The alternate background color is used when highlighted. The problem here is that the alternate background color should be #93edbf but appears to be #a1eecb! In order to get it to look like #93edbf, I need to set the color to #84ecb2.
So far this has all been about one particular instance of this button cell. But in another instance, the alternate background isn't drawing at all! I've read through the storyboard code and the buttons are as identical as they can be. My view controller code likewise updates both button cells' properties at the same time. Why would one button behave differently from another?
I want the button to highlight on mouse down instead of "momentarily" after mouse up. I haven't yet implemented this in my custom cell. Man, NSButtonCell is really lacking some things. How does something like that happen? Don't the OS X and iOS teams ever talk to each other?
What could it be?
I've already verified that the cell's controlTint is set to NSClearControlTint. I've checked for background filters, compositing filters and content filters on the off chance they had anything to do with this.
I know Apple really wants us to use their native look and feel for UI elements, but I never thought they'd go so far as to force the use of some highlight tint.

NSPopover color invert in Yosemite dark color

I'm using NSPopover, and when I change the system dock color to dark (Yosemite new feature) some elements in my view invert their color.
For example some labels changes from black to grey, or text fields background changes from white to black. And if I have a view with white background it is now changes to the blurred dark effect.
So two questions:
Can I cancel this behaviour and force the UI to act like in regular mode?
Is there any rules here which element invert their color?
Because it seems that some element changes and some not.
This is my app in Yosemite regular mode:
And this is in Yosemite dark mode:
It might be a library you're using that's causing this behavior. I just tested on a new project and I couldn't make the NSPopover black no matter how hard I tried.
What libraries are you using ? How did you set up your NSPopover ?
Maybe you could try changing the appearance property of the view ?
view.appearance = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameAqua];
NSView has the property appearance because it conforms to NSAppearanceCustomization.
Also see NSAppearance.
Found the solution:
self.popover.appearance = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameAqua];
the result:
There are ways to do this, though I would recommend embracing it.
It's not concretely documented what will change and how.
But observation will show you what to do.
Primarily it requires you do the opposite of opting in.
Opting in is using Appkit interface elements as is as well as using the NSColor names provided as system colors and using the NSVisualEffectView.
That means to explicitly opt out you need to go around and basically customize views and that mostly means setting explicit colors and occasionally subclassing.
Out of the box HUD style popovers and panels would be opting in.

NSPopUpButton in NSToolbar such annoying

Problem solved!:
Just check the "Unified Title And Toolbar" option of the NSWindow and the 1pixel-down problem goes away!
To change the toolbar height just select the Toolbar Item - Custom View and change size in the Size inspector.
If you know Xcode 5s layout than you should recognise this:
I want to build it for my own. So I dragged a Toolbar in the Window and added a NSPopUpButton. Then I changed the PopUp Button Cell Style to Radio and turned off the Arrows. So far so good.
The first thing I noticed is that the Toolbars has different heights. Does anybody know how to change this behaviour (without subclassing NSToolbar)?
The second and more annoying thing I noticed is that if I choose an Item from the PopUp Button the Image for the NSMenuItem move 1 pixel down.
EDIT: Xcode NSMenuItems don't move 1pixel down
Any suggestions about that thing?
NSToolbar, sadly, can’t really be subclassed. It’s a poorly-written class that tries to be very “magic,” so it’s not even a subclass of NSView—you can’t control how it draws at all, it creates a private view.
You can set its “sizeMode” but I assume you’ve already done that and found that the number of pixels high isn’t what you want.
The easiest thing to do is just leave space for your widgets at the top of your window (above the document content) and have autolayout position your buttons for you. (I haven’t been able to use a real NSToolbar in years because of its limitations.)
As for the popUp menu being mis-aligned with the button: where the menu draws is basically hard-coded, so if you use a button style that NSPopUpButton doesn't expect then the menu will be offset some.
If you’ve already tried just unchecking the “draws border” flag on a default-style NSPopUpButton (one fresh off the palette), There are two solutions for to try: One is to keep trying different buttonStyles that look correct to your eye until you find one that’s not offset. Two is to leave the buttonStyle do the default for NSPopUpButtons but subclass the buttonCell and have it not draw the border (but still leave room for it).

How can I control the color of the text used in a magnify window?

We are using a UITextView with a dark background. As such we have made the text white color in order to be easier to read. The problem is the magnify window that pops up when you hold down your finger to move the insertion point uses white for the text color as well. This makes it impossible to see exactly where the insertion point is.
Is it possible to independently control the text color used in the magnify window?
Here is a screen shot illustrating the problem.
I just did a quick test in here and it's working fine.
I tested with firmware 2.2.1, in the simulator and using a device.
This is what I did to test it:
1- Created a new View-Based project
2- edited the nib in the Interface Builder, added a UITextView, setting the text to white and the background to gray, leaving everything else default
Do you have something different?
Hmm, it works correctly in the Notes app. Not only is the background yellow, you also see the lines.
Maybe it depends on whether you set the background color directly on the UITextView or make it transparent and set the background color of its containing view?
I don't think you have any control over that. And I think you should file a bug report with Apple over that. It should be smarter than that.