How can I determine which nodes in my rabbitmq cluster are HA? - rabbitmq

I have a clustered HA rabbitmq setup. I am using the "exactly" policy similar to:
rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-two "^two\." \'{"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-params":10,"ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}'
I have 30 machines running, of which 10 are HA nodes with queues replicated. When my broker goes down (randomly assigned to be the first HA node), I need my celery workers to point to a new HA node (one of the 9 left). I have a script that automates this. The problem is: I do not know how to distinguish between a regular cluster node and a HA node. When I issue the command:
rabbitmqctl cluster_status
The categories I get are "running nodes", "disc", and "ram". but there is no way here to tell if a node is HA.
Any ideas?

In cluster every node share everything with another, so you don't have do distinguish nodes in your application in order to access all entities.
In your case when one of HA node goes down (their number get to 9), HA queues will be replicated to first available node (doesn't matter disc or ram).


Is it possible to connect to other RabbitMQ nodes when one node is down?

The environment I have consists of two separate servers, one each with RabbitMQ service application running. They are correctly clustered and the queues are using mirroring correctly.
Node A is master
Node B is slave
My question is more specifically when Node A goes down but Service A is still up. Node B and Service B are still up. At this point, Node B is now promoted to master. When an application connects to Node B it connects okay, of course.
rabbitmqctl cluster_status on Node B shows cluster is up with two nodes and Node B is running. rabbitmqctl cluster_status on Node A shows node is down. This is expected behavior.
It is possible for an application to connect to Node A and be able to publish/pop queue items as normal?

Rabbitmq primary node rejoining a cluster

I have a cluster of 3 rabbitmq nodes spread out on 3 different servers. The second and third node joins the first node and forms the cluster. In the process of testing for failover I am finding that once the primary node is killed, I am not able to make it rejoin the cluster. The documentation does not state that I have to use join_cluster or any other command, after startup. I tried join_cluster but it is rejected since the cluster with name is the same as the node host. Is there a way to make this work?
cluster_status displays the following (not from the primary node):
Cluster status of node 'rabbit#<secondary>' ...
On one of the nodes which are in the cluster, use the command
rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node rabbit#rabbitmq1
To make the current cluster forget the old primary.
Now you should be able to rejoin the cluster on the old primary (rabbitmq1)
rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit#rabbitmq2
rabbitmqctl start_app
See the reference cluster guide
A quote from here
Nodes that have been joined to a cluster can be stopped at any time.
It is also ok for them to crash. In both cases the rest of the cluster
continues operating unaffected, and the nodes automatically "catch up"
with the other cluster nodes when they start up again.
So you just need to start the node that you killed/stopped. Doesn't make a difference if it's "primary" or not - if it was primary and then killed, some other node becomes the primary one.
I've just tested this (with docker of course) and works as expected.

HA RabbitMQ without set mirror policy

I set up lab about ha for rabbitmq using cluster and mirror queue.
I am using centos 7 and rabbitmq-server 3.3.5. with three server (ha1, ha2, ha3).
I have just joined ha1 and ha2 to ha3, but do not set policy for mirror queue. When I test create queue with name "hello" on ha1 server, after i check on ha2, and ha3 using rabbitmqctl list queue, hello queue is exist on all node on cluster.
I have a question, why i do not set policy to mirror queue on cluster, but it automatic mirror queue have been created on any node on cluster?
Please give me advice about I have mistake or only join node on cluster, queue will be mirror on all node of cluster. Thanks
In rabbitmq , by default, one queue is stored only to one node. When you create a cluster, the queue is available across nodes.
But It does't mean that the queue is mirrored, if the node gets down the queue is marked as down and you can't access.
Suppose to create one queue to the node, the queue will work until the node is up, as:
if the node is down you will have:
you should always apply the mirror policy, otherwise you could lose the messages

RabbitMQ Set the HA Policy

I know the HA Policy is set by the following command:
$ rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "" '{"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}'
My question which seems basic:
Do I have to issue this command on each node or just one of them?
RabbitMQ provides to distributes the policy to all the cluster, so it does not matter which node you select the info will be distribute to the other nodes.
Please read here:
A RabbitMQ broker is a logical grouping of one or several Erlang
nodes, each running the RabbitMQ application and sharing users,
virtual hosts, queues, exchanges, bindings, and runtime parameters.
Sometimes we refer to the collection of nodes as a cluster.

RabbitMQ policy synchronising of queues across cluster

We have setup a RabbitMQ cluster with 3 nodes. If an effort to have some form of load balancing, we setup the policy to only sync across 2 of the nodes:
rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-2 . '{"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-params":2,"ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}'
This works as expected when all 3 nodes are online.
When we shutdown one of the nodes (to simulate a failure) queues mastered on the failed node are still available (on the slave) but not synchronized to another node. If we manually re-apply the policy, the queues then synchronize as expected.
Should we expect that all queues be mirrored in the scenario that one node fails with this policy?
Works as expected in RabbitMQ 3.5.4