Storing blocks in a c-style array - objective-c

I am trying to dynamically instantiate a c array of blocks, load it and then run them and could use some help.
// Definitions ===========================================
typedef void (^MorphC)(ScratchC* scratch);
#property (nonatomic) MorphC __strong * morphCs;
// Building up the Morph Registry ========================
static NSMutableDictionary* morphs_;
+ (void) initialize {
morphs_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[MathC hydrate];
+ (void) hydrate {
[MathC registerMorph:#"sin" execute:^(ScratchC* scratch) {
AEScratchPush(scratch, sin(AEScratchPop(scratch)));
+ (void) registerMorph:(NSString*)name execute:(MorphC)execute {
[morphs_ setObject:execute forKey:name];
+ (MorphC) morphFromKey:(NSString*)key {
return [morphs_ objectForKey:key];
// Loading up a temporary NSMutableArray* _compiling =====
- (void) applyTag:(NSString*)tag stack:(Stack*)stack {
[_compiling addObject:[MathC morphFromKey:tag]];
// Initializing C Array and loading from NSMutableArray ==
- (void) build {
_morphCs = (MorphC __strong *)malloc(_compiling.count*sizeof(MorphC));
i = 0;
for (MorphC morph in _compiling)
_morphCs[i++] = morph; // Currently, getting a bad ACCESS here
// Executing the Morphs ==================================
- (CGFloat) evaluateFloat:(VarsC*)vars {
if (![_morphs count]) return NAN;
AEScratchLoadVariables(_scratch, vars);
for (int i=0;i<[_morphs count];i++)
return AEScratchPop(_scratch);
I'm currently getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS while building up the C Array, but I suspect I have a number of issues. I don't totally understand the need for the __strong at the morphCs definition, but the compiler complains with out. Should the property have a strong indicator also?
Do I need to be doing [morph copy] in one or more places?
Is there anything else I'm messing up?

You can't malloc an array of strong pointers.
Think about the semantics of a strong pointer: When it is declared, it's value is initialized to nil. When the variable goes out of scope, it releases its existing value. Therefore, the compiler must be able to keep track of strong pointers to be able to carry this out. If you have an array of strong pointers of unknown length, when it goes out of scope for example, how can the compiler know how many pointers to release? It can't.
In C++ terminology, strong references are "non-POD" types - they have nontrivial constructors and destructors. Therefore, they cannot be allocated with malloc.
It is mentioned here in the ARC specification:
It is undefined behavior if a managed operation is performed on a
__strong or __weak object without a guarantee that it contains a primitive zero bit-pattern, or if the storage for such an object is
freed or reused without the object being first assigned a null
In other words, the only way you can use malloc and free is if you guarantee that every time after you call malloc you zero the memory of all the pointers you allocated, before using them. And every time before free you guarantee to first assign nil to each strong pointer in the array.
However, in Objective-C++, you can use new[] and delete[] to dynamically allocate arrays of strong pointers.
These requirements are followed automatically in Objective-C++ when
creating objects of retainable object owner type with new or new[] and
destroying them with delete, delete[], or a pseudo-destructor


How to replicate NSArray memory semantics in a subclass

In my ARC project I have a class that manages objects, called LazyMutableArray. Some of the objects are actually nil, but users of my collection will never know about this; therefore I made it a subclass of NSMutableArray, and it tries to do "the same thing". In particular, objects are retained when added.
Now let's take a look at a memory behavior of other methods. It turns out that the NSArray destruction methods are documented by Apple to be an exception to this rule, in that they release, not autoreleased object.
There is some debate as to whether the combination of addObject: + objectAtIndex: + array destruction is documented by Apple to be never autoreleasing or simply happens to be in the examples I tested and in the example Apple includes.
How can I create in my subclass a method with exact same memory semantics?
Last update
After some thought, I've decided implementation based on NSMutableArray is more appropriate in this case compared to NSPointerArray. The new class, I should note, has the same retain/autorelease pair as the previous implementation.
Thanks to Rob Napier I see that no modification of my objectAtIndex: method would change this behavior, which answers my original question about this method.
On a practical level, several people said that any method can tackle an extra retain/autorelease pair for no reason; it's not reasonable to expect otherwise and not reasonable to try to find out which methods do this and which do not. It's been therefore a great learning opportunity for me on several levels.
Code (based on NSMutableArray) is available at GitHub: implementation, header, test (that's -testLazyMutableMemorySemantics).
Thank you all for participating.
Why I try to subclass NSMutableArray:
Subclassing foundation objects, I agree, is not always an appropriate solution. In tho case I have objects (in fact, OData resources), most of which have subobjects. The most natural class for an array of subobjects is obviously NSArray. Using a different class doesn't seem to make sense to me.
But for an OData collection this "array of sub objects", while, being an NSArray, must have a different implementation. Specifically, for a collection of 1000 elements, servers are encouraged to return collection in batches of (say)20, instead of all at once. If there is another pattern appropriate in this case, I'm all ears.
Some more detail in how I found this
I unit test the hell out of this collection, and values can be put into array, read from the array, and so forth. So far, so good. However, I realized that returning the object increases its retain count.
How do I see it? Suppose I insert two objects into lazy array lazy, one held weakly, one held strongly (*see the code *). Then retain count of weakSingleton is, as expected, 1. But now I read element:
XCTAssertEqual(weakSingleton, lazy[0], #"Correct element storage"); // line B
And in the debugger I see the retain count go up to 2. Of course, -retainCount may give me wrong information, so let's try to destroy the reference in array by
lazy[0] = nil; // yep, does the right thing
XCTAssertNil(weakSingleton, #"Dropped by lazy array"); // line C <-- FAIL
indeed, we see that weakSingleton is not released.
By now you probably guess that it's not just a retain, it's an autoreleased retain — putting an #autorelease around line B releases the weakSingleton. The exact source of this pair is not obvious, but seems to come from NSPointerArray -addPointer: (and unfortunately not from ARC's [[object retain] autorelease]). However, I don't want to return an autoreleased object and make method semantics different from its superclass!
After all, the method I'm overriding, NSMutableArray -objectAtIndex:`, doesn't do that; the object it returns will dealloc immediately if an array is released, as noted in the Apple's example. That's what I want: modify the method around line A so that the object it returns does not have an extra retain/autorelease pair. I'm not sure the compiler should even let me do it :)
Note 1 I could turn off ARC for a single file, but this would be my first non-ARC Objective-C code. And in any case the behavior may not some from ARC.
Note 2 What the fuss? Well, in this case I could change my unit tests, but still, the fact is that by adding or deleting line B, I'm changing the result of unit test at line C.
In other words, the described behavior of my method [LazyMutableArray -objectAtIndex] is essentially that by reading an object at index 0, I'm actually changing the retain count of this object, which means I could encounter unexpected bugs.
Note 3 Of course, if nothing is to be done about this, I'll document this behavior and move on; perhaps, this indeed should be considered an implementation detail, not to be included into tests.
Relevant methods from implementation
#implementation LazyMutableArray {
NSPointerArray *_objects;
// Created lazily, only on -setCount:, insert/add object.
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
#synchronized(self) {
if (index >= self.count) {
return nil;
__weak id object = [_objects pointerAtIndex:index];
if (object) {
return object;
// otherwise do something else to compute a return value
// but this branch is never called in this test
[self.delegate array:self missingObjectAtIndex:index];
#synchronized(self) {
if (index >= self.count) {
return nil;
__weak id object = [_objects pointerAtIndex:index];
if (object) {
return object;
#throw([NSException exceptionWithName:NSObjectNotAvailableException
reason:#"Delegate was not able to provide a non-nil element to a lazy array"
- (void)createObjects {
if (!_objects) {
_objects = [NSPointerArray strongObjectsPointerArray];
- (void)addObject:(id)anObject {
[self createObjects];
[_objects addPointer:(__bridge void*)anObject];
The complete test code:
// Insert two objects into lazy array, one held weakly, one held strongly.
NSMutableArray * lazy = [LazyMutableArray new];
id singleton = [NSMutableArray new];
[lazy addObject:singleton];
__weak id weakSingleton = singleton;
singleton = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[lazy addObject:singleton];
XCTAssertNotNil(weakSingleton, #"Held by lazy array");
XCTAssertTrue(lazy.count == 2, #"Cleaning and adding objects");
// #autoreleasepool {
XCTAssertEqual(weakSingleton, lazy[0], #"Correct element storage");
XCTAssertEqual(singleton, lazy[1], #"Correct element storage");
// }
lazy = nil;
XCTAssertNotNil(singleton, #"Not dropped by lazy array");
XCTAssertNil(weakSingleton, #"Dropped by lazy array");
The last line fails, but it succeeds if I change first line to lazy = [NSMutableArray new] or if I uncomment #autoreleasepool.
First, I would not make this subclass. This is exactly what NSPointerArray is for. Wrapping that into an NSArray obscures important details that this approach can break. For example, what is the correct behavior for [NSArray arrayWithArray:lazyMutableArray] if lazyMutableArray includes NULLs? Algorithms that assume that NSArray can never include NULL need to be wary of the fact that this one can. It's true that you can get similar issues treating a non-retaining CFArray as an NSArray; I speak from experience that this is exactly why this kind of subclass can be very dangerous (and why I stopped doing that years ago). Don't create a subclass that cannot be used in every case that its superclass can be used (LSP).
If you have a collection with new semantics, I would subclass it from NSObject, and have it conform to <NSFastEnumeration>. See how NSPointerArray is not a subclass of NSArray. This was not an accident. Faced with the same problem, note the direction Apple chose.
By now you probably guess that it's not just a retain, it's an autoreleased retain — putting an #autorelease around line B releases the weakSingleton. This seems to be because line A under ARC translates to [[object retain] autorelease]. However, I don't want to return an autoreleased object and make caller remember this!
The caller should never assume anything else. The caller is never free to assume that a method does not add balanced autoreleases. If a caller wants the autorelease pool to drain, that is their responsibility.
All that said, there is some benefit to avoiding an extra autorelease if it's not required, and it's an interesting learning opportunity.
I would start by reducing this code to the simplest form, without your subclass at all. Just explore how NSPointerArray works:
__weak id weakobject;
NSPointerArray *parray = [NSPointerArray strongObjectsPointerArray];
id object = [NSObject new];
[parray addPointer:(__bridge void*)object];
weakobject = object;
parray = nil;
NSAssert(!weakobject, #"weakobject still exists");
My structure here (such as the extra nesting block) is designed to try to avoid accidentally creating strong references I don't mean to make.
In my experiments, this fails without the autoreleasepool and succeeds with it. That indicates that the extra retain/autorelease is being added around or by the call to addPointer:, not by ARC modifying your interface.
If you're not using this implementation for addObject:, I'd be interested in digging deeper. It is an interesting question, even if I don't believe you should be subclassing this way.
I'm going to elaborate on why I said this "looks a lot like a homework assignment." This will likely earn me many down votes, but it will also server as a good learning case for others who later find this question.
Subclassing NSMutableArray not a goal of a program. It is a means to achieve something else. If I were to venture a guess, I expect you were trying to create an array that lazily creates the object when they are accessed. There are better ways to do this without dealing with memory management yourself.
Here's an example of how I would implement a lazy loading array.
#interface LazyMutableArray : NSMutableArray
- (id)initWithCreator:(id(^)(int))creator;
#interface LazyMutableArray ( )
#property (nonatomic, copy) id (^creator)(int);
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger highestSet;
#implementation LazyMutableArray
- (id)initWithCreator:(id(^)(int))creator
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.highestSet = NSNotFound;
self.creator = creator;
return self;
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
id obj = nil;
if ((index < self.highestSet) && (self.highestSet != NSNotFound)) {
obj = [super objectAtIndex:index];
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
obj = self.creator(index);
[super replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:obj];
} else {
if (self.highestSet == NSNotFound) {
self.highestSet = 0;
while (self.highestSet < index) {
[super add:[NSNull null]];
self.highestSet += 1;
obj = self.creator(index);
[super add:obj];
self.highestSet += 1;
return obj;
Fair Warning: I'm not compiling or syntax checking any of this code. It probably has a few bugs in it, but it should generally work. Additionally, this implementation is missing an implementation of add:, count, removeObjectAtIndex:, insertObject:atIndex:, and possibly replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:. What I show here is just to get you started.

Why is this C array NULL when indirectly called in my Objective-C code? (cocos2d)

i have two Objective-C classes, say ParentLayer and ChildLayer. in my child instance, i want to access a C-Array in my parent instance. so i have something like this in my cocos2d code:
#define kNumOfElements 10
#implementation ParentLayer{
int array[kNumOfElements];
for(int i=0;i<kNumOfElements;i++){
array[i] = i;
[self addChild:childLayer];
[childLayer initializeValues];
-(int *)getArray{
return array;
//meanwhile in my child layer...
int *arr = [(ParentLayer *)[self parent] getArray];
//NSLog(#"%d",arr[0]); <------- this gives you bad exec access point, and looks like it's 0x00 for memory address
what's the proper way to do this?
maybe i dont understand the right memory management behind C Arrays.
i was under the impression that C Arrays didn't need to be allocated,
and that they could be passed by value, on the stack?
also, shouldn't my parent instance still be around? i thought if i
put a C Array as an ivar of my parent, it shouldn't get destroyed
any help is appreciated. thanks!
what's the proper way to do this?
Ideally, you should never pass a C-style array pointer outside of the object that owns it. You open yourself up to all sorts of problems if a piece of code tries to use the array after the object is deallocated, or writes past the end, or something else. It is easier to guarantee that none of this happens if you can make sure the reference never leaves the object's source file.
maybe i dont understand the right memory management behind C Arrays. i was under the impression that C Arrays didn't need to be allocated, and that they could be passed by value, on the stack?
It is not that simple.
A C-style array is just a memory address. That's it. It doesn't carry around the other useful information that an object might, such as number of elements, retain count.
If you declare an array like this:
int array[100];
Then the memory is allocated in either the stack or the heap, depending on where you put the declaration. If it's a local variable inside a function or method, it's on the stack. If it's in global scope or a member variable of an object, it's on the heap.
Furthermore, if it's an instance variable, you're actually setting aside 100 ints worth of memory inside the block of memory allocated to hold the object. It isn't a separate thing.
Since array is just a memory address, you are basically passing it around by reference. Technically, you are passing the address by value, but any changes you make to the memory will be seen by anyone looking at the same address, so it acts like pass by reference.
also, shouldn't my parent instance still be around? i thought if i put a C Array as an ivar of my parent, it shouldn't get destroyed
The way you have coded it, that array will be valid as long as the parent object is around. Once the parent gets deallocated, that memory could be reclaimed. Since the array variable is just a memory address, however, you have no way of knowing whether the data it points to is valid or not. This is the danger of using C-style arrays rather than objects.
Since the last line is giving you NULL (0) address, my guess is that [self parent] is nil. That would put a 0 in arr; when you try to dereference NULL, you will get an exception.
In Objective C, you can use property for this.
#define kNumOfElements 10
#interface ParentLayer: NSObject
int *array;
#property(nonatomic, assign) int *array;
#implementation ParentLayer
self.array =(int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * kNumOfElements);
for(int i=0;i<kNumOfElements;i++){
self.array[i] = i;
[self addChild:childLayer];
[childLayer initializeValues];
//-(int *)getArray{
// return array;
free(self.array); self.array = NULL;
[super dealloc];
ParentLayer *player = (ParentLayer *)[self parent] ;
int *arr = player.array;
//NSLog(#"%d",arr[0]); <------- this gives you bad exec access point, and looks like it's 0x00 for memory address
can't seem to add a reply to benzado's post. but depending on how to declare your object, it might be automatically deallocated. to ensure that it is retained, use a retain keyword.
[obj retain];
especially using the cocos2d framework, they have quite a number of auto release objects. typically initWith shouldn't be auto release.

What does Objective-C actually do when you declare an object?

I have read the memory management guide from Apple and I don't see where this case is explained...
Many times, especially when writing a class method to return an instance of a class, I'll start it out like this, because that's how I've seen it done, and it works.
[NOTE] This code is from memory - I'll update it when I get home to show an example that really works (I made this up to illustrate it, but obviously I don't recall it well enough to construct something that makes sense...
[EDIT] Here's my actual method - of course everyone was right that I must be calling alloc which I am.
+ (id)player
Player *player = nil;
if ((player = [[[super alloc] initWithFile:#"rocket.png"] autorelease])) {
[player setProjectileType:kProjectileBullet];
[player setProjectileLevel:1];
[player setInvincible:YES];
[player setEmitter:[CCParticleSystemQuad particleWithFile:#"exhaust.plist"]];
[[player emitter] setPosition:ccp(0.0, player.contentSize.height/2)];
[player addChild:player.emitter];
return player;
So what I got from the responses is:
* Declaring the instance just gets me a pointer to a memory location and tells Xcode what class the object will be.
* Setting the pointer to nil pretty much just sets it to zero - keeping it from having garbage in it (right?)
* Since I'm autoreleasing the instance, the object that is returned is also autoreleased.
Thanks for helping me understand this!
Can someone explain what the compiler does when it sees this?
DooDad* aDooDad = nil;
If you are really interested in what the compiler does, the answer is: the compiler will reserve some memory on the stack for the local variable aDooDad, which is a pointer type (it is generally 64 or 32 bits in size depending on the processor). That pointer is then initialized to contain nil (usually 0x00..00).
A statement like this:
DooDad* aDooDad = [[DooDad alloc] init...];
makes use of pointer variable aDooDad to store the address in memory of the object that is further allocated (which is the address of memory reserved by alloc).
So, in the end,
DooDad* aDooDad = nil;
is not declaring an object, just a variable whose content is interpreted as the address of an object of DooDad type. Such declaration, therefore, is just like any other declaration you know, e.g. when initializing an int to 0, so that later you can assign it some value in an if statement.
A statement like:
[aDooDad doSomething];
is interpreted by the Objective-C runtime system like: send message doSomething to the object whose address is stored in aDooDad. If that address is nil no message is sent. On the other hand, if you dereference a nil pointer: *aDooDad you'll get undefined behavior.
Pointers are pretty low level stuff. I hope this helps.
If you're familiar with C or C++, variables can be created in one of two ways, statically on the call stack, or dynamically on the heap. Variable memory created on the stack is is reclaimed when the current stack frame goes out of scope, so you never need to worry about creating or destroying it. In Objective-C, objects are always dynamically created. Primitives (like int, float, pointers, etc), can either be statically or dynamically created. For illustration:
- (id)something {
NSObject myObject; // Illegal static object allocation
NSObject* myObject; // Legal primitive (pointer) static allocation
int myInt; // Legal primitive static allocation
int* myIntPtr; // Legal primitive (pointer) static allocation
So when you say DooDad* dodad = nil;, you're creating a primitive (pointer to a DooDad) on the stack. Being a stack variable, you don't alloc or dealloc it, just like you wouldn't worry about alloc'ing or dealloc'ing any of the memory in the following method:
- (id)allStackVariables {
int myInt = 0;
float myFloat = 0.0f;
float* myFloatPtr = NULL;
NSObject* myObject = nil;
Setting it to nil simply sets the contents of the variable to whatever the compiler defines to be nil, something like 0x000000 in hex. Saying DooDad* dooDad = nil; is conceptually identical to saying something like int myInt = 0;
Declaring simple gives you a pointer you can use later. No memory is allocated.
Not sure what the intent of the method you posted, but it seems wrong on many levels. It will return nil, always. Unless it's an initializer method, it should not call [self init]. If it is an initializer method, it should return self and be named something like "init..."

Is there a SELF pointer for blocks?

I'd like to recursively call a block from within itself. In an obj-c object, we get to use "self", is there something like this to refer to a block instance from inside itself?
Fun story! Blocks actually are Objective-C objects. That said, there is no exposed API to get the self pointer of blocks.
However, if you declare blocks before using them, you can use them recursively. In a non-garbage-collected environment, you would do something like this:
__weak __block int (^block_self)(int);
int (^fibonacci)(int) = [^(int n) {
if (n < 2) { return 1; }
return block_self(n - 1) + block_self(n - 2);
} copy];
block_self = fibonacci;
It is necessary to apply the __block modifier to block_self, because otherwise, the block_self reference inside fibonacci would refer to it before it is assigned (crashing your program on the first recursive call). The __weak is to ensure that the block doesn't capture a strong reference to itself, which would cause a memory leak.
The following recursive block code will compile and run using ARC, GC, or manual memory management, without crashing, leaking, or issuing warnings (analyzer or regular):
typedef void (^CountdownBlock)(int currentValue);
- (CountdownBlock) makeRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock;
__block __unsafe_unretained CountdownBlock aBlock_recursive;
aBlock_recursive = aBlock = [^(int currentValue)
if(currentValue >= 0)
NSLog(#"Current value = %d", currentValue);
} copy];
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
[aBlock autorelease];
return aBlock;
- (void) callRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock = [self makeRecursiveBlock];
// You don't need to dispatch; I'm doing this to demonstrate
// calling from beyond the current autorelease pool.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
Important considerations:
You must copy the block onto the heap manually or else it will try to access a nonexistent stack when you call it from another context (ARC usually does this for you, but not in all cases. Better to play it safe).
You need TWO references: One to hold the strong reference to the block, and one to hold a weak reference for the recursive block to call (technically, this is only needed for ARC).
You must use the __block qualifier so that the block doesn't capture the as-yet unassigned value of the block reference.
If you're doing manual memory management, you'll need to autorelease the copied block yourself.
You have to declare the block variable as __block:
typedef void (^MyBlock)(id);
__block MyBlock block = ^(id param) {
NSLog(#"%#", param);
There is no self for blocks (yet). You can build one like this (assuming ARC):
__block void (__weak ^blockSelf)(void);
void (^block)(void) = [^{
// Use blockSelf here
} copy];
blockSelf = block;
// Use block here
The __block is needed so we can set blockSelf to the block after creating the block. The __weak is needed because otherwise the block would hold a strong reference to itself, which would cause a strong reference cycle and therefore a memory leak. The copy is needed to make sure that the block is copied to the heap. That may be unnecessary with newer compiler versions, but it won't do any harm.

NSString no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified

I'm declaring an NSString property in a class and objective-c is complaining that:
NSString no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified
It then casually lets me know that "assign is used instead".
Can someone explain to me the difference between assign, retain and copy in terms of normal C memory management functions?
I think it is drawing your attention to the fact that a assign is being used, as opposed to retain or copy. Since an NSString is an object, in a reference-counted environment (ie without Garbage Collection) this can be potentially "dangerous" (unless it is intentional by design).
However, the difference between assign, retain and copy are as follows:
assign: In your setter method for the property, there is a simple assignment of your instance variable to the new value, eg:
- (void)setString:(NSString*)newString
string = newString;
This can cause problems since Objective-C objects use reference counting, and therefore by not retaining the object, there is a chance that the string could be deallocated whilst you are still using it.
retain: this retains the new value in your setter method. For example:
- (void)setString:(NSString*)newString
[newString retain];
[string release];
string = newString;
This is safer, since you explicitly state that you want to maintain a reference of the object, and you must release it before it will be deallocated.
copy: this makes a copy of the string in your setter method:
- (void)setString:(NSString*)newString
[string release];
string = [newString copy];
This is often used with strings, since making a copy of the original object ensures that it is not changed whilst you are using it.
Cocoa uses reference counting to manage memory. Objects with a reference count of 0 are deleted.
assign - does nothing to reference count simply points your variable to the data
retain - points your variable to data and adds 1 to reference count, data is guaranteed to be there while your variable is still alive
copy - makes a copy of data, points your variable at it and makes the retain count 1
More detail here, at Apple's own documentation.
assign - the ivar is set by doing a simple assignment. Implementation:
- (void) setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo {
foo = newFoo;
retain - the ivar is sent the retain message before doing the assignment. Implementation:
- (void) setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo {
if (foo != newFoo) {
[foo release];
foo = [newFoo retain];
copy - the ivar is sent the copy message before doing the assignment. Implementation:
- (void) setFoo:(NSString *)newFoo {
if (foo != newFoo) {
[foo release];
foo = [newFoo copy];