what is ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback - ssl

I'm using a web service in my website. the provider provide me a sample code, in the code there is a line like this:
// For Ignore SSL Error
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; };
The web service link users to its own page and then return to my website. it uses https.
What is this code application? Is it for ignoring certification error in users' web explorers?
I think the certification with the web server's site may not be valid certification, or it's just a local certification. Am I right?

It is common mistake to think that it is used only to bypass invalid SSL certificates. However, many uses this callback only to ignore invalid certificates.
This callback provides an ability to attach additional checks for SSL certificate and access information cannot be accessed otherwise. For example, only within this callback you can get specific certificate errors which cannot be handled externally: name match/mismatch (they are stored in the sslPolicyErrors parameter. In addition, chain parameter contains exact certificate chain sent by the server. This object can be used to construct the certificate chain when system store has missing intermediate CA certificates.
For example, when you purchase certificates from Thawte (or other providers), their certificate do not have 'Certification Authority Issuer' access method and intermediate certificates are not installed in the system store. In this case, you will be unable to build the chain for that certificate. However, web browsers will not complain because missing (on client) certificates are shipped along the SSL handshake from web server. And this callback is the only way to access them.
And I wouldn't bypass SSL errors in a production environments, because it will open security holes.


Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel - SOAP Service

I have a SOAP web service inside that I am calling a third party secured web service (it was HTTP earlier now they secured it). they have valid SSL certificate. while calling the third party service I am getting below error,
Server was unable to process request. ---> The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
There are few articles which says TSL 1.2 should be enabled, to check about TSL further, I have below component on my server,
Here is third party service call,
Can someone guide me, where should I setup trust relationship ?
Do I need to modify my code or just some configurations changes needed
In addition to Abraham post above, make sure that that IIS has enough access to the certificates. We faced the issue and at first, it seemed like the app could access the certificates but that wasn't the case. We fixed it by going to the Manage Certificates -> Personal -> Certificates -> Right Click the certificate -> All tasks -> Manage Private Keys -> Add -> Grant Access to "Everyone" (testing only, you should only grant access to IIS). The connection worked after doing this.
There is a process of exchanging the public key of the service certificate during the secure communication. Therefore, we should establish the trust relationship between the client-side and the server-side. As for mutual certification authentication, we should establish the trust relationship each other.
Trust relationship represents the certificate is valid, the server is real and secure. Namely, it represents this is a validation of the server’s identity. This also could be accomplished by the below code segments.
//adding below code segments to ignore the service certificate validation.
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate
return true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
More commonly, this should be finished by installing the service Root certificate in the local Trusted Certification Authorities.
To get the certificate you can either,
1, Ask the service vendor for it, you can ask for the Root CA
certificate, you can authorize all the servers you need at once;
Use a web browser to get the certificate. Access the service creation page with HTTPS(https://localhost:xxxx/xxx.svc). Then use the web browser options to export the certificate to a .cer file.
Install the certificate.
Double-click the .cer file to install the certificate. Choose Local Computer, then choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
Here is a detailed step.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

How to configure gRPC Client communicating over TLS transport layer without server certificate?

Currently I want to expose a gRPC Method as Public API and protected by Auth0 (JWT Token), with Istio(Envoy Proxy) will help validating the token on server side. Since the JWT Token is not encrypted by the standard (it is only used to end-user authentication and authorization layer), I want to encrypt the communication using TLS. Also, my public server already have valid certificate.
The problem is on the gRPC Client side. Every example I look, the gRPC Client have to initialize the TLS Connection with server cert pem file. Is it really necessary? Because it adds operational burden and complexity, where we have to distribute our server pem file everytime we renew the certificate AND/OR the client side has to restart the application.
If you are using a self signed certificate, then yes you must explicitly trust it in your client. If you use a publicly signed certificate on your Server, gRPC will use the Operating System's certificate authorities to verify the cert. (In the case of Java, it uses the JVMs cert authorities.)
If you are using a self-signed certificate you need to specify the server's root certificates in the pem_root_certs member of the SslCredentialsOptions struct passed in when creating a channel, as Carl says.
However if you are using a CA issued certificate, leaving the pem_root_certs member empty will cause gRPC to default to its own master list (reviewable online), not any OS-specific list.

ssl with webapi published using IIS. chrome warning - connection not secure due to self signed

I am trying to use SSL with my webapi published using IIS.
I've enabled SSL in webapi project by setting SSL ENABLED to TRUE.
On the local pc I've created a self signed certificate, which gets issued to MyPcNameHere/MyCompanyDomainHere. (not sure if that matters)
now if I browse to webpage in chrome/mozilla I get a warning... your connection is not secure. Mozilla's error is THE CERTIFICATE IS NOT TRUSTED BECAUSE IT IS SELF SIGNED.
What are my options here for handling this? (when I get this warning is the connection truly not secure? Or is it purely a warning that the certificate is self signed?)
I don't mind getting a third party certificate, but when I tried it wanted me to verify I own domain. This myPc/myDomain is inside a company firewall so I don't see how I could obtain a certificate.
any suggestions?
You get that error (warning actually) because you're using a self signed certificate, which your browser doesn't recognize.
Your options are:
obtain a certificate issued by a trusted provider (the root certificate of the issuer will be present in the trusted root certificates store of your browser/system
make the browser trust your self signed certificate (here's a guide for Chrome, I didn't find any for Mozilla - you have to just add a permanent exception)
Now, if you're using this only for a test, you can get the browser to trust your self signed certificate.
If you're in a company network, and you have the resources, you might consider setting up a local CA, which you then may use to issue certificates for testing machines on the Intranet, or for you dev environment. You will of course deploy the root certificate on all machines' trusted certificate store.
If you're going live with this (production machine accessible over the Internet), you have to really consider a provider.

SSL connect to MQ using .net mq client SSLV3?

Currently I am having a problem connecting to the server due to the following issue:
When I tried to connect to the server, it returned an error: MQRC_SSL_INITIALIZATION_ERROR
Upon closer analysis via WireShark, I found that the Client is attempting to connect to the server using SSL v2, while the server can only accept SSL V3, thus rejecting the connection.
I checked through the document, but am not able to find any information on
what SSL version the .Net client supports.
I would like to check whether the SSL version is controlled from the .Net MQ
client, and if so, how can we configure to make it connect via SSL v3?
I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion since WMQ has supported SSL V3.0 and TLS V1.0 since at least V6.0 and possibly earlier. This is more likely a mismatch of configurations between the client and server. The procedure I recommend to resolve SSL/TLS issues is as follows:
My method for debugging SSL connections on WMQ is to progress through the following sequence making sure each step works before advancing to the next:
Get the channel running without SSL. This validates that the channel names are spelled correctly, that a network route exists between the endpoints, that the QMgr's listener is running and that the client points to the right port. You'd be surprised how many times someone mis-keys a port or channel name.
Get the channel running with the SVRCONN definition set to SSLCAUTH(OPTIONAL). This performs an anonymous SSL connection similar to what your browser does. The QMgr presents a certificate to the client but the client is not obligated to send one back. This validates that the QMgr can find its certificate and that the client can find its trust store and properly validates the QMgr's cert. (Note: the QMgr will always request the client cert and the client will always send it if one is present. To perform this test, use a copy of the client's keystore that has the signer cert(s) but not the application's personal cert. Copy the keystore and delete the personal cert from the copy. Do NOT delete the original!)
Set the SVRCONN channel to SSLCAUTH(REQUIRED). This now requires the client to find its keystore (in the last step it required only its trust store) and to be able to find its certificate. It also requires the QMgr to be able to validate the client's cert.
Set up SSLPEER or CHLAUTH mapping rules to narrow the population of validated certificates that will be accepted on the channel.
The difference between steps #2 and #3 helps to isolate the problem by testing the SSL credential exchange in only one direction at a time. This allows you to identify whether the problem exists in the personal cert or the public cert and on which side of the channel. Nearly all problems are sorted out in these two steps.
Notes to respond to questions. There are two types of certificate used with SSL/TLS. The personal certificate contains the private key and is the one that doesn't get passed around. The public certificate is the one that contains the public key and can be given out freely. The private key is held in a keystore. The public keys (usually these are the CA's root and intermediate certs) are stored in a trust store. In some cases, these are separate files. For example, in Java and JMS the JSSE provider looks in the environment for variables that point to the keystore and to the trust store. It is possible in Java and JMS that the keystore and trust store variables point to the same file.
In the case of WebSphere MQ servers and clients other than Java, the keystore and trust store are combined into a single location. Often referred to as a kdb file, it is actually a CMS key database comprised of several files of which one is the KDB. In this case "keystore" is actually shorthand for a combined keystore and trust store. For the .Net client, set the keystore location and other SSL properties in the MQEnviornment.
In the SSL/TLS handshake, the server always sends its public certificate in response to a connections request. The client then must validate that certificate by first checking the signature and validity date, then looking in its trust store for the thing that signed the certificate. If the thing that signed the certificate is an intermediate signer cert (it has itself been signed by something) then the search continues up the signer cert chain until the root cert is reached. Assuming that the server is authenticated, the same procedure is applied in reverse by having the client present a cert and the server validating it.
When the process fails in Step #2 we can debug using knowledge of the process above. The QMgr must first find its cert in its keystore and present it to the client. If the QMgr cannot find its cert, the result is errors in the AMQERR01.LOG file stating this. Always look on the QMgr side first when things die in Step #2!
If the QMgr does find its cert then the next step is that client must be able to find its trust store and then within that trust store must find the necessary signer cert chain. If this fails, there should be errors on the client side to indicate that. For example, a common error when setting the client environment is to specify the entire file name, including the .kdb extension. When this happens the QMgr looks for [keystorename].kdb.kdb which doesn't exist. Another common error is that the personal certificate exists in the keystore but with the wrong label. Non-Java WMQ clients look for the certificate by label name constructed from the literal string ibmwebspheremq followed by the user ID in lower case. For example, if my user ID is TRob then my certificate label would be ibmwebspheremqtrob. Note that this is the certificate's label in the keystore and NOT the certificates Common Name or other field in the Distinguished Name.
Depending on the type of client in use, these may be in the Windows error log, local MQ error logs or other location. If you can't find client-side errors, WMQ tracing is also an option.

WCF client certificate signing : how to?

So I have a WCF service where I have various parts of the service contract with a ProtectionLevel of Sign. I set the credentials on the client side by choosing a certificate from the certificate store. This is fine.
However ....
Does this client certificate need to be in the 3rd party certificate store on the server for this to work?
If this is the case how can I configure a service which accepts any client certificate?
And finally how do I access the signing certificate within the implementation of the operations which require signed messages? Just the signing certificate subject name would do fine!
Ah the joy of self answering.
"It depends". If you have
ChainOrPeer validation then both the
chain or the presence of the
certificate in the trusted people
store results in success. Only
validating on chain obviously checks
the chain, setting Peer validation
uses the store, and None lets
everything through.
Set the validation mode to none
The SecurityContext for the request
contains an X509CertificateClaimSet
which in turn exposes the
certificate itself.