vba add more than one space in vba email body? - vba

I am using vba in outlook to generate an email. I would like to find a way to move some text over to the right, about 100 pixels.
since I don't believe there is a way to incorporate css or styles in vba I am looking for a way to add more than one space to get the text moved over. however when I try space() function and " ", even if I repeat these codes a number of times it only ever gives me one space.
can someone please help me and show me what I need to do, thanks
"<br><br><br>" & "3PL & HAULAGE SUPPLIERS: " & " " & "<font size=""4.5"" face=""calibri"" color=""red"">" & "<b>" & EmailCount & "</b></font>" & vbNewLine & _

This will add 10 white spaces just before 3PL. You may need to adjust as the pixel distance will be relative to the font
Sub test()
Dim WS As String
WS = "&nbsp"
For i = 1 To 10
WS = WS & "&nbsp"
Next i
Debug.Print "<br><br><br>" & WS & "3PL & HAULAGE SUPPLIERS: " & " " & "<font size=""4.5"" face=""calibri"" color=""red"">" & "<b>" & EmailCount & "</b></font>" & vbNewLine
End Sub


For Loop to create a dynamic outlook email body that will have lines dependent on trades for a specific date

I am generating an email that shows trades for the day in the body of an email. Currently the only way I can do this is with an If then statement for specific numbers of trades. If we traded 10, I need an if then statement with 10 as the variable criteria, but if I only have 9, then I get an error. I want a dynamic method instead. I can do a For Loop that will list all the trades in debug.print, but in the email, it each trade overwrites the prior trade and I show only one line. I also need an intro like "Hi, today today's trades are: " followed by each trade listed below line by line.
I tried this and it works but only if I have the right number of trades and a variable that matches it. For example, if I had 23 trades, I need an If statement with 23 as a variable value in this case m. I used Arrays as VBA does not let me create a list. Unfortunately, I cannot pull the whole array, I need to pull line by line. If I could pull the array, I could just have a simple loop.
If m = 23 Then
.Body = "Hi Chris," & vbLf & vbLf & "The following trade(s) was completed today:" & vbLf & vbLf & ArrayValues(0) & vbLf & ArrayValues(1) & vbLf & ArrayValues(2) & vbLf & ArrayValues(3) & vbLf & ArrayValues(4) & vbLf & ArrayValues(5) & vbLf & ArrayValues(6) & vbLf & ArrayValues(7) & vbLf & ArrayValues(8) & vbLf & ArrayValues(9) & vbLf & ArrayValues(10) & vbLf & ArrayValues(11) & vbLf & ArrayValues(12) & vbLf & ArrayValues(13) & vbLf & ArrayValues(14) & vbLf & ArrayValues(15) & vbLf & ArrayValues(16) & vbLf & ArrayValues(17) & vbLf & ArrayValues(18) & vbLf & ArrayValues(19) & vbLf & ArrayValues(20) & vbLf & ArrayValues(21) & vbLf & ArrayValues(22) & vbLf & vbLf & "Thanks"
End if
I want to use something like:
For b = 1 To LastRow
If Trades.Range("H" & b) = TDate Then
Debug.Print (Range("B" & b) & " " & Range("C" & b) & " " & Range("D" & b) & " " & Range("F" & b) & " " & Range("G" & b))
End If
Next b
This way it does not matter how may trades I have, one formula would over it all. Each Range has a trade characteristic.
If I do a debug.Print in the immediate window I get a list just like I want, but in the email, each line overwrites the prior trade.
I am a rookie at this and appreciate any help. Thanks
Sounds like you need to build a string which can be assigned to the message body. For such tasks you can use String Functions available in VBA where you can prepare the correct string and then assign to the message body.
If m = 23 Then
.Body = "Hi Chris," & vbLf & vbLf & "The following trade(s) was completed today:" & vbLf & vbLf & ArrayValues(0) & vbLf & ArrayValues(1) & vbLf & ArrayValues(2) & vbLf & ArrayValues(3) & vbLf & ArrayValues(4) & vbLf & ArrayValues(5) & vbLf & ArrayValues(6) & vbLf & ArrayValues(7) & vbLf & ArrayValues(8) & vbLf & ArrayValues(9) & vbLf & ArrayValues(10) & vbLf & ArrayValues(11) & vbLf & ArrayValues(12) & vbLf & ArrayValues(13) & vbLf & ArrayValues(14) & vbLf & ArrayValues(15) & vbLf & ArrayValues(16) & vbLf & ArrayValues(17) & vbLf & ArrayValues(18) & vbLf & ArrayValues(19) & vbLf & ArrayValues(20) & vbLf & ArrayValues(21) & vbLf & ArrayValues(22) & vbLf & vbLf & "Thanks"
End if
Your strategical mistake is that you are trying to set up the Body property for a specific case. Instead, consider concatenating the string with the required piece of data (another string) which makes sense for a particular case. And only when you are done adding all the bits to the result string, you can assign it to the message body.
Be aware, the Body property is a plain text string and doesn't deliver any formatting. Instead, I'd suggest using the HTMLBody property instead. The HTMLBody property should be an HTML syntax string. Setting the HTMLBody property will always update the Body property immediately.

Microsoft.Office.Interop - ReplaceText (with) *NewLine* in Word.Table

I am having an application that uses Microsoft Word 2016 / the Interop interface to call the replace function. This way the application replaces some texts like 'Customername' to the actual name of the customer. Surely this is not the best way to do so, but thats how the application was build back in the days. Now I have to do some adjustments to the formatting facing a problem with the named function.
One of the Texts getting replaced is "[TELNR]" , beeing replaced with all known numbers of the customer, one number per line. Inserting New Lines as vbCr works great on a blank page as you can see top of the screenshot. The same called function will not put a new lines into a table (second page on the left) and won't even touch a textbox (second page on the right).
I have tried passing Line breaks as ^p, \n\r, \n, vbClRf / vbNewLine, vbCr. None of these will work.
I haven't found anything usefull on google or SO. Do you have ideas or a reason what might cause or even solve the problem?
#Region "Sample Strings"
Dim sample1 As String = "t:022220000000" & vbNewLine & "h:022221111111" & vbNewLine & ":0222222222222" & vbNewLine & "f:022223333333"
Dim sample2 As String = "t:022220000000" & vbCr & "h:022221111111" & vbCr & ":0222222222222" & vbCr & "f:022223333333"
Dim sample3 As String = "t:022220000000" & "^p" & "h:022221111111" & "^p" & ":0222222222222" & "^p" & "f:022223333333"
Dim sample4 As String = "t:022220000000" & "\n" & "h:022221111111" & "\n" & ":0222222222222" & "\n" & "f:022223333333"
Dim sample5 As String = "t:022220000000" & "\n\r" & "h:022221111111" & "\n\r" & ":0222222222222" & "\n\r" & "f:022223333333"
Dim sample6 As String = "t:022220000000" & vbCrLf & "h:022221111111" & vbCrLf & ":0222222222222" & vbCrLf & "f:022223333333"
#End Region
Private Sub replaceText(file As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document, find As String, replaceWith As String)
// First line was commented out for the ^p try
If replaceWith.Contains("^") Then replaceWith = replaceWith.Replace("^", "")
file.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:=find, ReplaceWith:=replaceWith, Replace:=Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll)
End Sub
The following was function was used to insert the textbox.

How to insert enters into email body in Outlook

What I'm trying to do is to copy a range from Excel (2 columns) and to paste in into email body in Outlook. I'd like to get also 2 columns in email body but I still receive everything in one line. Here's my code:
Tresc = "Cześć" & vbCr & vbCr & " słówko/a na dzisiaj to:" & vbCr & vbCr & Tresc & vbNewLine
'utworzenie hiperłącza
Hiperlacze = "mailto:" & Trim(LCase(Adres)) & _
"?subject=" & Tytul & _
"&body=" & Tresc
I believe you are looking for the vbCRLF built-in for "carriage return/linefeed" instead of just vbCR.
Since this is a mailto-link, there are some other rules in play. Replace the vbCr with "%0D%0A".
Tresc = "Cześć%0D%0Asłówko/a na dzisiaj to:" 'etc.

Specifying the location of an inlineshape in MS Word (VBA)

I've been trying to adapt the method shown here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246299 so that I can create a command button in word which will save the document and remove itself when clicked. I've been unable to figure out how to change the position of the button from the default of the top left of the first page however. Ideally I'd like the button to be generated at the end of the document and be centre aligned, or otherwise placed at the cursor position.
Any advice would be very much appreciated :)
Thank You.
My VB.NET project code so far:
Dim shp As Word.InlineShape
shp = wrdDoc.Content.InlineShapes.AddOLEControl(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1")
shp.OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "Save To Disk"
shp.Width = "100"
'Add a procedure for the click event of the inlineshape
Dim sCode As String
sCode = "Private Sub " & shp.OLEFormat.Object.Name & "_Click()" & vbCrLf & _
"ActiveDocument.SaveAs(""" & sOutFile & """)" & vbCrLf & _
"On Error GoTo NoSave" & vbCrLf & _
"MsgBox ""Document Saved Successfully""" & vbCrLf & _
"Dim o As Object" & vbCrLf & _
"For Each o In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes" & vbCrLf & _
"If o.OLEFormat.Object.Name = ""CommandButton1"" Then" & vbCrLf & _
"o.Delete" & vbCrLf & _
"End If" & vbCrLf & _
"Next" & vbCrLf & _
"Exit Sub" & vbCrLf & _
"NoSave:" & vbCrLf & _
"MsgBox ""Document Failed To Save""" & vbCrLf & _
"End Sub"
wrdApp.Visible = True
As long as everything else is working just set the shp.left = 250 and shp.top = 1200
etc etc.
Just like in VB when you place a button. For more details on the exact calls you should reference this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/hh965406%28v=office.14%29.aspx
But say to center a button you can set left to be the (doc.width - shape.width)
But word buttons allow for much more complex styling and setup.

problems with VBA code application or object error

I have coded some code in VBA my code breaks at this line raising Application defined or object defined error.
.Formula = "=IF(AND(chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ">=1;chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & "<=4);chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ";0)"
I really tried to check what is wrong but it looks fine too me. Please let me know what could be wrong and how to fix it.
Thank you
I think you want
.Formula = "=IF(AND('Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ">=1;'Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & "<=4);'Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ";0)"
At least this produces a valid and sensible cell formula, your's does not.
With cellAdress set to "A1" and i set to 10, the result would be:
"=IF(AND('Criterion 10'!A1>=1;'Criterion 10'!A1<=4);'Criterion 10'!A1;0)"
Ok I understand it now. My VBA also doesn't raise any errors until I run. Maybe I'm looking on this code for too long and go crazy. My cell Address contains D18 and i contains 1. I do have a sheet called Criterion 1 and the cell in this sheet has a value of 2 (i also tried when it was empty). Still this error is raised and I don't know what is causing it.