sql count or sum? - sql

I'm a newbie programmer, I want to sum a value of employee's attendance record
Anyway, what should I choose? COUNT or SUM?
I tried to use COUNT functions like this...
SELECT COUNT(jlh_sakit) AS sakit FROM rekap_absen
It shows value changed to "1" for 1 Record only.
And I try to use SUM functions like this...
SELECT SUM(jlh_sakit) AS sakit FROM rekap_absen
It shows all values changed ALL value to "1"
I want to display only 1 person for each sum
(e.g : John (2 sick, 2 permissions, 1 alpha)
Can you help me please?

If you are using any aggregate function like min/max/sum/count you should use group by. Now your question says "what should I choose? COUNT or SUM?" Assuming you have person_name, jlh_sakit which means sick/permission/alpha in your case you could use
select person_name, count(jhl_sakit) as attribute
from rekap_absen
group by person
This will give you output like:
person_name attribute
John 2
King 5

In order to sum by specified column, use group by statement.
SELECT SUM(sick),SUM(alpha),SUM(permissions),person FROM rekap_absen group by person
It will group your sums according to person.
You may name your sums like:
SELECT SUM(sick) as sick,SUM(alpha) as alpha,SUM(permissions) as permissions,person FROM rekap_absen group by person
Assuming that you have table rekap_absen with columns: person,sick,alpha,permissions


Count with Group By always shows '1'

I'm trying to count the number of articles mentioning Donald Trump exist in a Google BigQuery table.
COUNT(DISTINCT sourcecommonname) counter
persons LIKE '%donald trump%'
Results are always
What am I not seeing?
Of course. You are counting distinct values. But there is only one value per group. That is what the group by does.
Perhaps you just want count() without distinct:
SELECT sourcecommonname,
COUNT(*) as counter
FROM `israel_media`
WHERE persons LIKE '%donald trump%'
GROUP BY sourcecommonname

How write sql query group by?

I have a ERD. But I want to write a sql query.
The meaning is that you can select all columns of artgrp of regroupid 11 grouped by artdept.
I have this:
Select *
From artgrp
Where regroudid = "11"
Group by artdept;
My question is: how can I write: select all columns of artgrp group by the columns of artdept?
Here is my model
SELECT d.description, d.lifetime, d.name, COUNT(d.artdeptid) as Departments
FROM artgrp g INNER JOIN arddept d ON g.artdeptid = d.artdeptid
WHERE regroudid = "11"
GROUP BY d.description, d.lifetime, d.name
Group by is used to identify the count, max, min, avg, etc in a cluster of data. To be more clear say for instance you have Cars table with fields make, color, price. And you want to see the count of cars in different colors(this will be cluster of different colors) you can use the following query
select count(1),color from cars group by color;
Output will look like this
Blue 3
Grey 17
Red 5
Note: whatever column you use in group by will be used in select columns as well. In the above example I grouped by using color if add more fields say for instance make it will have two clusters(color,make) output would be
Ford Blue 3
Ford Grey 7
Honda Red 5
Honda Grey 10
So you can identify what is the function you need to perform before grouping your data like count, min, max, avg, rank etc. And if you want all the fields in your select clause you will have to use analytical function. Edit your question with sample data also with expected output, I can give you the answer with analytical query as well if required.
Thanks for editing your question sample data will be more clear, still I will go ahead with what I understood. I am using analytical function here as solution
Select artgrpid,description,descid,relgroupid,
ROW_NUMBER() over (Prtition by artdeptid order by artdeptid) from
you can use rank() or count(1) etc instead of ROW_NUMBER().

How to get Min Max as out put from single column grouped by user in select query

I am not good in SQL raw queries. Please help to get Min Max value grouped by the user_id.
Scenario is:
Table has multiple values in column "B" against user_id and i want to out put the column "B" twice as Min/Max in single output. Required output will looks like:
User_id, MaxB, MinB
1 5 2
2 10 3
Consider the Table has 5 entries for both user(1, 2) but the out put prints it as a single row with max and min of B. Thanks in advance. Suggest the link if i am repeating this question as i was unable to find the solution.
Select Max(B) as MAXB, Min(B) as MinB, User_ID
from TableName
group by User_ID

How can an get count of the unique lengths of a string in database rows?

I am using Oracle and I have a table with 1000 rows. There is a last name field and
I want to know the lengths of the name field but I don't want it for every row. I want a count of the various lengths.
There are two smiths length of five. Four others, length of seven. I want my query to return
If there were 1,000 names I expect to get all kinds of lengths.
I tried,
Select count(*) as total, lastname from myNames group by total
It didn't know what total was. Grouping by lastname just groups on each individual name unless it's a different last name, which is as expected but not what I need.
Can this be done in one SQL query?
SELECT Length(lastname)
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY Length(lastname)
select distinct(LENGTH(lastname)) from mynames;
Select count(*), Length(column_name) from table_name group by Length(column_name);
This will work for the different lengths in a single column.

Retrieve names by ratio of their occurrence

I'm somewhat new to SQL queries, and I'm struggling with this particular problem.
Let's say I have query that returns the following 3 records (kept to one column for simplicity):
And I want to have those results grouped by the name and also include the fraction (ratio) of the occurrence of that name out of the total records returned.
So, the desired result would be (as two columns):
Tom | 2/3
Jack | 1/3
How would I go about it? Determining the numerator is pretty easy (I can just use COUNT() and GROUP BY name), but I'm having trouble translating that into a ratio out of the total rows returned.
SELECT name, COUNT(name)/(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM names) FROM names GROUP BY name;
Since the denominator is fixed, the "ratio" is directly proportional to the numerator. Unless you really need to show the denominator, it'll be a lot easier to just use something like:
select name, count(*) from your_table_name
group by name
order by count(*) desc
and you'll get the right data in the right order, but the number that's shown will be the count instead of the ratio.
If you really want that denominator, you'd do a count(*) on a non-grouped version of the same select -- but depending on how long the select takes, that could be pretty slow.